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Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The MySQL Connector/C is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most
MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and
conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the
FLOSS License Exception
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "my_test.h"
/* Test warnings */
static int test_client_warnings(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
FAIL_IF(!mysql_warning_count(mysql), "Warning expected");
return OK;
static int test_ps_client_warnings(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_non_exists";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(rc, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
FAIL_IF(rc, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
FAIL_IF(!mysql_warning_count(mysql), "Warning expected");
return OK;
static int test_server_warnings(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
MYSQL_RES *result;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW WARNINGS");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, mysql_error(mysql));
FAIL_IF(!mysql_num_rows(result), "Empty resultset");
return OK;
/* Test errors */
static int test_client_errors(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_non_exists");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
FAIL_IF(!mysql_errno(mysql), "Error expected");
FAIL_IF(!strlen(mysql_error(mysql)), "Empty errormsg");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(mysql_sqlstate(mysql), "00000") == 0, "Invalid SQLstate");
return OK;
static int test_ps_client_errors(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query= "DROP TABLE test_non_exists";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(rc, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!rc, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
FAIL_IF(!mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), "Error expected");
FAIL_IF(!strlen(mysql_stmt_error(stmt)), "Empty errormsg");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt), "00000") == 0, "Invalid SQLstate");
return OK;
static int test_server_errors(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
MYSQL_RES *result;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_non_exists");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW ERRORS");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, mysql_error(mysql));
FAIL_IF(!mysql_num_rows(result), "Empty resultset");
return OK;
/* Bug #16143: mysql_stmt_sqlstate returns an empty string instead of '00000' */
static int test_bug16143(MYSQL *mysql)
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
/* Check mysql_stmt_sqlstate return "no error" */
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt), "00000") == 0, "Expected SQLstate 000000");
return OK;
/* Test warnings for cuted rows */
static int test_cuted_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, count;
MYSQL_RES *result;
if (!is_mariadb)
return SKIP;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE if exists t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1(c1 tinyint)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t2(c1 int not null)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "FLUSH TABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "START TRANSACTION");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 values(10), (NULL), (NULL)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
count= mysql_warning_count(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(count == 0, "warnings != 0");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
count= mysql_warning_count(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(count == 2, "warnings != 2");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW WARNINGS");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 2, "rowcount != 2");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('junk'), (876789)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
count= mysql_warning_count(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(count == 2, "warnings != 2");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW WARNINGS");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 2, "rowcount != 2");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_parse_error_and_bad_length(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char stmt_str[128];
/* check that we get 4 syntax errors over the 4 calls */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW DATABAAAA");
FAIL_UNLESS(rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL_BIN("SHOW DATABASES\0AAA"));
FAIL_UNLESS(rc, "Error expected");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SHOW DATABAAAA"));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(stmt, "");
memset(stmt_str, 0, 100);
strcpy(stmt_str, "SHOW DATABASES");
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, stmt_str, 99);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
return OK;
struct my_tests_st my_tests[] = {
{"test_client_warnings", test_client_warnings, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_ps_client_warnings", test_ps_client_warnings, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_server_warnings", test_server_warnings, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_client_errors", test_client_errors, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_ps_client_errors", test_ps_client_errors, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_server_errors", test_server_errors, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , "Open bug: #42364"},
{"test_bug16143", test_bug16143, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_cuted_rows", test_cuted_rows, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_parse_error_and_bad_length", test_parse_error_and_bad_length, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
get_options(argc, argv);