mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-04 03:07:29 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 4a6bfc086c Major plugin refactor and cleanup.
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface.
Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving.
Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance.
Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
2021-01-30 08:51:39 +02:00

451 lines
14 KiB

// IPAddress.h
// Library: Net
// Package: NetCore
// Module: IPAddress
// Definition of the IPAddress class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Net_IPAddress_INCLUDED
#define Net_IPAddress_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/Net.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketDefs.h"
#include "Poco/Net/IPAddressImpl.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
namespace Poco {
class BinaryReader;
class BinaryWriter;
namespace Net {
class Net_API IPAddress
/// This class represents an internet (IP) host
/// address. The address can belong either to the
/// IPv4 or the IPv6 address family.
/// Relational operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) are
/// supported. However, you must not interpret any
/// special meaning into the result of these
/// operations, other than that the results are
/// consistent.
/// Especially, an IPv4 address is never equal to
/// an IPv6 address, even if the IPv6 address is
/// IPv4 compatible and the addresses are the same.
/// IPv6 addresses are supported only if the target platform
/// supports IPv6.
using List = std::vector<IPAddress>;
// The following declarations keep the Family type
// backwards compatible with the previously used
// enum declaration.
using Family = AddressFamily::Family;
static const Family IPv4 = AddressFamily::IPv4;
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
static const Family IPv6 = AddressFamily::IPv6;
/// Creates a wildcard (zero) IPv4 IPAddress.
IPAddress(const IPAddress& addr);
/// Creates an IPAddress by copying another one.
explicit IPAddress(Family family);
/// Creates a wildcard (zero) IPAddress for the
/// given address family.
explicit IPAddress(const std::string& addr);
/// Creates an IPAddress from the string containing
/// an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal
/// for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).
/// Depending on the format of addr, either an IPv4 or
/// an IPv6 address is created.
/// See toString() for details on the supported formats.
/// Throws an InvalidAddressException if the address cannot be parsed.
IPAddress(const std::string& addr, Family family);
/// Creates an IPAddress from the string containing
/// an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal
/// for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).
IPAddress(const void* addr, poco_socklen_t length);
/// Creates an IPAddress from a native internet address.
/// A pointer to a in_addr or a in6_addr structure may be
/// passed.
IPAddress(const void* addr, poco_socklen_t length, Poco::UInt32 scope);
/// Creates an IPAddress from a native internet address.
/// A pointer to a in_addr or a in6_addr structure may be
/// passed. Additionally, for an IPv6 address, a scope ID
/// may be specified. The scope ID will be ignored if an IPv4
/// address is specified.
IPAddress(unsigned prefix, Family family);
/// Creates an IPAddress mask with the given length of prefix.
#if defined(_WIN32)
IPAddress(const SOCKET_ADDRESS& socket_address);
/// Creates an IPAddress from Windows SOCKET_ADDRESS structure.
IPAddress(const struct sockaddr& sockaddr);
/// Same for struct sock_addr on POSIX.
/// Destroys the IPAddress.
IPAddress& operator = (const IPAddress& addr);
/// Assigns an IPAddress.
Family family() const;
/// Returns the address family (IPv4 or IPv6) of the address.
Poco::UInt32 scope() const;
/// Returns the IPv6 scope identifier of the address. Returns 0 if
/// the address is an IPv4 address, or the address is an
/// IPv6 address but does not have a scope identifier.
std::string toString() const;
/// Returns a string containing a representation of the address
/// in presentation format.
/// For IPv4 addresses the result will be in dotted-decimal
/// (d.d.d.d) notation.
/// Textual representation of IPv6 address is one of the following forms:
/// The preferred form is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where the 'x's are the hexadecimal
/// values of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address. This is the full form.
/// Example: 1080:0:0:0:8:600:200A:425C
/// It is not necessary to write the leading zeros in an individual field.
/// However, there must be at least one numeral in every field, except as described below.
/// It is common for IPv6 addresses to contain long strings of zero bits.
/// In order to make writing addresses containing zero bits easier, a special syntax is
/// available to compress the zeros. The use of "::" indicates multiple groups of 16-bits of zeros.
/// The "::" can only appear once in an address. The "::" can also be used to compress the leading
/// and/or trailing zeros in an address. Example: 1080::8:600:200A:425C
/// For dealing with IPv4 compatible addresses in a mixed environment,
/// a special syntax is available: x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d, where the 'x's are the
/// hexadecimal values of the six high-order 16-bit pieces of the address,
/// and the 'd's are the decimal values of the four low-order 8-bit pieces of the
/// standard IPv4 representation address. Example: ::FFFF:
/// If an IPv6 address contains a non-zero scope identifier, it is added
/// to the string, delimited by a percent character. On Windows platforms,
/// the numeric value (which specifies an interface index) is directly
/// appended. On Unix platforms, the name of the interface corresponding
/// to the index (interpretation of the scope identifier) is added.
bool isWildcard() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a wildcard (all zero)
/// address.
bool isBroadcast() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a broadcast address.
/// Only IPv4 addresses can be broadcast addresses. In a broadcast
/// address, all bits are one.
/// For an IPv6 address, returns always false.
bool isLoopback() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a loopback address.
/// For IPv4, the loopback address is
/// For IPv6, the loopback address is ::1.
bool isMulticast() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a multicast address.
/// IPv4 multicast addresses are in the
/// to range
/// (the first four bits have the value 1110).
/// IPv6 multicast addresses are in the
/// FFxx:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isUnicast() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a unicast address.
/// An address is unicast if it is neither a wildcard,
/// broadcast or multicast address.
bool isLinkLocal() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a link local unicast address.
/// IPv4 link local addresses are in the range,
/// according to RFC 3927.
/// IPv6 link local addresses have 1111 1110 10 as the first
/// 10 bits, followed by 54 zeros.
bool isSiteLocal() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a site local unicast address.
/// IPv4 site local addresses are in on of the,
/// or to ranges.
/// Originally, IPv6 site-local addresses had FEC0/10 (1111 1110 11)
/// prefix (RFC 4291), followed by 38 zeros. Interfaces using
/// this mask are supported, but obsolete; RFC 4193 prescribes
/// fc00::/7 (1111 110) as local unicast prefix.
bool isIPv4Compatible() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is IPv4 compatible.
/// For IPv4 addresses, this is always true.
/// For IPv6, the address must be in the ::x:x range (the
/// first 96 bits are zero).
bool isIPv4Mapped() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address.
/// For IPv4 addresses, this is always true.
/// For IPv6, the address must be in the ::FFFF:x:x range.
bool isWellKnownMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a well-known multicast address.
/// For IPv4, well-known multicast addresses are in the
/// range.
/// For IPv6, well-known multicast addresses are in the
/// FF0x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isNodeLocalMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a node-local multicast address.
/// IPv4 does not support node-local addresses, thus the result is
/// always false for an IPv4 address.
/// For IPv6, node-local multicast addresses are in the
/// FFx1:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isLinkLocalMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a link-local multicast address.
/// For IPv4, link-local multicast addresses are in the
/// range. Note that this overlaps with the range for well-known
/// multicast addresses.
/// For IPv6, link-local multicast addresses are in the
/// FFx2:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isSiteLocalMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a site-local multicast address.
/// For IPv4, site local multicast addresses are in the
/// range.
/// For IPv6, site-local multicast addresses are in the
/// FFx5:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isOrgLocalMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a organization-local multicast address.
/// For IPv4, organization-local multicast addresses are in the
/// range.
/// For IPv6, organization-local multicast addresses are in the
/// FFx8:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool isGlobalMC() const;
/// Returns true iff the address is a global multicast address.
/// For IPv4, global multicast addresses are in the
/// to range.
/// For IPv6, global multicast addresses are in the
/// FFxF:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.
bool operator == (const IPAddress& addr) const;
bool operator != (const IPAddress& addr) const;
bool operator < (const IPAddress& addr) const;
bool operator <= (const IPAddress& addr) const;
bool operator > (const IPAddress& addr) const;
bool operator >= (const IPAddress& addr) const;
IPAddress operator & (const IPAddress& addr) const;
IPAddress operator | (const IPAddress& addr) const;
IPAddress operator ^ (const IPAddress& addr) const;
IPAddress operator ~ () const;
poco_socklen_t length() const;
/// Returns the length in bytes of the internal socket address structure.
const void* addr() const;
/// Returns the internal address structure.
int af() const;
/// Returns the address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) of the address.
unsigned prefixLength() const;
/// Returns the prefix length.
void mask(const IPAddress& mask);
/// Masks the IP address using the given netmask, which is usually
/// a IPv4 subnet mask. Only supported for IPv4 addresses.
/// The new address is (address & mask).
void mask(const IPAddress& mask, const IPAddress& set);
/// Masks the IP address using the given netmask, which is usually
/// a IPv4 subnet mask. Only supported for IPv4 addresses.
/// The new address is (address & mask) | (set & ~mask).
static IPAddress parse(const std::string& addr);
/// Creates an IPAddress from the string containing
/// an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal
/// for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).
/// Depending on the format of addr, either an IPv4 or
/// an IPv6 address is created.
/// See toString() for details on the supported formats.
/// Throws an InvalidAddressException if the address cannot be parsed.
static bool tryParse(const std::string& addr, IPAddress& result);
/// Tries to interpret the given address string as an
/// IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal
/// for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).
/// Returns true and stores the IPAddress in result if the
/// string contains a valid address.
/// Returns false and leaves result unchanged otherwise.
static IPAddress wildcard(Family family = IPv4);
/// Returns a wildcard IPv4 or IPv6 address (
static IPAddress broadcast();
/// Returns a broadcast IPv4 address (
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
sizeof(struct in6_addr)
sizeof(struct in_addr)
/// Maximum length in bytes of a socket address.
typedef Poco::Net::Impl::IPAddressImpl Impl;
typedef Poco::AutoPtr<Impl> Ptr;
Ptr pImpl() const;
void newIPv4();
void newIPv4(const void* hostAddr);
void newIPv4(unsigned prefix);
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
void newIPv6();
void newIPv6(const void* hostAddr);
void newIPv6(const void* hostAddr, Poco::UInt32 scope);
void newIPv6(unsigned prefix);
Ptr _pImpl;
// inlines
inline IPAddress::Ptr IPAddress::pImpl() const
if (_pImpl) return _pImpl;
throw NullPointerException("IPaddress implementation pointer is NULL.");
inline void IPAddress::newIPv4()
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv4AddressImpl;
inline void IPAddress::newIPv4(const void* hostAddr)
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv4AddressImpl(hostAddr);
inline void IPAddress::newIPv4(unsigned prefix)
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv4AddressImpl(prefix);
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6)
inline void IPAddress::newIPv6()
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv6AddressImpl;
inline void IPAddress::newIPv6(const void* hostAddr)
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv6AddressImpl(hostAddr);
inline void IPAddress::newIPv6(const void* hostAddr, Poco::UInt32 scope)
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv6AddressImpl(hostAddr, scope);
inline void IPAddress::newIPv6(unsigned prefix)
_pImpl = new Poco::Net::Impl::IPv6AddressImpl(prefix);
#endif // POCO_HAVE_IPv6
} } // namespace Poco::Net
Net_API Poco::BinaryWriter& operator << (Poco::BinaryWriter& writer, const Poco::Net::IPAddress& value);
Net_API Poco::BinaryReader& operator >> (Poco::BinaryReader& reader, Poco::Net::IPAddress& value);
Net_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& ostr, const Poco::Net::IPAddress& addr);
#endif // Net_IPAddress_INCLUDED