mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-25 13:37:12 +01:00

Rewrite logger to account for multiple-threads.

Implement error handling for worker VMs.
This commit is contained in:
Sandu Liviu Catalin 2020-09-08 22:44:04 +03:00
parent 054a7983a5
commit d6f3f52eec
8 changed files with 482 additions and 178 deletions

View File

@ -876,19 +876,19 @@ void Core::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr msg, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Forward the message to the logger
Logger::Get().Send(LOGL_USR, false, msg, args);
Logger::Get().SendFv(LOGL_USR, false, msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr msg, ...)
void Core::ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...)
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Tell the logger to display debugging information
Logger::Get().Debug(msg, args);
Logger::Get().DebugFv(vm, msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
@ -906,11 +906,11 @@ SQInteger Core::RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(val.Proc(false)))
Logger::Get().Debug(_SC("Unknown runtime error has occurred"));
Logger::Get().DebugF(vm, _SC("Unknown runtime error has occurred"));
Logger::Get().Debug(_SC("%s"), val.mPtr);
Logger::Get().DebugF(vm, _SC("%s"), val.mPtr);
// We handled the error
return SQ_OK;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace SqMod {
*/ catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) /*
*/ { /*
*/ LogErr("Squirrel exception caught " action); /*
*/ Logger::Get().Debug("%s", e.what()); /*
*/ Logger::Get().DebugF(SqVM(), "%s", e.what()); /*
*/ } /*

View File

@ -80,18 +80,6 @@ void Worker::Process(size_t jobs)
for (auto & t : workers)
const size_t logs = std::min(t->m_Logs.size_approx(), size_t{32});
// Flush log messages
for (size_t n = 0; n < logs; ++n)
std::unique_ptr< Log > log;
// Try to get a log from the queue
if (t->m_Logs.try_dequeue(log))
// Send it to the logger
Logger::Get().Send(log->first, false, log->second.data(), log->second.size());
for (size_t n = 0; n < jobs; ++n)
std::unique_ptr< BaseJob > job;
@ -149,6 +137,12 @@ void Worker::Start()
sq_setforeignptr(m_VM, this);
// Tell the VM to use these functions to output user on error messages
sq_setprintfunc(m_VM, PrintFunc, ErrorFunc);
// Tell the VM to trigger this function on compile time errors
sq_setcompilererrorhandler(m_VM, CompilerErrorHandler);
// Push the runtime error handler on the stack and create a closure
sq_newclosure(m_VM, RuntimeErrorHandler, 0);
// Tell the VM to trigger this function on runtime errors
// This is now running
@ -188,18 +182,13 @@ void Worker::Work()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Worker::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...)
void Worker::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr msg, ...)
auto worker = reinterpret_cast< Worker * >(sq_getforeignptr(vm));
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Initialize an empty log message
std::unique_ptr< Log > ptr(new Log{uint8_t{LOGL_USR}, String{}});
// Attempt to generate the message
PrintToStrFv(ptr->second, msg, args);
// Let the main thread deal with it
// Forward the message to the logger
Logger::Get().SendFv(LOGL_USR, false, msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
@ -207,19 +196,43 @@ void Worker::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Worker::ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...)
auto worker = reinterpret_cast< Worker * >(sq_getforeignptr(vm));
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Initialize an empty log message
std::unique_ptr< Log > ptr(new Log{uint8_t{LOGL_ERR}, String{}});
// Attempt to generate the message
PrintToStrFv(ptr->second, msg, args);
// Let the main thread deal with it
// Tell the logger to display debugging information
Logger::Get().DebugFv(vm, msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Worker::RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Was there a value thrown?
if (sq_gettop(vm) < 1)
return SQ_OK; // No error to display!
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF val(vm, 2);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(val.Proc(false)))
Logger::Get().DebugF(vm, _SC("Unknown runtime error has occurred"));
Logger::Get().DebugF(vm, _SC("%s"), val.mPtr);
// We handled the error
return SQ_OK;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Worker::CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr desc, CSStr src, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
LogFtl("Message: %s\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n=>Column: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n]", desc, src, line, column);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TerminateWorkers()

View File

@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ struct Worker
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Worker thread container.
@ -162,14 +163,6 @@ private:
using Jobs = ConcurrentQueue< std::unique_ptr< BaseJob > >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Log = std::pair< uint8_t, String >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Logs = ConcurrentQueue< std::unique_ptr< Log > >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pending job queue.
@ -178,10 +171,6 @@ private:
* Finished job queue.
Jobs m_FinishedJobs;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Log message queue.
Logs m_Logs;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loop state.
@ -215,6 +204,14 @@ private:
static void PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...);
static void ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Script error handlers.
static SQInteger RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
static void CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr desc, CSStr src,
SQInteger line, SQInteger column);
} // Namespace:: SqMod

View File

@ -108,11 +108,26 @@ struct EvaluateJob : public BaseJob
bool Start(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Worker & worker) override
sq_compilebuffer(vm, mCode.data(), mCode.size(), mName.data(), SQTrue);
SQRESULT r = sq_compilebuffer(vm, mCode.data(), mCode.size(), mName.data(), SQTrue);
// See if the code could be compiled
if (SQ_FAILED(r))
return false; // Job failed
// Backup the stack top
SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Push the root table as environment
sq_call(vm, 1, false, true);
// Attempt to invoke the compiled code
r = sq_call(vm, 1, SQFalse, SQTrue);
// Restore the stack top
sq_settop(vm, top);
// See if the code could be evaluated
if (SQ_FAILED(r))
return false; // Job failed
// Job completed
return true;

View File

@ -161,56 +161,124 @@ static inline CCStr GetColoredLevelTagDim(Uint8 level)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Output a logging message to the console window.
static inline void OutputConsoleMessage(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr tms, CCStr msg)
static inline void OutputConsoleMessage(const Logger::MsgPtr & msg)
HANDLE hstdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hstdout, &csb_state);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, GetLevelColor(level));
if (tms)
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, GetLevelColor(msg->mLvl));
if (msg->mTms)
std::printf("%s %s ", GetLevelTag(level), tms);
std::printf("%s %s ", GetLevelTag(msg->mLvl), msg->mBuf);
std::printf("%s ", GetLevelTag(level));
std::printf("%s ", GetLevelTag(msg->mLvl));
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, sub ? LC_NORMAL : LC_WHITE);
std::printf("%s\n", msg);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, msg->mSub ? LC_NORMAL : LC_WHITE);
std::printf("%s\n", msg->mStr.c_str());
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, csb_state.wAttributes);
if (tms)
if (msg->mTms)
std::printf("%s %s %s\033[0m\n",
sub ? GetColoredLevelTagDim(level) : GetColoredLevelTag(level), tms, msg);
msg->mSub ? GetColoredLevelTagDim(msg->mLvl) : GetColoredLevelTag(msg->mLvl), msg->mBuf, msg);
std::printf("%s %s\033[0m\n",
sub ? GetColoredLevelTagDim(level) : GetColoredLevelTag(level), msg);
msg->mSub ? GetColoredLevelTagDim(msg->mLvl) : GetColoredLevelTag(msg->mLvl), msg);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Identify the associated message color.
static inline CCStr GetTimeStampStr()
static CharT tmbuff[80];
std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
std::strftime(tmbuff, sizeof(tmbuff), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", std::localtime(&t));
// Return the resulted buffer
return tmbuff;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logger Logger::s_Inst;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Message::Stamp()
std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
mTms = true; // Mark this message as being time-stamped
std::strftime(mBuf, sizeof(mBuf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", std::localtime(&t));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t Logger::Message::Append(CSStr str)
// Validate string
if (str)
return Append(str, std::strlen(str));
// No string to append
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t Logger::Message::Append(CSStr str, size_t len)
// Discard trailing characters
// Append the given string
mStr.append(str, len);
// Update message length
mLen += static_cast< uint32_t >(len);
// Return back the written character count
return static_cast< uint32_t >(len);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t Logger::Message::AppendF(CSStr str, ...)
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, str);
// Forward to the actual implementation
const size_t r = AppendFv(str, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// Return result
return r;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t Logger::Message::AppendFv(CSStr str, va_list vl)
va_list args;
// The estimated buffer required
int len = static_cast< int >(mInc);
// Do not modify the original va_list
va_copy(args, vl);
// Do we need to reserve space?
if (static_cast< size_t >(mLen + len) > mStr.size())
mStr.resize(mLen + len, '\0'); // Reserve the necessary space
// Attempt to generate the specified string
int res = std::vsnprintf((&mStr.front()) + mLen, static_cast< size_t >(len), str, args);
// Do we need more space?
if (res >= len)
// Adjust to required size
len = res + 1;
// Try again
goto begin;
else if (res > 0)
mLen += static_cast< uint32_t >(res); // Update message size
res = 0; // Format failed
// Return the number of written characters
return static_cast< uint32_t >(res);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logger::Logger() noexcept
: m_Buffer()
: m_ThreadID(std::this_thread::get_id())
, m_Message()
, m_Queue(4094)
, m_ConsoleLevels(LOGL_ANY)
, m_LogFileLevels(~LOGL_DBG)
, m_ConsoleTime(false)
@ -257,14 +325,14 @@ void Logger::SetLogFilename(CCStr filename)
return; // We're done here!
// Make sure the internal buffer has some memory
// This should be enough for any kind of path
char buffer[1024];
// Obtain the current time for generating the filename
const std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
// Generate the filename using the current time-stamp
if (std::strftime(m_Buffer.Data(), m_Buffer.Size(), filename, std::localtime(&t)) > 0)
if (std::strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), filename, std::localtime(&t)) > 0)
@ -298,10 +366,10 @@ void Logger::BindCb(Uint8 level, Function & func)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Initialize(CCStr filename)
// Close the logging file
// Set which thread is allowed to output directly
m_ThreadID = std::this_thread::get_id();
// Close the logging file, if any
// Allocate some memory in the buffer
// Set the log file name and open the file if necessary
@ -309,8 +377,10 @@ void Logger::Initialize(CCStr filename)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Terminate()
// Release all the buffer resources and references
// Process whatever is in the queue
// Close the stream, if any
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -323,10 +393,26 @@ void Logger::Release()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQBool Logger::ProcessCb(Uint8 level, bool sub)
void Logger::ProcessQueue()
// Process only what's currently in the queue
const size_t count = m_Queue.size_approx();
// Retrieve each message individually and process it
for (size_t n = 0; n <= count; ++n)
// Try to get a message from the queue
if (m_Queue.try_dequeue(m_Message))
ProcessMessage(); // Process it
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQBool Logger::ProcessCb()
// Get the index of this log level
const Uint8 idx = GetLevelIdx(level);
const Uint8 idx = GetLevelIdx(m_Message->mLvl);
// Is the log level valid and is there a callback associated?
if (idx > 6 || m_LogCb[idx].IsNull())
@ -342,9 +428,9 @@ SQBool Logger::ProcessCb(Uint8 level, bool sub)
sq_pushobject(vm, fn.GetFunc());
sq_pushobject(vm, fn.GetEnv());
// Push the log message
sq_pushstring(vm, m_Buffer.Get< SQChar >(), -1);
sq_pushstring(vm, m_Message->mStr.c_str(), static_cast< SQInteger >(m_Message->mStr.size()));
// Specify whether this is a sub message
sq_pushbool(vm, static_cast< SQBool >(sub));
sq_pushbool(vm, static_cast< SQBool >(m_Message->mSub));
// Make the function call and store the result
SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, 3, static_cast< SQBool >(true),
static_cast< SQBool >(ErrorHandling::IsEnabled()));
@ -362,15 +448,83 @@ SQBool Logger::ProcessCb(Uint8 level, bool sub)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Proccess(Uint8 level, bool sub)
void Logger::PushMessage(MsgPtr & msg)
// Are we in the main thread?
if (m_ThreadID == std::this_thread::get_id())
// Take ownership of this message and mark it as current/last message
m_Message = std::move(msg);
// Finish the message
// Time-stamp the message, if necessary
if (m_ConsoleTime || m_LogFileTime)
// Deal with it now
// Finish the message
// Time-stamp the message
// Queue it for later
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::PushMessage(MsgPtr * msg, size_t len)
// Are we in the main thread?
if (std::this_thread::get_id() == m_ThreadID)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
// Take ownership of this message and mark it as current/last message
m_Message = std::move(msg[i]);
// Finish the message
// Time-stamp the message, if necessary
if (m_ConsoleTime || m_LogFileTime)
// Deal with it now
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
// Finish the message
// Time-stamp the messages
// Queue it for later
m_Queue.enqueue_bulk(std::make_move_iterator(msg), len);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::ProcessMessage()
// Is there a message to process
if (!m_Message)
return; // Nothing to process
// Is there a cyclic lock on the logger?
if (!m_CyclicLock)
// Lock the logger to prevent a cyclic dependency
m_CyclicLock = true;
// Attempt to process the script callback first
const bool greedy = static_cast< bool >(ProcessCb(level, sub));
const bool greedy = static_cast< bool >(ProcessCb());
// Unlock the logger after the callback was invoked
m_CyclicLock = false;
// Is the callback for this level greedy?
@ -379,27 +533,27 @@ void Logger::Proccess(Uint8 level, bool sub)
// Obtain the time-stamp if necessary
CCStr tms = (m_ConsoleTime || m_LogFileTime) ? GetTimeStampStr() : nullptr;
// Override time-stamp requirements
m_Message->mTms = (m_ConsoleTime || m_LogFileTime);
// Are we allowed to send this message level to console?
if (m_ConsoleLevels & level)
if (m_ConsoleLevels & m_Message->mLvl)
OutputConsoleMessage(level, sub, (m_ConsoleTime ? tms : nullptr), m_Buffer.Get());
// Are we allowed to write it to a file?
if (m_File && (m_LogFileLevels & level))
if (m_File && (m_LogFileLevels & m_Message->mLvl))
// Write the level tag
std::fputs(GetLevelTag(level), m_File);
std::fputs(GetLevelTag(m_Message->mLvl), m_File);
std::fputc(' ', m_File);
// Should we include the time-stamp?
if (m_LogFileTime && tms)
if (m_Message->mTms)
std::fputs(tms, m_File);
std::fputs(m_Message->mBuf, m_File);
std::fputc(' ', m_File);
// Write the message
std::fputs(m_Buffer.Get(), m_File);
std::fputs(m_Message->mStr.data(), m_File);
// Append a new line
std::fputc('\n', m_File);
@ -411,85 +565,95 @@ void Logger::Send(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr msg, size_t len)
// Is this level even allowed?
if ((m_ConsoleLevels & level) || (m_LogFileLevels & level))
// Generate the message in the buffer
m_Buffer.Write(0, msg, static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(len));
// Create a new message builder
MsgPtr message(new Message(level, sub));
// Generate the log message
message->Append(msg, len);
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(level, sub);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Send(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, va_list args)
void Logger::SendFv(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, va_list args)
// Is this level even allowed?
if ((m_ConsoleLevels & level) || (m_LogFileLevels & level))
// Generate the message in the buffer
m_Buffer.WriteF(0, fmt, args);
// Create a new message builder
MsgPtr message(new Message(level, sub));
// Generate the log message
message->AppendFv(fmt, args);
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(level, sub);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Write(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, ...)
void Logger::WriteF(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, ...)
if ((m_ConsoleLevels & level) || (m_LogFileLevels & level))
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
// Generate the message in the buffer
m_Buffer.WriteF(0, fmt, args);
// Create a new message builder
MsgPtr message(new Message(level, sub));
// Generate the log message
message->AppendFv(fmt, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(level, sub);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, ...)
void Logger::DebugF(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CCStr fmt, ...)
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
// Forward the call to the actual debug function
Debug(fmt, args);
DebugFv(vm, fmt, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
void Logger::DebugFv(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CCStr fmt, va_list args)
using namespace Sqrat;
// Retrieve the default Squirrel VM
// Used to acquire
// We want to make sure these messages appear in succession
// So we will push them in bulk after generating them
std::array< MsgPtr, 3 > messages{};
// Create a new message builder
MsgPtr message(new Message(LOGL_ERR, true));
// Used to acquire stack information
SQStackInfos si;
// Write the message to the buffer
Int32 ret = m_Buffer.WriteF(0, fmt, args);
// Write the given error message
message->AppendFv(fmt, args);
// Obtain information about the current stack level
if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_stackinfos(vm, 1, &si)))
// Whether we should fall back to normal message
bool fall_back = true;
// Should (can) we include a snippet of code in the traceback?
if (Core::Get().IsDebugging() && si.source && (si.line > 0)) {
// This feature is currently available only for main thread!
if ((m_ThreadID == std::this_thread::get_id()) && Core::Get().IsDebugging() && si.source && (si.line > 0)) {
// Grab the associated line of code
String code = Core::Get().FetchCodeLine(si.source, si.line-1, true);
// Valid line of code?
if (!code.empty())
m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %d\n=>Function: %s\n=>Code: %s\n]"
, si.source, si.line, si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown"), code.c_str());
message->AppendF("\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %d\n=>Function: %s\n=>Code: %s\n]"
, si.source, si.line, si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown"), code.c_str());
fall_back = false; // No need to fall back to normal message!
// Should the regular message be shown instead?
if (fall_back)
m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %d\n=>Function: %s\n]"
message->AppendF("\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %d\n=>Function: %s\n]"
, si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown")
, si.line
, si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown"));
@ -497,37 +661,40 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "\n[\n=>Location: unknown\n=>Line: unknown\n=>Function: unknown\n]");
message->AppendF("\n[\n=>Location: unknown\n=>Line: unknown\n=>Function: unknown\n]");
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(LOGL_ERR, true);
// Assign the error message
messages[0] = std::move(message);
// Create a new message builder
message.reset(new Message(LOGL_INF, true));
// Begin the traceback process
ret = m_Buffer.WriteF(0, "Traceback:\n[\n");
// Traceback the function call
for (Int32 level = 1; SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_stackinfos(vm, level, &si)); ++level)
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] %s (%d) [%s]\n", level
message->AppendF("=> [%d] %s (%d) [%s]\n", level
, si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown")
, si.line
, si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown"));
// End the function call traceback
m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "]");
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(LOGL_INF, true);
// Assign the error message
messages[1] = std::move(message);
// Create a new message builder
message.reset(new Message(LOGL_INF, true));
// Temporary variables to retrieve stack information
CSStr s_ = nullptr, name = nullptr;
SQInteger i_, seq = 0;
SQInteger i_;
SQFloat f_;
SQUserPointer p_;
StackStrF ssf_;
// Begin the local variables information
ret = m_Buffer.WriteF(0, "Locals:\n[\n");
// Process each stack level
for (Int32 level = 0; level < 10; level++)
seq = 0;
SQInteger seq = 0;
// Display all locals in the current stack level
while((name = sq_getlocal(vm, static_cast< SQUnsignedInteger >(level), static_cast< SQUnsignedInteger >(seq))))
@ -535,41 +702,35 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
switch(sq_gettype(vm, -1))
case OT_NULL:
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] NULL [%s]\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] NULL [%s]\n", level, name);
sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &i_);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] INTEGER [%s] with value: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n", level, name, i_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] INTEGER [%s] with value: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n", level, name, i_);
case OT_FLOAT:
sq_getfloat(vm, -1, &f_);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] FLOAT [%s] with value: %f\n", level, name, f_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] FLOAT [%s] with value: %f\n", level, name, f_);
sq_getuserpointer(vm, -1, &p_);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] USERPOINTER [%s] pointing at: %p\n", level, name, p_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] USERPOINTER [%s] pointing at: %p\n", level, name, p_);
sq_getstringandsize(vm, -1, &s_, &i_);
if (i_ > 0) {
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] STRING [%s] of %" PRINT_INT_FMT " characters: %.*s\n", level, name, i_, m_StringTruncate, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] STRING [%s] of %" PRINT_INT_FMT " characters: %.*s\n", level, name, i_, m_StringTruncate, s_);
} else {
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] STRING [%s] empty\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] STRING [%s] empty\n", level, name);
case OT_TABLE:
i_ = sq_getsize(vm, -1);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] TABLE [%s] with %" PRINT_INT_FMT " elements\n", level, name, i_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] TABLE [%s] with %" PRINT_INT_FMT " elements\n", level, name, i_);
case OT_ARRAY:
i_ = sq_getsize(vm, -1);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] ARRAY [%s] with %" PRINT_INT_FMT " elements\n", level, name, i_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] ARRAY [%s] with %" PRINT_INT_FMT " elements\n", level, name, i_);
s_ = _SC("@anonymous");
@ -579,7 +740,7 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] CLOSURE [%s] with name: %s\n", level, name, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] CLOSURE [%s] with name: %s\n", level, name, s_);
s_ = _SC("@unknown");
@ -589,17 +750,16 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] NATIVECLOSURE [%s] with name: %s\n", level, name, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] NATIVECLOSURE [%s] with name: %s\n", level, name, s_);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] GENERATOR [%s]\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] GENERATOR [%s]\n", level, name);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] USERDATA [%s]\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] USERDATA [%s]\n", level, name);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] THREAD [%s]\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] THREAD [%s]\n", level, name);
case OT_CLASS:
// Brute force our way into getting the name of this class without blowing up
@ -617,7 +777,7 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
// Pop the dummy instance
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] CLASS [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] CLASS [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
s_ = _SC("@unknown");
@ -627,8 +787,7 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(
static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] INSTANCE [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] INSTANCE [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
s_ = _SC("@unknown");
@ -645,23 +804,26 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
// Pop the referenced value
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] WEAKREF [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] WEAKREF [%s] of type: %s\n", level, name, s_);
case OT_BOOL:
sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &i_);
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] BOOL [%s] with value: %s\n", level, name, i_ ? _SC("true") : _SC("false"));
message->AppendF("=> [%d] BOOL [%s] with value: %s\n", level, name, i_ ? _SC("true") : _SC("false"));
ret += m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "=> [%d] UNKNOWN [%s]\n", level, name);
message->AppendF("=> [%d] UNKNOWN [%s]\n", level, name);
sq_pop(vm, 1);
// End the variables information
m_Buffer.WriteF(static_cast< Buffer::SzType >(ret), "]");
// Process the message in the buffer
Proccess(LOGL_INF, true);
// Assign the error message
messages[2] = std::move(message);
puts("sending debug message");
// Submit the error messages in bulk
PushMessage(messages.data(), messages.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -670,7 +832,7 @@ void Logger::Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args)
*/ { /*
*/ va_list args; /*
*/ va_start(args, fmt); /*
*/ Logger::Get().Send(L_, S_, fmt, args); /*
*/ Logger::Get().SendFv(L_, S_, fmt, args); /*
*/ va_end(args); /*
*/ } /*
@ -697,7 +859,7 @@ SQMOD_LOG(LogSFtl, LOGL_FTL, true)
#define SQMOD_VLOG(N_, L_, S_) /*
*/ void N_(CCStr fmt, va_list vlist) /*
*/ { /*
*/ Logger::Get().Send(L_, S_, fmt, vlist); /*
*/ Logger::Get().SendFv(L_, S_, fmt, vlist); /*
*/ } /*
@ -729,7 +891,7 @@ SQMOD_VLOG(LogSFtlV, LOGL_FTL, true)
*/ } /*
*/ va_list args; /*
*/ va_start(args, fmt); /*
*/ Logger::Get().Send(L_, S_, fmt, args); /*
*/ Logger::Get().SendFv(L_, S_, fmt, args); /*
*/ va_end(args); /*
*/ return c; /*
*/ } /*
@ -770,7 +932,7 @@ template < Uint8 L, bool S > static SQInteger LogBasicMessage(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return val.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Forward the resulted string value to the logger
Logger::Get().Write(L, S, "%s", val.mPtr);
Logger::Get().WriteF(L, S, "%s", val.mPtr);
// This function does not return a value
return 0;

View File

@ -8,8 +8,12 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <thread>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sqrat/sqratFunction.h>
#include <concurrentqueue.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
@ -35,6 +39,93 @@ enum LogLvl
class Logger
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message storage and builder.
struct Message
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static constexpr size_t TMS_LEN = (128-sizeof(String)-6-sizeof(bool));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String mStr; // Message string.
uint32_t mLen; // Message length.
uint8_t mLvl; // Message level.
uint8_t mInc; // Message increments.
bool mSub; // Message hierarchy.
bool mTms; // Message hierarchy.
char mBuf[TMS_LEN]; // Message time-stamp.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: mStr(), mLen(0), mLvl(LOGL_NIL)
, mInc(std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::max()), mSub(false), mTms(false), mBuf{'\0'}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit type constructor.
Message(uint8_t lvl, bool sub)
: mStr(), mLen(0), mLvl(lvl)
, mInc(std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::max()), mSub(sub), mTms(false), mBuf{'\0'}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
Message(uint8_t lvl, bool sub, uint32_t len)
: Message(lvl, sub, len, std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::max())
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
Message(uint8_t lvl, bool sub, uint32_t len, uint8_t inc)
: mStr(), mLen(0), mLvl(lvl), mInc(inc), mSub(sub), mTms(false), mBuf{'\0'}
mStr.resize(len, '\0');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor (disabled).
Message(const Message & o) = delete;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stamp the log message.
void Stamp();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Finished the string message.
void Finish()
mStr.resize(mLen); // Discard trailing characters
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Append a C string to the message.
uint32_t Append(CSStr str);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Append a fixed width string to the message.
uint32_t Append(CSStr str, size_t len);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Append a formatted string to the message.
uint32_t AppendF(CSStr str, ...);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Append a formatted string to the message.
uint32_t AppendFv(CSStr str, va_list vl);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Smart message pointer.
using MsgPtr = std::unique_ptr< Message >;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -50,36 +141,55 @@ private:
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Queue of messages written from other threads.
using MsgQueue = moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< MsgPtr >;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Buffer m_Buffer; // Common buffer where the message is written.
std::thread::id m_ThreadID; // ID of the thread in which the logger was initialized.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint8 m_ConsoleLevels; // The levels allowed to be outputted to console.
Uint8 m_LogFileLevels; // The levels allowed to be outputted to log file.
MsgPtr m_Message; // Last and/or currently processed log message.
MsgQueue m_Queue; // Queue of messages outside of main thread.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool m_ConsoleTime; // Whether console messages should be timestamped.
bool m_LogFileTime; // Whether log file messages should be timestamped.
bool m_CyclicLock; // Prevent the script callback from entering a loop.
Uint8 m_ConsoleLevels; // The levels allowed to be outputted to console.
Uint8 m_LogFileLevels; // The levels allowed to be outputted to log file.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 m_StringTruncate; // The length at which to truncate strings in debug.
bool m_ConsoleTime; // Whether console messages should be timestamped.
bool m_LogFileTime; // Whether log file messages should be timestamped.
bool m_CyclicLock; // Prevent the script callback from entering a loop.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::FILE* m_File; // Handle to the file where the logs should be saved.
std::string m_Filename; // The name of the file where the logs are saved.
Uint32 m_StringTruncate; // The length at which to truncate strings in debug.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function m_LogCb[7]; //Callback to receive debug information instead of console.
std::FILE* m_File; // Handle to the file where the logs should be saved.
std::string m_Filename; // The name of the file where the logs are saved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function m_LogCb[7]; //Callback to receive debug information instead of console.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Push the given message either to the screen or queue depending on the calling thread.
void PushMessage(MsgPtr & msg);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Push the given messages either to the screen or queue depending on the calling thread.
void PushMessage(MsgPtr * msg, size_t len);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Process the message in the internal buffer.
void Proccess(Uint8 level, bool sub);
void ProcessMessage();
@ -131,6 +241,11 @@ public:
void Release();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Processes the messages that have gathered in the queue.
void ProcessQueue();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Enable or disable console message time stamping.
@ -303,29 +418,29 @@ public:
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Send a log message.
void Send(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, va_list args);
void SendFv(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, va_list args);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a log message.
void Write(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, ...);
void WriteF(Uint8 level, bool sub, CCStr fmt, ...);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate a debug message.
void Debug(CCStr fmt, ...);
void DebugF(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CCStr fmt, ...);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate a debug message.
void Debug(CCStr fmt, va_list args);
void DebugFv(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CCStr fmt, va_list args);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the log message to a callback.
SQBool ProcessCb(Uint8 level, bool sub);
SQBool ProcessCb();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ static void OnServerFrame(float elapsed_time)
// Process routines and tasks, if any
// Process log messages from other threads
// See if a reload was requested