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synced 2025-03-04 19:27:29 +01:00
Switched to POCO library for unified platform/library interface. Deprecated the external module API. It was creating more problems than solving. Removed most built-in libraries in favor of system libraries for easier maintenance. Cleaned and secured code with help from static analyzers.
206 lines
4.2 KiB
206 lines
4.2 KiB
// Struct.h
// Library: CppParser
// Package: SymbolTable
// Module: Struct
// Definition of the Struct class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef CppParser_Struct_INCLUDED
#define CppParser_Struct_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/CppParser/CppParser.h"
#include "Poco/CppParser/NameSpace.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
namespace Poco {
namespace CppParser {
class Function;
class CppParser_API Struct: public NameSpace
/// This class represents a struct or class declaration.
enum Flags
FN_INLINE = 2, // when the whole class is inlined in a c++ file
struct Base
Symbol::Access access;
bool isVirtual;
std::string name;
Struct* pClass;
typedef std::vector<Base> BaseClasses;
typedef BaseClasses::const_iterator BaseIterator;
typedef std::vector<Struct*> StructVec;
typedef StructVec::const_iterator DerivedIterator;
typedef std::vector<Function*> Functions;
typedef std::set<Function*> FunctionSet;
typedef std::set<Struct*> StructSet;
Struct(const std::string& decl, bool isClass, NameSpace* pNameSpace);
/// Creates the Struct.
/// Destroys the Struct.
void addBase(const std::string&, Symbol::Access access, bool isVirtual);
/// Adds a base class.
BaseIterator baseBegin() const;
/// Returns an iterator for iterating over all base classes.
BaseIterator baseEnd() const;
/// Returns an iterator for iterating over all base classes.
void fixupBases();
/// Adds pointers for all base classes.
void addDerived(Struct* pClass);
/// Adds a derived class.
DerivedIterator derivedBegin() const;
/// Returns an iterator for iterating over all derived classes.
DerivedIterator derivedEnd() const;
/// Returns an iterator for iterating over all derived classes.
const std::string& declaration() const;
/// Returns the declaration.
int flags() const;
/// Returns the struct's flags.
void makeInline();
/// Changes the class to a inline class, i.e. definition and implementation are hidden in a cpp file.
void makeFinal();
/// Makes the class final.
bool isInline() const;
/// Returns true if the complete class is inlined in a cpp file.
bool isFinal() const;
/// Returns true if the class is final.
void constructors(Functions& functions) const;
/// Returns all constructors, sorted by their parameter count.
Function* destructor() const;
/// Returns the destructor, or NULL if no
/// destructor is defined.
void methods(Symbol::Access access, Functions& functions) const;
/// Returns all functions with the given access.
void inheritedMethods(FunctionSet& functions) const;
/// Returns all inherited methods.
void bases(std::set<std::string>& bases) const;
/// Returns all base classes.
void derived(StructSet& derived) const;
/// Returns all derived classes.
Function* findFunction(const std::string& signature) const;
/// Finds a function with the given signature.
bool hasVirtualDestructor() const;
/// Returns true if the class CppParser_API or one if its base classes
/// has a virtual destructor.
bool isClass() const;
/// Returns true iff the struct was declared as class.
bool isDerived() const;
/// Returns true iff the struct or class is derived from another struct or class.
Symbol::Kind kind() const;
std::string toString() const;
std::string _decl;
BaseClasses _bases;
StructVec _derived;
int _flags;
bool _isClass;
// inlines
inline const std::string& Struct::declaration() const
return _decl;
inline int Struct::flags() const
return _flags;
inline bool Struct::isClass() const
return _isClass;
inline void Struct::makeInline()
_flags |= FN_INLINE;
inline void Struct::makeFinal()
_flags |= FN_FINAL;
inline bool Struct::isInline() const
return (_flags & FN_INLINE) != 0;
inline bool Struct::isFinal() const
return (_flags & FN_FINAL) != 0;
inline bool Struct::isDerived() const
return !_bases.empty();
} } // namespace Poco::CppParser
#endif // CppParser_Struct_INCLUDED