mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-04 03:07:29 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 6919e38866 Use the column to point the location.
Use the received column to point the locatio of the error in the line of code included as debug information.
2019-06-16 03:22:53 +03:00

942 lines
33 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "Misc/Signal.hpp"
#include "Misc/Areas.hpp"
#include "Misc/Signal.hpp"
#include "Base/Buffer.hpp"
#include "Library/Utils/Buffer.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Entity/Blip.hpp"
#include "Entity/Checkpoint.hpp"
#include "Entity/Keybind.hpp"
#include "Entity/Object.hpp"
#include "Entity/Pickup.hpp"
#include "Entity/Player.hpp"
#include "Entity/Vehicle.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <SqMod.h>
#include <sqstdio.h>
#include <sqstdblob.h>
#include <sqstdmath.h>
#include <sqstdsystem.h>
#include <sqstdstring.h>
#include <SimpleIni.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef GetObject
#undef GetObject
#endif // ef you MS
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern bool RegisterAPI(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void InitializeTasks();
extern void InitializeRoutines();
extern void TerminateAreas();
extern void TerminateTasks();
extern void TerminateRoutines();
extern void TerminateCommands();
extern void TerminateSignals();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern Buffer GetRealFilePath(CSStr path);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loader used to process a section from the configuration file and look for scripts to load.
class ScriptLoader
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSimpleIniA & m_Config; // The processed configuration.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
ScriptLoader(CSimpleIniA & conf)
: m_Config(conf)
/* ... */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function call operator.
bool operator () (CCStr key, CCStr val) const
// Validate the specified key
if (!key || *key == '\0')
return true; // Move to the next element!
// Identify the load option
if (std::strcmp(key, "Section") == 0)
return m_Config.ProcAllValues(val, ScriptLoader(m_Config));
else if (std::strcmp(key, "Compile") == 0)
return Core::Get().LoadScript(val, true);
else if (std::strcmp(key, "Execute") == 0)
return Core::Get().LoadScript(val, false);
// Move to the next element!
return true;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implements RAII to make sure that entity containers area cleaned up at all costs.
class ContainerCleaner
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EntityType m_Type; // The type of entity container to clear.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
template < typename T > ContainerCleaner(T & container, EntityType type, bool destroy)
: m_Type(type)
for (auto & ent : container)
ent.Destroy(destroy, SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullLightObj());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core Core::s_Inst;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m_State(0)
, m_VM(nullptr)
, m_Scripts()
, m_PendingScripts()
, m_Options()
, m_Blips()
, m_Checkpoints()
, m_Keybinds()
, m_Objects()
, m_Pickups()
, m_Players()
, m_Vehicles()
, m_Events()
, m_CircularLocks(0)
, m_ReloadHeader(0)
, m_ReloadPayload()
, m_IncomingNameBuffer(nullptr)
, m_IncomingNameCapacity(0)
, m_AreasEnabled(false)
, m_Debugging(false)
, m_Executed(false)
, m_Shutdown(false)
, m_LockPreLoadSignal(false)
, m_LockPostLoadSignal(false)
, m_LockUnloadSignal(false)
, m_EmptyInit(false)
, m_Verbosity(1)
/* ... */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_VM)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::Initialize()
// Make sure the plug-in was not already initialized
if (m_VM != nullptr)
OutputError("Plug-in was already initialized");
return true;
CSimpleIniA conf(false, true, true);
// Attempt to load the configurations from disk
SI_Error ini_ret = conf.LoadFile("sqmod.ini");
// See if the configurations could be loaded
if (ini_ret < 0)
switch (ini_ret)
case SI_FAIL:
OutputError("Failed to load the configuration file. Probably invalid");
} break;
case SI_NOMEM:
OutputError("Run out of memory while loading the configuration file");
} break;
case SI_FILE:
OutputError("Failed to load the configuration file. %s", std::strerror(errno));
} break;
default: OutputError("Failed to load the configuration file for some unforeseen reason");
// Failed to load the configuration file
return false;
// See if debugging options should be enabled
m_Debugging = conf.GetBoolValue("Squirrel", "Debugging", m_Debugging);
// Configure the empty initialization
m_EmptyInit = conf.GetBoolValue("Squirrel", "EmptyInit", false);
// Configure the verbosity level
m_Verbosity = conf.GetLongValue("Log", "VerbosityLevel", 1);
// Initialize the log filename
Logger::Get().SetLogFilename(conf.GetValue("Log", "Filename", nullptr));
// Configure the logging timestamps
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleTime(conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleTimestamp", false));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileTime(conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileTimestamp", true));
// Apply the specified logging filters only after initialization was completed
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_DBG, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleDebug", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_USR, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleUser", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_SCS, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleSuccess", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_INF, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleInfo", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_WRN, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleWarning", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_ERR, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleError", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleConsoleLevel(LOGL_FTL, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "ConsoleFatal", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_DBG, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileDebug", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_USR, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileUser", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_SCS, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileSuccess", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_INF, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileInfo", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_WRN, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileWarning", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_ERR, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileError", true));
Logger::Get().ToggleLogFileLevel(LOGL_FTL, conf.GetBoolValue("Log", "LogFileFatal", true));
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Resizing the entity containers");
// Make sure the entity containers have the proper size
// Attempt to read the virtual machine stack size
const LongI stack_size = conf.GetLongValue("Squirrel", "StackSize", SQMOD_STACK_SIZE);
// Make sure that the retrieved number is within range
if (!stack_size)
LogWrn("Invalid virtual machine stack size: %lu", stack_size);
// Stop the initialization process
return false;
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Creating a virtual machine (%ld stack size)", stack_size);
// Attempt to create the script virtual machine
m_VM = sq_open(ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(stack_size));
// See if the virtual machine could be created
if (cLogFtl(!m_VM, "Unable to create the virtual machine"))
return false; // Unable to load the plug-in properly!
// Set this as the default VM
// Configure error handling
ErrorHandling::Enable(conf.GetBoolValue("Squirrel", "ErrorHandling", true));
// Prevent common null objects from using dead virtual machines
NullArray() = Array();
NullTable() = Table();
NullObject() = Object();
NullLightObj() = LightObj();
NullFunction() = Function();
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Registering the standard libraries");
// Push the root table on the stack
// Register the standard library on the pushed table
// Pop the root table from the stack
sq_pop(m_VM, 1);
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Setting the script output function");
// Tell the VM to use these functions to output user on error messages
sq_setprintfunc(m_VM, PrintFunc, ErrorFunc);
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Setting the script error handlers");
// Tell the VM to trigger this function on compile time errors
sq_setcompilererrorhandler(m_VM, CompilerErrorHandler);
// Push the runtime error handler on the stack and create a closure
sq_newclosure(m_VM, RuntimeErrorHandler, 0);
// Tell the VM to trigger this function on runtime errors
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Registering the plug-in API");
// Attempt to register the plug-in API
if (cLogFtl(!RegisterAPI(m_VM), "Unable to register the plug-in API"))
return false; // Can't execute scripts without a valid API!
// Initialize the module global events
// Initialize load stage signals
InitSignalPair(mOnPreLoad, NullLightObj(), nullptr);
InitSignalPair(mOnPostLoad, NullLightObj(), nullptr);
InitSignalPair(mOnUnload, NullLightObj(), nullptr);
CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend scripts;
// Attempt to retrieve the list of keys to make sure there's actually something to process
if (conf.GetAllKeys("Scripts", scripts) && scripts.size() > 0)
// Attempt to load the specified scripts
if (!conf.ProcAllValues("Scripts", ScriptLoader(conf)))
LogErr("Unable to load the specified scripts");
// Either no script was found or failed to load
return false;
// See if any script could be queued for loading
if (m_PendingScripts.empty() && !m_EmptyInit)
LogErr("No scripts loaded. No reason to load the plug-in");
// No point in loading the plug-in
return false;
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Reading the options from the general section");
// Read options only after loading was successful
CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend options;
// Are there any options to read?
if (conf.GetAllKeys("Options", options) || options.size() > 0)
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Found (%" PRINT_SZ_FMT ") options in the configuration file", options.size());
// Process all the specified keys under the [Options] section
for (const auto & option : options)
CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values;
// Get the values of all keys with the same name
if (!conf.GetAllValues("Options", option.pItem, values))
// Sort the keys in their original order
// Save each option option and overwrite existing value
for (const auto & value : values)
m_Options[option.pItem] = value.pItem;
// Initialize routines and tasks
// Initialization successful
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::Execute()
// Are there any scripts to execute?
if (m_PendingScripts.empty())
// Are we allowed to continue without any scripts?
if (m_EmptyInit)
LogWrn("No scripts to execute. Empty initialization was forced");
// Allow empty initialization since it was requested
return true;
LogWrn("No scripts to execute. Plug-in has no purpose");
// No reason to execute the plug-in
return false;
// Unlock signal containers
m_LockPreLoadSignal = false;
m_LockPostLoadSignal = false;
m_LockUnloadSignal = false;
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Signaling outside plug-ins to register their API");
// Tell modules to do their monkey business
_Func->SendPluginCommand(SQMOD_LOAD_CMD, "");
// Load pending scripts while we're in the bounds of the allowed recursiveness
for (unsigned levels = 0; (m_PendingScripts.empty() == false) && (levels < 8); ++levels)
// Remember the last script from the pool
const Scripts::size_type last = m_Scripts.size();
// Push pending scripts to the back of the list
std::move(m_PendingScripts.begin(), m_PendingScripts.end(), std::back_inserter(m_Scripts));
// Clear all pending scripts, if any
// Process all pending scripts
if (DoScripts(m_Scripts.begin() + last, m_Scripts.end()) == false)
return false; // One of the scripts failed to execute
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 2, "Completed execution of stage (%u) scripts. Pending scripts %" PRINT_SZ_FMT, levels, m_PendingScripts.size());
// Create the null entity instances
m_NullBlip = LightObj(new CBlip(-1));
m_NullCheckpoint = LightObj(new CCheckpoint(-1));
m_NullKeybind = LightObj(new CKeybind(-1));
m_NullObject = LightObj(new CObject(-1));
m_NullPickup = LightObj(new CPickup(-1));
m_NullPlayer = LightObj(new CPlayer(-1));
m_NullVehicle = LightObj(new CVehicle(-1));
m_LockPreLoadSignal = true;
// Trigger callbacks that must initialize stuff before the loaded event is triggered
// Clear the callbacks
// Notify the script callback that the scripts were loaded
m_LockPostLoadSignal = true;
// Trigger callbacks that must initialize stuff after the loaded event is triggered
// Clear the callbacks
// Import already existing entities
// Successfully executed
return (m_Executed = true);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::Terminate(bool shutdown)
m_Shutdown = shutdown;
// Is there a virtual machine present?
if (m_VM)
m_LockUnloadSignal = true;
// Trigger callbacks that must de-initialize stuff before the scripts are unloaded
// Clear the callbacks
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Signaling outside plug-ins to release their resources");
// Tell modules to do their monkey business
_Func->SendPluginCommand(SQMOD_TERMINATE_CMD, "");
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Clearing the entity containers");
// Release all entity resources by clearing the containers
const ContainerCleaner cc_players(m_Players, ENT_PLAYER, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_vehicles(m_Vehicles, ENT_VEHICLE, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_objects(m_Objects, ENT_OBJECT, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_pickups(m_Pickups, ENT_PICKUP, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_checkpoints(m_Checkpoints, ENT_CHECKPOINT, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_blips(m_Blips, ENT_BLIP, !shutdown);
const ContainerCleaner cc_keybinds(m_Keybinds, ENT_KEYBIND, !shutdown);
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Terminating routines an commands");
// Release all resources from routines and tasks
// Release all resources from command managers
// Release all resources from signals
// Release all managed areas
// In case there's a payload for reload
// Release null objects in case any reference to valid objects is stored in them
// Release null entity instances
// Is there a VM to close?
if (m_VM)
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Releasing any final resources and all loaded scripts");
// Release all script callbacks
// Release the script instances
m_PendingScripts.clear(); // Just in case
// Specify that no scripts are left executed
m_Executed = false;
// Assertions during close may cause double delete/close!
m_VM = nullptr;
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Signaling outside plug-ins the virtual machine is closing");
// Tell modules to do their monkey business
_Func->SendPluginCommand(SQMOD_CLOSING_CMD, "");
// Release any callbacks from the logger
// Attempt to close the VM
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 1, "Signaling outside plug-ins to release the virtual machine");
// Tell modules to do their monkey business
_Func->SendPluginCommand(SQMOD_RELEASED_CMD, "");
OutputMessage("Squirrel plug-in was successfully terminated");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::Reload()
// Are we already reloading?
if (m_CircularLocks & CCL_RELOAD_SCRIPTS)
return false; // Already reloading!
// Prevent circular reloads when we send plug-in commands
const BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, static_cast< Uint32 >(CCL_RELOAD_SCRIPTS));
// Allow reloading by default
// Emit the reload event
Core::Get().EmitScriptReload(m_ReloadHeader, m_ReloadPayload);
// Are we allowed to reload?
if (!Core::Get().GetState())
return false; // Request denied!
// Terminate the current VM and release resources
// Reset the reload header after termination
m_ReloadHeader = -1;
// Attempt to initialize the central core and load resources
return (Initialize() && Execute());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr Core::GetOption(CSStr name) const
Options::const_iterator elem = m_Options.find(name);
return (elem == m_Options.end()) ? _SC("") : elem->second.c_str();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSStr Core::GetOption(CSStr name, CSStr value) const
Options::const_iterator elem = m_Options.find(name);
return (elem == m_Options.end()) ? value : elem->second.c_str();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::SetOption(CSStr name, CSStr value)
m_Options[name] = value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::Scripts::iterator Core::FindScript(const CSStr src)
// Iterate over loaded scripts
for (Scripts::iterator itr = m_Scripts.begin(); itr != m_Scripts.end(); ++itr)
// Is this script the source we're looking for?
if (itr->mPath.compare(0, String::npos, src) == 0)
return itr;
// Not found!
return m_Scripts.end();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::Scripts::iterator Core::FindPendingScript(const CSStr src)
// Iterate over loaded scripts
for (Scripts::iterator itr = m_PendingScripts.begin(); itr != m_PendingScripts.end(); ++itr)
// Is this script the source we're looking for?
if (itr->mPath.compare(0, String::npos, src) == 0)
return itr;
// Not found!
return m_PendingScripts.end();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::LoadScript(CSStr filepath, bool delay)
// Is the specified path empty?
if (!filepath || *filepath == '\0')
LogErr("Cannot load script with empty or invalid path");
// Failed to load
return false;
Buffer bpath;
// Attempt to get the real file path
bpath = GetRealFilePath(filepath);
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogErr("Unable to load script: %s", e.what());
// Failed to load
return false;
catch (const std::exception & e)
LogErr("Unable to load script: %s", e.what());
// Failed to load
return false;
// Make the path into a string
String path(bpath.Data(), bpath.Position());
// See if it wasn't already loaded
if (std::find_if(m_Scripts.cbegin(), m_Scripts.cend(), [&path](Scripts::const_reference s) {
return (s.mPath == path);
}) != m_Scripts.end())
LogWrn("Script was specified before: %s", path.c_str());
// Also check the pending scripts container
else if (std::find_if(m_PendingScripts.cbegin(), m_PendingScripts.cend(), [&path](Scripts::const_reference s) {
return (s.mPath == path);
}) != m_PendingScripts.end())
LogWrn("Script was specified before: %s", path.c_str());
// Were the scripts already executed? Then there's no need to queue them
else if (m_Executed)
// Create a new script container and insert it into the script pool
m_Scripts.emplace_back(m_VM, std::move(path), delay, m_Debugging);
// Attempt to load and compile the script file
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogFtl("Unable to compile: %s", m_Scripts.back().mPath.c_str());
// Remove the script container since it's invalid
// Failed to compile properly
return false;
// At this point the script should be completely loaded
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 3, "Compiled script: %s", m_Scripts.back().mPath.c_str());
// Attempt to execute the compiled script code
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogFtl("Unable to execute: %s", m_Scripts.back().mPath.c_str());
// Remove the script container since it's invalid
// Failed to execute properly
return false;
// At this point the script should be completely loaded
cLogScs(m_Verbosity >= 2, "Executed script: %s", m_Scripts.back().mPath.c_str());
// We don't compile the scripts yet. We just store their path and prepare the objects
cLogDbg(m_Verbosity >= 2, "Pending %s script: %s", (delay ? "deferred" : "immediate"), path.c_str());
// Create a new script container and insert it into the pending script pool
m_PendingScripts.emplace_back(m_VM, std::move(path), delay, m_Debugging);
// At this point the script exists in one of the pools
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::SetIncomingName(CSStr name)
// Is there an incoming connection buffer that we can write to?
if (!m_IncomingNameBuffer)
STHROWF("No incoming player name buffer available");
// Is the specified name valid?
else if (!name || *name == '\0')
STHROWF("Invalid player name for incoming connection");
// Calculate the length of the specified name
const size_t len = std::strlen(name);
// Is the length of the name out of bounds?
if (len > m_IncomingNameCapacity)
STHROWF("The specified name exceeds the designated buffer");
// Does the name satisfy the minimum length required?
else if (len < 2)
STHROWF("The specified name needs to be at least 2 characters: %zu", len);
// Copy the specified name to the assigned buffer
std::strncpy(m_IncomingNameBuffer, name, m_IncomingNameCapacity);
// Make sure that the name inside the buffer is null terminated
m_IncomingNameBuffer[len] = '\0';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String Core::FetchCodeLine(CSStr src, SQInteger line, bool trim)
// Find the script we're looking for
Scripts::iterator script = FindScript(src);
// Do we have a valid script and line?
if ((script == m_Scripts.end()) || !(script->mInfo) || (script->mLine.size() < line))
return String{}; // No such script!
// Fetch the line of code
return script->FetchLine(line, trim);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DoScripts(Scripts::iterator itr, Scripts::iterator end)
Scripts::iterator itr_state = itr;
cLogDbg(Get().m_Verbosity >= 1, "Attempting to compile the specified scripts");
// Compile scripts first so that the constants can take effect
for (; itr != end; ++itr)
// Is this script already compiled?
if (!(*itr).mExec.IsNull())
continue; // Already compiled!
// Attempt to load and compile the script file
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogFtl("Unable to compile: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
// Failed to execute properly
return false;
cLogDbg(Get().m_Verbosity >= 3, "Compiled script: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
// Should we delay the execution of this script?
if ((*itr).mDelay)
continue; // Execute later!
// Attempt to execute the compiled script code
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogFtl("Unable to execute: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
// Failed to execute properly
return false;
cLogScs(Get().m_Verbosity >= 2, "Executed script: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
cLogDbg(Get().m_Verbosity >= 1, "Attempting to execute the delayed scripts");
// Execute scripts only after compilation successful
for (itr = itr_state; itr != end; ++itr)
// Was this script delayed from execution?
if (!(*itr).mDelay)
continue; // Already executed!
// Attempt to execute the compiled script code
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
LogFtl("Unable to execute: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
// Failed to execute properly
return false;
cLogScs(Get().m_Verbosity >= 2, "Executed script: %s", (*itr).mPath.c_str());
// At this point the scripts were loaded and executed successfully
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr msg, ...)
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Forward the message to the logger
Logger::Get().Send(LOGL_USR, false, msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr msg, ...)
// Initialize the variable argument list
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
// Tell the logger to display debugging information
Logger::Get().Debug(msg, args);
// Finalize the variable argument list
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Core::RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Was there a value thrown?
if (sq_gettop(vm) < 1)
return SQ_OK; // No error to display!
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF val(vm, 2);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(val.Proc(false)))
Logger::Get().Debug(_SC("Unknown runtime error has occurred"));
Logger::Get().Debug(_SC("%s"), val.mPtr);
// We handled the error
return SQ_OK;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Core::CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM /*vm*/, CSStr desc, CSStr src, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
// Should we include code in output? (we count lines from 0, squirrel counts from 1)
if ((line <= 0) || !Core::Get().IsDebugging() || !Core::Get().CompilerErrorHandlerEx(desc, src, --line, column)) {
LogFtl("Message: %s\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n=>Column: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n]", desc, src, line, column);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::CompilerErrorHandlerEx(CSStr desc, CSStr src, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
// Grab the associated line of code
String code = FetchCodeLine(src, line, true);
// Contains an arrow pointing at the exact column
String point;
// Do we have a valid column?
if (column >= 0)
// The `=>Code: ` is included as white space
point.resize(8, ' ');
// The line towards the arrow
point.resize(column+7, '-');
// Append the actual arrow
// Include the new line here
// Valid line of code?
if (!code.empty())
// Display the error message with the code included
LogFtl("Message: %s\n[\n=>Location: %s\n=>Line: %" PRINT_SZ_FMT "\n=>Column: %" PRINT_INT_FMT "\n=>Code: %s\n%s]",
desc, src, ++line, column, code.c_str(), point.c_str());
// We displayed the information
return true;
// No code to show. Fall back to normal message
return true;
} // Namespace:: SqMod
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Include remaining functionality.
#include "Core/Inst.inc"
#include "Core/Entity.inc"
#include "Core/Events.inc"
#include "Core/Utils.inc"
#include "Core/Funcs.inc"