mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-12 15:17:14 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 66d1110733 Rvised the API distribution system to avoid segmentation fault crashes on Linux and make the overal code cleaner.
Moved the constants in IRC module into their own source and implemented a faster method of registering them.
Various other minor changes and adjustments. Some of them in order to comply with the new API distribution system.
2016-07-17 03:24:07 +03:00

1285 lines
46 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Session.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irc_callbacks_t Session::s_Callbacks;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Session::s_Initialized = false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Session* Session::s_Session = nullptr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Session::Sessions Session::s_Sessions;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
static const SQChar name[] = _SC("SqIrcSession");
sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Process()
// Do we only have one IRC session?
if (s_Session)
// Do we have multiple sessions?
else if (!s_Sessions.empty())
for (Sessions::iterator itr = s_Sessions.begin(); itr != s_Sessions.end(); ++itr)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Terminate()
// Do we only have one IRC session?
if (s_Session)
s_Session->Destroy(); /* This should do the job. */
// Do we have multiple sessions?
else if (!s_Sessions.empty())
for (Sessions::iterator itr = s_Sessions.begin(); itr != s_Sessions.end(); ++itr)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irc_callbacks_t * Session::GetCallbacks()
// See if the callbacks structure was initialized before
if (!s_Initialized)
// Initialize the callbacks
s_Callbacks.event_connect = &OnConnect;
s_Callbacks.event_nick = &OnNick;
s_Callbacks.event_quit = &OnQuit;
s_Callbacks.event_join = &OnJoin;
s_Callbacks.event_part = &OnPart;
s_Callbacks.event_mode = &OnMode;
s_Callbacks.event_umode = &OnUmode;
s_Callbacks.event_topic = &OnTopic;
s_Callbacks.event_kick = &OnKick;
s_Callbacks.event_channel = &OnChannel;
s_Callbacks.event_privmsg = &OnPrivMsg;
s_Callbacks.event_notice = &OnNotice;
s_Callbacks.event_channel_notice = &OnChannelNotice;
s_Callbacks.event_invite = &OnInvite;
s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_req = &OnCtcpReq;
s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_rep = &OnCtcpRep;
s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_action = &OnCtcpAction;
s_Callbacks.event_unknown = &OnUnknown;
s_Callbacks.event_numeric = &OnNumeric;
s_Callbacks.event_dcc_chat_req = &OnDccChatReq;
s_Callbacks.event_dcc_send_req = &OnDccSendReq;
// Specify that the callbacks were initialized
s_Initialized = true;
// Return the callbacks structure
return &s_Callbacks;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Update()
// Make sure we even have a session
if (!m_Session)
// Make sure that the IRC session is connected
else if (!irc_is_connected(m_Session))
// Do we meet the condition to attempt to reconnect?
if (m_Reconnect && (m_LeftTries != 0) && (m_NextTry <= SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro()))
// Take out one try
// Update the time-point for the next try
m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
// Attempt to reconnect
if (m_IPv6)
m_LastCode = irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
m_LastCode = irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
// We're done for now
// Create the structures for select()
struct timeval tv;
fd_set in_set, out_set;
int maxfd = 0;
// Pool for the specified amount of time
tv.tv_usec = (m_PoolTime * 1000L);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
// Initialize the sets
std::memset(&in_set, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
std::memset(&out_set, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
// Add the IRC session descriptors
irc_add_select_descriptors(m_Session, &in_set, &out_set, &maxfd);
// Call select()
if (select(maxfd + 1, &in_set, &out_set, 0, &tv) < 0)
SqMod_LogErr("Unable to select() on IRC session");
// Call irc_process_select_descriptors() for the session
if (irc_process_select_descriptors (m_Session, &in_set, &out_set))
// @TODO: The connection failed, or the server disconnected. Handle it!
SqMod_LogWrn("The IRC connection failed, or the server disconnected.");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Release()
// Release the reference to the specified callbacks
// Release the reference to the specified user data
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Destroy()
// Make sure there's even a session to release
if (!m_Session)
// Disconnect the session
// Break the association with this instance (paranoia)
irc_set_ctx(m_Session, nullptr);
// Destroy the IRC session structure
// Explicitly make sure no further calls can be made to this session (again... paranoia)
m_Session = nullptr;
// Release resources
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Validate() const
// Do we have a valid session handle?
if (!m_Session)
STHROWF("Invalid IRC session");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ValidateConnection() const
// Do we have a valid session handle?
if (!m_Session)
STHROWF("Invalid IRC session");
// Is the session connected?
else if (!irc_is_connected(m_Session))
STHROWF("Session is not connected");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::IsNotConnected() const
// Do we have a session that is not connected or trying to connect?
if (m_Session && (irc_is_connected(m_Session) || m_Reconnect))
STHROWF("Already connected or trying connect to IRC server");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Session::ValidateEventSession(Session * ptr)
// Is the session instance valid?
if (ptr)
return true;
// We can't throw an error here so we simply log it
SqMod_LogErr("Cannot forward IRC event without a session instance");
// Invalid session instance
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m_Session(irc_create_session(GetCallbacks()))
, m_Server(_SC(""))
, m_Passwd(_SC(""))
, m_Nick(_SC(""))
, m_User(_SC(""))
, m_Name(_SC(""))
, m_Port(6667)
, m_LastCode(0)
, m_PoolTime(4)
, m_Tries(3)
, m_Wait(5000)
, m_LeftTries(0)
, m_NextTry(0)
, m_SessionTime(0)
, m_Reconnect(false)
, m_IPv6(false)
if (!m_Session)
// Explicitly make sure no further calls can be made to this session
m_Session = nullptr;
// Now it's safe to throw the error
STHROWF("Unable to create an IRC session");
// Associate this wrapper instance with the session structure
irc_set_ctx(m_Session, this);
// Is this the only session instance?
if (!s_Session && s_Sessions.empty())
s_Session = this;
// Is this the second session instance?
else if (s_Sessions.empty())
s_Session = nullptr;
// This is part of multiple session instances
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to find our self in the session pool
Sessions::iterator itr = std::find(s_Sessions.begin(), s_Sessions.end(), this);
// Are we in the pool?
if (itr != s_Sessions.end())
s_Sessions.erase(itr); /* Remove our self from the pool. */
// Is there a single session and that's us?
if (s_Session == this)
s_Session = nullptr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function & Session::GetEvent(Int32 evid)
// Identify the requested event type
switch (evid)
case SET_CONNECT: return m_OnConnect;
case SET_NICK: return m_OnNick;
case SET_QUIT: return m_OnQuit;
case SET_JOIN: return m_OnJoin;
case SET_PART: return m_OnPart;
case SET_MODE: return m_OnMode;
case SET_UMODE: return m_OnUmode;
case SET_TOPIC: return m_OnTopic;
case SET_KICK: return m_OnKick;
case SET_CHANNEL: return m_OnChannel;
case SET_PRIVMSG: return m_OnPrivMsg;
case SET_NOTICE: return m_OnNotice;
case SET_CHANNELNOTICE: return m_OnChannelNotice;
case SET_INVITE: return m_OnInvite;
case SET_CTCPREQ: return m_OnCtcpReq;
case SET_CTCPREP: return m_OnCtcpRep;
case SET_CTCPACTION: return m_OnCtcpAction;
case SET_UNKNOWN: return m_OnUnknown;
case SET_NUMERIC: return m_OnNumeric;
case SET_DCCCHATREQ: return m_OnDccChatReq;
case SET_DCCSENDREQ: return m_OnDccSendReq;
default: break;
// Default to a null function
return NullFunction();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::BindEvent(Int32 evid, Object & env, Function & func)
// Validate the handle
// Obtain the function instance called for this event
Function & event = GetEvent(evid);
// Is the specified callback function null?
if (func.IsNull())
event.ReleaseGently(); // Then release the current callback
// Does this function need a custom environment?
else if (env.IsNull())
event = func;
// Assign the specified environment and function
event = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetNick(CSStr nick)
// Validate the handle
// Validate the specified nick name
if (!nick || *nick == '\0')
STHROWF("Invalid IRC nickname");
// Do we have to issue a nickname command?
else if (Connected())
irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick);
// Simply save the specified nickname
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetPort(Uint32 num)
// The port cannot be changed once connected!
// Validate the specified port number
if (num > 0xFFFF)
STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", num, 0xFFFF);
// Assign the specified port number
m_Port = num;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::CmdNick(CSStr nick)
// Make sure the session is connected
// Validate the specified nick name
if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
STHROWF("Invalid IRC nickname");
// Issue the command and return the result
return irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Session::GetNextTry() const
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Attempt to push a time-stamp instance on the stack
SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), m_NextTry);
// Obtain the object from the stack and return it
return Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetNextTry(Object & tm)
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Push the specified object onto the stack
Var< Object >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), tm);
// The resulted times-tamp value
Int64 microseconds = 0;
// Attempt to get the numeric value inside the specified object
if (SQ_FAILED(SqMod_GetTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), -1, &microseconds)))
STHROWF("Invalid time-stamp specified");
// Assign the specified timestamp value
m_NextTry = microseconds;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Session::GetSessionTime() const
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Attempt to push a time-stamp instance on the stack
if (m_SessionTime)
SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() - m_SessionTime);
// This session was not connected yet
SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), 0);
// Obtain the object from the stack and return it
return Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect()
// Validate the handle
// Make sure we are allowed to connect
// Validate the specified server
if (!m_Server.empty())
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
// Validate the specified nickname
else if (!m_Nick.empty())
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
// Enable the reconnection system
m_Reconnect = true;
// Reset the number of tries
m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
// Set the time-point for the next try
m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
// This is not an IPv6 connection
m_IPv6 = false;
// Attempt to connect the session and return the result
return irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name)
// Validate the handle
// Make sure we are allowed to connect
// Validate the specified port
if (port > 0xFFFF)
STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", port, 0xFFFF);
// Validate the specified server
else if (!server || strlen(server) <= 0)
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
// Validate the specified nickname
else if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
// Save the specified port
m_Port = port;
// Save the specified server
// Save the specified nickname
// Save the specified password
m_Passwd.assign(passwd ? passwd : _SC(""));
// Save the specified user
m_User.assign(user ? user : _SC(""));
// Save the specified name
m_Name.assign(name ? name : _SC(""));
// Enable the reconnection system
m_Reconnect = true;
// Reset the number of tries
m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
// Set the time-point for the next connection try
m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
// This is not an IPv6 connection
m_IPv6 = false;
// Attempt to connect the session and return the result
return irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect6()
// Validate the handle
// Make sure we are allowed to connect
// Validate the specified server
if (!m_Server.empty())
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
// Validate the specified nickname
else if (!m_Nick.empty())
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
// Enable the reconnection system
m_Reconnect = true;
// Reset the number of tries
m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
// Set the time-point for the next try
m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
// This is an IPv6 connection
m_IPv6 = true;
// Attempt to connect the session and return the result
return irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name)
// Validate the handle
// Make sure we are allowed to connect
// Validate the specified port
if (port > 0xFFFF)
STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", port, 0xFFFF);
// Validate the specified server
else if (!server || strlen(server) <= 0)
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
// Validate the specified nickname
else if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
// Save the specified port
m_Port = port;
// Save the specified server
// Save the specified nickname
// Save the specified password
m_Passwd.assign(passwd ? passwd : _SC(""));
// Save the specified user
m_User.assign(user ? user : _SC(""));
// Save the specified name
m_Name.assign(name ? name : _SC(""));
// Enable the reconnection system
m_Reconnect = true;
// Reset the number of tries
m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
// Set the time-point for the next connection try
m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
// This is an IPv6 connection
m_IPv6 = true;
// Attempt to connect the session and return the result
return irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Disconnect()
if (Connected())
// Update one last time to catch remaining events
// Disable the reconnection system
m_Reconnect = false;
// Attempt to disconnect
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & listener, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
// Is there anyone even listening to this event?
if (listener.IsNull())
return; // No point in going forward
// Make sure that the origin can't be a null pointer
else if (!origin)
origin = _SC("");
// Each event must have an array of parameters (empty or not)
Array parameters(DefaultVM::Get(), count);
// Are the any parameters?
if (params && count > 0)
// Transform the parameters into a squirrel array
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
parameters.SetValue(i, params[i]);
// Attempt top execute the callback with the obtained values
listener.Execute< CSStr, CSStr, Array & >(event, origin, parameters);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Squirrel error [%s]", event, e.what());
catch (const std::exception & e)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Program error [%s]", event, e.what());
catch (...)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Unknown error", event);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & listener, Uint32 event,
CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
// Is there anyone even listening to this event?
if (listener.IsNull())
return; // No point in going forward
// Make sure that the origin can't be a null pointer
else if (!origin)
origin = _SC("");
// Each event must have an array of parameters (empty or not)
Array parameters(DefaultVM::Get(), count);
// Are the any parameters?
if (params && count > 0)
// Transform the parameters into a squirrel array
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
parameters.SetValue(i, params[i]);
// Attempt top execute the callback with the obtained values
listener.Execute< Uint32, CSStr, Array & >(event, origin, parameters);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Squirrel error [%s]", event, e.what());
catch (const std::exception & e)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Program error [%s]", event, e.what());
catch (...)
SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Unknown error", event);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & /*listener*/, CCStr /*nick*/,
CCStr /*addr*/, irc_dcc_t /*dccid*/)
/* TODO! */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & /*listener*/, CCStr /*nick*/,
CCStr /*addr*/, CCStr /*filename*/, Ulong /*size*/, irc_dcc_t /*dccid*/)
/* TODO! */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnConnect(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
// Prevent any attempts to reconnect now
inst->m_Reconnect = false;
// Save the connection time-stamp to calculate session uptime
inst->m_SessionTime = SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro();
// Now forward event
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnConnect, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
if (params && params[0])
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNick, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnQuit(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnQuit, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnJoin(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnJoin, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnPart(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnPart, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnMode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnMode, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnUmode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnUmode, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnTopic(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnTopic, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnKick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnKick, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnChannel(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnChannel, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnPrivMsg(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnPrivMsg, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNotice, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnChannelNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnChannelNotice, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnInvite(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnInvite, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpReq, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpRep(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpRep, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpAction(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpAction, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnUnknown(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnUnknown, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNumeric(irc_session_t * session, Uint32 event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNumeric, event, origin, params, count);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnDccChatReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, irc_dcc_t dccid)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnDccChatReq, nick, addr, dccid);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnDccSendReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, CCStr filename, Ulong size, irc_dcc_t dccid)
Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnDccSendReq, nick, addr, filename, size, dccid);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdMsgF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Obtain the initial stack size
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have a target value?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message target");
// Do we have a message value?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message value");
// The session instance
Session * session = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the argument values
session = Var< Session * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Propagate the error
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid session instance?
if (!session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid session instance");
// Do we have a valid session?
else if (!session->m_Session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid IRC session");
// Is the session connected?
else if (!session->Connected())
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Session is not connected");
// Attempt to retrieve the target from the stack as a string
StackStrF target(vm, 2, false);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(target.mRes))
return target.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack as a string
StackStrF message(vm, 3);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(message.mRes))
return message.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Forward the resulted string value and save the returned result code
const Int32 code = irc_cmd_msg(session->m_Session, target.mPtr, message.mPtr);
// Push the obtained code onto the stack
sq_pushinteger(vm, code);
// We have a value on the stack
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdMeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Obtain the initial stack size
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have a target value?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message target");
// Do we have a message value?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message value");
// The session instance
Session * session = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the argument values
session = Var< Session * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Propagate the error
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid session instance?
if (!session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid session instance");
// Do we have a valid session?
else if (!session->m_Session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid IRC session");
// Is the session connected?
else if (!session->Connected())
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Session is not connected");
// Attempt to retrieve the target from the stack as a string
StackStrF target(vm, 2, false);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(target.mRes))
return target.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack as a string
StackStrF message(vm, 3);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(message.mRes))
return message.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Forward the resulted string value and save the returned result code
const Int32 code = irc_cmd_me(session->m_Session, target.mPtr, message.mPtr);
// Push the obtained code onto the stack
sq_pushinteger(vm, code);
// We have a value on the stack
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdNoticeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Obtain the initial stack size
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have a target value?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message target");
// Do we have a message value?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message value");
// The session instance
Session * session = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the argument values
session = Var< Session * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Propagate the error
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid session instance?
if (!session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid session instance");
// Do we have a valid session?
else if (!session->m_Session)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid IRC session");
// Is the session connected?
else if (!session->Connected())
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Session is not connected");
// Attempt to retrieve the target from the stack as a string
StackStrF target(vm, 2, false);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(target.mRes))
return target.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack as a string
StackStrF message(vm, 3);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(message.mRes))
return message.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Forward the resulted string value and save the returned result code
const Int32 code = irc_cmd_notice(session->m_Session, target.mPtr, message.mPtr);
// Push the obtained code onto the stack
sq_pushinteger(vm, code);
// We have a value on the stack
return 1;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper function used to avoid having to include the session header.
void SessionProcess()
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper function used to avoid having to include the session header.
void SessionTerminate()
// ================================================================================================
void Register_Session(Table & ircns)
ircns.Bind(_SC("Session"), Class< Session, NoCopy< Session > >(ircns.GetVM(), _SC("SqIrcSession"))
// Constructors
// Core Meta-methods
.Func(_SC("_cmp"), &Session::Cmp)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Session::Typename)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Session::ToString)
// Properties
.Prop(_SC("Valid"), &Session::IsValid)
.Prop(_SC("Connected"), &Session::IsConnected)
.Prop(_SC("Tag"), &Session::GetTag, &Session::SetTag)
.Prop(_SC("Data"), &Session::GetData, &Session::SetData)
.Prop(_SC("Server"), &Session::GetServer, &Session::SetServer)
.Prop(_SC("Password"), &Session::GetPassword, &Session::SetPassword)
.Prop(_SC("Nick"), &Session::GetNick, &Session::SetNick)
.Prop(_SC("User"), &Session::GetUser, &Session::SetUser)
.Prop(_SC("Name"), &Session::GetName, &Session::SetName)
.Prop(_SC("Port"), &Session::GetPort, &Session::SetPort)
.Prop(_SC("PoolTime"), &Session::GetPoolTime, &Session::SetPoolTime)
.Prop(_SC("LastCode"), &Session::GetLastCode)
.Prop(_SC("Tries"), &Session::GetTries, &Session::SetTries)
.Prop(_SC("Wait"), &Session::GetWait, &Session::SetWait)
.Prop(_SC("LeftTries"), &Session::GetLeftTries, &Session::SetLeftTries)
.Prop(_SC("NextTry"), &Session::GetNextTry, &Session::SetNextTry)
.Prop(_SC("SessionTime"), &Session::GetSessionTime)
.Prop(_SC("Reconnecting"), &Session::GetReconnect)
.Prop(_SC("IPv6"), &Session::GetIPv6)
.Prop(_SC("CtcpVersion"), (void (Session::*)(void))(nullptr), &Session::SetCtcpVersion)
.Prop(_SC("ErrNo"), &Session::GetErrNo)
.Prop(_SC("ErrStr"), &Session::GetErrStr)
// Member Methods
.Func(_SC("Bind"), &Session::BindEvent)
.Func(_SC("GetEvent"), &Session::GetEvent)
.Func(_SC("Disconnect"), &Session::Disconnect)
.Func(_SC("CmdPart"), &Session::CmdPart)
.Func(_SC("CmdInvite"), &Session::CmdInvite)
.Func(_SC("CmdNames"), &Session::CmdNames)
.Func(_SC("CmdMsg"), &Session::CmdMsg)
.Func(_SC("CmdMe"), &Session::CmdMe)
.Func(_SC("CmdNotice"), &Session::CmdNotice)
.Func(_SC("CmdCtcpRequest"), &Session::CmdCtcpRequest)
.Func(_SC("CmdCtcpReply"), &Session::CmdCtcpReply)
.Func(_SC("CmdNick"), &Session::CmdNick)
.Func(_SC("CmdWhois"), &Session::CmdWhois)
.Func(_SC("SendRaw"), &Session::SendRaw)
.Func(_SC("DestroyDcc"), &Session::DestroyDcc)
.Func(_SC("SetCtcpVersion"), &Session::SetCtcpVersion)
.Func(_SC("SetOption"), &Session::SetOption)
.Func(_SC("ResetOption"), &Session::ResetOption)
// Member Overloads
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdJoin"), &Session::CmdJoin)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdJoin"), &Session::CmdJoin)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdList"), &Session::CmdList)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdList"), &Session::CmdList)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdTopic"), &Session::CmdTopic)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdTopic"), &Session::CmdTopic)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdChannelMode"), &Session::CmdChannelMode)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdChannelMode"), &Session::CmdChannelMode)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdUserMode"), &Session::CmdUserMode)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdUserMode"), &Session::CmdUserMode)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdKick"), &Session::CmdKick)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdKick"), &Session::CmdKick)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdQuit"), &Session::CmdQuit)
.Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdQuit"), &Session::CmdQuit)
// Squirrel Methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdMsgF"), &Session::CmdMsgF)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdMeF"), &Session::CmdMeF)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdNoticeF"), &Session::CmdNoticeF)
} // Namespace:: SqMod