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// MemoryPool.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module: MemoryPool
// Definition of the MemoryPool class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/AtomicCounter.h"
#include "Poco/Mutex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
namespace Poco {
class Foundation_API MemoryPool
/// A simple pool for fixed-size memory blocks.
/// The main purpose of this class is to speed-up
/// memory allocations, as well as to reduce memory
/// fragmentation in situations where the same blocks
/// are allocated all over again, such as in server
/// applications.
/// All allocated blocks are retained for future use.
/// A limit on the number of blocks can be specified.
/// Blocks can be preallocated.
MemoryPool(std::size_t blockSize, int preAlloc = 0, int maxAlloc = 0);
/// Creates a MemoryPool for blocks with the given blockSize.
/// The number of blocks given in preAlloc are preallocated.
void* get();
/// Returns a memory block. If there are no more blocks
/// in the pool, a new block will be allocated.
/// If maxAlloc blocks are already allocated, an
/// OutOfMemoryException is thrown.
void release(void* ptr);
/// Releases a memory block and returns it to the pool.
std::size_t blockSize() const;
/// Returns the block size.
int allocated() const;
/// Returns the number of allocated blocks.
int available() const;
/// Returns the number of available blocks in the pool.
MemoryPool(const MemoryPool&);
MemoryPool& operator = (const MemoryPool&);
void clear();
typedef std::vector<char*> BlockVec;
std::size_t _blockSize;
int _maxAlloc;
int _allocated;
BlockVec _blocks;
FastMutex _mutex;
// FastMemoryPool
// Macro defining the default initial size of any
// FastMemoryPool; can be overridden by specifying
// FastMemoryPool pre-alloc at runtime.
template <typename T, typename M = FastMutex>
class FastMemoryPool
/// FastMemoryPool is a class for pooling fixed-size blocks of memory.
/// The main purpose of this class is to speed-up memory allocations,
/// as well as to reduce memory fragmentation in situations where the
/// same blocks are allocated all over again, such as in server
/// applications. It differs from the MemoryPool in the way the block
/// size is determined - it is inferred form the held type size and
/// applied statically. It is also, as its name implies, faster than
/// Poco::MemoryPool. It is likely to be significantly faster than
/// the runtime platform generic memory allocation functionality
/// as well, but it has certain limitations (aside from only giving
/// blocks of fixed size) - see more below.
/// An object using memory from the pool should be created using
/// in-place new operator; once released back to the pool, its
/// destructor will be called by the pool. The returned pointer
/// must be a valid pointer to the type for which it was obtained.
/// Example use:
/// using std::vector;
/// using std:string;
/// using std::to_string;
/// using Poco::FastMemoryPool;
/// int blocks = 10;
/// FastMemoryPool<int> fastIntPool(blocks);
/// FastMemoryPool<string> fastStringPool(blocks);
/// vector<int*> intVec(blocks, 0);
/// vector<string*> strVec(blocks);
/// for (int i = 0; i < blocks; ++i)
/// {
/// intVec[i] = new (fastIntPool.get()) int(i);
/// strVec[i] = new (fastStringPool.get()) string(to_string(i));
/// }
/// for (int i = 0; i < blocks; ++i)
/// {
/// fastIntPool.release(intVec[i]);
/// fastStringPool.release(strVec[i]);
/// }
/// Pool keeps memory blocks in "buckets". A bucket is an array of
/// blocks; it is always allocated with a single `new[]`, and its blocks
/// are initialized at creation time. Whenever the current capacity
/// of the pool is reached, a new bucket is allocated and its blocks
/// initialized for internal use. If the new bucket allocation would
/// exceed allowed maximum size, std::bad_alloc() exception is thrown,
/// with object itself left intact.
/// Pool internally keeps track of available blocks through a linked-list
/// and utilizes unused memory blocks for that purpose. This means that,
/// for types smaller than pointer the size of a block will be greater
/// than the size of the type. The implications are following:
/// - FastMemoryPool can not be used for arrays of types smaller
/// than pointer
/// - if FastMemoryPool is used to store variable-size arrays, it
/// must not have multiple buckets; the way to achieve this is by
/// specifying proper argument values at construction.
/// Neither of the above are primarily intended or recommended modes
/// of use. It is recommended to use a FastMemoryPool for creation of
/// many objects of the same type. Furthermore, it is perfectly fine
/// to have arrays or STL containers of pointers to objects created
/// in blocks of memory obtained from the FastMemoryPool.
/// Before a block is given to the user, it is removed from the list;
/// when a block is returned to the pool, it is re-inserted in the
/// list. Pool will return held memory to the system at destruction,
/// and will not leak memory after destruction; this means that after
/// pool destruction, any memory that was taken, but not returned to
/// it becomes invalid.
/// FastMemoryPool is thread safe; it uses Poco::FastMutex by
/// default, but other mutexes can be specified through the template
/// parameter, if needed. Poco::NullMutex can be specified as template
/// parameter to avoid locking and improve speed in single-threaded
/// scenarios.
class Block
/// A block of memory. This class represents a memory
/// block. It has dual use, the primary one being
/// obvious - memory provided to the user of the pool.
/// The secondary use is for internal "housekeeping"
/// purposes.
/// It works like this:
/// - when initially created, a Block is properly
/// constructed and positioned into the internal
/// linked list of blocks
/// - when given to the user, the Block is removed
/// from the internal linked list of blocks
/// - when returned back to the pool, the Block
/// is again in-place constructed and inserted
/// as next available block in the linked list
/// of blocks
/// Creates a Block and sets its next pointer.
/// This constructor should ony be used to initialize
/// a block sequence (an array of blocks) in a newly
/// allocated bucket.
/// After the construction, the last block's `next`
/// pointer points outside the allocated memory and
/// must be set to zero. This design improves performance,
/// because otherwise the block array would require an
/// initialization loop after the allocation.
_memory.next = this + 1;
explicit Block(Block* next)
/// Creates a Block and sets its next pointer.
_memory.next = next;
/// Memory block storage.
/// Note that this storage is properly aligned
/// for the datatypes it holds. It will not work
/// for arrays of types smaller than pointer size.
/// Furthermore, the pool itself will not work for
/// a variable-size array of any type after it is
/// resized.
char buffer[sizeof(T)];
Block* next;
} _memory;
Block(const Block&);
Block& operator = (const Block&);
typedef M MutexType;
typedef typename M::ScopedLock ScopedLock;
typedef Block* Bucket;
typedef std::vector<Bucket> BucketVec;
FastMemoryPool(std::size_t blocksPerBucket = POCO_FAST_MEMORY_POOL_PREALLOC, std::size_t bucketPreAlloc = 10, std::size_t maxAlloc = 0):
/// Creates the FastMemoryPool.
/// The size of a block is inferred from the type size. Number of blocks
/// per bucket, pre-allocated bucket pointer storage and maximum allowed
/// total size of the pool can be customized by overriding default
/// parameter value:
/// - blocksPerBucket specifies how many blocks each bucket contains
/// - bucketPreAlloc specifies how much space for bucket pointers
/// (buckets themselves are not pre-allocated) will
/// be pre-alocated.
/// - maxAlloc specifies maximum allowed total pool size in bytes.
if (_blocksPerBucket < 2)
throw std::invalid_argument("FastMemoryPool: blocksPerBucket must be >=2");
/// Destroys the FastMemoryPool and releases all memory.
/// Any memory taken from, but not returned to, the pool
/// becomes invalid.
void* get()
/// Returns pointer to the next available
/// memory block. If the pool is exhausted,
/// it will be resized by allocating a new
/// bucket.
Block* ret;
ScopedLock l(_mutex);
if(_firstBlock == 0) resize();
ret = _firstBlock;
_firstBlock = _firstBlock->_memory.next;
return ret;
template <typename P>
void release(P* ptr)
/// Recycles the released memory by initializing it for
/// internal use and setting it as next available block;
/// previously next block becomes this block's next.
/// Releasing of null pointers is silently ignored.
/// Destructor is called for the returned pointer.
if (!ptr) return;
ScopedLock l(_mutex);
_firstBlock = new (ptr) Block(_firstBlock);
std::size_t blockSize() const
/// Returns the block size in bytes.
return sizeof(Block);
std::size_t allocated() const
/// Returns the total amount of memory allocated, in bytes.
return _buckets.size() * _blocksPerBucket;
std::size_t available() const
/// Returns currently available amount of memory in bytes.
return _available;
FastMemoryPool(const FastMemoryPool&);
FastMemoryPool& operator = (const FastMemoryPool&);
void resize()
/// Creates new bucket and initializes it for internal use.
/// Sets the previously next block to point to the new bucket's
/// first block and the new bucket's last block becomes the
/// last block.
if (_buckets.size() == _buckets.capacity())
std::size_t newSize = _buckets.capacity() * 2;
if (_maxAlloc != 0 && newSize > _maxAlloc) throw std::bad_alloc();
_buckets.push_back(new Block[_blocksPerBucket]);
_firstBlock = _buckets.back();
// terminate last block
_firstBlock[_blocksPerBucket-1]._memory.next = 0;
_available = _available.value() + static_cast<AtomicCounter::ValueType>(_blocksPerBucket);
void clear()
typename BucketVec::iterator it = _buckets.begin();
typename BucketVec::iterator end = _buckets.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) delete[] *it;
typedef Poco::AtomicCounter Counter;
std::size_t _blocksPerBucket;
BucketVec _buckets;
Block* _firstBlock;
std::size_t _maxAlloc;
Counter _available;
mutable M _mutex;
// inlines
inline std::size_t MemoryPool::blockSize() const
return _blockSize;
inline int MemoryPool::allocated() const
return _allocated;
inline int MemoryPool::available() const
return (int) _blocks.size();
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED