mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-03 10:47:29 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin da76d87a93 Move some of the signal implementation to source file.
Don't combine the Consume and Approve methods.
The null value does not count towards returned values anymore.
2016-11-13 14:50:04 +02:00

564 lines
20 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Base/Shared.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Signal;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper class used to reference and keep track of signal instances.
struct SignalReference
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signal * mPtr; // A raw pointer to the signal instance.
Object mObj; // A managed reference to the signal instance.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
SignalReference(Signal * ptr, const Object & ref)
: mPtr(ptr), mObj(ref)
/* ... */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
SignalReference(const SignalReference & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
SignalReference(SignalReference && o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
~SignalReference() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator.
SignalReference & operator = (const SignalReference & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
SignalReference & operator = (SignalReference && o) = default;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Utility class for for delivering events to one or more listeners.
class Signal
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used to store a script callback and the unique hash associated with it for quick searching.
struct Slot
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQHash mEnvHash; // The hash of the specified environment.
SQHash mFuncHash; // The hash of the specified callback.
HSQOBJECT mEnvRef; // The specified script environment.
HSQOBJECT mFuncRef; // The specified script callback.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slot * mPrev; // Previous slot in the chain.
Slot * mNext; // Next slot in the chain.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forwarding constructor.
Slot(Object & env, Function & func)
: Slot(env.GetObject(), func.GetFunc(), nullptr)
/* ... */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forwarding constructor.
Slot(Object & env, Function & func, Slot * head)
: Slot(env.GetObject(), func.GetFunc(), head)
/* ... */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Slot(HSQOBJECT & env, HSQOBJECT & func, Slot * head)
: mEnvHash(0)
, mFuncHash(0)
, mEnvRef(env)
, mFuncRef(func)
, mPrev(nullptr)
, mNext(head)
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Is there an explicit environment?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnvRef))
// Keep a reference to this environment
sq_addref(vm, &mEnvRef);
// Push the environment on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mEnvRef);
// Grab the hash of the environment object
mEnvHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// Is there an explicit function?
if (!sq_isnull(mFuncRef))
// Keep a reference to this function
sq_addref(vm, &mFuncRef);
// Push the callback on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFuncRef);
// Grab the hash of the callback object
mFuncHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// Was there a previous head?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Steal the slot before the head
mPrev = mNext->mPrev;
// Did that head slot had a slot behind it?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it we're the next slot now
mPrev->mNext = this;
// Tell the previous head that we're behind it now
mNext->mPrev = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor. (disabled)
Slot(const Slot & o) = delete;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
Slot(Slot && o)
: mEnvHash(o.mEnvHash)
, mFuncHash(o.mFuncHash)
, mEnvRef(o.mEnvRef)
, mFuncRef(o.mFuncRef)
, mPrev(o.mPrev)
, mNext(o.mNext)
// Take ownership
o.mPrev = nullptr;
o.mNext = nullptr;
// Attach to the chain
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
// Detach from the chain
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
Slot & operator = (const Slot & o) = delete;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
Slot & operator = (Slot && o)
if (this != &o)
// Release current resources, if any
// Replicate data
mEnvHash = o.mEnvHash;
mFuncHash = o.mFuncHash;
mEnvRef = o.mEnvRef;
mFuncRef = o.mFuncRef;
mPrev = o.mPrev;
mNext = o.mNext;
// Take ownership
o.mPrev = nullptr;
o.mNext = nullptr;
// Attach to the chain
return *this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Equality comparison operator.
bool operator == (const Slot & o) const
return (mEnvHash == o.mEnvHash) && (mFuncHash == o.mFuncHash);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Inequality comparison operator.
bool operator != (const Slot & o) const
return (mEnvHash != o.mEnvHash) || (mFuncHash != o.mFuncHash);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Release managed script resources.
void Release()
// Should we release any environment object?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnvRef))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mEnvRef);
// Should we release any callback object?
if (!sq_isnull(mFuncRef))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mFuncRef);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot to the chain.
void Attach()
// Is there a slot after us?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Tell it that we're behind it
mNext->mPrev = this;
// Is there a node behind us?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it that we're ahead of it
mPrev->mNext = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Detach the slot from the chain.
void Detach()
// Is there a slot after us?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Tell it we're no longer behind it
mNext->mPrev = mPrev;
// Is there a node behind us?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it we're no longer ahead of it
mPrev->mNext = mNext;
mPrev = mNext = nullptr;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot after another slot.
void AttachNext(Slot * node)
// Assign the slot ahead of us
mNext = node;
// Is there a node to attach to?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Steal the previous slot
mPrev = mNext->mPrev;
// Was there a previous slot?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
mPrev->mNext = this; // Tell it we're the next slot now
// Place ourself behind
mNext->mPrev = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot before another slot.
void AttachPrev(Slot * node)
// Assign the slot behind us
mPrev = node;
// Is there a node to attach to?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Steal the next slot
mNext = mPrev->mNext;
// Was there a next slot?
if (mNext != nullptr)
mNext->mPrev = this; // Tell it we're the previous slot now
// Place ourself ahead
mPrev->mNext = this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slot * m_Head; // The chain of slots bound to this signal.
Object m_Data; // User data associated with this instance.
String m_Name; // The name that identifies this signal.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(const CSStr name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(const String & name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(String && name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor. (disabled)
Signal(const Signal & o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor. (disabled)
Signal(Signal && o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
Signal & operator = (const Signal & o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator. (disabled)
Signal & operator = (Signal && o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to compare two instances of this type.
Int32 Cmp(const Signal & o) const
if (m_Name == o.m_Name)
return 0;
else if (m_Name > o.m_Name)
return 1;
return -1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to convert an instance of this type to a string.
const String & ToString() const
return m_Name;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to retrieve the name from instances of this type.
static SQInteger Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the associated user data.
Object & GetData()
return m_Data;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify the associated user data.
void SetData(Object & data)
m_Data = data;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The number of slots connected to the signal.
SQInteger Count() const;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clear all slots connected to the signal.
void Clear();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Connect a function with a specific environment to the signal.
void Connect(Object & env, Function & func);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See whether a function with a specific environment is connected to the signal.
bool Connected(Object & env, Function & func) const;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect a function with a specific environment from the signal.
void Disconnect(Object & env, Function & func);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect all functions with a specific environment from the signal.
void DisconnectThis(Object & env);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect all matching functions regardless of the environment from the signal.
void DisconnectFunc(Function & func);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count all functions with a specific environment from the signal.
Uint32 CountThis(Object & env) const;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count all matching functions regardless of the environment from the signal.
Uint32 CountFunc(Function & func) const;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure that specified slot is positioned ahead of all other slots.
void Head(Object & env, Function & func);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure that specified slot is positioned behind of all other slots.
void Tail(Object & env, Function & func);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots.
static SQInteger SqEmit(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and collect returned values.
static SQInteger SqQuery(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and see if they consume it.
static SQInteger SqConsume(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and see if they approve it.
static SQInteger SqApprove(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and see if they return something.
static SQInteger SqRequest(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::pair< std::size_t, SignalReference > SignalElement;
typedef std::vector< SignalElement > SignalContainer;
typedef std::vector< Signal * > FreeSignals;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SignalContainer s_Signals; // List of all created signals.
static FreeSignals s_FreeSignals; // List of signals without a name.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Terminate all signal instances and release any script resources.
static void Terminate();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a free signal without a specific name.
static Object Create();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a new signal with the specified name.
static Object Create(String name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Remove the signal with the specified name.
static void Remove(String name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the signal with the specified name.
static Object Fetch(String name);
} // Namespace:: SqMod
#endif // _MISC_SIGNAL_HPP_