mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-13 23:57:13 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 4a6bfc086c Major plugin refactor and cleanup.
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface.
Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving.
Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance.
Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
2021-01-30 08:51:39 +02:00

484 lines
16 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Core/Areas.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQMOD_DECL_TYPENAME(AreaTypename, _SC("SqArea"))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AreaManager AreaManager::s_Inst;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Area::AddArray(const Sqrat::Array & a)
float values[2];
a.Foreach([this, &values, n = int(0)](HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger i) mutable -> SQRESULT {
// Retrieve the type of the value
const SQObjectType type = sq_gettype(vm, -1);
// Are we dealing with a vector?
if (type == OT_INSTANCE)
// Next time, start again for floats
n = 0;
// Grab the instance from the stack
this->AddPoint(*ClassType< Vector2 >::GetInstance(vm, -1));
else if (type & SQOBJECT_NUMERIC)
// Retrieve the value from the stack
values[n] = Var< float >(vm, -1).value;
// Do we have enough to form a vector?
if (++n == 2)
this->AddPointEx(values[0], values[1]);
// Reset the counter
n = 0;
// Ignore anything else
return SQ_OK;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Area::AddCircleEx(SQFloat cx, SQFloat cy, SQFloat cr, SQInteger num_segments)
for(SQInteger i = 0; i < num_segments; ++i)
// Get the current angle
SQFloat theta = 2.0d * SQMOD_PI64 * static_cast< SQFloat >(i) / static_cast< SQFloat >(num_segments);
SQFloat theta = 2.0f * SQMOD_PI * static_cast< SQFloat >(i) / static_cast< SQFloat >(num_segments);
// Calculate the x component
SQFloat x = (cr * std::cos(theta)) + cx;
// Calculate the y component
SQFloat y = (cr * std::sin(theta)) + cy;
// Insert the point into the list
mPoints.emplace_back(x, y);
// Update the bounding box
Expand(x, y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Area::Manage()
// Are we connected to any cells?
if (!mCells.empty())
STHROWF("The area is already managed");
// We expect this to be called only from the script so that the first parameter in the vm
// is the area instance
LightObj obj(1, SqVM());
// Attempt to manage this area
AreaManager::Get().InsertArea(*this, obj);
// Return whether the area is now managed by any cells
return !mCells.empty();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Area::Unmanage()
// Are we connected to any cells?
if (mCells.empty())
return true; // Already unmanaged
// Attempt to unmanage this area
// Return whether the area is not managed by any cells
return mCells.empty();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Area::IsInside(float x, float y) const
// Is the an area to test?
if (mPoints.size() < 3)
return false; // Can't possibly be in an area that doesn't exist
// http://sidvind.com/wiki/Point-in-polygon:_Jordan_Curve_Theorem
// The points creating the polygon
float x1, x2;
// How many times the ray crosses a line segment
int crossings = 0;
// Iterate through each line
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = static_cast< uint32_t >(mPoints.size()); i < n; ++i)
Points::const_reference a = mPoints[i];
Points::const_reference b = mPoints[(i + 1) % n];
// This is done to ensure that we get the same result when
// the line goes from left to right and right to left.
if (a.x < b.x)
x1 = a.x;
x2 = b.x;
x1 = b.x;
x2 = a.x;
// First check if the ray is able to cross the line
if (x > x1 && x <= x2 && (y < a.y || y <= b.y))
// Calculate the equation of the line
const float dx = (b.x - a.x);
const float dy = (b.y - a.y);
float k;
if (fabsf(dx) < 0.000001f)
k = static_cast< float >(0xffffffffu); // NOLINT(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
k = (dy / dx);
const float m = (a.y - k * a.x);
const float y2 = (k * x + m);
// Does the ray cross the line?
if (y <= y2)
// Return if the crossings are not even
return (crossings % 2 == 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AreaManager::AreaManager(size_t sz) noexcept
: m_Queue(), m_ProcList(), m_Grid{}
// Negative half grid size (left)
int l = (-GRIDH * CELLD);
// Positive half grid size minus one cell (bottom)
int b = (abs(l) - CELLD);
// Negative half grid size minus one cell (right)
int r = (l + CELLD);
// Positive half grid size (top)
int t = abs(l);
// Initialize the grid cells
for (auto & a : m_Grid)
for (auto & c : a)
// Grab a reference to the cell
// Configure the range of the cell
c.mL = static_cast< float >(l);
c.mB = static_cast< float >(b);
c.mR = static_cast< float >(r);
c.mT = static_cast< float >(t);
// Reserve area memory if requested
// Reset the locks on this area
c.mLocks = 0;
// Advance the left side
l = r;
// Advance the right side
r += CELLD;
// Should we advance to the next row?
if (r > (GRIDH * CELLD))
// Reset the left side
l = (-GRIDH * CELLD);
// Reset the right side
r = (l + CELLD);
// Advance the bottom
b -= CELLD;
// Advance the top
t -= CELLD;
// Reserve some space in the queue
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::Insert(AreaCell & c, Area & a, LightObj & obj)
// Is this cell currently locked?
if (c.mLocks)
m_Queue.emplace_back(c, a, obj); // Queue this request for now
c.mAreas.emplace_back(&a, obj);
// Associate the area with this cell so it can't be managed again (even while in the queue)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::Remove(AreaCell & c, Area & a)
// Is this cell currently locked?
if (c.mLocks)
m_Queue.emplace_back(c, a); // Queue this request for now
// Attempt to locate this area in the cell
auto itr = std::find_if(c.mAreas.begin(), c.mAreas.end(),
[&a](AreaCell::Areas::reference p) -> bool {
return (p.first == &a);
// Have we found it?
if (itr != c.mAreas.end())
c.mAreas.erase(itr); // Erase it
// Dissociate the area with this cell so it can be managed again (even while in the queue)
auto itr = std::find(a.mCells.begin(), a.mCells.end(), &c);
// Was is associated?
if (itr != a.mCells.end())
a.mCells.erase(itr); // Dissociate them
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::ProcQueue()
// Look for actions that can be completed
for (auto itr = m_Queue.begin(); itr != m_Queue.end(); ++itr)
// Was this cell unlocked in the meantime?
if (itr->mCell->mLocks <= 0)
// Process the actions that are ready
for (auto & itr : m_ProcList)
// Was this a remove request?
if (itr->mObj.IsNull())
Remove(*(itr->mCell), *(itr->mArea));
Insert(*(itr->mCell), *(itr->mArea), itr->mObj);
// Remove processed requests
for (auto & itr : m_ProcList)
// Actions were processed
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::Clear()
// Clear the cells
for (AreaCell (&row)[GRIDN] : m_Grid)
for (AreaCell & c : row)
// Clear the queue as well
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::InsertArea(Area & a, LightObj & obj)
// See if this area is already managed
if (!a.mCells.empty() || a.mPoints.empty())
return; // Already managed or nothing to manage
// Go through each cell and check if the area touches it
for (auto & y : m_Grid)
for (auto & c : y)
// Does the bounding box of this cell intersect with the one of the area?
if (a.mL <= c.mR && c.mL <= a.mR && a.mB <= c.mT && c.mB <= a.mT)
Insert(c, a, obj); // Attempt to insert the area into this cell
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AreaManager::RemoveArea(Area & a)
// Just remove the associated cells
for (auto c : a.mCells)
Remove(*c, a);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector2i AreaManager::LocateCell(float x, float y)
// Transform the world coordinates into a cell coordinates
// and cast to integral after rounding the value
int xc = static_cast< int >(std::round(x / CELLD));
int yc = static_cast< int >(std::round(y / CELLD));
// Grab the absolute cell coordinates for range checking
const int xca = std::abs(xc);
const int yca = std::abs(yc);
// Make sure the cell coordinates are within range
if (xca > (GRIDH+1) || yca > (GRIDH+1))
return {NOCELL, NOCELL}; // Out of our scanning area
// Clamp the x coordinate if necessary
if (xca >= (GRIDH))
xc = xc < 0 ? -(GRIDH-1) : (GRIDH-1);
// Clamp the y coordinate if necessary
if (yca >= (GRIDH))
yc = xc < 0 ? -(GRIDH-1) : (GRIDH-1);
// Return the identified cell row and column
return {GRIDH+xc, GRIDH-yc};
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Areas_TestPointEx(float x, float y, Function & func)
// Is the function valid?
if (func.IsNull())
STHROWF("Invalid callback object");
// Begin testing
AreaManager::Get().TestPoint([&func](AreaCell::Areas::reference ap) -> void {
}, x, y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Areas_TestPoint(const Vector2 & v, Function & func)
Areas_TestPointEx(v.x, v.y, func);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Areas_TestPointOnEx(float x, float y, Object & ctx, Function & func)
// Begin testing
AreaManager::Get().TestPoint([&ctx, &func](AreaCell::Areas::reference ap) -> void {
func.Execute(ctx, ap.second);
}, x, y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Areas_TestPointOn(const Vector2 & v, Object & ctx, Function & func)
Areas_TestPointOnEx(v.x, v.y, ctx, func);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static Vector2i Areas_LocatePointCell(const Vector2 & v)
return AreaManager::Get().LocateCell(v.x, v.y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static Vector2i Areas_LocatePointCellEx(float x, float y)
return AreaManager::Get().LocateCell(x, y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TerminateAreas()
// ================================================================================================
void Register_Areas(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Class< Area >(vm, AreaTypename::Str)
// Constructors
.Ctor< StackStrF & >()
.Ctor< SQInteger, StackStrF & >()
.Ctor< const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 & >()
.Ctor< const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, StackStrF & >()
.Ctor< const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, SQInteger, StackStrF & >()
.Ctor< float, float, float, float, float, float >()
.Ctor< float, float, float, float, float, float, StackStrF & >()
.Ctor< float, float, float, float, float, float, SQInteger, StackStrF & >()
// Meta-methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &AreaTypename::Fn)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Area::ToString)
// Member Properties
.Prop(_SC("Name"), &Area::GetName, &Area::SetName)
.Prop(_SC("ID"), &Area::GetID, &Area::SetID)
.Prop(_SC("Locked"), &Area::IsLocked)
.Prop(_SC("IsLocked"), &Area::IsLocked)
.Prop(_SC("Center"), &Area::GetCenter)
.Prop(_SC("Box"), &Area::GetBoundingBox, &Area::SetBoundingBox)
.Prop(_SC("Empty"), &Area::Empty)
.Prop(_SC("Empty"), &Area::Empty)
.Prop(_SC("Size"), &Area::Size)
.Prop(_SC("Points"), &Area::Size)
.Prop(_SC("Capacity"), &Area::Capacity)
// Member Methods
.FmtFunc(_SC("SetName"), &Area::ApplyName)
.Func(_SC("SetID"), &Area::ApplyID)
.Func(_SC("Clear"), &Area::Clear)
.Func(_SC("Reserve"), &Area::Reserve)
.Func(_SC("SetBox"), &Area::SetBoundingBoxEx)
.Func(_SC("SetBoundingBox"), &Area::SetBoundingBoxEx)
.Func(_SC("Add"), &Area::AddPoint)
.Func(_SC("AddEx"), &Area::AddPointEx)
.Func(_SC("AddVirtual"), &Area::AddVirtualPoint)
.Func(_SC("AddVirtualEx"), &Area::AddVirtualPointEx)
.Func(_SC("AddCircle"), &Area::AddCircle)
.Func(_SC("AddCircleEx"), &Area::AddCircleEx)
.Func(_SC("AddFake"), &Area::AddVirtualPoint)
.Func(_SC("AddFakeEx"), &Area::AddVirtualPointEx)
.Func(_SC("AddArray"), &Area::AddArray)
.Func(_SC("Test"), &Area::Test)
.Func(_SC("TestEx"), &Area::TestEx)
.Func(_SC("Manage"), &Area::Manage)
.Func(_SC("Unmanage"), &Area::Unmanage)
// Static Functions
.StaticFunc(_SC("GlobalTest"), &Areas_TestPoint)
.StaticFunc(_SC("GlobalTestEx"), &Areas_TestPointEx)
.StaticFunc(_SC("GlobalTestOn"), &Areas_TestPointOn)
.StaticFunc(_SC("GlobalTestOnEx"), &Areas_TestPointOnEx)
.StaticFunc(_SC("LocatePointCell"), &Areas_LocatePointCell)
.StaticFunc(_SC("LocatePointCellEx"), &Areas_LocatePointCellEx)
.StaticFunc(_SC("UnmanageAll"), &TerminateAreas)
} // Namespace:: SqMod