mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-04 03:07:29 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin cd6e185d65 Fix issue where the command arguments would always fallback to string because the identified variable was not set to true.
Fix issue with boolean argument types where more data then necessary was copied from the argument string which could cause it to fail if anything other than the null terminator was following the boolean argument.
Few other minor adjustments to keep the code style consistent.
2016-07-14 22:19:10 +03:00

1203 lines
47 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Command.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
namespace Cmd {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Controllers Controller::s_Controllers;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Manager::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
static const SQChar name[] = _SC("SqCmdManager");
sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Listener::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
static const SQChar name[] = _SC("SqCmdListener");
sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guard::Guard(const CtrRef & ctr, Object & invoker)
: mController(ctr)
, mPrevious(mController->m_Context)
, mCurrent(new Context(invoker))
mController->m_Context = mCurrent;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mController->m_Context = mPrevious;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command::Command(std::size_t hash, const String & name, Listener * ptr, const CtrPtr & ctr)
: mHash(hash), mName(name), mPtr(ptr), mObj(ptr), mCtr(ctr)
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller = mCtr; // Create controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command::Command(std::size_t hash, const String & name, const Object & obj, const CtrPtr & ctr)
: mHash(hash), mName(name), mPtr(obj.Cast< Listener * >()), mObj(obj), mCtr(ctr)
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller = mCtr; // Create controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command::Command(std::size_t hash, const String & name, Object && obj, const CtrPtr & ctr)
: mHash(hash), mName(name), mPtr(obj.Cast< Listener * >()), mObj(obj), mCtr(ctr)
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller = mCtr; // Create controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command::Command(std::size_t hash, const String & name, Listener * ptr, const Object & obj, const CtrPtr & ctr)
: mHash(hash), mName(name), mPtr(ptr), mObj(obj), mCtr(ctr)
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller = mCtr; // Create controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command::Command(std::size_t hash, const String & name, Listener * ptr, Object && obj, const CtrPtr & ctr)
: mHash(hash), mName(name), mPtr(ptr), mObj(obj), mCtr(ctr)
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller = mCtr; // Create controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (mPtr)
mPtr->m_Controller.Reset(); // Break controller association
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object & Controller::Attach(Object && obj, Listener * ptr)
// Is there anything that we can attach
if (obj.IsNull() && ptr == nullptr)
STHROWF("Cannot attach invalid command listener");
// Are we supposed to grab the object?
else if (obj.IsNull())
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Push the instance on the stack
ClassType< Listener >::PushInstance(DefaultVM::Get(), ptr);
// Grab the instance from the stack
obj = Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;
// Are we supposed to grab the instance?
else if (ptr == nullptr)
// Obtain the initial stack size
const StackGuard sg(obj.GetVM());
// Push the object on the stack
Var< Object & >::push(obj.GetVM(), obj);
// Grab the instance from the stack
ptr = Var< Listener * >(obj.GetVM(), -1).value;
// At this point we should have both the instance and the object
if (obj.IsNull() || ptr == nullptr)
STHROWF("Unable to obtain the command listener");
// Obtain the command name
const String & name = ptr->GetName();
// Validate the command name
if (name.empty())
STHROWF("Cannot attach command without a name");
// Obtain the unique identifier of the specified name
const std::size_t hash = std::hash< String >()(name);
// Make sure the command doesn't already exist
for (const auto & cmd : m_Commands)
// Are the hashes identical?
if (cmd.mHash == hash)
// Include information necessary to help identify hash collisions!
STHROWF("Command '%s' already exists as '%s' for hash (%zu)",
name.c_str(), cmd.mName.c_str(), hash);
// Attempt to insert the command
m_Commands.emplace_back(hash, name, ptr, std::move(obj), m_Manager->GetCtr());
// Return the script object of the listener
return m_Commands.back().mObj;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Manager::Create(CSStr name, CSStr spec, Array & tags, Uint8 min, Uint8 max, SQInteger auth, bool prot, bool assoc)
// Is there a controller to store the listener?
if (!m_Controller)
m_Controller = CtrRef(new Controller(this)); // Then make one!
// Script object and listener instance to be created and managed
Object obj;
Listener * ptr = nullptr;
// Create the command listener
// Create a new instance of this class and make sure it can't get leaked due to exceptions
AutoDelete< Listener > ad(new Listener(name, spec, tags, min, max, auth, prot, assoc));
// Transform the instance into a script object
obj = Object(ad.Get());
// Validate the obtained script object
if (obj.IsNull())
STHROWF("Cannot create the command listener instance");
// Grab the instance from the auto-deleter and leave the destruction to the script object
ptr = ad.Grab();
// Attempt to attach the command listener to the controller
Object & o = m_Controller->Attach(obj, ptr);
// Return the script object
return o;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Controller::Run(const Guard & guard, CCStr command)
// Validate the string command
if (!command || *command == '\0')
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EMPTY_COMMAND, _SC("Invalid or empty command name"), guard.mCurrent->mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Grab a direct reference to the context instance
Context & ctx = *(guard.mCurrent);
// Skip white-space until the command name
while (std::isspace(*command))
// Anything left to process?
if (*command == '\0')
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EMPTY_COMMAND, _SC("Invalid or empty command name"), guard.mCurrent->mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Where the name ends and argument begins
CCStr split = command;
// Find where the command name ends
while (*split != '\0' && !std::isspace(*split))
// Are there any arguments specified?
if (split != '\0')
// Save the command name
ctx.mCommand.assign(command, (split - command));
// Skip white space after command name
while (std::isspace(*split))
// Save the command argument
// No arguments specified
// Save the command name
// Leave argument empty
// Do we have a valid command name?
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_INVALID_COMMAND, e.what(), guard.mCurrent->mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
catch (...)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_INVALID_COMMAND, _SC("Cannot execute invalid command name"), guard.mCurrent->mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Attempt to find the specified command
ctx.mObject = FindByName(ctx.mCommand);
// Have we found anything?
if (ctx.mObject.IsNull())
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, _SC("Unable to find the specified command"), ctx.mCommand);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Save the command instance
ctx.mInstance = ctx.mObject.Cast< Listener * >();
// Is the command instance valid? (just in case)
if (!ctx.mInstance)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, _SC("Unable to find the specified command"), ctx.mCommand);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Attempt to execute the command
return Exec(ctx);
catch (...)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EXECUTION_FAILED, _SC("Exceptions occurred during execution"), ctx.mInvoker);
// Execution failed
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Controller::Exec(Context & ctx)
// Clear previous arguments
// Reset the argument counter
ctx.mArgc = 0;
// Is this command suspended from further executions?
if (ctx.mInstance->GetSuspended())
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_COMMAND_SUSPENDED, _SC("The command is currently suspended"), ctx.mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Make sure the invoker has enough authority to execute this command
else if (!ctx.mInstance->AuthCheck(ctx.mInvoker))
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTH, _SC("Insufficient authority to execute command"), ctx.mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Make sure an executer was specified
else if (ctx.mInstance->GetOnExec().IsNull())
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_MISSING_EXECUTER, _SC("No executer was specified for this command"), ctx.mInvoker);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// See if there are any arguments to parse
else if (!ctx.mArgument.empty() && !Parse(ctx))
// The error message was reported while parsing
return -1;
// Make sure we have enough arguments specified
else if (ctx.mInstance->GetMinArgC() > ctx.mArgc)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_INCOMPLETE_ARGS, _SC("Insufficient command arguments"), ctx.mInstance->GetMinArgC());
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// The check during the parsing may omit the last argument
else if (static_cast< Uint32 >(ctx.mInstance->GetMaxArgC()) < ctx.mArgc)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EXTRANEOUS_ARGS, _SC("Extraneous command arguments"), ctx.mInstance->GetMaxArgC());
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Check argument types against the command specifiers
for (Uint32 arg = 0; arg < ctx.mArgc; ++arg)
if (!ctx.mInstance->ArgCheck(arg, ctx.mArgv[arg].first))
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARG, _SC("Unsupported command argument"), arg);
// Execution failed!
return -1;
// Result of the command execution
SQInteger result = -1;
// Clear any data from the buffer to make room for the error message
ctx.mBuffer.At(0) = '\0';
// Whether the command execution failed
bool failed = false;
// Do we have to call the command with an associative container?
if (ctx.mInstance->m_Associate)
// Create the associative container
Table args(DefaultVM::Get());
// Copy the arguments into the table
for (Uint32 arg = 0; arg < ctx.mArgc; ++arg)
// Do we have use the argument index as the key?
if (ctx.mInstance->m_ArgTags[arg].empty())
args.SetValue(SQInteger(arg), ctx.mArgv[arg].second);
// Nope, we have a name for this argument!
args.SetValue(ctx.mInstance->m_ArgTags[arg].c_str(), ctx.mArgv[arg].second);
// Attempt to execute the command with the specified arguments
result = ctx.mInstance->Execute(ctx.mInvoker, args);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Let's store the exception message
ctx.mBuffer.Write(0, e.what(), e.Message().size());
// Specify that the command execution failed
failed = true;
catch (const std::exception & e)
// Let's store the exception message
ctx.mBuffer.WriteF(0, "Application exception occurred [%s]", e.what());
// Specify that the command execution failed
failed = true;
// Reserve an array for the extracted arguments
Array args(DefaultVM::Get(), ctx.mArgc);
// Copy the arguments into the array
for (Uint32 arg = 0; arg < ctx.mArgc; ++arg)
args.Bind(SQInteger(arg), ctx.mArgv[arg].second);
// Attempt to execute the command with the specified arguments
result = ctx.mInstance->Execute(ctx.mInvoker, args);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Let's store the exception message
ctx.mBuffer.Write(0, e.what(), e.Message().size());
// Specify that the command execution failed
failed = true;
catch (const std::exception & e)
// Let's store the exception message
ctx.mBuffer.WriteF(0, "Application exception occurred [%s]", e.what());
// Specify that the command execution failed
failed = true;
// Was there a runtime exception during the execution?
if (failed)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EXECUTION_FAILED, _SC("Command execution failed"), ctx.mBuffer.Data());
// Is there a script callback that handles failures?
if (!ctx.mInstance->m_OnFail.IsNull())
// Then attempt to relay the result to that function
ctx.mInstance->m_OnFail.Execute(ctx.mInvoker, result);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNRESOLVED_FAILURE, _SC("Unable to resolve command failure"), e.Message());
catch (const std::exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNRESOLVED_FAILURE, _SC("Unable to resolve command failure"), e.what());
// Result is invalid at this point
result = -1;
// Was the command aborted explicitly?
else if (!result)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_EXECUTION_ABORTED, _SC("Command execution aborted"), result);
// Is there a script callback that handles failures?
if (!ctx.mInstance->m_OnFail.IsNull())
// Then attempt to relay the result to that function
ctx.mInstance->m_OnFail.Execute(ctx.mInvoker, result);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNRESOLVED_FAILURE, _SC("Unable to resolve command failure"), e.Message());
catch (const std::exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_UNRESOLVED_FAILURE, _SC("Unable to resolve command failure"), e.what());
// Is there a callback that must be executed after a successful execution?
else if (!ctx.mInstance->m_OnPost.IsNull())
// Then attempt to relay the result to that function
ctx.mInstance->m_OnPost.Execute(ctx.mInvoker, result);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_POST_PROCESSING_FAILED, _SC("Unable to complete command post processing"), e.Message());
catch (const std::exception & e)
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_POST_PROCESSING_FAILED, _SC("Unable to complete command post processing"), e.what());
// Return the result
return ConvTo< Int32 >::From(result);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Controller::Parse(Context & ctx)
// Is there anything to parse?
if (ctx.mArgument.empty())
return true; // Done parsing!
// Obtain the flags of the currently processed argument
Uint8 arg_flags = ctx.mInstance->m_ArgSpec[ctx.mArgc];
// Adjust the internal buffer if necessary (mostly never)
// The iterator to the currently processed character
String::const_iterator itr = ctx.mArgument.cbegin();
// Previous and currently processed character
String::value_type prev = 0, elem = 0;
// Maximum arguments allowed to be processed
const Uint8 max_arg = ctx.mInstance->m_MaxArgc;
// Process loop result
bool good = true;
// Process the specified command text
while (good)
// Extract the current characters before advancing
prev = elem, elem = *itr;
// See if we have anything left to parse or we have what we need already
if (elem == '\0' || ctx.mArgc >= max_arg)
break; // We only parse what we need or what we have!
// Is this a greedy argument?
else if (arg_flags & CMDARG_GREEDY)
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Skip white-space characters
itr = std::find_if(itr, ctx.mArgument.cend(), IsNotCType(std::isspace));
// Anything left to copy to the argument?
if (itr != ctx.mArgument.end())
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), &(*itr), std::distance(itr, ctx.mArgument.cend()));
// Just push an empty string
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), _SC(""), 0);
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_STRING, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// Include this argument into the count
// Nothing left to parse
// Do we have to extract a string argument?
else if ((elem == '\'' || elem == '"') && prev != '\\')
// Obtain the beginning and ending of the internal buffer
SStr str = ctx.mBuffer.Begin< SQChar >();
SStr end = (ctx.mBuffer.End< SQChar >() - 1); // + null terminator
// Save the closing quote type
const SQChar close = elem;
// Skip the opening quote
// Attempt to consume the string argument
while (good)
// Extract the current characters before advancing
prev = elem, elem = *itr;
// See if there's anything left to parse
if (elem == '\0')
// Tell the script callback to deal with the error
SqError(CMDERR_SYNTAX_ERROR, _SC("String argument not closed properly"), ctx.mArgc);
// Parsing aborted
good = false;
// Stop parsing
// First un-escaped matching quote character ends the argument
else if (elem == close)
// Was this not escaped?
if (prev != '\\')
// Terminate the string value in the internal buffer
*str = '\0';
// Stop parsing
// Overwrite last character when replicating
// See if the internal buffer needs to scale
else if (str >= end)
// We should already have a buffer as big as the entire command!
SqError(CMDERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, _SC("Command buffer was exceeded unexpectedly"), ctx.mInvoker);
// Parsing aborted
good = false;
// Stop parsing
// Simply replicate the character to the internal buffer
*str = elem;
// Advance to the next character
++str, ++itr;
// See if the argument was valid
if (!good)
break; // Propagate the failure!
// Swap the beginning and ending of the extracted string
end = str, str = ctx.mBuffer.Begin();
// Make sure the string is null terminated
*end = '\0';
// Do we have to make the string lowercase?
if (arg_flags & CMDARG_LOWER)
for (CStr chr = str; chr < end; ++chr)
*chr = static_cast< SQChar >(std::tolower(*chr));
// Do we have to make the string uppercase?
else if (arg_flags & CMDARG_UPPER)
for (CStr chr = str; chr < end; ++chr)
*chr = static_cast< SQChar >(std::toupper(*chr));
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Was the specified string empty?
if (str >= end)
// Just push an empty string
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), _SC(""), 0);
// Add it to the argument list along with it's type
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), str, end - str - 1);
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_STRING, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// Advance to the next argument and obtain its flags
arg_flags = ctx.mInstance->m_ArgSpec[++ctx.mArgc];
// Ignore white-space characters until another valid character is found
else if (!std::isspace(elem) && (std::isspace(prev) || prev == '\0'))
// Find the first space character that marks the end of the argument
String::const_iterator pos = std::find_if(itr, ctx.mArgument.cend(), IsCType(std::isspace));
// Obtain both ends of the argument string
CCStr str = &(*itr), end = &(*pos);
// Compute the argument string size
const Uint32 sz = std::distance(itr, pos);
// Update the main iterator position
itr = pos;
// Update the currently processed character
elem = *itr;
// Used to exclude all other checks when a valid type was identified
bool identified = false;
// Attempt to treat the value as an integer number if possible
if (!identified && (arg_flags & CMDARG_INTEGER))
// Let's us know if the whole argument was part of the resulted value
CStr next = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the integer value from the string
const Int64 value = std::strtoll(str, &next, 10);
// See if this whole string was indeed an integer
if (next == end)
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushinteger(DefaultVM::Get(), ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(value));
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_INTEGER, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// We've identified the correct value type
identified = true;
// Attempt to treat the value as an floating point number if possible
if (!identified && (arg_flags & CMDARG_FLOAT))
// Let's us know if the whole argument was part of the resulted value
CStr next = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the integer value from the string
const Float64 value = std::strtod(str, &next);
const Float32 value = std::strtof(str, &next);
// See if this whole string was indeed an integer
if (next == end)
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushfloat(DefaultVM::Get(), ConvTo< SQFloat >::From(value));
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_FLOAT, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// We've identified the correct value type
identified = true;
// Attempt to treat the value as a boolean if possible
if (!identified && (arg_flags & CMDARG_BOOLEAN) && sz <= 5)
// Allocate memory for enough data to form a boolean value
CharT lc[6];
// Don't modify the original string or buffer pointer
CStr bptr = lc;
CSStr sptr = str;
// Fill the temporary buffer with data from the internal buffer
for (; sptr < end; ++sptr, ++bptr)
*bptr = std::tolower(*sptr);
// Terminate the copied string portion
*bptr = '\0';
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Is this a boolean true value?
if (std::strcmp(lc, "true") == 0 || std::strcmp(lc, "on") == 0)
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushbool(DefaultVM::Get(), true);
// We've identified the correct value type
identified = true;
// Is this a boolean false value?
else if (std::strcmp(lc, "false") == 0 || std::strcmp(lc, "off") == 0)
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushbool(DefaultVM::Get(), false);
// We've identified the correct value type
identified = true;
// Could the value inside the string be interpreted as a boolean?
if (identified)
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_BOOLEAN, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// If everything else failed then simply treat the value as a string
if (!identified)
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg;
// Do we have to make the string lowercase?
if (arg_flags & CMDARG_LOWER)
// Convert all characters from the argument string into the buffer
for (CStr chr = ctx.mBuffer.Data(); str < end; ++str, ++chr)
*chr = static_cast< CharT >(std::tolower(*str));
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), ctx.mBuffer.Get< SQChar >(), sz);
// Do we have to make the string uppercase?
else if (arg_flags & CMDARG_UPPER)
// Convert all characters from the argument string into the buffer
for (CStr chr = ctx.mBuffer.Data(); str < end; ++str, ++chr)
*chr = static_cast< CharT >(std::toupper(*str));
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), ctx.mBuffer.Get< SQChar >(), sz);
// Transform it into a script object
sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), str, sz);
// Get the object from the stack and add it to the argument list along with it's type
ctx.mArgv.emplace_back(CMDARG_STRING, Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value);
// Advance to the next argument and obtain its flags
arg_flags = ctx.mInstance->m_ArgSpec[++ctx.mArgc];
// Is there anything left to parse?
if (itr >= ctx.mArgument.end())
// Advance to the next character
// Return whether the parsing was successful
return good;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Listener::GenerateInfo(bool full)
// Clear any previously generated informational message
// Process each supported command argument
for (Uint32 arg = 0; arg < m_MaxArgc; ++arg)
// If this is not a full command request then see if we must stop
if (!full)
// Default to stop if criteria are not meet
bool stop = true;
// Check all arguments after this and see if there's any left
for (Uint32 idx = arg; idx < m_MaxArgc; ++idx)
// If the argument has a name or a type specifier then it's valid
if (!m_ArgTags[idx].empty() || m_ArgSpec[idx] != CMDARG_ANY)
// We have more arguments that need to be parsed
stop = false;
// Go back to the main loop
// Is there any argument left?
if (stop)
break; // Stop the main loop as well
// Begin the argument block
// If the current argument is beyond minimum then mark it as optional
if (arg >= m_MinArgc)
// If the argument has a tag/name associated then add it as well
if (!m_ArgTags[arg].empty())
// Add the name first
// Separate the name from the specifiers
// Obtain the argument specifier
const Uint8 spec = m_ArgSpec[arg];
// Is this a greedy argument?
if (spec & CMDARG_GREEDY)
// If the argument has any explicit types specified
else if (spec != CMDARG_ANY)
// Does it support integers?
if (spec & CMDARG_INTEGER)
// Does it support floats?
if (spec & CMDARG_FLOAT)
// Add a separator if this is not the first enabled type!
if (m_Info.back() != ':' && m_Info.back() != '<')
// Now add the type name
// Does it support booleans?
if (spec & CMDARG_BOOLEAN)
// Add a separator if this is not the first enabled type!
if (m_Info.back() != ':' && m_Info.back() != '<')
// Now add the type name
// Does it support strings?
if (spec & CMDARG_STRING)
// Add a separator if this is not the first enabled type?
if (m_Info.back() != ':' && m_Info.back() != '<')
// Now add the type name
// Any kind of value is supported by this argument
// Terminate the argument block
// Don't process anything after greedy arguments
if (spec & CMDARG_GREEDY)
// If this is not the last argument then add a separator
else if (arg+1 != m_MaxArgc)
m_Info.push_back(' ');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Listener::ProcSpec(CSStr str)
// Reset current argument specifiers
std::memset(m_ArgSpec, CMDARG_ANY, sizeof(m_ArgSpec));
// Make sure we have anything to parse
if (!str || *str == '\0')
// Currently processed argument
Uint32 idx = 0;
// Try to apply the specified type specifiers
// Process until null terminator or an error occurs
while (*str != 0)
// See if we need to move to the next argument
if (*str == '|')
if (idx >= SQMOD_MAX_CMD_ARGS)
STHROWF("Extraneous type specifiers: %d >= %d", idx, SQMOD_MAX_CMD_ARGS);
// Move to the next character
// Advance to the next argument
// Simply ignore a type specifier delimiter
else if (*str != ',')
// Ignore non-alphabetic characters
while (*str != '\0' && !std::isalpha(*str))
// Apply the type specifier
// Did we reached the end of the string?
case '\0':
// Is this a greedy argument?
case 'g':
m_ArgSpec[idx] = CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a integer type
case 'i':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_INTEGER;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a float type
case 'f':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_FLOAT;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a boolean type
case 'b':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_BOOLEAN;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a string type
case 's':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_STRING;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a lowercase string?
case 'l':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_STRING;
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_LOWER;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Is this a uppercase string?
case 'u':
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_STRING;
m_ArgSpec[idx] |= CMDARG_UPPER;
// Disable greedy argument flag if set
if (m_ArgSpec[idx] & CMDARG_GREEDY)
m_ArgSpec[idx] ^= CMDARG_GREEDY;
} break;
// Unknown type!
default: STHROWF("Unknown type specifier (%c) at argument: %u", *str, idx);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
// Reset all argument specifiers if failed
std::memset(m_ArgSpec, CMDARG_ANY, sizeof(m_ArgSpec));
// Propagate the exception back to the caller
throw e;
// Attempt to generate an informational message
// ================================================================================================
void Register(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Table cmdns(vm);
Class< Manager, NoCopy< Manager > >(vm, _SC("SqCmdManager"))
// Meta-methods
.Func(_SC("_cmp"), &Manager::Cmp)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Manager::Typename)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Manager::ToString)
// Member Properties
.Prop(_SC("Count"), &Manager::GetCount)
.Prop(_SC("References"), &Manager::GetRefCount)
.Prop(_SC("IsContext"), &Manager::IsContext)
.Prop(_SC("OnFail"), &Manager::GetOnFail)
.Prop(_SC("OnAuth"), &Manager::GetOnAuth)
.Prop(_SC("Invoker"), &Manager::GetInvoker)
.Prop(_SC("Listener"), &Manager::GetListener)
.Prop(_SC("Command"), &Manager::GetCommand)
.Prop(_SC("Argument"), &Manager::GetArgument)
// Member Methods
.Func(_SC("Run"), &Manager::Run)
.Func(_SC("Sort"), &Manager::Sort)
.Func(_SC("Clear"), &Manager::Clear)
.Func(_SC("Attach"), &Manager::Attach)
.Func(_SC("FindByName"), &Manager::FindByName)
.Func(_SC("BindFail"), &Manager::SetOnFail)
.Func(_SC("BindAuth"), &Manager::SetOnAuth)
.Func(_SC("GetArray"), &Manager::GetCommandsArray)
.Func(_SC("GetTable"), &Manager::GetCommandsTable)
.Func(_SC("Foreach"), &Manager::ForeachCommand)
// Member Overloads
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Array &) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Uint8, Uint8) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger, bool) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
.Overload< Object (Manager::*)(CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger, bool, bool) >(_SC("Create"), &Manager::Create)
Class< Listener, NoCopy< Listener > >(vm, _SC("SqCmdListener"))
// Constructors
.Ctor< CSStr >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Array & >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Uint8, Uint8 >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8 >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger, bool >()
.Ctor< CSStr, CSStr, Array &, Uint8, Uint8, SQInteger, bool, bool >()
// Meta-methods
.Func(_SC("_cmp"), &Listener::Cmp)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Listener::Typename)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Listener::ToString)
// Member Properties
.Prop(_SC("References"), &Listener::GetRefCount)
.Prop(_SC("Attached"), &Listener::Attached)
.Prop(_SC("Manager"), &Listener::GetManager)
.Prop(_SC("Name"), &Listener::GetName, &Listener::SetName)
.Prop(_SC("Spec"), &Listener::GetSpec, &Listener::SetSpec)
.Prop(_SC("Specifier"), &Listener::GetSpec, &Listener::SetSpec)
.Prop(_SC("Tags"), &Listener::GetArgTags, &Listener::SetArgTags)
.Prop(_SC("Help"), &Listener::GetHelp, &Listener::SetHelp)
.Prop(_SC("Info"), &Listener::GetInfo, &Listener::SetInfo)
.Prop(_SC("Authority"), &Listener::GetAuthority, &Listener::SetAuthority)
.Prop(_SC("Protected"), &Listener::GetProtected, &Listener::SetProtected)
.Prop(_SC("Suspended"), &Listener::GetSuspended, &Listener::SetSuspended)
.Prop(_SC("Associate"), &Listener::GetAssociate, &Listener::SetAssociate)
.Prop(_SC("MinArgs"), &Listener::GetMinArgC, &Listener::SetMinArgC)
.Prop(_SC("MaxArgs"), &Listener::GetMaxArgC, &Listener::SetMaxArgC)
.Prop(_SC("OnExec"), &Listener::GetOnExec)
.Prop(_SC("OnAuth"), &Listener::GetOnAuth)
.Prop(_SC("OnPost"), &Listener::GetOnPost)
.Prop(_SC("OnFail"), &Listener::GetOnFail)
// Member Methods
.Func(_SC("Attach"), &Listener::Attach)
.Func(_SC("Detach"), &Listener::Detach)
.Func(_SC("BindExec"), &Listener::SetOnExec)
.Func(_SC("BindAuth"), &Listener::SetOnAuth)
.Func(_SC("BindPost"), &Listener::SetOnPost)
.Func(_SC("BindFail"), &Listener::SetOnFail)
.Func(_SC("GetArgTag"), &Listener::GetArgTag)
.Func(_SC("SetArgTag"), &Listener::SetArgTag)
.Func(_SC("GetArgFlags"), &Listener::GetArgFlags)
.Func(_SC("ArgCheck"), &Listener::ArgCheck)
.Func(_SC("AuthCheck"), &Listener::AuthCheck)
.Func(_SC("GenerateInfo"), &Listener::GenerateInfo)
RootTable(vm).Bind(_SC("SqCmd"), cmdns);
ConstTable(vm).Enum(_SC("SqCmdArg"), Enumeration(vm)
.Const(_SC("Any"), CMDARG_ANY)
.Const(_SC("Integer"), CMDARG_INTEGER)
.Const(_SC("Float"), CMDARG_FLOAT)
.Const(_SC("Boolean"), CMDARG_BOOLEAN)
.Const(_SC("String"), CMDARG_STRING)
.Const(_SC("Lower"), CMDARG_LOWER)
.Const(_SC("Upper"), CMDARG_UPPER)
.Const(_SC("Greedy"), CMDARG_GREEDY)
ConstTable(vm).Enum(_SC("SqCmdErr"), Enumeration(vm)
.Const(_SC("Unknown"), CMDERR_UNKNOWN)
.Const(_SC("EmptyCommand"), CMDERR_EMPTY_COMMAND)
.Const(_SC("InvalidCommand"), CMDERR_INVALID_COMMAND)
.Const(_SC("SyntaxError"), CMDERR_SYNTAX_ERROR)
.Const(_SC("UnknownCommand"), CMDERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND)
.Const(_SC("ListenerSuspended"), CMDERR_COMMAND_SUSPENDED)
.Const(_SC("InsufficientAuth"), CMDERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTH)
.Const(_SC("MissingExecuter"), CMDERR_MISSING_EXECUTER)
.Const(_SC("IncompleteArgs"), CMDERR_INCOMPLETE_ARGS)
.Const(_SC("ExtraneousArgs"), CMDERR_EXTRANEOUS_ARGS)
.Const(_SC("UnsupportedArg"), CMDERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARG)
.Const(_SC("BufferOverflow"), CMDERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
.Const(_SC("ExecutionFailed"), CMDERR_EXECUTION_FAILED)
.Const(_SC("ExecutionAborted"), CMDERR_EXECUTION_ABORTED)
.Const(_SC("PostProcessingFailed"), CMDERR_POST_PROCESSING_FAILED)
.Const(_SC("UnresolvedFailure"), CMDERR_UNRESOLVED_FAILURE)
.Const(_SC("Max"), CMDERR_MAX)
} // Namespace:: Cmd
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Register_Command(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to terminate the command manager.
void TerminateCommands()
} // Namespace:: SqMod