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// EVPPKey.h
// Library: Crypto
// Package: CryptoCore
// Module: EVPPKey
// Definition of the EVPPKey class.
// Copyright (c) 2008, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Crypto_EVPPKeyImpl_INCLUDED
#define Crypto_EVPPKeyImpl_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Crypto/Crypto.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/CryptoException.h"
#include "Poco/StreamCopier.h"
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace Poco {
namespace Crypto {
class ECKey;
class RSAKey;
class Crypto_API EVPPKey
/// Utility class for conversion of native keys to EVP.
/// Currently, only RSA and EC keys are supported.
explicit EVPPKey(const std::string& ecCurveName);
/// Constructs EVPPKey from ECC curve name.
/// Only EC keys can be wrapped by an EVPPKey
/// created using this constructor.
explicit EVPPKey(const char* ecCurveName);
/// Constructs EVPPKey from ECC curve name.
/// Only EC keys can be wrapped by an EVPPKey
/// created using this constructor.
explicit EVPPKey(EVP_PKEY* pEVPPKey);
/// Constructs EVPPKey from EVP_PKEY pointer.
/// The content behind the supplied pointer is internally duplicated.
template<typename K>
explicit EVPPKey(K* pKey): _pEVPPKey(EVP_PKEY_new())
/// Constructs EVPPKey from a "native" OpenSSL (RSA or EC_KEY),
/// or a Poco wrapper (RSAKey, ECKey) key pointer.
if (!_pEVPPKey) throw OpenSSLException();
EVPPKey(const std::string& publicKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase = "");
/// Creates the EVPPKey, by reading public and private key from the given files and
/// using the given passphrase for the private key. Can only by used for signing if
/// a private key is available.
EVPPKey(std::istream* pPublicKeyStream, std::istream* pPrivateKeyStream, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase = "");
/// Creates the EVPPKey. Can only by used for signing if pPrivKey
/// is not null. If a private key file is specified, you don't need to
/// specify a public key file. OpenSSL will auto-create it from the private key.
EVPPKey(const EVPPKey& other);
/// Copy constructor.
EVPPKey(EVPPKey&& other) noexcept;
/// Move constructor.
EVPPKey& operator = (const EVPPKey& other);
/// Assignment operator.
EVPPKey& operator = (EVPPKey&& other) noexcept;
/// Assignment move operator.
/// Destroys the EVPPKey.
bool operator == (const EVPPKey& other) const;
/// Comparison operator.
/// Returns true if public key components and parameters
/// of the other key are equal to this key.
/// Works as expected when one key contains only public key,
/// while the other one contains private (thus also public) key.
bool operator != (const EVPPKey& other) const;
/// Comparison operator.
/// Returns true if public key components and parameters
/// of the other key are different from this key.
/// Works as expected when one key contains only public key,
/// while the other one contains private (thus also public) key.
void save(const std::string& publicKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyFile = "", const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase = "") const;
/// Exports the public and/or private keys to the given files.
/// If an empty filename is specified, the corresponding key
/// is not exported.
void save(std::ostream* pPublicKeyStream, std::ostream* pPrivateKeyStream = 0, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase = "") const;
/// Exports the public and/or private key to the given streams.
/// If a null pointer is passed for a stream, the corresponding
/// key is not exported.
int type() const;
/// Retuns the EVPPKey type NID.
bool isSupported(int type) const;
/// Returns true if OpenSSL type is supported
operator const EVP_PKEY*() const;
/// Returns const pointer to the OpenSSL EVP_PKEY structure.
operator EVP_PKEY*();
/// Returns pointer to the OpenSSL EVP_PKEY structure.
static EVP_PKEY* duplicate(const EVP_PKEY* pFromKey, EVP_PKEY** pToKey);
/// Duplicates pFromKey into *pToKey and returns
// the pointer to duplicated EVP_PKEY.
static int type(const EVP_PKEY* pEVPPKey);
void newECKey(const char* group);
void duplicate(EVP_PKEY* pEVPPKey);
void setKey(ECKey* pKey);
void setKey(RSAKey* pKey);
void setKey(EC_KEY* pKey);
void setKey(RSA* pKey);
static int passCB(char* buf, int size, int, void* pass);
typedef EVP_PKEY* (*PEM_read_FILE_Key_fn)(FILE*, EVP_PKEY**, pem_password_cb*, void*);
typedef EVP_PKEY* (*PEM_read_BIO_Key_fn)(BIO*, EVP_PKEY**, pem_password_cb*, void*);
typedef void* (*EVP_PKEY_get_Key_fn)(EVP_PKEY*);
// The following load*() functions are used by both native and EVP_PKEY type key
// loading from BIO/FILE.
// When used for EVP key loading, getFunc is null (ie. native key is not extracted
// from the loaded EVP_PKEY).
template <typename K, typename F>
static bool loadKey(K** ppKey,
PEM_read_FILE_Key_fn readFunc,
F getFunc,
const std::string& keyFile,
const std::string& pass = "")
poco_assert_dbg (((typeid(K*) == typeid(RSA*) || typeid(K*) == typeid(EC_KEY*)) && getFunc) ||
((typeid(K*) == typeid(EVP_PKEY*)) && !getFunc));
poco_check_ptr (ppKey);
poco_assert_dbg (!*ppKey);
FILE* pFile = 0;
if (!keyFile.empty())
if (!getFunc) *ppKey = (K*)EVP_PKEY_new();
EVP_PKEY* pKey = getFunc ? EVP_PKEY_new() : (EVP_PKEY*)*ppKey;
if (pKey)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996) // deprecation warnings
pFile = fopen(keyFile.c_str(), "r");
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
if (pFile)
pem_password_cb* pCB = pass.empty() ? (pem_password_cb*)0 : &passCB;
void* pPassword = pass.empty() ? (void*)0 : (void*)pass.c_str();
if (readFunc(pFile, &pKey, pCB, pPassword))
fclose(pFile); pFile = 0;
*ppKey = (K*)getFunc(pKey);
poco_assert_dbg (typeid(K*) == typeid(EVP_PKEY*));
*ppKey = (K*)pKey;
if (!*ppKey) goto error;
return true;
if (getFunc) EVP_PKEY_free(pKey);
goto error;
if (getFunc) EVP_PKEY_free(pKey);
throw IOException("ECKeyImpl, cannot open file", keyFile);
else goto error;
return false;
if (pFile) fclose(pFile);
throw OpenSSLException("EVPKey::loadKey(string)");
template <typename K, typename F>
static bool loadKey(K** ppKey,
PEM_read_BIO_Key_fn readFunc,
F getFunc,
std::istream* pIstr,
const std::string& pass = "")
poco_assert_dbg (((typeid(K*) == typeid(RSA*) || typeid(K*) == typeid(EC_KEY*)) && getFunc) ||
((typeid(K*) == typeid(EVP_PKEY*)) && !getFunc));
BIO* pBIO = 0;
if (pIstr)
std::ostringstream ostr;
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(*pIstr, ostr);
std::string key = ostr.str();
pBIO = BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast<char*>(key.data()), static_cast<int>(key.size()));
if (pBIO)
if (!getFunc) *ppKey = (K*)EVP_PKEY_new();
EVP_PKEY* pKey = getFunc ? EVP_PKEY_new() : (EVP_PKEY*)*ppKey;
if (pKey)
pem_password_cb* pCB = pass.empty() ? (pem_password_cb*)0 : &passCB;
void* pPassword = pass.empty() ? (void*)0 : (void*)pass.c_str();
if (readFunc(pBIO, &pKey, pCB, pPassword))
BIO_free(pBIO); pBIO = 0;
if (getFunc)
*ppKey = (K*)getFunc(pKey);
poco_assert_dbg (typeid(K*) == typeid(EVP_PKEY*));
*ppKey = (K*)pKey;
if (!*ppKey) goto error;
return true;
if (getFunc) EVP_PKEY_free(pKey);
goto error;
else goto error;
else goto error;
return false;
if (pBIO) BIO_free(pBIO);
throw OpenSSLException("EVPKey::loadKey(stream)");
friend class ECKeyImpl;
friend class RSAKeyImpl;
// inlines
inline bool EVPPKey::operator == (const EVPPKey& other) const
poco_check_ptr (other._pEVPPKey);
poco_check_ptr (_pEVPPKey);
return (1 == EVP_PKEY_cmp(_pEVPPKey, other._pEVPPKey));
inline bool EVPPKey::operator != (const EVPPKey& other) const
return !(other == *this);
inline int EVPPKey::type(const EVP_PKEY* pEVPPKey)
if (!pEVPPKey) return NID_undef;
return EVP_PKEY_type(EVP_PKEY_id(pEVPPKey));
inline int EVPPKey::type() const
return type(_pEVPPKey);
inline bool EVPPKey::isSupported(int type) const
return type == EVP_PKEY_EC || type == EVP_PKEY_RSA;
inline EVPPKey::operator const EVP_PKEY*() const
return _pEVPPKey;
inline EVPPKey::operator EVP_PKEY*()
return _pEVPPKey;
inline void EVPPKey::setKey(EC_KEY* pKey)
if (!EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(_pEVPPKey, pKey))
throw OpenSSLException();
inline void EVPPKey::setKey(RSA* pKey)
if (!EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(_pEVPPKey, pKey))
throw OpenSSLException();
} } // namespace Poco::Crypto
#endif // Crypto_EVPPKeyImpl_INCLUDED