mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2024-11-08 08:47:17 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 70e5f0ba21 Migrated the host module to C++ exceptions as well.
Also enabled the latest C++ revision in the project.
Replaced the Random library with the one provided by C++11.
Implemented a simple AES256 encryption class.
Various other fixes and improvements.
2016-03-10 05:57:13 +02:00

541 lines
21 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Connection.hpp"
#include "Statement.hpp"
#include "Module.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sqrat.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Connection::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
static SQChar name[] = _SC("SqSQLiteConnection");
sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::Validate() const
// Is the handle valid?
if (!m_Handle)
SqThrowF("Invalid SQLite connection reference");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m_Handle()
/* ... */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connection::Connection(CSStr name)
: m_Handle(name)
if (m_Handle.m_Hnd)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connection::Connection(CSStr name, Int32 flags)
: m_Handle(name)
if (m_Handle.m_Hnd)
m_Handle->Create(name, flags, NULL);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connection::Connection(CSStr name, Int32 flags, CSStr vfs)
: m_Handle(name)
if (m_Handle.m_Hnd)
m_Handle->Create(name, flags, vfs);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Connection::Exec(CSStr str)
// Validate the handle
// Attempt to execute the specified query
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(m_Handle, str, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to execute query [%s]", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// Return rows affected by this query
return sqlite3_changes(m_Handle);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Connection::Query(CSStr str) const
// Validate the handle
// Return the requested information
return Object(new Statement(m_Handle, str));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::Queue(CSStr str)
// Validate the handle
// Is there a query to commit?
if (IsQueryEmpty(str))
SqThrowF("No query string to queue");
// Add the specified string to the queue
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Connection::IsReadOnly() const
// Validate the handle
// Request the desired information
const int result = sqlite3_db_readonly(m_Handle, "main");
// Verify the result
if (result == -1)
SqThrowF("'main' is not the name of a database on connection");
// Return the requested information
return (result != 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Connection::TableExists(CCStr name) const
// Validate the handle
// Prepare a statement to inspect the master table
Statement stmt(m_Handle, "SELECT count(*) FROM [sqlite_master] WHERE [type]='table' AND [name]=?");
// Could the statement be created?
if (stmt.IsValid())
// Bind the specified name onto the statement parameter
stmt.IndexBindS(1, name);
// Attempt to step the statement and obtain a value
if (stmt.Step())
return (sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0) == 1);
// Assume it doesn't exist
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Connection::GetLastInsertRowID() const
// Validate the handle
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg(_SqVM);
// Push a long integer instance with the requested value on the stack
_SqMod->PushSLongObject(_SqVM, sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(m_Handle));
// Get the object from the stack and return it
return Var< Object >(_SqVM, -1).value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::SetBusyTimeout(Int32 millis)
// Validate the handle
// Apply requested timeout
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_busy_timeout(m_Handle, millis)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to set busy timeout [%s]", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Connection::GetInfo(Int32 operation, bool highwater, bool reset)
// Don't even bother to continue if there's no valid connection handle
// Where to retrieve the information
Int32 cur_value;
Int32 hiwtr_value;
// Attempt to retrieve the specified information
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_db_status(m_Handle, operation, &cur_value, &hiwtr_value, reset)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to get runtime status information", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// Return the high-water value if requested
else if (highwater)
return hiwtr_value;
// Return the requested information
return cur_value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connection Connection::CopyToMemory()
// Validate the handle
// Is the database already in memory?
if (m_Handle->mMemory)
SqThrowF("The database is already in memory");
// Destination database
ConnHnd db(_SC(""));
// Attempt to open the in-memory database
// Clear the temporary buffer
GetTempBuff()[0] = 0;
// Begin a transaction to replicate the schema of origin database
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(m_Handle, "BEGIN", NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to begin schema replication [%s]", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to replicate the schema of origin database to the in-memory one
else if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(m_Handle,
"SELECT [sql] FROM [sqlite_master] WHERE [sql] NOT NULL AND [tbl_name] != 'sqlite_sequence'",
&Connection::ProcessDDLRow, db->mPtr, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
// Did the error occurred from the DDL process function?
if (GetTempBuff()[0] != 0)
// Throw the resulted message but also include the point where it failed
SqThrowF("Unable to replicate schema [%s]", GetTempBuff());
// Obtain the message from the connection handle if possible
SqThrowF("Unable to replicate schema [%s]", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to commit the changes to the database schema replication
else if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(m_Handle, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to commit schema replication [%s]", m_Handle.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to attach the origin database to the in-memory one
else if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, QFmtStr("ATTACH DATABASE '%q' as origin", m_Handle->mName.c_str()),
SqThrowF("Unable to attach origin [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// Begin a transaction to replicate the data of origin database
else if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK))
SqThrowF("Unable to begin data replication [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to replicate the data of origin database to the in-memory one
else if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT [name] FROM [origin.sqlite_master] WHERE [type]='table'",
&Connection::ProcessDMLRow, db->mPtr, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
// Did the error occurred from the DML process function?
if (GetTempBuff()[0] != 0)
// Throw the resulted message but also include the point where it failed
SqThrowF("Unable to replicate data [%s]", GetTempBuff());
// Obtain the message from the connection handle if possible
SqThrowF("Unable to replicate data [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to commit the changes to the database data replication
else if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
// Attempt to rollback changes from the data copy operation
if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, "ROLLBACK", NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to rollback data replication [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// Attempt to detach the disk origin from in-memory database
else if ((db = sqlite3_exec(db, "DETACH DATABASE origin", NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to detach origin [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// Operation failed
SqThrowF("Unable to commit data replication [%s]", db.ErrMsg());
// At this point everything went fine and the database instance should be returned
return Connection(db);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::CopyToDatabase(const Connection & db)
// Make sure that we have two valid database handles
// Attempt to take the snapshot and return the result
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Connection::Flush(Uint32 num)
// Validate the handle
// We need to supply a null callback
Object env;
Function func;
// Attempt to flush the requested amount of queries
return m_Handle->Flush(num, env, func);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Connection::Flush(Uint32 num, Object & env, Function & func)
// Validate the handle
// Attempt to flush the requested amount of queries
return m_Handle->Flush(num, env, func);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::TraceOutput(void * /*ptr*/, CCStr sql)
_SqMod->LogInf("SQLite Trace: %s", sql);
void Connection::ProfileOutput(void * /*ptr*/, CCStr sql, sqlite3_uint64 time)
_SqMod->LogInf("SQLite profile (time: %llu): %s", time, sql);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Connection::ProcessDDLRow(void * db, int columns_count, char ** values, char ** /*columns*/)
// Make sure that exactly one column exists in the result
if (columns_count != 1)
FmtStr("Error occurred during DDL: columns != 1");
// Execute the sql statement in values[0] in the received database connection
else if (sqlite3_exec((sqlite3 *)db, values[0], NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
FmtStr("Error occurred during DDL execution: %s", sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3 *)db));
// Continue processing
return 0;
// Operation aborted
return -1;
int Connection::ProcessDMLRow(void * db, int columns_count, char ** values, char ** /*columns*/)
// Make sure that exactly one column exists in the result
if (columns_count != 1)
FmtStr("Error occurred during DML: columns != 1");
// Operation aborted
return -1;
// Generate the query string with the received values
char * sql = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO main.%q SELECT * FROM origin.%q", values[0], values[0]);
// Attempt to execute the generated query string on the received database connection
if (sqlite3_exec((sqlite3 *)db, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
FmtStr("Error occurred during DML execution: %s", sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3 *)db));
// Free the generated query string
// Continue processing
return 0;
// Free the generated query string
// Operation aborted
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Connection::TakeSnapshot(const ConnHnd & destination)
// Attempt to initialize a backup structure
sqlite3_backup * backup = sqlite3_backup_init(destination, "main", m_Handle, "main");
// See if the backup structure could be created
if (!backup)
SqThrowF("Unable to initialize the backup structure [%s]", destination.ErrMsg());
// -1 to copy the entire source database to the destination
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_backup_step(backup, -1)) != SQLITE_DONE)
// Finalize the backup structure first
// Now it's safe to throw the error
SqThrowF("Unable to copy source [%s]", m_Handle.ErrStr());
// Clean up resources allocated by sqlite3_backup_init()
if ((m_Handle = sqlite3_backup_finish(backup)) != SQLITE_OK)
SqThrowF("Unable to finalize backup [%s]", m_Handle.ErrStr());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Connection::ExecF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we even have enough arguments?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the query string");
// Obtain the connection instance
Var< Connection * > inst(vm, 1);
// Do we have a valid connection instance?
if (!inst.value)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid connection instance");
// Do we have a valid connection reference?
else if (!inst.value->m_Handle)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid SQLite connection reference");
// Is the specified message value a string or something convertible to string?
else if (top == 2 && ((sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_STRING) || !SQ_FAILED(sq_tostring(vm, -1))))
CCStr sql = NULL;
// Attempt to retrieve the string from the stack
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getstring(vm, -1, &sql)))
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Now we can throw the error message
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to retrieve the query");
// Prevent the object from being destroyed once we pop it
Var< Object > obj(vm, -1);
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Attempt to execute the specified query
if ((inst.value->m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(inst.value->m_Handle, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
// Generate the error message and throw the resulted string
return sq_throwerror(vm, FmtStr("Unable to execute query [%s]", inst.value->m_Handle.ErrMsg()));
// Push the result onto the stack
sq_pushinteger(vm, sqlite3_changes(inst.value->m_Handle));
// Do we have enough values to call the format function?
else if (top > 2)
SStr sql = NULL;
SQInteger len = 0;
// Attempt to generate the specified string format
SQRESULT ret = sqstd_format(vm, 3, &len, &sql);
// Did the format failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(ret))
return ret; // Propagate the exception
// Attempt to execute the resulted query
if ((inst.value->m_Handle = sqlite3_exec(inst.value->m_Handle, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)
// Generate the error message and throw the resulted string
return sq_throwerror(vm, FmtStr("Unable to execute query [%s]", inst.value->m_Handle.ErrMsg()));
// Push the result onto the stack
sq_pushinteger(vm, sqlite3_changes(inst.value->m_Handle));
// All methods of retrieving the string value failed
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to extract the query string");
// At this point we should have a return value on the stack
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Connection::QueueF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we even have enough arguments?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the query string");
// Obtain the connection instance
Var< Connection * > inst(vm, 1);
// Do we have a valid connection instance?
if (!inst.value)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid connection instance");
// Do we have a valid connection reference?
else if (!inst.value->m_Handle)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid SQLite connection reference");
// Is the specified message value a string or something convertible to string?
else if (top == 2 && ((sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_STRING) || !SQ_FAILED(sq_tostring(vm, -1))))
CCStr sql = NULL;
// Attempt to retrieve the string from the stack
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getstring(vm, -1, &sql)))
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Now we can throw the error message
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to retrieve the query");
// Is there even a query to queue?
else if (IsQueryEmpty(sql))
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Now we can throw the error message
return sq_throwerror(vm,"No query to queue");
// Attempt to queue the specified query
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Do we have enough values to call the format function?
else if (top > 2)
SStr sql = NULL;
SQInteger len = 0;
// Attempt to generate the specified string format
SQRESULT ret = sqstd_format(vm, 3, &len, &sql);
// Did the format failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(ret))
return ret; // Propagate the exception
// Is there even a query to queue?
else if (IsQueryEmpty(sql))
return sq_throwerror(vm,"No query to queue");
// Attempt to queue the specified query
// All methods of retrieving the string value failed
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to extract the query string");
// This function does not return a value
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Connection::QueryF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we even have enough arguments?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the query string");
// Obtain the connection instance
Var< Connection * > inst(vm, 1);
// Do we have a valid connection instance?
if (!inst.value)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid connection instance");
// Do we have a valid connection reference?
else if (!inst.value->m_Handle)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid SQLite connection reference");
// Is the specified message value a string or something convertible to string?
else if (top == 2 && ((sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_STRING) || !SQ_FAILED(sq_tostring(vm, -1))))
CCStr sql = NULL;
// Attempt to retrieve the string from the stack
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getstring(vm, -1, &sql)))
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Now we can throw the error message
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to retrieve the query");
// Prevent the object from being destroyed once we pop it
Var< Object > obj(vm, -1);
// If the value was converted to a string then pop the string
sq_pop(vm, sq_gettop(vm) - top);
// Attempt to create a statement with the specified query
ClassType< Statement >::PushInstance(vm, new Statement(inst.value->m_Handle, sql));
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str());
// Do we have enough values to call the format function?
else if (top > 2)
SStr sql = NULL;
SQInteger len = 0;
// Attempt to generate the specified string format
SQRESULT ret = sqstd_format(vm, 3, &len, &sql);
// Did the format failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(ret))
return ret; // Propagate the exception
// Attempt to create a statement with the specified query
ClassType< Statement >::PushInstance(vm, new Statement(inst.value->m_Handle, sql));
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str());
// All methods of retrieving the string value failed
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to extract the query string");
// At this point we should have a return value on the stack
return 1;
} // Namespace:: SqMod