mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-02-22 20:57:12 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 8088ba94c2 Updated the exception system in the main plugin to also include the location in the source files in debug builds.
Moved the functions that extract base types from strings as static functions under the associated type.
Revised some of the base shared code.
Fixed some of the functions in the String library that did not take into account the null terminator.
2016-03-21 22:37:58 +02:00

296 lines
9.2 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Library/String.hpp"
#include "Base/Shared.hpp"
#include "Base/Buffer.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sqstdstring.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr LeftStr(CSStr t, SQChar f, Uint32 w)
// Is the specified width valid?
if (!w)
return _SC("");
// Allocate a buffer with the requested width
Buffer b(w + 1); // + null terminator
// Is the specified string valid?
if (!t || *t == 0)
// Insert only the fill character
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Calculate the string length
const Uint32 n = strlen(t);
// Insert only the fill character first
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Overwrite with the specified string
strncpy(b.Data(), t, n);
// End the resulted string
b.At(w) = 0;
// Return the resulted string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
CSStr LeftStr(CSStr t, SQChar f, Uint32 w, Uint32 o)
// Is the specified width valid?
if (!w)
return _SC("");
// Is the specified offset within width range?
else if (o > w)
STHROWF("Offset is out of bounds");
// Allocate a buffer with the requested width
Buffer b(w + 1); // + null terminator
// Is the specified string valid?
if (!t || *t == 0)
// Insert only the fill character
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Clculate the string length
const Uint32 n = strlen(t);
// Insert the fill character first
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Overwrite with the specified string
strncpy(b.Data() + o, t, w - n);
// End the resulted string
b.At(w) = 0;
// Return the resulted string
return b.Get();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr RightStr(CSStr t, SQChar f, Uint32 w)
// Is the specified width valid?
if (!w)
return _SC("");
// Allocate a buffer with the requested width
Buffer b(w + 1); // + null terminator
// Is the specified string valid?
if (!t || *t == 0)
// Insert only the fill character
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Calculate the string length
const Uint32 n = strlen(t);
// Insert the fill character first
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Overwrite with the specified string
if (n >= w)
strncpy(b.Data(), t, w);
strncpy(b.Data() + (w - n), t, n);
// End the resulted string
b.At(w) = 0;
// Return the resulted string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
CSStr RightStr(CSStr t, SQChar f, Uint32 w, Uint32 o)
// Is the specified width valid?
if (!w)
return _SC("");
// Is the specified offset within width range?
else if (o > w)
STHROWF("Offset is out of bounds");
// Allocate a buffer with the requested width
Buffer b(w + 1); // + null terminator
// Is the specified string valid?
if (!t || *t == 0)
// Insert only the fill character
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Calculate the string length
const Uint32 n = strlen(t);
// Insert the fill character first
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Overwrite with the specified string
if (n >= w || (n + o) >= w)
strncpy(b.Data(), t, w - o);
strncpy(b.Data() + ((w - n) - o), t, n);
// End the resulted string
b.At(w) = 0;
// Return the resulted string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr CenterStr(CSStr t, SQChar f, Uint32 w)
// Is the specified width valid?
if (!w)
return _SC("");
// Allocate a buffer with the requested width
Buffer b(w + 1); // + null terminator
// Is the specified string valid?
if (!t || *t == 0)
// Insert only the fill character
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Calculate the string length
const Uint32 n = strlen(t);
// Insert only the fill character first
memset(b.Data(), f, w);
// Overwrite with the specified string
strncpy(b.Data() + ((w/2) - (n/2)), t, n);
// End the resulted string
b.At(w) = 0;
// Return the resulted string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr StrJustAlphaNum(CSStr str)
// See if we actually have something to search for
if(!str || *str == 0)
return _SC("");
// Calculate the string length
Uint32 size = strlen(str);
// Obtain a temporary buffer
Buffer b(size + 1); // + null terminator
// Resulted string size
Uint32 n = 0;
// Currently processed character
SQChar c = 0;
// Process characters
while ((c = *(str++)) != '\0')
// Is this an alpha-numeric character?
if (isalnum(c) != 0)
// Save it and move to the next one
b.At(n++) = c;
// End the resulted string
b.At(n) = 0;
// Return the string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr StrToLowercase(CSStr str)
// See if we actually have something to search for
if(!str || *str == 0)
return _SC("");
// Calculate the string length
Uint32 size = strlen(str);
// Obtain a temporary buffer
Buffer b(size + 1); // + null terminator
// Resulted string size
Uint32 n = 0;
// Currently processed character
SQChar c = 0;
// Process characters
while ((c = *(str++)) != '\0')
// Convert it and move to the next one
b.At(n++) = tolower(c);
// End the resulted string
b.At(n) = 0;
// Return the string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr StrToUppercase(CSStr str)
// See if we actually have something to search for
if(!str || *str == 0)
return _SC("");
// Calculate the string length
Uint32 size = strlen(str); // + null terminator
// Obtain a temporary buffer
Buffer b(size + 1); // + null terminator
// Resulted string size
Uint32 n = 0;
// Currently processed character
SQChar c = 0;
// Process characters
while ((c = *(str++)) != 0)
// Convert it and move to the next one
b.At(n++) = toupper(c);
// End the resulted string
b.At(n) = 0;
// Return the string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CSStr FromArray(Array & arr)
// Determine array size
const Int32 length = static_cast< Int32 >(arr.Length());
// Obtain a temporary buffer
Buffer b(length * sizeof(Int32));
// Get array elements as integers
arr.GetArray< Int32 >(b.Get< Int32 >(), length);
// Overwrite integers with characters
for (Int32 n = 0; n < length; ++n)
b.At(n) = static_cast< SQChar >(b.At< Int32 >(n));
// Terminate the resulted string
b.At(length) = 0;
// Return the string
return b.Get< SQChar >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger StdPrintF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
CStr msg = NULL;
SQInteger length = 0;
// Attempt to run the specified format and save the result
const SQRESULT res = sqstd_format(vm, 2, &length, &msg);
// Validate the result for errors and propagate them to the VM
return res;
// Send the resulted string to console as a user message
LogUsr("%s", msg);
// This function doesn't return anything
return 0;
// ================================================================================================
void Register_String(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Table strns(vm);
strns.Func(_SC("FromArray"), &FromArray)
.Overload< CSStr (*)(CSStr, SQChar, Uint32) >(_SC("Left"), &LeftStr)
.Overload< CSStr (*)(CSStr, SQChar, Uint32, Uint32) >(_SC("Left"), &LeftStr)
.Overload< CSStr (*)(CSStr, SQChar, Uint32) >(_SC("Right"), &RightStr)
.Overload< CSStr (*)(CSStr, SQChar, Uint32, Uint32) >(_SC("Right"), &RightStr)
.Func(_SC("Center"), &CenterStr)
.Func(_SC("JustAlphaNum"), &StrJustAlphaNum)
.Func(_SC("Lowercase"), &StrToLowercase)
.Func(_SC("Uppercase"), &StrToUppercase);
RootTable(vm).Bind(_SC("SqStr"), strns);
RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("printf"), &StdPrintF);
} // Namespace:: SqMod