mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:57:28 +01:00
Moved the functions that extract base types from strings as static functions under the associated type. Revised some of the base shared code. Fixed some of the functions in the String library that did not take into account the null terminator.
1015 lines
34 KiB
1015 lines
34 KiB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Routine.hpp"
#include "Library/Time.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Routine::s_Lock = false;
Routine::Time Routine::s_Last = 0;
Routine::Time Routine::s_Prev = 0;
Routine::Queue Routine::s_Queue;
Routine::Buckets Routine::s_Buckets;
Routine::Objects Routine::s_Objects;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Routine::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
static SQChar name[] = _SC("SqRoutine");
sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Attach(Routine * routine, Interval interval)
// Do we have a valid routine and interval bucket to attach?
if (!routine || !interval)
// Attempt to locate the bucket with the specified interval
Buckets::iterator itr = std::find_if(s_Buckets.begin(), s_Buckets.end(), IntrvFunc(interval));
// Does this bucket exist?
if (itr == s_Buckets.end())
// Then create it
// And attach this routine
// Is this routine already attached to this bucket?
else if (std::find(itr->mRoutines.begin(), itr->mRoutines.end(), routine) == itr->mRoutines.end())
itr->mRoutines.push_back(routine); // Then let's attach it now
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Detach(Routine * routine, Interval interval)
// Do we have a valid routine and interval to detach?
if (!routine || !interval)
// Attempt to locate the bucket with this interval
Buckets::iterator bitr = std::find_if(s_Buckets.begin(), s_Buckets.end(), IntrvFunc(interval));
// Was there a bucket with this interval?
if (bitr == s_Buckets.end())
return; // Nothing to detach from!
// Attempt to find this routine in the associated bucket
Routines::iterator ritr = std::find(bitr->mRoutines.begin(), bitr->mRoutines.end(), routine);
// Was this routine even attached?
if (ritr != bitr->mRoutines.end())
bitr->mRoutines.erase(ritr); // Then erase it and move on
// Any reason to keep this bucket?
if (bitr->mRoutines.empty())
s_Buckets.erase(bitr); // Remove the bucket as well
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Associate(Routine * routine)
// Attempt to see if this instance already exists in the pool
Objects::iterator itr = s_Objects.find(routine);
// Is this routine remembered for the first time?
if (itr == s_Objects.end())
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Push this instance on the stack
ClassType< Routine >::PushInstance(DefaultVM::Get(), routine);
// Initialize this element into the pool
itr = s_Objects.emplace(routine, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value).first;
// If the iterator still points to a null element then we failed
if (itr == s_Objects.end())
// NOTE: Routine instance is destroyed by the script object if necessary!
STHROWF("Unable to remember routine instance");
// Does this routine still keep a strong reference to it self?
else if (itr->second.IsNull())
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Push this instance on the stack
ClassType< Routine >::PushInstance(DefaultVM::Get(), routine);
// Obtain a strong reference to it
itr->second = Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;
// Return the object that we have
return itr->second;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Dissociate(Routine * routine)
// Attempt to see if this instance already exists in the pool
Objects::iterator itr = s_Objects.find(routine);
// Was this routine even stored in the pool?
if (itr != s_Objects.end() && !itr->second.IsNull())
itr->second.Release(); // Release the reference to self
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Routine::Associated(Routine * routine)
// Attempt to see if this instance already exists in the pool
Objects::iterator itr = s_Objects.find(routine);
// Return whether this routine is pooled and references itself
return (itr != s_Objects.end() && !itr->second.IsNull());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Forget(Routine * routine)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::ProcQueue()
// Do we have any queued commands that must be performed when unlocked?
if (s_Queue.empty() || s_Lock)
return; // We're done here!
// Process all commands in the queue
for (const auto & cmd : s_Queue)
// Are we supposed to detach the associated routine?
if (cmd.mCommand == CMD_DETACH)
// Detach the routine from it's associated bucket first
Detach(cmd.mRoutine, cmd.mInterval);
// Break association to allow the instance to be destroyed
// Are we supposed to attach the associated routine?
else if (cmd.mCommand == CMD_ATTACH)
// Attach the routine to it's associated bucket first
Attach(cmd.mRoutine, cmd.mInterval);
// Prevent destruction of this routine while buckets are locked
// Clear processed commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Process()
// In case an exception prevented the unlock last time
s_Lock = false;
// Normally there shouldn't be any but just in case the above happened
// Is this the first call?
if (s_Last == 0)
s_Last = GetCurrentSysTime();
// We'll do it text time
// Lock the buckets
s_Lock = true;
// Backup the last known time-stamp
s_Prev = s_Last;
// Get the current time-stamp
s_Last = GetCurrentSysTime();
// Calculate the elapsed time
Int32 delta = Int32((s_Last - s_Prev) / 1000L);
// Process all available buckets
for (auto & bucket : s_Buckets)
// Update the bucket elapsed time
bucket.mElapsed += delta;
// Have we completed the bucket interval?
if (bucket.mElapsed < bucket.mInterval)
continue; // Move to the next one
// Attempt to execute bucket routines, if any
for (auto & routine : bucket.mRoutines)
// Reset the bucket elapsed time
bucket.mElapsed = 0;
// Unlock the buckets
s_Lock = false;
// Process operations that couldn't be performed while buckets were locked
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::TerminateAll()
// Let's make sure no pending commands are left
// Process all buckets
for (auto & bucket : s_Buckets)
// Process all routines in this bucket
for (auto & routine : bucket.mRoutines)
// Release all resources
// Mark it as terminated
routine->m_Terminated = true;
// Clear all references to routines
// Clear all routine instance associations
// Clear the last time-stamp in case of a reload
s_Last = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval)
: m_Iterations(0)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(0)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(0)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(1)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
, m_Arg1(a1)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(2)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
, m_Arg1(a1), m_Arg2(a2)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(3)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
, m_Arg1(a1), m_Arg2(a2), m_Arg3(a3)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3, Object & a4)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(4)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
, m_Arg1(a1), m_Arg2(a2), m_Arg3(a3), m_Arg4(a4)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Routine(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3, Object & a4, Object & a5)
: m_Iterations(iterations)
, m_Interval(interval)
, m_Arguments(5)
, m_Suspended(false)
, m_Terminated(false)
, m_Callback(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc())
, m_Tag(_SC(""))
, m_Data()
, m_Arg1(a1), m_Arg2(a2), m_Arg3(a3), m_Arg4(a4), m_Arg5(a5)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove this instance from the pool
// Was the routine already terminated?
if (m_Terminated)
return; // Nothing to release!
// Detach from the associated bucket
// Release script resources
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Routine::Cmp(const Routine & o) const
if (m_Interval == o.m_Interval)
return 0;
else if (m_Interval > o.m_Interval)
return 1;
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr Routine::ToString() const
return ToStrF(_PRINT_INT_FMT, m_Interval);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const String & Routine::GetTag() const
return m_Tag;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetTag(CSStr tag)
m_Tag.assign(tag ? tag : _SC(""));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object & Routine::GetData()
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Return the requested information
return m_Data;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetData(Object & data)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Apply the specified value
m_Data = data;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine & Routine::ApplyTag(CSStr tag)
m_Tag.assign(tag ? tag : _SC(""));
// Allow chaining
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine & Routine::ApplyData(Object & data)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Apply the specified value
m_Data = data;
// Allow chaining
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Terminate()
// Was the routine already terminated?
if (m_Terminated)
STHROWF("Routine was already terminated");
// Detach from the associated bucket
// Release script resources and mark it as terminated
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine & Routine::SetArg(Uint8 num, Object & val)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Identify which argument was requested
switch (num)
case 1: m_Arg1 = val; break;
case 2: m_Arg2 = val; break;
case 3: m_Arg3 = val; break;
case 4: m_Arg4 = val; break;
case 5: m_Arg5 = val; break;
case 6: m_Arg6 = val; break;
case 7: m_Arg7 = val; break;
case 8: m_Arg8 = val; break;
case 9: m_Arg9 = val; break;
case 10: m_Arg10 = val; break;
case 11: m_Arg11 = val; break;
case 12: m_Arg12 = val; break;
case 13: m_Arg13 = val; break;
case 14: m_Arg14 = val; break;
default: STHROWF("Argument is out of range: %d", num);
// Allow chaining
return *this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object & Routine::GetArg(Uint8 num)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Identify which argument was requested
switch (num)
case 1: return m_Arg1;
case 2: return m_Arg2;
case 3: return m_Arg3;
case 4: return m_Arg4;
case 5: return m_Arg5;
case 6: return m_Arg6;
case 7: return m_Arg7;
case 8: return m_Arg8;
case 9: return m_Arg9;
case 10: return m_Arg10;
case 11: return m_Arg11;
case 12: return m_Arg12;
case 13: return m_Arg13;
case 14: return m_Arg14;
default: STHROWF("Argument is out of range: %d", num);
// Shouldn't really reach this point
return NullObject();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Interval Routine::GetInterval() const
return m_Interval;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetInterval(Interval interval)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Is the specified interval valid?
if (!interval)
STHROWF("Invalid routine interval");
// Detach from the current bucket
// Update the interval
m_Interval = interval;
// Attach to the new bucket
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine::Iterate Routine::GetIterations() const
return m_Iterations;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetIterations(Iterate iterations)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Perform the requested operation
m_Iterations = iterations;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint8 Routine::GetArguments() const
return m_Arguments;
void Routine::SetArguments(Uint8 num)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Is the specified argument count valid?
if (num > 14)
STHROWF("Argument is out of range: %d", num);
// Perform the requested operation
m_Arguments = num;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Routine::GetSuspended() const
return m_Suspended;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetSuspended(bool toggle)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Perform the requested operation
m_Suspended = toggle;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Routine::GetTerminated() const
return m_Terminated;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function & Routine::GetCallback()
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Return the requested information
return m_Callback;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::SetCallback(Object & env, Function & func)
// Validate the routine lifetime
// Perform the requested operation
m_Callback = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Release()
// Was the routine already terminated?
if (m_Terminated)
return; // Nothing to release!
// Mark it as terminated
m_Terminated = true;
// Release the callback
// Release the arguments
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Create()
// Do we even have a valid interval?
if (!m_Interval)
STHROWF("Invalid routine interval");
// Is the specified callback even valid?
else if (m_Callback.IsNull())
STHROWF("Invalid routine callback");
// Always use the command queue to attach the routine when created
s_Queue.emplace_back(this, m_Interval, CMD_ATTACH);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Attach()
// Do we have a valid interval?
if (!m_Interval)
return; // Nothing to attach to!
// Are the buckets locked?
else if (s_Lock)
// Queue a command to attach this routine when the bucket is unlocked
s_Queue.emplace_back(this, m_Interval, CMD_ATTACH);
// Attempt to attach the the routine now
// Attach to the associated bucket
Attach(this, m_Interval);
// Associate the instance with it's script object to prevent unexpected release
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Detach()
// Do we have a valid interval?
if (!m_Interval)
return; // Nothing to detach from!
// Are the buckets locked?
else if (s_Lock)
// Queue a command to detach this routine when the bucket is unlocked
s_Queue.emplace_back(this, m_Interval, CMD_DETACH);
// Attempt to detach the the routine now
// Detach from the associated bucket
Detach(this, m_Interval);
// Break association to allow the instance to be released
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Execute()
// Is this routine suspended or has nothing to call?
if (m_Suspended || m_Callback.IsNull())
return; // We're done here!
// Make sure that we have a known number of arguments
else if (m_Arguments > 14)
STHROWF("Routine [%s] => Out of range argument count [%d]", m_Tag.c_str(), m_Arguments);
// Attempt to forward the call
switch (m_Arguments)
// Attempt to identify how many arguments should be passed
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2);
case 3:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3);
case 4:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4);
case 5:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5);
case 6:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6);
case 7:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7);
case 8:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
case 9:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9);
case 10:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9, m_Arg10);
case 11:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9, m_Arg10, m_Arg11);
case 12:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9, m_Arg10, m_Arg11, m_Arg12);
case 13:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9, m_Arg10, m_Arg11, m_Arg12, m_Arg13);
case 14:
m_Callback.Execute(m_Arg1, m_Arg2, m_Arg3, m_Arg4, m_Arg5, m_Arg6, m_Arg7,
m_Arg8, m_Arg9, m_Arg10, m_Arg11, m_Arg12, m_Arg13, m_Arg14);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogErr("Routine [%s] => Squirrel error [%s]", m_Tag.c_str(), e.Message().c_str());
catch (const std::exception & e)
LogErr("Routine [%s] => Program error [%s]", m_Tag.c_str(), e.what());
catch (...)
LogErr("Routine [%s] => Unknown error", m_Tag.c_str());
// Decrease the number of iterations if necessary
if (m_Iterations && (--m_Iterations) == 0)
Terminate(); // This routine reached the end of it's life
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to process routines.
void ProcessRoutine()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to terminate routines.
void TerminateRoutine()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations, a1));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations, a1, a2));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations, a1, a2, a3));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3, Object & a4)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations, a1, a2, a3, a4));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::Create(Object & env, Function & func, Interval interval, Iterate iterations
, Object & a1, Object & a2, Object & a3, Object & a4, Object & a5)
return Associate(new Routine(env, func, interval, iterations, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Routine::Flush()
// Make sure the buckets are not locked
if (s_Lock)
STHROWF("Buckets are under active lock");
// Process commands in queue
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 Routine::QueueSize()
return static_cast< Uint32 >(s_Queue.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 Routine::GetCount()
return static_cast< Uint32 >(s_Objects.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 Routine::GetBuckets()
return static_cast< Uint32 >(s_Buckets.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 Routine::GetInBucket(Interval interval)
// Attempt to locate the bucket with the specified interval
Buckets::iterator itr = std::find_if(s_Buckets.begin(), s_Buckets.end(), IntrvFunc(interval));
// Does this bucket exist?
if (itr == s_Buckets.end())
return 0; // This bucket doesn't exist!
// Return the number of elements in this bucket
return static_cast< Uint32 >(itr->mRoutines.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Array Routine::GetBucketsList()
// Allocate an array large enough to hold the number of active buckets
Array arr(DefaultVM::Get(), s_Buckets.size());
// The index where the bucket interval should be inserted
SQInteger idx = 0;
// Insert the interval and size of each active bucket
for (const auto & bucket : s_Buckets)
arr.SetValue(idx++, bucket.mInterval);
// Return the resulted array
return arr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table Routine::GetBucketsTable()
// Create a table to hold the number of active buckets
Table tbl(DefaultVM::Get());
// Insert the interval of each active bucket
for (const auto & bucket : s_Buckets)
tbl.SetValue(bucket.mInterval, bucket.mRoutines.size());
// Return the resulted table
return tbl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Routine::FindByTag(CSStr tag)
// Perform a validity check on the specified tag
if (!tag || *tag == '\0')
STHROWF("The specified routine tag is invalid: null/empty");
// Process each routine in the pool
for (const auto & elem : s_Objects)
// Is this routine valid (should always be) and does the tag match the specified one?
if (elem.first != nullptr && elem.first->m_Tag.compare(tag) == 0)
// Do we need to obtain the script object again?
if (elem.second.IsNull())
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Push this instance on the stack
ClassType< Routine >::PushInstance(DefaultVM::Get(), elem.first);
// Obtain a strong reference to it and return it
return Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;
// Stop searching and return this routine
return elem.second;
// Unable to locate a routine matching the specified tag
return NullObject();
// ================================================================================================
void Register_Routine(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Class< Routine, NoConstructor< Routine > >(vm, _SC("SqRoutine"))
/* Metamethods */
.Func(_SC("_cmp"), &Routine::Cmp)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Routine::Typename)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Routine::ToString)
/* Properties */
.Prop(_SC("Tag"), &Routine::GetTag, &Routine::SetTag)
.Prop(_SC("Data"), &Routine::GetData, &Routine::SetData)
.Prop(_SC("Interval"), &Routine::GetInterval, &Routine::SetInterval)
.Prop(_SC("Iterations"), &Routine::GetIterations, &Routine::SetIterations)
.Prop(_SC("Arguments"), &Routine::GetArguments, &Routine::SetArguments)
.Prop(_SC("Suspended"), &Routine::GetSuspended, &Routine::SetSuspended)
.Prop(_SC("Terminated"), &Routine::GetTerminated)
.Prop(_SC("Callback"), &Routine::GetCallback)
/* Functions */
.Func(_SC("SetTag"), &Routine::ApplyTag)
.Func(_SC("SetData"), &Routine::ApplyData)
.Func(_SC("Terminate"), &Routine::Terminate)
.Func(_SC("Bind"), &Routine::SetCallback)
.Func(_SC("GetArg"), &Routine::GetArg)
.Func(_SC("SetArg"), &Routine::SetArg)
// Static Functions
.StaticFunc(_SC("Flush"), &Routine::Flush)
.StaticFunc(_SC("QueueSize"), &Routine::QueueSize)
.StaticFunc(_SC("Count"), &Routine::GetCount)
.StaticFunc(_SC("Buckets"), &Routine::GetBuckets)
.StaticFunc(_SC("InBucket"), &Routine::GetInBucket)
.StaticFunc(_SC("BucketsList"), &Routine::GetBucketsList)
.StaticFunc(_SC("BucketsTable"), &Routine::GetBucketsTable)
.StaticFunc(_SC("FindByTag"), &Routine::FindByTag)
// Static Overloads
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate,
Object &) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate,
Object &, Object &) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate,
Object &, Object &, Object &) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate,
Object &, Object &, Object &, Object &) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
.StaticOverload< Object (*)(Object &, Function &, Routine::Interval, Routine::Iterate,
Object &, Object &, Object &, Object &, Object &) >
(_SC("Create"), &Routine::Create)
} // Namespace:: SqMod