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synced 2025-03-16 09:07:14 +01:00
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface. Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving. Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance. Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
510 lines
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510 lines
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// Session.h
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: Session
// Definition of the Session class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_Session_INCLUDED
#define Data_Session_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/SessionImpl.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Statement.h"
#include "Poco/Data/StatementCreator.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Binding.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#include "Poco/Any.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
class StatementImpl;
class Data_API Session
/// A Session holds a connection to a Database and creates Statement objects.
/// Sessions are always created via the SessionFactory:
/// Session ses(SessionFactory::instance().create(connectorKey, connectionString));
/// where the first param presents the type of session one wants to create (e.g., for SQLite one would choose "SQLite",
/// for ODBC the key is "ODBC") and the second param is the connection string that the session implementation
/// requires to connect to the database. The format of the connection string is specific to the actual connector.
/// A simpler form to create the session is to pass the connector key and connection string directly to
/// the Session constructor.
/// A concrete example to open an SQLite database stored in the file "dummy.db" would be
/// Session ses("SQLite", "dummy.db");
/// Via a Session one can create two different types of statements. First, statements that should only be executed once and immediately, and
/// second, statements that should be executed multiple times, using a separate execute() call.
/// The simple one is immediate execution:
/// ses << "CREATE TABLE Dummy (data INTEGER(10))", now;
/// The now at the end of the statement is required, otherwise the statement
/// would not be executed.
/// If one wants to reuse a Statement (and avoid the overhead of repeatedly parsing an SQL statement)
/// one uses an explicit Statement object and its execute() method:
/// int i = 0;
/// Statement stmt = (ses << "INSERT INTO Dummy VALUES(:data)", use(i));
/// for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
/// {
/// stmt.execute();
/// }
/// The above example assigns the variable i to the ":data" placeholder in the SQL query. The query is parsed and compiled exactly
/// once, but executed 100 times. At the end the values 0 to 99 will be present in the Table "DUMMY".
/// A faster implementaton of the above code will simply create a vector of int
/// and use the vector as parameter to the use clause (you could also use set or multiset instead):
/// std::vector<int> data;
/// for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
/// {
/// data.push_back(i);
/// }
/// ses << "INSERT INTO Dummy VALUES(:data)", use(data);
/// NEVER try to bind to an empty collection. This will give a BindingException at run-time!
/// Retrieving data from a database works similar, you could use simple data types, vectors, sets or multiset as your targets:
/// std::set<int> retData;
/// ses << "SELECT * FROM Dummy", into(retData));
/// Due to the blocking nature of the above call it is possible to partition the data retrieval into chunks by setting a limit to
/// the maximum number of rows retrieved from the database:
/// std::set<int> retData;
/// Statement stmt = (ses << "SELECT * FROM Dummy", into(retData), limit(50));
/// while (!stmt.done())
/// {
/// stmt.execute();
/// }
/// The "into" keyword is used to inform the statement where output results should be placed. The limit value ensures
/// that during each run at most 50 rows are retrieved. Assuming Dummy contains 100 rows, retData will contain 50
/// elements after the first run and 100 after the second run, i.e.
/// the collection is not cleared between consecutive runs. After the second execute stmt.done() will return true.
/// A prepared Statement will behave exactly the same but a further call to execute() will simply reset the Statement,
/// execute it again and append more data to the result set.
/// Note that it is possible to append several "bind" or "into" clauses to the statement. Theoretically, one could also have several
/// limit clauses but only the last one that was added will be effective.
/// Also several preconditions must be met concerning binds and intos.
/// Take the following example:
/// ses << "CREATE TABLE Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3))";
/// std::vector<std::string> nameVec; // [...] add some elements
/// std::vector<int> ageVec; // [...] add some elements
/// ses << "INSERT INTO Person (LastName, Age) VALUES(:ln, :age)", use(nameVec), use(ageVec);
/// The size of all use parameters MUST be the same, otherwise an exception is thrown. Furthermore,
/// the amount of use clauses must match the number of wildcards in the query (to be more precise:
/// each binding has a numberOfColumnsHandled() value which defaults to 1. The sum of all these values
/// must match the wildcard count in the query.
/// However, this is only important if you have written your own TypeHandler specializations.
/// If you plan to map complex object types to tables see the TypeHandler documentation.
/// For now, we simply assume we have written one TypeHandler for Person objects. Instead of having n different vectors,
/// we have one collection:
/// std::vector<Person> people; // [...] add some elements
/// ses << "INSERT INTO Person (LastName, FirstName, Age) VALUES(:ln, :fn, :age)", use(people);
/// which will insert all Person objects from the people vector to the database (and again, you can use set, multiset too,
/// even map and multimap if Person provides an operator() which returns the key for the map).
/// The same works for a SELECT statement with "into" clauses:
/// std::vector<Person> people;
/// ses << "SELECT * FROM PERSON", into(people);
/// Mixing constants or variables with manipulators is allowed provided there are corresponding placeholders for the constants provided in
/// the SQL string, such as in following example:
/// std::vector<Person> people;
/// ses << "SELECT * FROM %s", into(people), "PERSON";
/// Formatting only kicks in if there are values to be injected into the SQL string, otherwise it is skipped.
/// If the formatting will occur and the percent sign is part of the query itself, it can be passed to the query by entering it twice (%%).
/// However, if no formatting is used, one percent sign is sufficient as the string will be passed unaltered.
/// For complete list of supported data types with their respective specifications, see the documentation for format in Foundation.
static const std::size_t LOGIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = SessionImpl::LOGIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
static const Poco::UInt32 TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 0x00000001L;
static const Poco::UInt32 TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED = 0x00000002L;
static const Poco::UInt32 TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ = 0x00000004L;
static const Poco::UInt32 TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE = 0x00000008L;
Session(Poco::AutoPtr<SessionImpl> ptrImpl);
/// Creates the Session.
Session(const std::string& connector,
const std::string& connectionString,
std::size_t timeout = LOGIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT);
/// Creates a new session, using the given connector (which must have
/// been registered), and connectionString.
Session(const std::string& connection,
std::size_t timeout = LOGIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT);
/// Creates a new session, using the given connection (must be in
/// "connection:///connectionString" format).
Session(const Session&);
/// Creates a session by copying another one.
Session(Session&&) noexcept;
/// Creates a session by moving another one.
Session& operator = (const Session&);
/// Assignment operator.
Session& operator = (Session&&) noexcept;
/// Move assignment.
/// Destroys the Session.
void swap(Session& other);
/// Swaps the session with another one.
template <typename T>
Statement operator << (const T& t)
/// Creates a Statement with the given data as SQLContent
return _statementCreator << t;
SharedPtr<StatementImpl> createStatementImpl();
/// Creates a StatementImpl.
void open(const std::string& connect = "");
/// Opens the session using the supplied string.
/// Can also be used with default empty string to
/// reconnect a disconnected session.
/// If the connection is not established,
/// a ConnectionFailedException is thrown.
/// Zero timout means indefinite
void close();
/// Closes the session.
bool isConnected();
/// Returns true iff session is connected, false otherwise.
void reconnect();
/// Closes the session and opens it.
bool isGood();
/// Returns true iff the session is good and can be used, false otherwise.
void setLoginTimeout(std::size_t timeout);
/// Sets the session login timeout value.
std::size_t getLoginTimeout() const;
/// Returns the session login timeout value.
void setConnectionTimeout(std::size_t timeout);
/// Sets the session connection timeout value.
std::size_t getConnectionTimeout();
/// Returns the session connection timeout value.
void begin();
/// Starts a transaction.
void commit();
/// Commits and ends a transaction.
void rollback();
/// Rolls back and ends a transaction.
bool canTransact();
/// Returns true if session has transaction capabilities.
bool isTransaction();
/// Returns true iff a transaction is in progress, false otherwise.
void setTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32);
/// Sets the transaction isolation level.
Poco::UInt32 getTransactionIsolation();
/// Returns the transaction isolation level.
bool hasTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti);
/// Returns true iff the transaction isolation level corresponding
/// to the supplied bitmask is supported.
bool isTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti);
/// Returns true iff the transaction isolation level corresponds
/// to the supplied bitmask.
std::string connector() const;
/// Returns the connector name for this session.
std::string uri() const;
/// Returns the URI for this session.
static std::string uri(const std::string& connector,
const std::string& connectionString);
/// Utility function that teturns the URI formatted from supplied
/// arguments as "connector:///connectionString".
void setFeature(const std::string& name, bool state);
/// Set the state of a feature.
/// Features are a generic extension mechanism for session implementations.
/// and are defined by the underlying SessionImpl instance.
/// Throws a NotSupportedException if the requested feature is
/// not supported by the underlying implementation.
bool getFeature(const std::string& name) const;
/// Look up the state of a feature.
/// Features are a generic extension mechanism for session implementations.
/// and are defined by the underlying SessionImpl instance.
/// Throws a NotSupportedException if the requested feature is
/// not supported by the underlying implementation.
void setProperty(const std::string& name, const Poco::Any& value);
/// Set the value of a property.
/// Properties are a generic extension mechanism for session implementations.
/// and are defined by the underlying SessionImpl instance.
/// Throws a NotSupportedException if the requested property is
/// not supported by the underlying implementation.
Poco::Any getProperty(const std::string& name) const;
/// Look up the value of a property.
/// Properties are a generic extension mechanism for session implementations.
/// and are defined by the underlying SessionImpl instance.
/// Throws a NotSupportedException if the requested property is
/// not supported by the underlying implementation.
SessionImpl* impl();
/// Returns a pointer to the underlying SessionImpl.
Poco::AutoPtr<SessionImpl> _pImpl;
StatementCreator _statementCreator;
// inlines
inline SharedPtr<StatementImpl> Session::createStatementImpl()
return _pImpl->createStatementImpl();
inline void Session::open(const std::string& connect)
inline void Session::close()
inline bool Session::isConnected()
return _pImpl->isConnected();
inline void Session::reconnect()
inline bool Session::isGood()
return _pImpl->isGood();
inline void Session::setLoginTimeout(std::size_t timeout)
inline std::size_t Session::getLoginTimeout() const
return _pImpl->getLoginTimeout();
inline void Session::setConnectionTimeout(std::size_t timeout)
inline std::size_t Session::getConnectionTimeout()
return _pImpl->getConnectionTimeout();
inline void Session::begin()
return _pImpl->begin();
inline void Session::commit()
return _pImpl->commit();
inline void Session::rollback()
return _pImpl->rollback();
inline bool Session::canTransact()
return _pImpl->canTransact();
inline bool Session::isTransaction()
return _pImpl->isTransaction();
inline void Session::setTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
inline Poco::UInt32 Session::getTransactionIsolation()
return _pImpl->getTransactionIsolation();
inline bool Session::hasTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
return _pImpl->hasTransactionIsolation(ti);
inline bool Session::isTransactionIsolation(Poco::UInt32 ti)
return _pImpl->isTransactionIsolation(ti);
inline std::string Session::connector() const
return _pImpl->connectorName();
inline std::string Session::uri(const std::string& connector,
const std::string& connectionString)
return SessionImpl::uri(connector, connectionString);
inline std::string Session::uri() const
return _pImpl->uri();
inline void Session::setFeature(const std::string& name, bool state)
_pImpl->setFeature(name, state);
inline bool Session::getFeature(const std::string& name) const
return const_cast<SessionImpl*>(_pImpl.get())->getFeature(name);
inline void Session::setProperty(const std::string& name, const Poco::Any& value)
_pImpl->setProperty(name, value);
inline Poco::Any Session::getProperty(const std::string& name) const
return const_cast<SessionImpl*>(_pImpl.get())->getProperty(name);
inline SessionImpl* Session::impl()
return _pImpl;
inline void swap(Session& s1, Session& s2)
} } // namespace Poco::Data
namespace std
inline void swap<Poco::Data::Session>(Poco::Data::Session& s1, Poco::Data::Session& s2) noexcept
/// Full template specalization of std:::swap for Session
#endif // Data_Session_INCLUDED