mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 15:37:12 +01:00
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface. Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving. Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance. Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
747 lines
24 KiB
747 lines
24 KiB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Base/Vector3.hpp"
#include "Base/Vector4.hpp"
#include "Base/Quaternion.hpp"
#include "Base/DynArg.hpp"
#include "Core/Buffer.hpp"
#include "Core/Utility.hpp"
#include "Library/Numeric/Random.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define STOVAL(v) static_cast< Vector3::Value >(v)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQMOD_DECL_TYPENAME(Typename, _SC("Vector3"))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Vector3 Vector3::NIL(STOVAL(0.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::MIN(std::numeric_limits< Vector3::Value >::min());
const Vector3 Vector3::MAX(std::numeric_limits< Vector3::Value >::max());
const Vector3 Vector3::LEFT(STOVAL(-1.0), STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(0.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::RIGHT(STOVAL(1.0), STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(0.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::UP(STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(1.0), STOVAL(0.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::DOWN(STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(-1.0), STOVAL(0.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::FORWARD(STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(1.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::BACK(STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(0.0), STOVAL(-1.0));
const Vector3 Vector3::ONE(STOVAL(1.0), STOVAL(1.0), STOVAL(1.0));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQChar Vector3::Delim = ',';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Vector3(Value sv) noexcept
: x(sv), y(sv), z(sv)
/* ... */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Vector3(Value xv, Value yv, Value zv) noexcept
: x(xv), y(yv), z(zv)
/* ... */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator = (Value s)
x = s;
y = s;
z = s;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator = (const Vector4 & v)
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator = (const Quaternion & q)
x = q.x;
y = q.y;
z = q.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator += (const Vector3 & v)
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
z += v.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator -= (const Vector3 & v)
x -= v.x;
y -= v.y;
z -= v.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator *= (const Vector3 & v)
x *= v.x;
y *= v.y;
z *= v.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator /= (const Vector3 & v)
x /= v.x;
y /= v.y;
z /= v.z;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator %= (const Vector3 & v)
x = fmodf(x, v.x);
y = fmodf(y, v.y);
z = fmodf(z, v.z);
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator += (Value s)
x += s;
y += s;
z += s;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator -= (Value s)
x -= s;
y -= s;
z -= s;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator *= (Value s)
x *= s;
y *= s;
z *= s;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator /= (Value s)
x /= s;
y /= s;
z /= s;
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator %= (Value s)
x = fmodf(x, s);
y = fmodf(y, s);
z = fmodf(z, s);
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator ++ ()
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 & Vector3::operator -- ()
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator ++ (int) // NOLINT(cert-dcl21-cpp)
Vector3 state(*this);
return state;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator -- (int) // NOLINT(cert-dcl21-cpp)
Vector3 state(*this);
return state;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator + (const Vector3 & v) const
return {x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator - (const Vector3 & v) const
return {x - v.x, y - v.y, z - v.z};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator * (const Vector3 & v) const
return {x * v.x, y * v.y, z * v.z};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator / (const Vector3 & v) const
return {x / v.x, y / v.y, z / v.z};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator % (const Vector3 & v) const
return {fmodf(x, v.x), fmodf(y, v.y), fmodf(z, v.z)};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator + (Value s) const
return {x + s, y + s, z + s};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator - (Value s) const
return {x - s, y - s, z - s};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator * (Value s) const
return {x * s, y * s, z * s};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator / (Value s) const
return {x / s, y / s, z / s};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator % (Value s) const
return {fmodf(x, s), fmodf(y, s), fmodf(z, s)};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator + () const
return {fabsf(x), fabsf(y), fabsf(z)};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::operator - () const
return {-x, -y, -z};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator == (const Vector3 & v) const
return EpsEq(x, v.x) && EpsEq(y, v.y) && EpsEq(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator != (const Vector3 & v) const
return !EpsEq(x, v.x) || !EpsEq(y, v.y) || !EpsEq(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator < (const Vector3 & v) const
return EpsLt(x, v.x) && EpsLt(y, v.y) && EpsLt(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator > (const Vector3 & v) const
return EpsGt(x, v.x) && EpsGt(y, v.y) && EpsGt(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator <= (const Vector3 & v) const
return EpsLtEq(x, v.x) && EpsLtEq(y, v.y) && EpsLtEq(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::operator >= (const Vector3 & v) const
return EpsGtEq(x, v.x) && EpsGtEq(y, v.y) && EpsGtEq(z, v.z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t Vector3::Cmp(const Vector3 & o) const
if (*this == o)
return 0;
else if (*this > o)
return 1;
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String Vector3::ToString() const
return fmt::format("{},{},{}", x, y, z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetScalar(Value ns)
x = ns;
y = ns;
z = ns;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetVector3(const Vector3 & v)
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetVector3Ex(Value nx, Value ny, Value nz)
x = nx;
y = ny;
z = nz;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetVector4(const Vector4 & v)
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetVector4Ex(Value nx, Value ny, Value nz, Value /*nw*/)
x = nx;
y = ny;
z = nz;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetQuaternion(const Quaternion & q)
SetQuaternionEx(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetQuaternionEx(Value qx, Value qy, Value qz, Value qw)
// Quick conversion to Euler angles to give tilt to user
const Value sqx = (qx * qx), sqy = (qy * qy), sqz = (qz * qz), sqw = (qw * qw);
y = asinf(STOVAL(2.0) * ((qw * qy) - (qx * qz)));
if (EpsGt((SQMOD_PI * STOVAL(0.5)) - std::abs(y), STOVAL(1e-10)))
z = atan2f(STOVAL(2.0) * ((qx * qy) + (qw * qz)), sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
x = atan2f(STOVAL(2.0) * ((qw * qx) + (qy * qz)), sqw - sqx - sqy + sqz);
// Compute heading from local 'down' vector
z = atan2f((STOVAL(2.0) * qy * qz) - (STOVAL(2.0) * qx * qw),
(STOVAL(2.0) * qx * qz) + (STOVAL(2.0) * qy * qw));
x = STOVAL(0.0);
// If facing down, reverse yaw
if (EpsLt(y, STOVAL(0.0)))
z -= SQMOD_PI;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetStr(SQChar delim, StackStrF & values)
SetVector3(Vector3::GetEx(delim, values));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::Generate()
x = GetRandomFloat32();
y = GetRandomFloat32();
z = GetRandomFloat32();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::Generate(Value min, Value max)
if (EpsLt(max, min))
STHROWF("max value is lower than min value");
x = GetRandomFloat32(min, max);
y = GetRandomFloat32(min, max);
z = GetRandomFloat32(min, max);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::Generate(Value xmin, Value xmax, Value ymin, Value ymax, Value zmin, Value zmax)
if (EpsLt(xmax, xmin) || EpsLt(ymax, ymin) || EpsLt(zmax, zmin))
STHROWF("max value is lower than min value");
x = GetRandomFloat32(xmin, xmax);
y = GetRandomFloat32(ymin, ymax);
z = GetRandomFloat32(zmin, zmax);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::Abs() const
return {fabsf(x), fabsf(y), fabsf(z)};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::IsNaN() const
return isnanf(x) || isnanf(y) || isnanf(z);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::GetLength() const
return sqrtf((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetLength(Value length)
// Assign the specified length
*this *= length;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::GetLengthSquared() const
return ((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::SetLengthSquared(Value length)
// Assign the specified length
*this *= sqrtf(length);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::Normalized() const
const Value len_squared = GetLengthSquared();
if (!EpsEq(len_squared, STOVAL(1.0)) && EpsLt(len_squared, STOVAL(0.0)))
return (*this * (STOVAL(1.0) / sqrtf(len_squared)));
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::Normalize()
const Value len_squared = GetLengthSquared();
if (!EpsEq(len_squared, STOVAL(1.0)) && EpsGt(len_squared, STOVAL(0.0)))
const Value inv_len = STOVAL(1.0) / sqrtf(len_squared);
x *= inv_len;
y *= inv_len;
z *= inv_len;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::DotProduct(const Vector3 & vec) const
return ((x * vec.x) + (y * vec.y) + (z * vec.z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::AbsDotProduct(const Vector3 & vec) const
return (std::abs(x * vec.x) + std::abs(y * vec.y) + std::abs(z * vec.z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::CrossProduct(const Vector3 & vec) const
return {(y * vec.z) - (z * vec.y), (z * vec.x) - (x * vec.z), (x * vec.y) - (y * vec.x)};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::Angle(const Vector3 & vec) const
return acosf(DotProduct(vec) / (GetLength() * vec.GetLength()));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::GetDistanceTo(const Vector3 & vec) const
return sqrtf(powf(x - vec.x, 2) + powf(y - vec.y, 2) + powf(z - vec.z, 2));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3::Value Vector3::GetSquaredDistanceTo(const Vector3 & vec) const
return (powf(x - vec.x, 2) + powf(y - vec.y, 2) + powf(z - vec.z, 2));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Vector3::IsBetweenPoints(const Vector3 & begin, const Vector3 & end) const
const Value length = (end - begin).GetLengthSquared();
return EpsLtEq(GetSquaredDistanceTo(begin), length) && EpsLtEq(GetSquaredDistanceTo(end), length);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::Interpolate(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b, Value d)
x = STOVAL(static_cast< double >(b.x) + ((a.x - b.x) * d));
y = STOVAL(static_cast< double >(b.y) + ((a.y - b.y) * d));
z = STOVAL(static_cast< double >(b.z) + ((a.z - b.z) * d));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::Interpolated(const Vector3 & vec, Value d) const
const double inv = 1.0 - d;
return {
STOVAL((vec.x * inv) + (x * d)),
STOVAL((vec.y * inv) + (y * d)),
STOVAL((vec.z * inv) + (z * d))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector3 Vector3::Rotated(const Vector3 & axis, Value angle) const
const Vector3 o(axis * axis.DotProduct(*this));
return (o + ((*this - o) * cosf(angle)) + (axis.CrossProduct(*this) * sinf(angle)));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::CenterRotateXZBy(Value degrees, const Vector3 & center)
degrees *= SQMOD_DEGTORAD;
const Value cs = cosf(degrees);
const Value sn = sinf(degrees);
x -= center.x;
z -= center.z;
x = static_cast< Value >((x * cs) - (z * sn)) + center.x;
z = static_cast< Value >((x * sn) + (z * cs)) + center.z;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::CenterRotateXYBy(Value degrees, const Vector3 & center)
degrees *= SQMOD_DEGTORAD;
const Value cs = cosf(degrees);
const Value sn = sinf(degrees);
x -= center.x;
y -= center.y;
x = static_cast< Value >((x * cs) - (y * sn)) + center.x;
y = static_cast< Value >((x * sn) + (y * cs)) + center.y;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Vector3::CenterRotateYZBy(Value degrees, const Vector3 & center)
degrees *= SQMOD_DEGTORAD;
const Value cs = cosf(degrees);
const Value sn = sinf(degrees);
z -= center.z;
y -= center.y;
y = static_cast< Value >((y * cs) - (z * sn)) + center.z;
z = static_cast< Value >((y * sn) + (z * cs)) + center.y;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String Vector3::Format(StackStrF & str) const
return fmt::format(str.ToStr()
, fmt::arg("x", x)
, fmt::arg("y", y)
, fmt::arg("z", z)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Vector3 & Vector3::Get(StackStrF & str)
return Vector3::GetEx(Vector3::Delim, str);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Vector3 & Vector3::GetEx(SQChar delim, StackStrF & str)
static Vector3 vec;
// Clear previous values, if any
// Is the specified string empty?
if (str.mLen <= 0)
return vec; // Return the value as is!
// The format specifications that will be used to scan the string
SQChar fs[] = _SC(" %f , %f , %f ");
// Assign the specified delimiter
fs[4] = delim;
fs[9] = delim;
// Attempt to extract the component values from the specified string
std::sscanf(str.mPtr, &fs[0], &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z);
// Return the resulted value
return vec;
// ================================================================================================
void Register_Vector3(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
typedef Vector3::Value Val;
Class< Vector3 >(vm, Typename::Str)
// Constructors
.Ctor< Val >()
.Ctor< Val, Val, Val >()
// Static variables
.SetStaticValue(_SC("NIL"), &Vector3::NIL)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("MIN"), &Vector3::MIN)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("MAX"), &Vector3::MAX)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("LEFT"), &Vector3::LEFT)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("RIGHT"), &Vector3::RIGHT)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("UP"), &Vector3::UP)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("DOWN"), &Vector3::DOWN)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("FORWARD"), &Vector3::FORWARD)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("BACK"), &Vector3::BACK)
.SetStaticValue(_SC("ONE"), &Vector3::ONE)
// Member Variables
.Var(_SC("x"), &Vector3::x)
.Var(_SC("y"), &Vector3::y)
.Var(_SC("z"), &Vector3::z)
.Var(_SC("X"), &Vector3::x)
.Var(_SC("Y"), &Vector3::y)
.Var(_SC("Z"), &Vector3::z)
// Core Meta-methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("cmp"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgCmpFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Typename::Fn)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Vector3::ToString)
// Meta-methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_add"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgAddFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_sub"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgSubFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_mul"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgMulFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_div"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgDivFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_modulo"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgModFn< Vector3 >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Vector3 >)
.Func< Vector3 (Vector3::*)(void) const >(_SC("_unm"), &Vector3::operator -)
// Properties
.Prop(_SC("Abs"), &Vector3::Abs)
.Prop(_SC("NaN"), &Vector3::IsNaN)
.Prop(_SC("Length"), &Vector3::GetLength, &Vector3::SetLength)
.Prop(_SC("LengthSq"), &Vector3::GetLengthSquared, &Vector3::SetLengthSquared)
.Prop(_SC("Normalized"), &Vector3::Normalized)
// Member Methods
.Func(_SC("SetScalar"), &Vector3::SetScalar)
.Func(_SC("SetVector3"), &Vector3::SetVector3)
.Func(_SC("SetVector3Ex"), &Vector3::SetVector3Ex)
.Func(_SC("SetVector4"), &Vector3::SetVector4)
.Func(_SC("SetVector4Ex"), &Vector3::SetVector4Ex)
.Func(_SC("SetQuaternion"), &Vector3::SetQuaternion)
.Func(_SC("SetQuaternionEx"), &Vector3::SetQuaternionEx)
.FmtFunc(_SC("SetStr"), &Vector3::SetStr)
.Func(_SC("Clear"), &Vector3::Clear)
.FmtFunc(_SC("Format"), &Vector3::Format)
.Func(_SC("Normalize"), &Vector3::Normalize)
.Func(_SC("Dot"), &Vector3::DotProduct)
.Func(_SC("AbsDot"), &Vector3::AbsDotProduct)
.Func(_SC("Cross"), &Vector3::CrossProduct)
.Func(_SC("Angle"), &Vector3::Angle)
.Func(_SC("DistanceTo"), &Vector3::GetDistanceTo)
.Func(_SC("SqDistanceTo"), &Vector3::GetSquaredDistanceTo)
.Func(_SC("IsBetweenPoints"), &Vector3::IsBetweenPoints)
.Func(_SC("Interpolate"), &Vector3::Interpolate)
.Func(_SC("Interpolated"), &Vector3::Interpolated)
.Func(_SC("Rotated"), &Vector3::Rotated)
.Func(_SC("RotateXZBy"), &Vector3::RotateXZBy)
.Func(_SC("CenterRotateXZBy"), &Vector3::CenterRotateXZBy)
.Func(_SC("RotateXYBy"), &Vector3::RotateXYBy)
.Func(_SC("CenterRotateXYBy"), &Vector3::CenterRotateXYBy)
.Func(_SC("RotateYZBy"), &Vector3::RotateYZBy)
.Func(_SC("CenterRotateYZBy"), &Vector3::CenterRotateYZBy)
// Member Overloads
.Overload< void (Vector3::*)(void) >(_SC("Generate"), &Vector3::Generate)
.Overload< void (Vector3::*)(Val, Val) >(_SC("Generate"), &Vector3::Generate)
.Overload< void (Vector3::*)(Val, Val, Val, Val, Val, Val) >(_SC("Generate"), &Vector3::Generate)
// Static Functions
.StaticFunc(_SC("GetDelimiter"), &SqGetDelimiter< Vector3 >)
.StaticFunc(_SC("SetDelimiter"), &SqSetDelimiter< Vector3 >)
.StaticFmtFunc(_SC("FromStr"), &Vector3::Get)
.StaticFmtFunc(_SC("FromStrEx"), &Vector3::GetEx)
} // Namespace:: SqMod