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synced 2025-03-04 19:27:29 +01:00
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface. Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving. Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance. Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
1492 lines
49 KiB
1492 lines
49 KiB
// StringTest.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "StringTest.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestCaller.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestSuite.h"
#include "Poco/String.h"
#include "Poco/JSONString.h"
#include "Poco/Format.h"
#include "Poco/MemoryStream.h"
#include "Poco/Stopwatch.h"
#include "Poco/FPEnvironment.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using Poco::trimLeft;
using Poco::trimLeftInPlace;
using Poco::trimRight;
using Poco::trimRightInPlace;
using Poco::trim;
using Poco::trimInPlace;
using Poco::toUpper;
using Poco::toUpperInPlace;
using Poco::toLower;
using Poco::toLowerInPlace;
using Poco::icompare;
using Poco::istring;
using Poco::isubstr;
using Poco::translate;
using Poco::translateInPlace;
using Poco::replace;
using Poco::replaceInPlace;
using Poco::remove;
using Poco::removeInPlace;
using Poco::cat;
using Poco::startsWith;
using Poco::endsWith;
using Poco::strToInt;
using Poco::strToFloat;
using Poco::strToDouble;
using Poco::intToStr;
using Poco::uIntToStr;
using Poco::floatToStr;
using Poco::doubleToStr;
using Poco::thousandSeparator;
using Poco::decimalSeparator;
using Poco::format;
using Poco::toJSON;
using Poco::CILess;
using Poco::MemoryInputStream;
using Poco::Stopwatch;
using Poco::RangeException;
using Poco::isIntOverflow;
using Poco::isSafeIntCast;
using Poco::safeIntCast;
using Poco::FPEnvironment;
StringTest::StringTest(const std::string& rName): CppUnit::TestCase(rName)
void StringTest::testTrimLeft()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trimLeft(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " abc ";
assertTrue (trimLeft(s) == "abc ");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trimLeft(s) == "ab c ");
void StringTest::testTrimLeftInPlace()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trimLeftInPlace(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " abc ";
assertTrue (trimLeftInPlace(s) == "abc ");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trimLeftInPlace(s) == "ab c ");
void StringTest::testTrimRight()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trimRight(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " abc ";
assertTrue (trimRight(s) == " abc");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trimRight(s) == " ab c");
void StringTest::testTrimRightInPlace()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trimRightInPlace(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " abc ";
assertTrue (trimRightInPlace(s) == " abc");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trimRightInPlace(s) == " ab c");
void StringTest::testTrim()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trim(s) == "abc");
std::string s = "abc ";
assertTrue (trim(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trim(s) == "ab c");
void StringTest::testTrimInPlace()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (trimInPlace(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " abc ";
assertTrue (trimInPlace(s) == "abc");
std::string s = " ab c ";
assertTrue (trimInPlace(s) == "ab c");
void StringTest::testToUpper()
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (toUpper(s) == "ABC");
std::string s = "Abc";
assertTrue (toUpper(s) == "ABC");
std::string s = "abc";
assertTrue (toUpperInPlace(s) == "ABC");
std::string s = "Abc";
assertTrue (toUpperInPlace(s) == "ABC");
void StringTest::testToLower()
std::string s = "ABC";
assertTrue (toLower(s) == "abc");
std::string s = "aBC";
assertTrue (toLower(s) == "abc");
std::string s = "ABC";
assertTrue (toLowerInPlace(s) == "abc");
std::string s = "aBC";
assertTrue (toLowerInPlace(s) == "abc");
void StringTest::testIstring()
istring is1 = "AbC";
istring is2 = "aBc";
assertTrue (is1 == is2);
const char c1[] = { 'G', 0, (char) 0xFC, 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', '\0' };
const char c2[] = { 'g', 0, (char) 0xDC, 'N', 'T', 'E', 'R', '\0' };
is1 = c1;
is2 = c2;
assertTrue (is1 == is2);
is1[0] = 'f';
assertTrue (is1 < is2);
is1[0] = 'F';
assertTrue (is1 < is2);
is1[0] = 'H';
assertTrue (is1 > is2);
is1[0] = 'h';
assertTrue (is1 > is2);
is1 = "aAaBbBcCc";
is2 = "bbb";
assertTrue (isubstr(is1, is2) == 3);
is2 = "bC";
assertTrue (isubstr(is1, is2) == 5);
is2 = "xxx";
assertTrue (isubstr(is1, is2) == istring::npos);
void StringTest::testIcompare()
std::string s1 = "AAA";
std::string s2 = "aaa";
std::string s3 = "bbb";
std::string s4 = "cCcCc";
std::string s5;
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s2) == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s3) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s4) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s3, s1) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s4, s2) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s2, s4) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s5) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s5, s4) < 0);
std::string ss1 = "xxAAAzz";
std::string ss2 = "YaaaX";
std::string ss3 = "YbbbX";
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, ss2, 1, 3) == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, ss3, 1, 3) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, ss2, 1) == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, ss3, 1) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 2, ss2, 1, 3) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 2, ss2, 1, 2) == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss3, 1, 3, ss1, 2, 3) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s2.c_str()) == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s3.c_str()) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s4.c_str()) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s3, s1.c_str()) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s4, s2.c_str()) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s2, s4.c_str()) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s1, s5.c_str()) > 0);
assertTrue (icompare(s5, s4.c_str()) < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, "aaa") == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 2, "aaa") < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 3, "AAA") == 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, 2, "bb") < 0);
assertTrue (icompare(ss1, 2, "aaa") > 0);
void StringTest::testCILessThan()
typedef std::map<std::string, int, CILess> CIMapType;
CIMapType ciMap;
ciMap["z"] = 1;
ciMap["b"] = 2;
ciMap["A"] = 3;
ciMap["Z"] = 4;
assertTrue (ciMap.size() == 3);
CIMapType::iterator it = ciMap.begin();
assertTrue (it->first == "A"); ++it;
assertTrue (it->first == "b"); ++it;
assertTrue (it->first == "z");
assertTrue (it->second == 4);
typedef std::set<std::string, CILess> CISetType;
CISetType ciSet;
assertTrue (ciSet.size() == 3);
CISetType::iterator sIt = ciSet.begin();
assertTrue (*sIt == "A"); ++sIt;
assertTrue (*sIt == "b"); ++sIt;
assertTrue (*sIt == "z");
void StringTest::testTranslate()
std::string s = "aabbccdd";
assertTrue (translate(s, "abc", "ABC") == "AABBCCdd");
assertTrue (translate(s, "abc", "AB") == "AABBdd");
assertTrue (translate(s, "abc", "") == "dd");
assertTrue (translate(s, "cba", "CB") == "BBCCdd");
assertTrue (translate(s, "", "CB") == "aabbccdd");
void StringTest::testTranslateInPlace()
std::string s = "aabbccdd";
translateInPlace(s, "abc", "ABC");
assertTrue (s == "AABBCCdd");
void StringTest::testReplace()
std::string s("aabbccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("aa"), std::string("xx")) == "xxbbccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("bb"), std::string("xx")) == "aaxxccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("dd"), std::string("xx")) == "aabbccxx");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("bbcc"), std::string("xx")) == "aaxxdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("b"), std::string("xx")) == "aaxxxxccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("bb"), std::string("")) == "aaccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("b"), std::string("")) == "aaccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("ee"), std::string("xx")) == "aabbccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("dd"), std::string("")) == "aabbcc");
assertTrue (replace(s, "aa", "xx") == "xxbbccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "bb", "xx") == "aaxxccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "dd", "xx") == "aabbccxx");
assertTrue (replace(s, "bbcc", "xx") == "aaxxdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "bb", "") == "aaccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "b", "") == "aaccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "ee", "xx") == "aabbccdd");
assertTrue (replace(s, "dd", "") == "aabbcc");
s = "aabbaabb";
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("aa"), std::string("")) == "bbbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("a"), std::string("")) == "bbbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("a"), std::string("x")) == "xxbbxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("a"), std::string("xx")) == "xxxxbbxxxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("aa"), std::string("xxx")) == "xxxbbxxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, std::string("aa"), std::string("xx"), 2) == "aabbxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "aa", "") == "bbbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "a", "") == "bbbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "a", "x") == "xxbbxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "a", "xx") == "xxxxbbxxxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "aa", "xxx") == "xxxbbxxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, "aa", "xx", 2) == "aabbxxbb");
assertTrue (replace(s, 'a', 'x', 2) == "aabbxxbb");
assertTrue (remove(s, 'a', 2) == "aabbbb");
assertTrue (remove(s, 'a') == "bbbb");
assertTrue (remove(s, 'b', 2) == "aaaa");
void StringTest::testReplaceInPlace()
std::string s("aabbccdd");
replaceInPlace(s, std::string("aa"), std::string("xx"));
assertTrue (s == "xxbbccdd");
s = "aabbccdd";
replaceInPlace(s, 'a', 'x');
assertTrue (s == "xxbbccdd");
replaceInPlace(s, 'x');
assertTrue (s == "bbccdd");
removeInPlace(s, 'b', 1);
assertTrue (s == "bccdd");
removeInPlace(s, 'd');
assertTrue (s == "bcc");
void StringTest::testCat()
std::string s1("one");
std::string s2("two");
std::string s3("three");
std::string s4("four");
std::string s5("five");
std::string s6("six");
assertTrue (cat(s1, s2) == "onetwo");
assertTrue (cat(s1, s2, s3) == "onetwothree");
assertTrue (cat(s1, s2, s3, s4) == "onetwothreefour");
assertTrue (cat(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5) == "onetwothreefourfive");
assertTrue (cat(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) == "onetwothreefourfivesix");
std::vector<std::string> vec;
assertTrue (cat(std::string(), vec.begin(), vec.end()) == "");
assertTrue (cat(std::string(","), vec.begin(), vec.end()) == "");
assertTrue (cat(std::string(","), vec.begin(), vec.end()) == "one");
assertTrue (cat(std::string(","), vec.begin(), vec.end()) == "one,two");
assertTrue (cat(std::string(","), vec.begin(), vec.end()) == "one,two,three");
void StringTest::testStartsWith()
std::string s1("o");
assertTrue (startsWith(s1, std::string("o")));
assertTrue (startsWith(s1, std::string("")));
assertTrue (!startsWith(s1, std::string("O")));
assertTrue (!startsWith(s1, std::string("1")));
std::string s2("");
assertTrue (startsWith(s2, std::string("")));
assertTrue (!startsWith(s2, std::string("o")));
std::string s3("oO");
assertTrue (startsWith(s3, std::string("o")));
assertTrue (!startsWith(s3, std::string(" o")));
void StringTest::testEndsWith()
std::string s1("o");
assertTrue (endsWith(s1, std::string("o")));
assertTrue (endsWith(s1, std::string("")));
assertTrue (!endsWith(s1, std::string("O")));
assertTrue (!endsWith(s1, std::string("1")));
std::string s2("");
assertTrue (endsWith(s2, std::string("")));
assertTrue (!endsWith(s2, std::string("o")));
std::string s3("Oo");
assertTrue (endsWith(s3, std::string("o")));
assertTrue (!endsWith(s3, std::string("o ")));
void StringTest::testStringToInt()
//gcc on Mac emits warnings that cannot be suppressed
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
void StringTest::testStringToFloat()
float result;
std::string sep(".,");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
char ds = sep[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
char ts = sep[j];
if (ts == ds) continue;
assertTrue (strToFloat("1", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("%c1", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.1, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("1%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat("0", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("0%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("-12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("-%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("-12%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat("12", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat("-12", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("1%c234%c34", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1234.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c345%c34", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12345.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("123%c456%c34", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(123456.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("1%c234%c567%c34", ts, ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
if ((std::numeric_limits<double>::max() / 10) < 1.23456e10)
fail ("test value larger than max value for this platform");
float d = 12e34f;
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12e34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01e34);
d = 1.234e30f;
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("1%c234e30", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("1%c234E+30", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
float d = 12.34e-10f;
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c34e-10", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("-12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format(" 12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format("12%c34 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToFloat(format(" 12%c34 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("nan")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("xNaNy")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("inf")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("-inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("-infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("1.23")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("Inf")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToFloat("Inf", "Inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("-inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("-infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("1.23")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("abc")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToFloat("Inf", "Inf")));
void StringTest::testStringToDouble()
double result;
std::string sep(".,");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
char ds = sep[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
char ts = sep[j];
if (ts == ds) continue;
assertTrue (strToDouble("1", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("%c1", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.1, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble("0", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("0%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(0., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("0%c0", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.0, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-12%c", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12., result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble("12", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble("-12", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c3456789012345678901234567890", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble("1234345", result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1234345, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234%c345", ts, ts), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1234345, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1234.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c345%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12345.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("123%c456%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(123456.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234%c567%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(1234567.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c345%c678%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12345678.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("123%c456%c789%c3456789012345678901234567890", ts, ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(123456789.3456789, result, 0.00000001);
if ((std::numeric_limits<double>::max() / 10) < 1.23456e10)
fail ("test value larger than max value for this platform");
double d = 12e34;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12e34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01e34);
d = 1.234e100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234e100", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234E+100", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = 1.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("1%c234E-100", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = -1.234e100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-1%c234e+100", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-1%c234E100", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = 1.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 1%c234e-100 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 1%c234e-100 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 1%c234e-100 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = 1234.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 1%c234%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = 12345.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 12%c345%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = 123456.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 123%c456%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = -1234.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" -1%c234%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = -12345.234e-100;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" -12%c345%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
d = -123456.234e-100;
char ou = 0;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" -123%c456%c234e-100 ", ts, ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (ou == 0);
double d = 12.34e-10;
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c34e-10", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(d, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("-12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(-12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 12%c34", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format("12%c34 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (strToDouble(format(" 12%c34 ", ds), result, ds, ts));
assertEqualDelta(12.34, result, 0.01);
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("nan")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("xNaNy")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("inf")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("-inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("-infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("1.23")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("Inf")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isNaN(strToDouble("Inf", "Inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("-inf")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("-infinity", "infinity")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("1.23")));
assertTrue (!FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("abc")));
assertTrue (FPEnvironment::isInfinite(strToDouble("Inf", "Inf")));
void StringTest::testNumericStringPadding()
std::string str;
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 0.999f, 2, 4) == "1.00");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 0.945f, 2, 4) == "0.95");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 0.944f, 2, 4) == "0.94");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 12.45f, 2, 5) == "12.45");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 12.45f, 1, 4) == "12.5");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 12.45f, 2, 6) == " 12.45");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 12.455f, 3, 7) == " 12.455");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 12.455f, 2, 6) == " 12.46");
assertTrue (floatToStr(str, 1.23556E-16f, 2, 6) == "1.24e-16");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 0.999, 2, 4) == "1.00");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 0.945, 2, 4) == "0.95");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 0.944, 2, 4) == "0.94");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 12.45, 2, 5) == "12.45");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 12.45, 1, 4) == "12.5");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 12.45, 2, 6) == " 12.45");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 12.455, 3, 7) == " 12.455");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 12.455, 2, 6) == " 12.46");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, 1.23556E-16, 2, 6) == "1.24e-16");
void StringTest::testStringToFloatError()
char ds = decimalSeparator();
if (ds == 0) ds = '.';
char ts = thousandSeparator();
if (ts == 0) ts = ',';
assertTrue (ds != ts);
double result = 0.0;
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("a12%c3", ds), result));
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("1b2%c3", ds), result));
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("12c%c3", ds), result));
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("12%cx3", ds), result));
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("123%c456%c234e1000000", ts, ds), result));
assertTrue (!strToDouble(format("123%c456%c234e+1000000", ts, ds), result));
//assertTrue (!strToDouble(0, result, ou)); // strToDouble is resilient to null pointers
assertTrue (!strToDouble("", result));
void StringTest::testNumericLocale()
char dp = decimalSeparator();
char ts = thousandSeparator();
std::locale loc;
std::cout << "Original locale: '" << loc.name() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Decimal point: '" << decimalSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thousand separator: '" << ts << '\'' << std::endl;
doubleToStr(buffer, POCO_MAX_FLT_STRING_LEN, 1.23);
assertTrue (std::strncmp(buffer, "1.23", 4) == 0);
std::cout << "1.23 == '" << buffer << '\'' << std::endl;
std::locale locGerman;
assertTrue (',' == decimalSeparator());
assertTrue ('.' == thousandSeparator());
std::cout << "New locale: '" << locGerman.name() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Decimal point: '" << decimalSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thousand separator: '" << thousandSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
doubleToStr(buffer, POCO_MAX_FLT_STRING_LEN, 1.23);
assertTrue (std::strncmp(buffer, "1.23", 4) == 0);
std::cout << "1.23 == '" << buffer << '\'' << std::endl;
std::locale locUS;
assertTrue ('.' == decimalSeparator());
assertTrue (',' == thousandSeparator());
std::cout << "New locale: '" << locUS.name() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Decimal point: '" << decimalSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thousand separator: '" << thousandSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
doubleToStr(buffer, POCO_MAX_FLT_STRING_LEN, 1.23);
assertTrue (std::strncmp(buffer, "1.23", 4) == 0);
std::cout << "1.23 == '" << buffer << '\'' << std::endl;
dp = decimalSeparator();
ts = thousandSeparator();
std::cout << "Final locale: '" << loc.name() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Decimal point: '" << decimalSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thousand separator: '" << thousandSeparator() << '\'' << std::endl;
doubleToStr(buffer, POCO_MAX_FLT_STRING_LEN, 1.23);
assertTrue (std::strncmp(buffer, "1.23", 4) == 0);
std::cout << "1.23 == '" << buffer << '\'' << std::endl;
assertTrue (dp == decimalSeparator());
assertTrue (ts == thousandSeparator());
} catch (std::runtime_error& ex)
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
warnmsg ("Locale not found, skipping test");
void StringTest::benchmarkStrToInt()
Poco::Stopwatch sw;
std::string num = "123456789";
int res;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) parseStream(num, res);
std::cout << "parseStream Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStream = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
char* pC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) res = std::strtol(num.c_str(), &pC, 10);
std::cout << "std::strtol Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStrtol = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) strToInt(num.c_str(), res, 10);
std::cout << "strToInt Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStrToInt = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) std::sscanf(num.c_str(), "%d", &res);
std::cout << "sscanf Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeScanf = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
int graph;
std::cout << std::endl << "Timing and speedup relative to I/O stream:" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "Stream:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeStream << "[ms]" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "std::strtol:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeStrtol << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeStrtol) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeStrtol); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '|';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "strToInt:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeStrToInt << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeStrToInt) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeStrToInt); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '|';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "std::sscanf:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeScanf << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeScanf) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeScanf); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '|';
std::cout << std::endl;
void StringTest::benchmarkStrToFloat()
Poco::Stopwatch sw;
std::string num = "1.0372157551632929e-112";
std::cout << "The Number: " << num << std::endl;
double res;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) parseStream(num, res);
std::cout << "parseStream Number: " << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10) << res << std::endl;
double timeStream = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// standard strtod
char* pC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) res = std::strtod(num.c_str(), &pC);
std::cout << "std::strtod Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStdStrtod = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// POCO Way
char ou = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) strToDouble(num, res, ou);
std::cout << "strToDouble Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStrToDouble = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// standard sscanf
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) std::sscanf(num.c_str(), "%lf", &res);
std::cout << "sscanf Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeScanf = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// double-conversion Strtod
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) strToDouble(num.c_str());
std::cout << "Strtod Number: " << res << std::endl;
double timeStrtod = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
int graph;
std::cout << std::endl << "Timing and speedup relative to I/O stream:" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "Stream:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << std::setprecision(4) << timeStream << "[ms]" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "std::strtod:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeStdStrtod << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeStdStrtod) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeStdStrtod); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "strToDouble:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeStrToDouble << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeStrToDouble) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeStrToDouble); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "std::sscanf:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeScanf << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeScanf) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeScanf); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "StrtoD:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeScanf << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeStrtod) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeStrtod); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl;
void StringTest::testIntToString()
//intToStr(T number, unsigned short base, std::string& result, bool prefix = false, int width = -1, char fill = ' ', char thSep = 0)
// decimal
std::string result;
assertTrue (intToStr(0, 10, result));
assertTrue (result == "0");
assertTrue (intToStr(0, 10, result, false, 10, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "0000000000");
assertTrue (intToStr(1234567890, 10, result));
assertTrue (result == "1234567890");
assertTrue (intToStr(-1234567890, 10, result));
assertTrue (result == "-1234567890");
assertTrue (intToStr(-1234567890, 10, result, false, 15, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "-00001234567890");
assertTrue (intToStr(-1234567890, 10, result, false, 15));
assertTrue (result == " -1234567890");
assertTrue (intToStr(-1234567890, 10, result, false, 0, 0, ','));
assertTrue (result == "-1,234,567,890");
// binary
assertTrue (intToStr(1234567890, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1001001100101100000001011010010");
assertTrue (intToStr(1234567890, 2, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "1001001100101100000001011010010");
assertTrue (intToStr(1234567890, 2, result, true, 35, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "00001001001100101100000001011010010");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFF, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "11111111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0x0F, 2, result, false, 8, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "00001111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0x0F, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xF0, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "11110000");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFFFF, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1111111111111111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFF00, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1111111100000000");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFFFFFFFF, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "11111111111111111111111111111111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFF00FF00, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "11111111000000001111111100000000");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xF0F0F0F0, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "11110000111100001111000011110000");
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFF00000FF00000FF, 2, result));
assertTrue (result == "1111111100000000000000000000111111110000000000000000000011111111");
// octal
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 010, result));
assertTrue (result == "11145401322");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 010, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "011145401322");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 010, result, true, 15, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "000011145401322");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(012345670, 010, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "012345670");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(012345670, 010, result));
assertTrue (result == "12345670");
// hexadecimal
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0, 0x10, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "0x0");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0, 0x10, result, true, 4, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "0x00");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0, 0x10, result, false, 4, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "0000");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 0x10, result));
assertTrue (result == "499602D2");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 0x10, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "0x499602D2");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(1234567890, 0x10, result, true, 15, '0'));
assertTrue (result == "0x00000499602D2");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0x1234567890ABCDEF, 0x10, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "0x1234567890ABCDEF");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xDEADBEEF, 0x10, result));
assertTrue (result == "DEADBEEF");
#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x10, result));
assertTrue (result == "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
assertTrue (uIntToStr(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x10, result, true));
assertTrue (result == "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
std::size_t sz = POCO_MAX_INT_STRING_LEN;
intToStr(0, 10, pResult, sz, false, (int) sz + 1, ' ');
fail ("must throw RangeException");
} catch (RangeException&) { }
void StringTest::testFloatToString()
double val = 1.03721575516329e-112;
std::string str;
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 14, 21) == "1.03721575516329e-112");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 14, 22) == " 1.03721575516329e-112");
val = -val;
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 14, 22) == "-1.03721575516329e-112");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 14, 23) == " -1.03721575516329e-112");
val = -10372157551632.9;
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 1, 21, ',') == "-10,372,157,551,632.9");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 1, 22, ',') == " -10,372,157,551,632.9");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 2, 22, ',') == "-10,372,157,551,632.90");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 2, 22, '.', ',') == "-10.372.157.551.632,90");
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, val, 2, 22, ' ', ',') == "-10 372 157 551 632,90");
int ival = 1234567890;
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, ival, 1, 15, ',') == "1,234,567,890.0");
ival = -123456789;
assertTrue (doubleToStr(str, ival, 1, 14, ',') == "-123,456,789.0");
void StringTest::testNumericStringLimit()
char c = 0, t = -1;
assertTrue(safeIntCast<char>(c, t) == c);
assertTrue(t == c);
short s = SHRT_MAX;
safeIntCast(s, t);
fail("cast must fail");
safeIntCast(s, t);
fail("short => char cast must fail");
signed char sc = 0, st = -1;
assertTrue(!isIntOverflow<signed char>(sc));
assertTrue(safeIntCast<char>(sc, st) == sc);
assertTrue(st == sc);
short ss = SHRT_MAX;
assertTrue(isIntOverflow<signed char>(ss));
safeIntCast(ss, st);
fail("short => signed char cast must fail");
ss = SHRT_MIN;
assertTrue(isIntOverflow<signed char>(ss));
safeIntCast(ss, st);
fail("short => signed char cast must fail");
assertTrue(safeIntCast<signed char>(sc, st) == c);
assertTrue(st == sc);
unsigned char uc = 0, ut = -1;
assertTrue(!isIntOverflow<unsigned char>(uc));
assertTrue(safeIntCast<char>(uc, ut) == uc);
assertTrue(ut == uc);
ss = SHRT_MAX;
assertTrue(isIntOverflow<unsigned char>(ss));
safeIntCast(ss, st);
fail("cast must fail");
ss = -1;
assertTrue(isIntOverflow<unsigned char>(ss));
safeIntCast(ss, uc);
fail("unsigned short => unsigned char cast must fail");
int i = 0;
i = -1;
unsigned int ti = -1;
safeIntCast(i, ti);
fail("unsigned int => int cast must fail");
if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int))
long l = LONG_MAX;
l = -1L;
i = -1;
long tl = 0;
assertTrue(safeIntCast(i, tl) == i);
unsigned long ul = ULONG_MAX, tul = 0;
safeIntCast(ul, tl);
fail("unsigned long => long cast must fail");
assertTrue(!isIntOverflow<unsigned long>(ul));
tl = 0;
assertTrue(safeIntCast(ul, tul) == ul);
assertTrue(isIntOverflow<unsigned long>(l));
safeIntCast(l, ul);
fail("unsigned long => long cast must fail");
ul = LONG_MAX;
assertTrue(safeIntCast(ul, l) == ul);
numericStringLimitSameSign<unsigned short, unsigned char>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<short, char>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<unsigned int, unsigned short>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<int, short>();
if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int))
numericStringLimitSameSign<unsigned long, unsigned int>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<long, int>();
numericStringLowerLimit<short, char>();
numericStringLowerLimit<int, short>();
if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int))
numericStringLowerLimit<Poco::Int64, Poco::Int32>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<uint16_t, uint8_t>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<int16_t, int8_t>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<uint32_t, uint16_t>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<int32_t, int16_t>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<uint64_t, uint32_t>();
numericStringLimitSameSign<int64_t, int32_t>();
numericStringLowerLimit<int16_t, int8_t>();
numericStringLowerLimit<int32_t, int16_t>();
numericStringLowerLimit<int64_t, int32_t>();
void formatStream(double value, std::string& str)
char buffer[128];
Poco::MemoryOutputStream ostr(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
#if !defined(POCO_NO_LOCALE)
ostr << std::setprecision(16) << value;
str.assign(buffer, static_cast<std::string::size_type>(ostr.charsWritten()));
void formatSprintf(double value, std::string& str)
char buffer[128];
std::sprintf(buffer, "%.*g", 16, value);
str = buffer;
void StringTest::benchmarkFloatToStr()
Poco::Stopwatch sw;
double val = 1.0372157551632929e-112;
std::cout << "The Number: " << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10) << val << std::endl;
std::string str;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) formatStream(val, str);
std::cout << "formatStream Number: " << str << std::endl;
double timeStream = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// standard sprintf
str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) formatSprintf(val, str);
std::cout << "std::sprintf Number: " << str << std::endl;
double timeSprintf = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// POCO Way (via double-conversion)
// no padding
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) doubleToStr(buffer, POCO_MAX_FLT_STRING_LEN, val);
std::cout << "doubleToStr(char) Number: " << buffer << std::endl;
double timeDoubleToStrChar = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
// with padding
str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) doubleToStr(str, val);
std::cout << "doubleToStr(std::string) Number: " << str << std::endl;
double timeDoubleToStrString = sw.elapsed() / 1000.0;
int graph;
std::cout << std::endl << "Timing and speedup relative to I/O stream:" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "Stream:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << std::setprecision(4) << timeStream << "[ms]" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(14) << "sprintf:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeSprintf << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeSprintf) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeSprintf); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "doubleToChar:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeDoubleToStrChar << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeDoubleToStrChar) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeDoubleToStrChar); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(14) << "doubleToString:\t" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << timeDoubleToStrString << "[ms]" <<
std::setw(10) << std::setfill(' ') << "Speedup: " << (timeStream / timeDoubleToStrString) << '\t' ;
graph = (int) (timeStream / timeDoubleToStrString); for (int i = 0; i < graph; ++i) std::cout << '#';
std::cout << std::endl;
void StringTest::testJSONString()
assertTrue (toJSON("\\", false) == "\\\\");
assertTrue (toJSON("\"", false) == "\\\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("/", false) == "\\/");
assertTrue (toJSON("\a", false) == "\\u0007");
assertTrue (toJSON("\b", false) == "\\b");
assertTrue (toJSON("\f", false) == "\\f");
assertTrue (toJSON("\n", false) == "\\n");
assertTrue (toJSON("\r", false) == "\\r");
assertTrue (toJSON("\t", false) == "\\t");
assertTrue (toJSON("\v", false) == "\\u000B");
assertTrue (toJSON("a", false) == "a");
assertTrue (toJSON("\xD0\x82", 0) == "\xD0\x82");
assertTrue (toJSON("\xD0\x82", Poco::JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE) == "\\u0402");
// ??? on MSVC, the assert macro expansion
// fails to compile when this string is inline ???
std::string str = "\"foo\\\\\"";
assertTrue (toJSON("foo\\") == str);
assertTrue (toJSON("bar/") == "\"bar\\/\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("baz") == "\"baz\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("q\"uote\"d") == "\"q\\\"uote\\\"d\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("bs\b") == "\"bs\\b\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("nl\n") == "\"nl\\n\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("tb\t") == "\"tb\\t\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("\xD0\x82") == "\"\xD0\x82\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("\xD0\x82", Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS) == "\"\xD0\x82\"");
assertTrue (toJSON("\xD0\x82",
Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS | Poco::JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE) == "\"\\u0402\"");
std::ostringstream ostr;
toJSON("foo\\", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == str);
toJSON("foo\\", ostr);
assertTrue (toJSON("bar/") == "\"bar\\/\"");
toJSON("baz", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"baz\"");
toJSON("q\"uote\"d", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"q\\\"uote\\\"d\"");
toJSON("bs\b", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"bs\\b\"");
toJSON("nl\n", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"nl\\n\"");
toJSON("tb\t", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"tb\\t\"");
toJSON("\xD0\x82", ostr);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"\xD0\x82\"");
toJSON("\xD0\x82", ostr, Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"\xD0\x82\"");
toJSON("\xD0\x82", ostr, Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS | Poco::JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE);
assertTrue (ostr.str() == "\"\\u0402\"");
void StringTest::setUp()
void StringTest::tearDown()
CppUnit::Test* StringTest::suite()
CppUnit::TestSuite* pSuite = new CppUnit::TestSuite("StringTest");
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrimLeft);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrimLeftInPlace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrimRight);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrimInPlace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrim);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTrimRightInPlace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testToUpper);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testToLower);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testIstring);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testIcompare);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testCILessThan);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTranslate);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testTranslateInPlace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testReplace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testReplaceInPlace);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testCat);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testStartsWith);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testEndsWith);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testStringToInt);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testStringToFloat);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testStringToDouble);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testNumericStringPadding);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testNumericStringLimit);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testStringToFloatError);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testNumericLocale);
//CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, benchmarkStrToFloat);
//CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, benchmarkStrToInt);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testIntToString);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testFloatToString);
//CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, benchmarkFloatToStr);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, StringTest, testJSONString);
return pSuite;