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synced 2025-03-04 19:27:29 +01:00
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface. Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving. Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance. Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
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506 lines
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// Column.h
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: Column
// Definition of the Column class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Data_Column_INCLUDED
#define Data_Column_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Data/Data.h"
#include "Poco/Data/MetaColumn.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
template <class C>
class Column
/// Column class is column data container.
/// Data (a pointer to underlying STL container) is assigned to the class
/// at construction time. Construction with null pointer is not allowed.
/// This class owns the data assigned to it and deletes the storage on destruction.
using Container = C;
using ContainerPtr = Poco::SharedPtr<C>;
using Iterator = typename C::const_iterator;
using RIterator = typename C::const_reverse_iterator;
using Size = typename C::size_type;
using Type = typename C::value_type;
Column(const MetaColumn& metaColumn, Container* pData):
/// Creates the Column.
if (!_pData)
throw NullPointerException("Container pointer must point to valid storage.");
Column(const Column& col):
/// Creates the Column.
Column(Column&& col) noexcept:
/// Creates the Column.
/// Destroys the Column.
Column& operator = (const Column& col)
/// Assignment operator.
Column tmp(col);
return *this;
Column& operator = (Column&& col) noexcept
/// Assignment operator.
_metaColumn = std::move(col._metaColumn);
_pData = std::move(col._pData);
return *this;
void swap(Column& other)
/// Swaps the column with another one.
using std::swap;
swap(_metaColumn, other._metaColumn);
swap(_pData, other._pData);
Container& data()
/// Returns reference to contained data.
return *_pData;
const Type& value(std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
return _pData->at(row);
catch (std::out_of_range& ex)
throw RangeException(ex.what());
const Type& operator [] (std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
return value(row);
Size rowCount() const
/// Returns number of rows.
return _pData->size();
void reset()
/// Clears and shrinks the storage.
const std::string& name() const
/// Returns column name.
return _metaColumn.name();
std::size_t length() const
/// Returns column maximum length.
return _metaColumn.length();
std::size_t precision() const
/// Returns column precision.
/// Valid for floating point fields only (zero for other data types).
return _metaColumn.precision();
std::size_t position() const
/// Returns column position.
return _metaColumn.position();
MetaColumn::ColumnDataType type() const
/// Returns column type.
return _metaColumn.type();
Iterator begin() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of data storage vector.
return _pData->begin();
Iterator end() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the end of data storage vector.
return _pData->end();
MetaColumn _metaColumn;
ContainerPtr _pData;
template <>
class Column<std::vector<bool>>
/// The std::vector<bool> specialization for the Column class.
/// This specialization is necessary due to the nature of std::vector<bool>.
/// For details, see the standard library implementation of vector<bool>
/// or
/// S. Meyers: "Effective STL" (Copyright Addison-Wesley 2001),
/// Item 18: "Avoid using vector<bool>."
/// The workaround employed here is using deque<bool> as an
/// internal "companion" container kept in sync with the vector<bool>
/// column data.
using Container = std::vector<bool>;
using ContainerPtr = Poco::SharedPtr<Container>;
using Iterator = Container::const_iterator;
using RIterator = Container::const_reverse_iterator;
using Size = Container::size_type;
Column(const MetaColumn& metaColumn, Container* pData):
/// Creates the Column.
poco_check_ptr (_pData);
_deque.assign(_pData->begin(), _pData->end());
Column(const Column& col):
/// Creates the Column.
_deque.assign(_pData->begin(), _pData->end());
/// Destroys the Column.
Column& operator = (const Column& col)
/// Assignment operator.
Column tmp(col);
return *this;
void swap(Column& other)
/// Swaps the column with another one.
using std::swap;
swap(_metaColumn, other._metaColumn);
swap(_pData, other._pData);
swap(_deque, other._deque);
Container& data()
/// Returns reference to contained data.
return *_pData;
const bool& value(std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
if (_deque.size() < _pData->size())
return _deque.at(row) = _pData->at(row);
catch (std::out_of_range& ex)
throw RangeException(ex.what());
const bool& operator [] (std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
return value(row);
Size rowCount() const
/// Returns number of rows.
return _pData->size();
void reset()
/// Clears and shrinks the storage.
const std::string& name() const
/// Returns column name.
return _metaColumn.name();
std::size_t length() const
/// Returns column maximum length.
return _metaColumn.length();
std::size_t precision() const
/// Returns column precision.
/// Valid for floating point fields only (zero for other data types).
return _metaColumn.precision();
std::size_t position() const
/// Returns column position.
return _metaColumn.position();
MetaColumn::ColumnDataType type() const
/// Returns column type.
return _metaColumn.type();
Iterator begin() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of data storage vector.
return _pData->begin();
Iterator end() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the end of data storage vector.
return _pData->end();
MetaColumn _metaColumn;
ContainerPtr _pData;
mutable std::deque<bool> _deque;
template <class T>
class Column<std::list<T>>
/// Column specialization for std::list
using Container = std::list<T>;
using ContainerPtr = Poco::SharedPtr<Container>;
using Iterator = typename Container::const_iterator;
using RIterator = typename Container::const_reverse_iterator;
using Size = typename Container::size_type;
Column(const MetaColumn& metaColumn, std::list<T>* pData):
/// Creates the Column.
poco_check_ptr (_pData);
Column(const Column& col):
/// Creates the Column.
/// Destroys the Column.
Column& operator = (const Column& col)
/// Assignment operator.
Column tmp(col);
return *this;
void swap(Column& other)
/// Swaps the column with another one.
using std::swap;
swap(_metaColumn, other._metaColumn);
swap(_pData, other._pData);
Container& data()
/// Returns reference to contained data.
return *_pData;
const T& value(std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
/// This is the std::list specialization and std::list
/// is not the optimal solution for cases where random
/// access is needed.
/// However, to allow for compatibility with other
/// containers, this functionality is provided here.
/// To alleviate the problem, an effort is made
/// to start iteration from beginning or end,
/// depending on the position requested.
if (row <= (std::size_t) (_pData->size() / 2))
Iterator it = _pData->begin();
Iterator end = _pData->end();
for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, ++i)
if (i == row) return *it;
row = _pData->size() - row;
RIterator it = _pData->rbegin();
RIterator end = _pData->rend();
for (int i = 1; it != end; ++it, ++i)
if (i == row) return *it;
throw RangeException("Invalid row number.");
const T& operator [] (std::size_t row) const
/// Returns the field value in specified row.
return value(row);
Size rowCount() const
/// Returns number of rows.
return _pData->size();
void reset()
/// Clears the storage.
const std::string& name() const
/// Returns column name.
return _metaColumn.name();
std::size_t length() const
/// Returns column maximum length.
return _metaColumn.length();
std::size_t precision() const
/// Returns column precision.
/// Valid for floating point fields only (zero for other data types).
return _metaColumn.precision();
std::size_t position() const
/// Returns column position.
return _metaColumn.position();
MetaColumn::ColumnDataType type() const
/// Returns column type.
return _metaColumn.type();
Iterator begin() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of data storage vector.
return _pData->begin();
Iterator end() const
/// Returns iterator pointing to the end of data storage vector.
return _pData->end();
MetaColumn _metaColumn;
ContainerPtr _pData;
template <typename C>
inline void swap(Column<C>& c1, Column<C>& c2)
} } // namespace Poco::Data
#endif // Data_Column_INCLUDED