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/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02111-1301, USA */
/* password checking routines */
The main idea is that no password are sent between client & server on
connection and that no password are saved in mysql in a decodable form.
On connection a random string is generated and sent to the client.
The client generates a new string with a random generator inited with
the hash values from the password and the sent string.
This 'check' string is sent to the server where it is compared with
a string generated from the stored hash_value of the password and the
random string.
The password is saved (in user.password) by using the PASSWORD() function in
update user set password=PASSWORD("hello") where user="test"
This saves a hashed number as a string in the password field.
#include <my_global.h>
#include <my_sys.h>
#include <m_string.h>
#include <sha1.h>
#include "mysql.h"
void randominit(struct rand_struct *rand_st,ulong seed1, ulong seed2)
{ /* For mysql 3.21.# */
#ifdef HAVE_purify
bzero((char*) rand_st,sizeof(*rand_st)); /* Avoid UMC varnings */
rand_st->max_value= 0x3FFFFFFFL;
rand_st->max_value_dbl=(double) rand_st->max_value;
rand_st->seed1=seed1%rand_st->max_value ;
static void old_randominit(struct rand_struct *rand_st,ulong seed1)
{ /* For mysql 3.20.# */
rand_st->max_value= 0x01FFFFFFL;
rand_st->max_value_dbl=(double) rand_st->max_value;
rand_st->seed1=seed1 ; rand_st->seed2=seed1/2;
double rnd(struct rand_struct *rand_st)
rand_st->seed1=(rand_st->seed1*3+rand_st->seed2) % rand_st->max_value;
rand_st->seed2=(rand_st->seed1+rand_st->seed2+33) % rand_st->max_value;
return (((double) rand_st->seed1)/rand_st->max_value_dbl);
void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password, size_t len)
register ulong nr=1345345333L, add=7, nr2=0x12345671L;
ulong tmp;
const char *password_end= password + len;
for (; password < password_end; password++)
if (*password == ' ' || *password == '\t')
continue; /* skipp space in password */
tmp= (ulong) (uchar) *password;
nr^= (((nr & 63)+add)*tmp)+ (nr << 8);
nr2+=(nr2 << 8) ^ nr;
result[0]=nr & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L); /* Don't use sign bit (str2int) */;
result[1]=nr2 & (((ulong) 1L << 31) -1L);
static inline unsigned int char_val(char X)
return (uint) (X >= '0' && X <= '9' ? X-'0' :
X >= 'A' && X <= 'Z' ? X-'A'+10 :
* Genererate a new message based on message and password
* The same thing is done in client and server and the results are checked.
/* scramble for 4.1 servers
* Code based on php_nysqlnd_scramble function from PHP's mysqlnd extension,
* written by Andrey Hristov (andrey@php.net)
* License: PHP License 3.0
void my_crypt(unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2, size_t len)
const unsigned char *s1_end= s1 + len;
while (s1 < s1_end) {
*buffer++= *s1++ ^ *s2++;
void my_scramble_41(const unsigned char *buffer, const char *scramble, const char *password)
MYSQL_SHA1_CTX context;
unsigned char sha1[SHA1_MAX_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha2[SHA1_MAX_LENGTH];
/* Phase 1: hash password */
MYSQL_SHA1Update(&context, (unsigned char *)password, strlen((char *)password));
MYSQL_SHA1Final(sha1, &context);
/* Phase 2: hash sha1 */
MYSQL_SHA1Update(&context, (unsigned char*)sha1, SHA1_MAX_LENGTH);
MYSQL_SHA1Final(sha2, &context);
/* Phase 3: hash scramble + sha2 */
MYSQL_SHA1Update(&context, (unsigned char *)scramble, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH);
MYSQL_SHA1Update(&context, (unsigned char*)sha2, SHA1_MAX_LENGTH);
MYSQL_SHA1Final((unsigned char *)buffer, &context);
/* let's crypt buffer now */
my_crypt((uchar *)buffer, (const unsigned char *)buffer, (const unsigned char *)sha1, SHA1_MAX_LENGTH);
/* }}} */
void make_scrambled_password(char *to,const char *password)
ulong hash_res[2];
hash_password(hash_res,password, strlen(password));
** This code assumes that len(password) is divideable with 8 and that
** res is big enough (2 in mysql)
void get_salt_from_password(ulong *res,const char *password)
if (password)
while (*password)
ulong val=0;
uint i;
for (i=0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
val=(val << 4)+char_val(*password++);
void make_password_from_salt(char *to, ulong *hash_res)
* Genererate a new message based on message and password
* The same thing is done in client and server and the results are checked.
char *scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password)
struct rand_struct rand_st;
ulong hash_pass[2], hash_message[2];
if (password && password[0])
char extra, *to_start=to;
const char *end_scramble323= message + SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323;
hash_password(hash_pass,password, (uint) strlen(password));
/* Don't use strlen, could be > SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 ! */
hash_password(hash_message, message, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323);
randominit(&rand_st, hash_pass[0] ^ hash_message[0],
hash_pass[1] ^ hash_message[1]);
for (; message < end_scramble323; message++)
*to++= (char) (floor(rnd(&rand_st) * 31) + 64);
extra=(char) (floor(rnd(&rand_st) * 31));
while (to_start != to)
*(to_start++)^= extra;
*to= 0;
return to;
my_bool check_scramble(const char *scrambled, const char *message,
ulong *hash_pass, my_bool old_ver)
struct rand_struct rand_st;
ulong hash_message[2];
char buff[16],*to,extra; /* Big enough for check */
const char *pos;
hash_password(hash_message,message, strlen(message));
if (old_ver)
old_randominit(&rand_st,hash_pass[0] ^ hash_message[0]);
randominit(&rand_st,hash_pass[0] ^ hash_message[0],
hash_pass[1] ^ hash_message[1]);
for (pos=scrambled ; *pos ; pos++)
*to++=(char) (floor(rnd(&rand_st)*31)+64);
if (old_ver)
extra=(char) (floor(rnd(&rand_st)*31));
while (*scrambled)
if (*scrambled++ != (char) (*to++ ^ extra))
return 1; /* Wrong password */
return 0;