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// SQLiteStatementImpl.cpp
// Library: Data/SQLite
// Package: SQLite
// Module: SQLiteStatementImpl
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "Poco/Data/SQLite/SQLiteStatementImpl.h"
#include "Poco/Data/SQLite/Utility.h"
#include "Poco/Data/SQLite/SQLiteException.h"
#include "Poco/String.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#if defined(POCO_UNBUNDLED)
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "sqlite3.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
namespace SQLite {
const int SQLiteStatementImpl::POCO_SQLITE_INV_ROW_CNT = -1;
SQLiteStatementImpl::SQLiteStatementImpl(Poco::Data::SessionImpl& rSession, sqlite3* pDB):
catch (...)
void SQLiteStatementImpl::compileImpl()
if (!_pLeftover)
_bindBegin = bindings().begin();
std::string statement(toString());
sqlite3_stmt* pStmt = 0;
const char* pSql = _pLeftover ? _pLeftover->c_str() : statement.c_str();
if (0 == std::strlen(pSql))
throw InvalidSQLStatementException("Empty statements are illegal");
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
const char* pLeftover = 0;
bool queryFound = false;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_pDB, pSql, -1, &pStmt, &pLeftover);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
if (pStmt) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
pStmt = 0;
std::string errMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(_pDB);
Utility::throwException(_pDB, rc, errMsg);
else if (rc == SQLITE_OK && pStmt)
queryFound = true;
else if (rc == SQLITE_OK && !pStmt) // comment/whitespace ignore
pSql = pLeftover;
if (std::strlen(pSql) == 0)
// empty statement or an conditional statement! like CREATE IF NOT EXISTS
// this is valid
queryFound = true;
} while (rc == SQLITE_OK && !pStmt && !queryFound);
//Finalization call in clear() invalidates the pointer, so the value is remembered here.
//For last statement in a batch (or a single statement), pLeftover == "", so the next call
// to compileImpl() shall return false immediately when there are no more statements left.
std::string leftOver(pLeftover);
_pStmt = pStmt;
if (!leftOver.empty())
_pLeftover = new std::string(leftOver);
_canCompile = true;
else _canCompile = false;
_pBinder = new Binder(_pStmt);
_pExtractor = new Extractor(_pStmt);
if (SQLITE_DONE == _nextResponse && _isExtracted)
//if this is not the first compile and there has already been extraction
//during previous step, switch to the next set if there is one provided
if (hasMoreDataSets())
_isExtracted = false;
int colCount = sqlite3_column_count(_pStmt);
if (colCount)
std::size_t curDataSet = currentDataSet();
if (curDataSet >= _columns.size()) _columns.resize(curDataSet + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; ++i)
MetaColumn mc(i, sqlite3_column_name(_pStmt, i), Utility::getColumnType(_pStmt, i));
void SQLiteStatementImpl::bindImpl()
_stepCalled = false;
_nextResponse = 0;
if (_pStmt == 0) return;
int paramCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(_pStmt);
if (0 == paramCount)
_canBind = false;
BindIt bindEnd = bindings().end();
std::size_t availableCount = 0;
Bindings::difference_type bindCount = 0;
Bindings::iterator it = _bindBegin;
for (; it != bindEnd; ++it)
availableCount += (*it)->numOfColumnsHandled();
if (availableCount <= paramCount) ++bindCount;
else break;
if (availableCount < paramCount)
throw ParameterCountMismatchException();
Bindings::difference_type remainingBindCount = bindEnd - _bindBegin;
if (bindCount < remainingBindCount)
bindEnd = _bindBegin + bindCount;
_canBind = true;
else if (bindCount > remainingBindCount)
throw ParameterCountMismatchException();
std::size_t boundRowCount;
if (_bindBegin != bindings().end())
boundRowCount = (*_bindBegin)->numOfRowsHandled();
Bindings::iterator oldBegin = _bindBegin;
for (std::size_t pos = 1; _bindBegin != bindEnd && (*_bindBegin)->canBind(); ++_bindBegin)
if (boundRowCount != (*_bindBegin)->numOfRowsHandled())
throw BindingException("Size mismatch in Bindings. All Bindings MUST have the same size");
pos += (*_bindBegin)->numOfColumnsHandled();
if ((*oldBegin)->canBind())
//container binding will come back for more, so we must rewind
_bindBegin = oldBegin;
_canBind = true;
else _canBind = false;
void SQLiteStatementImpl::clear()
_affectedRowCount = POCO_SQLITE_INV_ROW_CNT;
if (_pStmt)
_pLeftover = 0;
bool SQLiteStatementImpl::hasNext()
if (_stepCalled)
return (_nextResponse == SQLITE_ROW);
// _pStmt is allowed to be null for conditional SQL statements
if (_pStmt == 0)
_stepCalled = true;
_nextResponse = SQLITE_DONE;
return false;
_stepCalled = true;
_nextResponse = sqlite3_step(_pStmt);
if (_affectedRowCount == POCO_SQLITE_INV_ROW_CNT) _affectedRowCount = 0;
if (!sqlite3_stmt_readonly(_pStmt))
_affectedRowCount += sqlite3_changes(_pDB);
if (_nextResponse != SQLITE_ROW && _nextResponse != SQLITE_OK && _nextResponse != SQLITE_DONE)
Utility::throwException(_pDB, _nextResponse);
_pExtractor->reset();//clear the cached null indicators
return (_nextResponse == SQLITE_ROW);
std::size_t SQLiteStatementImpl::next()
if (SQLITE_ROW == _nextResponse)
poco_assert (columnsReturned() == sqlite3_column_count(_pStmt));
Extractions& extracts = extractions();
Extractions::iterator it = extracts.begin();
Extractions::iterator itEnd = extracts.end();
std::size_t pos = 0; // sqlite starts with pos 0 for results!
for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
pos += (*it)->numOfColumnsHandled();
_isExtracted = true;
_stepCalled = false;
if (_affectedRowCount == POCO_SQLITE_INV_ROW_CNT) _affectedRowCount = 0;
if (extracts.begin() != extracts.end())
_affectedRowCount += static_cast<int>((*extracts.begin())->numOfRowsHandled());
else if (SQLITE_DONE == _nextResponse)
throw Poco::Data::DataException("No data received");
Utility::throwException(_pDB, _nextResponse, std::string("Iterator Error: trying to access the next value"));
return 1u;
std::size_t SQLiteStatementImpl::columnsReturned() const
return (std::size_t) _columns[currentDataSet()].size();
const MetaColumn& SQLiteStatementImpl::metaColumn(std::size_t pos) const
std::size_t curDataSet = currentDataSet();
poco_assert (pos >= 0 && pos <= _columns[curDataSet].size());
return _columns[curDataSet][pos];
int SQLiteStatementImpl::affectedRowCount() const
if (_affectedRowCount != POCO_SQLITE_INV_ROW_CNT) return _affectedRowCount;
return _pStmt == 0 || sqlite3_stmt_readonly(_pStmt) ? 0 : sqlite3_changes(_pDB);
} } } // namespace Poco::Data::SQLite