mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-25 21:47:14 +01:00

Implement JSON serialization.

Just the basics.
This commit is contained in:
Sandu Liviu Catalin 2022-09-15 23:03:38 +03:00
parent 3e75e36cdf
commit 42ac0e32b7
2 changed files with 665 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -10,14 +10,23 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqToJSON(HSQUIRRELVM vm) noexcept
return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Not implemented yet!"));
return CtxJSON().SerializeParams(vm);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqFromJson_Push(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const sajson::value & node) noexcept
static SQInteger SqToCompactJSON(HSQUIRRELVM vm) noexcept
return CtxJSON(false).SerializeParams(vm);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqFromJson_Push(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const sajson::value & node) noexcept // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
// Operation result
SQInteger r = SQ_OK;
@ -155,7 +164,34 @@ static SQInteger SqFromJSON(HSQUIRRELVM vm) noexcept
void Register_JSON(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqToJSON"), SqToJSON);
RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqToCompactJSON"), SqToCompactJSON);
RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqFromJSON"), SqFromJSON);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class< CtxJSON, NoCopy< CtxJSON > >(vm, SqCtxJSON::Str)
// Constructors
.Ctor< bool >()
// Meta-methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &SqCtxJSON::Fn)
// Properties
.Prop(_SC("Output"), &CtxJSON::GetOutput)
.Prop(_SC("Depth"), &CtxJSON::GetDepth)
.Prop(_SC("OOA"), &CtxJSON::GetObjectOverArray, &CtxJSON::SetObjectOverArray)
.Prop(_SC("ObjectOverArray"), &CtxJSON::GetObjectOverArray, &CtxJSON::SetObjectOverArray)
// Member Methods
.SquirrelMethod< CtxJSON, &CtxJSON::SerializeParams >(_SC("Serialize"))
.SquirrelMethod< CtxJSON, &CtxJSON::PushValues >(_SC("PushValues"))
.SquirrelMethod< CtxJSON, &CtxJSON::PushElement >(_SC("PushElement"))
.Func(_SC("OpenArray"), &CtxJSON::OpenArray)
.Func(_SC("CloseArray"), &CtxJSON::CloseArray)
.Func(_SC("OpenObject"), &CtxJSON::OpenObject)
.Func(_SC("CloseObject"), &CtxJSON::CloseObject)
.Func(_SC("MakeKey"), &CtxJSON::MakeKey)
.FmtFunc(_SC("PushKey"), &CtxJSON::PushKey)
.Func(_SC("SetOOA"), &CtxJSON::SetObjectOverArray)
.Func(_SC("SetObjectOverArray"), &CtxJSON::SetObjectOverArray)
} // Namespace:: SqMod

View File

@ -6,11 +6,637 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sajson.h>
#include <fmt/args.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fmt/xchar.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* JSON serializer. The generated JSON output is always minified for efficiency reasons.
struct CtxJSON
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Output string.
String mOutput{};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prefer a table with named members even when a simple array would do the job.
* Take a Vector3 for example. Compact array [x, y, z] or named object {x: #.#, y: #.#, z: #.#}
bool mObjectOverArray{true};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* How nested are we currently.
uint32_t mDepth{0};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
CtxJSON() noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
explicit CtxJSON(bool ooa) noexcept
: CtxJSON()
mObjectOverArray = ooa;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
CtxJSON(const CtxJSON &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
CtxJSON(CtxJSON &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
~CtxJSON() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator.
CtxJSON & operator = (const CtxJSON &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
CtxJSON & operator = (CtxJSON &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the current depth.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const String & GetOutput() const noexcept
return mOutput;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the current depth.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetDepth() const noexcept
return mDepth;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve whether objects are preferred over arrays.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool GetObjectOverArray() const noexcept
return mObjectOverArray;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve whether objects are preferred over arrays.
CtxJSON & SetObjectOverArray(bool toggle) noexcept
mObjectOverArray = toggle;
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Increase indentation by one level.
void Advance() noexcept
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Decrease indentation by one level.
void Retreat() noexcept
assert(mDepth > 0);
if (mDepth) --mDepth;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Begin writing an array.
CtxJSON & OpenArray()
// Add the array-begin character
// Go forward one level
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stop writing an array.
CtxJSON & CloseArray()
// If the last character is a comma then replace it
if (mOutput.back() == ',')
mOutput.back() = ']';
// Append the array-end character
// Go back one level
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Begin writing an object.
CtxJSON & OpenObject()
// Add the object-begin character
// Go forward one level
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stop writing an object.
CtxJSON & CloseObject()
// If the last character is a comma then replace it
if (mOutput.back() == ',')
mOutput.back() = '}';
// Append the object-end character
// Go back one level
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Begin writing a key value.
CtxJSON & MakeKey()
// If the last character is a comma then replace it
if (mOutput.back() == ',')
mOutput.back() = ':';
// Append the array-end character
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check whether the specified weak-ref points to a type of value that must be wrapped.
SQMOD_NODISCARD static bool CheckWeakRefWrap(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) noexcept
SQRESULT r = sq_getweakrefval(vm, idx);
// Whether the type doesn't have to be wrapped
bool w = true;
// Attempt to grab the value pointed by the weak reference
// Attempt to serialize the actual value
w = sq_gettype(vm, -1) != OT_TABLE && sq_gettype(vm, -1) != OT_ARRAY && sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_INSTANCE;
// Pop the referenced value
// Wrap the value by default
return w;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize given arguments.
bool wrap_everything_in_array = false;
// Clear the output buffer if necessary
mDepth = 0;
// Fetch the number of objects on the stack
const auto top = sq_gettop(vm);
// If there's more than one argument then they all get wrapped inside an array
// If there is one argument and is not an array, table or instance then do the same
if (top > 2 || (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_TABLE &&
sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_ARRAY &&
sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_INSTANCE &&
CheckWeakRefWrap(vm, 2)))
wrap_everything_in_array = true;
// Open an array
// Serialize every specified argument
for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeAt(vm, i); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Was everything wrapped inside an array?
if (wrap_everything_in_array)
// Remove trailing separator, if any
else if (mOutput.back() == ',')
// Push the output string on the stack
sq_pushstring(vm, mOutput.c_str(), static_cast< SQInteger >(mOutput.size()));
// Specify that we have a value on the stack
return 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize the value a specific position in the stack.
SQRESULT SerializeAt(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
// Identify object type
switch (sq_gettype(vm, idx))
case OT_NULL: {
} break;
case OT_INTEGER: {
SQInteger v;
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack
if (SQRESULT r = sq_getinteger(vm, idx, &v); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Write the value in the output
} break;
case OT_FLOAT: {
SQFloat v;
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack
if (SQRESULT r = sq_getfloat(vm, idx, &v); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Write the value in the output
} break;
case OT_BOOL: {
SQBool v;
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack
if (SQRESULT r = sq_getbool(vm, idx, &v); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Write the value in the output
PushBool(v != SQFalse);
} break;
case OT_STRING: {
const SQChar * v = nullptr;
SQInteger n = 0;
// Attempt to retrieve and convert the string
if (SQRESULT r = sq_getstringandsize(vm, idx, &v, &n); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Write the value in the output
PushString(v, static_cast< size_t >(n));
} break;
case OT_TABLE: {
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeTable(vm, idx); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Include the separator manually
} break;
case OT_ARRAY: {
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeArray(vm, idx); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Include the separator manually
} break;
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeInstance(vm, idx); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
} break;
case OT_WEAKREF: {
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeWeakRef(vm, idx); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
} break;
case OT_CLASS:
case OT_OUTER:
return sq_throwerrorf(vm, _SC("Type (%s) is not serializable"), SqTypeName(sq_gettype(vm, 2)));
// Serialization was successful
return SQ_OK;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize the array a specific position in the stack. Stack index must be absolute!
SQRESULT SerializeArray(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
// Begin array scope
// Push null to initiate iteration
// So we can use absolute stack indexes to avoid errors
const auto top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Start iterating the array at the specified position in the stack
for(SQRESULT r = SQ_OK; SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_next(vm, idx));)
// Attempt serialization of the currently iterated value
r = SerializeAt(vm, top + 2);
// Check for failures
if (SQ_FAILED(r))
// Pop the null iterator, key and value from the stack
sq_pop(vm, 3);
// Propagate the error
return r;
// Pop the key and value from the stack (i.e. cleanup after `sq_next`)
sq_pop(vm, 2);
// Pop the null iterator
// Close array scope
// Serialization was successful
return SQ_OK;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize the table a specific position in the stack. Stack index must be absolute!
SQRESULT SerializeTable(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
// Begin object scope
// Push null to initiate iteration
// So we can use absolute stack indexes to avoid errors
const auto top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Start iterating the object at the specified position in the stack
for(SQRESULT r = SQ_OK; SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_next(vm, idx));)
if (sq_gettype(vm, -2) == OT_STRING)
// Attempt serialization of the currently iterated element key
r = SerializeAt(vm, top + 1);
// Can we proceed with the value?
// Mark the value above as the key of this element and
// attempt serialization of the currently iterated element value
r = MakeKey().SerializeAt(vm, top + 2);
r = sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Only string values are accepted as object keys"));
// Check for failures
if (SQ_FAILED(r))
// Pop the null iterator, key and value from the stack
sq_pop(vm, 3);
// Propagate the error
return r;
// Pop the key and value from the stack (i.e. cleanup after `sq_next`)
sq_pop(vm, 2);
// Pop the null iterator
// Close object scope
// Serialization was successful
return SQ_OK;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize the instance a specific position in the stack. Stack index must be absolute!
SQRESULT SerializeInstance(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx)
return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Instance serialization is not yet implemented"));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize the weak-ref a specific position in the stack. Stack index must be absolute!
SQRESULT SerializeWeakRef(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx)
SQRESULT r = sq_getweakrefval(vm, idx);
// Attempt to grab the value pointed by the weak reference
// Attempt to serialize the actual value
r = SerializeAt(vm, sq_gettop(vm));
// Pop the referenced value
// Propagate the error, if any
return r;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize a value to the current container. It assumes an array or object is currently open.
// Fetch the number of objects on the stack
const auto top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have a value?
if (top < 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("Must specify at least one value to be pushed"));
// Serialize every specified argument
for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeAt(vm, i); SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Allow chaining
sq_push(vm, 1);
// Specify that a value was returned
return 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Serialize a key/value pair to the current object. It assumes an object is currently open.
// Fetch the number of objects on the stack
const auto top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have a value?
if (top < 3)
return sq_throwerrorf(vm, _SC("Not enough parameters. Received %lld but %lld needed"), top-1, 2);
else if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_STRING)
return sq_throwerrorf(vm, _SC("Element key must be a string"));
// Attempt serialization of the currently iterated element key
if (SQRESULT r = SerializeAt(vm, 2); SQ_SUCCEEDED(r))
// Mark the value above as the key of this element and
// attempt serialization of the currently iterated element value
r = MakeKey().SerializeAt(vm, 3);
// Check for failures
if (SQ_FAILED(r))
return r; // Propagate the error
// Allow chaining
sq_push(vm, 1);
// Specify that a value was returned
return 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Push a key in the output. It assumes an object was open and previous element closed properly.
CtxJSON & PushKey(StackStrF & key)
// Validate the string value
if (key.mLen >= 0 && SQ_SUCCEEDED(key.mRes))
PushString(key.mPtr, static_cast< size_t >(key.mLen));
STHROWF("Invalid object key");
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a null value to the output.
void PushNull()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write an integer value to the output.
void PushInteger(SQInteger value)
fmt::format_int f(value);
// Append the formatted integer to the buffer
mOutput.append(f.data(), f.size());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a single precision floating point value to the output.
void PushFloat(float value)
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(mOutput), "{},", value);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a double precision floating point value to the output.
void PushDouble(double value)
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(mOutput), "{},", value);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a boolean value to the output.
void PushBool(bool value)
if (value)
mOutput.append("true,", 5);
mOutput.append("false,", 6);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a string value to the output.
void PushString(const SQChar * str)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write a string value to the output.
void PushString(const SQChar * str, size_t length)
mOutput.append(str, length);
} // Namespace:: SqMod