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/* */
/* SimpleSocket.h - Simple Socket base class decleration. */
/* */
/* Author : Mark Carrier (mark@carrierlabs.com) */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 CarrierLabs, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* 4. The name "CarrierLabs" must not be used to
* endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
* mark@carrierlabs.com.
#pragma once
#include "HostConf.h"
#include "StatTimer.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cerrno>
#if defined(_LINUX) || defined (_DARWIN)
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#ifdef _LINUX
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if.h>
#include <sys/sendfile.h>
#ifdef _DARWIN
#include <net/if.h>
#if defined(_LINUX) || defined (_DARWIN)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Ws2tcpip.h>
#define IPTOS_LOWDELAY 0x10
// General class macro definitions and typedefs
#define INVALID_SOCKET ~(0)
/// Provides a platform independent class to for socket development.
/// This class is designed to abstract socket communication development in a
/// platform independent manner.
/// - Socket types
/// -# CActiveSocket Class
/// -# CPassiveSocket Class
class CSimpleSocket {
/// Defines the three possible states for shuting down a socket.
typedef enum
Receives = SHUT_RD, ///< Shutdown passive socket.
Sends = SHUT_WR, ///< Shutdown active socket.
Both = SHUT_RDWR ///< Shutdown both active and passive sockets.
} CShutdownMode;
/// Defines the socket types defined by CSimpleSocket class.
typedef enum
SocketTypeInvalid, ///< Invalid socket type.
SocketTypeTcp, ///< Defines socket as TCP socket.
SocketTypeUdp, ///< Defines socket as UDP socket.
SocketTypeTcp6, ///< Defines socket as IPv6 TCP socket.
SocketTypeUdp6, ///< Defines socket as IPv6 UDP socket.
SocketTypeRaw ///< Provides raw network protocol access.
} CSocketType;
/// Defines all error codes handled by the CSimpleSocket class.
typedef enum
SocketError = -1, ///< Generic socket error translates to error below.
SocketSuccess = 0, ///< No socket error.
SocketInvalidSocket, ///< Invalid socket handle.
SocketInvalidAddress, ///< Invalid destination address specified.
SocketInvalidPort, ///< Invalid destination port specified.
SocketConnectionRefused, ///< No server is listening at remote address.
SocketTimedout, ///< Timed out while attempting operation.
SocketEwouldblock, ///< Operation would block if socket were blocking.
SocketNotconnected, ///< Currently not connected.
SocketEinprogress, ///< Socket is non-blocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately
SocketInterrupted, ///< Call was interrupted by a signal that was caught before a valid connection arrived.
SocketConnectionAborted, ///< The connection has been aborted.
SocketProtocolError, ///< Invalid protocol for operation.
SocketFirewallError, ///< Firewall rules forbid connection.
SocketInvalidSocketBuffer, ///< The receive buffer point outside the process's address space.
SocketConnectionReset, ///< Connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
SocketAddressInUse, ///< Address already in use.
SocketInvalidPointer, ///< Pointer type supplied as argument is invalid.
SocketEunknown ///< Unknown error please report to mark@carrierlabs.com
} CSocketError;
CSimpleSocket(CSocketType type = SocketTypeTcp);
CSimpleSocket(CSimpleSocket &socket);
virtual ~CSimpleSocket()
if (m_pBuffer != NULL)
delete [] m_pBuffer;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
/// Initialize instance of CSocket. This method MUST be called before an
/// object can be used. Errors : CSocket::SocketProtocolError,
/// CSocket::SocketInvalidSocket,
/// @return true if properly initialized.
virtual bool Initialize(void);
/// Close socket
/// @return true if successfully closed otherwise returns false.
virtual bool Close(void);
/// Shutdown shut down socket send and receive operations
/// CShutdownMode::Receives - Disables further receive operations.
/// CShutdownMode::Sends - Disables further send operations.
/// CShutdownBoth:: - Disables further send and receive operations.
/// @param nShutdown specifies the type of shutdown.
/// @return true if successfully shutdown otherwise returns false.
virtual bool Shutdown(CShutdownMode nShutdown);
/// Examine the socket descriptor sets currently owned by the instance of
/// the socket class (the readfds, writefds, and errorfds parameters) to
/// see whether some of their descriptors are ready for reading, are ready
/// for writing, or have an exceptional condition pending, respectively.
/// Block until an event happens on the specified file descriptors.
/// @return true if socket has data ready, or false if not ready or timed out.
virtual bool Select(void) {
return Select(0,0);
/// Examine the socket descriptor sets currently owned by the instance of
/// the socket class (the readfds, writefds, and errorfds parameters) to
/// see whether some of their descriptors are ready for reading, are ready
/// for writing, or have an exceptional condition pending, respectively.
/// @param nTimeoutSec timeout in seconds for select.
/// @param nTimeoutUSec timeout in micro seconds for select.
/// @return true if socket has data ready, or false if not ready or timed out.
virtual bool Select(int32_t nTimeoutSec, int32_t nTimeoutUSec);
/// Does the current instance of the socket object contain a valid socket
/// descriptor.
/// @return true if the socket object contains a valid socket descriptor.
virtual bool IsSocketValid(void) {
return (m_socket != SocketError);
/// Provides a standard error code for cross platform development by
/// mapping the operating system error to an error defined by the CSocket
/// class.
void TranslateSocketError(void);
/// Returns a human-readable description of the given error code
/// or the last error code of a socket
static const char *DescribeError(CSocketError err);
inline const char *DescribeError() {
return DescribeError(m_socketErrno);
/// Attempts to receive a block of data on an established connection.
/// @param nMaxBytes maximum number of bytes to receive.
/// @param pBuffer, memory where to receive the data,
/// NULL receives to internal buffer returned with GetData()
/// Non-NULL receives directly there, but GetData() will return WRONG ptr!
/// @return number of bytes actually received.
/// @return of zero means the connection has been shutdown on the other side.
/// @return of -1 means that an error has occurred.
virtual int32_t Receive(int32_t nMaxBytes = 1, uint8_t * pBuffer = 0);
/// Attempts to send a block of data on an established connection.
/// @param pBuf block of data to be sent.
/// @param bytesToSend size of data block to be sent.
/// @return number of bytes actually sent.
/// @return of zero means the connection has been shutdown on the other side.
/// @return of -1 means that an error has occurred.
virtual int32_t Send(const uint8_t *pBuf, size_t bytesToSend);
/// Attempts to send at most nNumItem blocks described by sendVector
/// to the socket descriptor associated with the socket object.
/// @param sendVector pointer to an array of iovec structures
/// @param nNumItems number of items in the vector to process
/// <br>\b NOTE: Buffers are processed in the order specified.
/// @return number of bytes actually sent, return of zero means the
/// connection has been shutdown on the other side, and a return of -1
/// means that an error has occurred.
virtual int32_t Send(const struct iovec *sendVector, int32_t nNumItems);
/// Copies data between one file descriptor and another.
/// On some systems this copying is done within the kernel, and thus is
/// more efficient than the combination of CSimpleSocket::Send and
/// CSimpleSocket::Receive, which would require transferring data to and
/// from user space.
/// <br>\b Note: This is available on all implementations, but the kernel
/// implementation is only available on Unix type systems.
/// @param nOutFd descriptor opened for writing.
/// @param nInFd descriptor opened for reading.
/// @param pOffset from which to start reading data from input file.
/// @param nCount number of bytes to copy between file descriptors.
/// @return number of bytes written to the out socket descriptor.
virtual int32_t SendFile(int32_t nOutFd, int32_t nInFd, off_t *pOffset, int32_t nCount);
/// Returns blocking/non-blocking state of socket.
/// @return true if the socket is non-blocking, else return false.
bool IsNonblocking(void) {
return (m_bIsBlocking == false);
/// Set the socket to blocking.
/// @return true if successful set to blocking, else return false;
bool SetBlocking(void);
/// Set the socket as non-blocking.
/// @return true if successful set to non-blocking, else return false;
bool SetNonblocking(void);
/// Get a pointer to internal receive buffer. The user MUST not free this
/// pointer when finished. This memory is managed internally by the CSocket
/// class.
/// @return pointer to data if valid, else returns NULL.
uint8_t *GetData(void) {
return m_pBuffer;
/// Returns the number of bytes received on the last call to
/// CSocket::Receive().
/// @return number of bytes received.
int32_t GetBytesReceived(void) {
return m_nBytesReceived;
/// Returns the number of bytes sent on the last call to
/// CSocket::Send().
/// @return number of bytes sent.
int32_t GetBytesSent(void) {
return m_nBytesSent;
/// Controls the actions taken when CSimpleSocket::Close is executed on a
/// socket object that has unsent data. The default value for this option
/// is \b off.
/// - Following are the three possible scenarios.
/// -# \b bEnable is false, CSimpleSocket::Close returns immediately, but
/// any unset data is transmitted (after CSimpleSocket::Close returns)
/// -# \b bEnable is true and \b nTime is zero, CSimpleSocket::Close return
/// immediately and any unsent data is discarded.
/// -# \b bEnable is true and \b nTime is nonzero, CSimpleSocket::Close does
/// not return until all unsent data is transmitted (or the connection is
/// Closed by the remote system).
/// <br><p>
/// @param bEnable true to enable option false to disable option.
/// @param nTime time in seconds to linger.
/// @return true if option successfully set
bool SetOptionLinger(bool bEnable, uint16_t nTime);
/// Tells the kernel that even if this port is busy (in the TIME_WAIT state),
/// go ahead and reuse it anyway. If it is busy, but with another state,
/// you will still get an address already in use error.
/// @return true if option successfully set
bool SetOptionReuseAddr();
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of seconds a
/// call to CSimpleSocket::Open waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in seconds
int32_t GetConnectTimeoutSec(void) {
return m_stConnectTimeout.tv_sec;
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of microseconds
/// a call to CSimpleSocket::Open waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in microseconds
int32_t GetConnectTimeoutUSec(void) {
return m_stConnectTimeout.tv_usec;
/// Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time a call
/// to CSimpleSocket::Receive waits until it completes. Use the method
/// CSimpleSocket::SetReceiveTimeout to specify the number of seconds to wait.
/// If a call to CSimpleSocket::Receive has blocked for the specified length of
/// time without receiving additional data, it returns with a partial count
/// or CSimpleSocket::GetSocketError set to CSimpleSocket::SocketEwouldblock if no data
/// were received.
/// @param nConnectTimeoutSec of timeout in seconds.
/// @param nConnectTimeoutUsec of timeout in microseconds.
/// @return true if socket connection timeout was successfully set.
void SetConnectTimeout(int32_t nConnectTimeoutSec, int32_t nConnectTimeoutUsec = 0)
m_stConnectTimeout.tv_sec = nConnectTimeoutSec;
m_stConnectTimeout.tv_usec = nConnectTimeoutUsec;
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of seconds a
/// a call to CSimpleSocket::Receive waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in seconds
int32_t GetReceiveTimeoutSec(void) {
return m_stRecvTimeout.tv_sec;
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of microseconds
/// a call to CSimpleSocket::Receive waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in microseconds
int32_t GetReceiveTimeoutUSec(void) {
return m_stRecvTimeout.tv_usec;
/// Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time a call
/// to CSimpleSocket::Receive waits until it completes. Use the method
/// CSimpleSocket::SetReceiveTimeout to specify the number of seconds to wait.
/// If a call to CSimpleSocket::Receive has blocked for the specified length of
/// time without receiving additional data, it returns with a partial count
/// or CSimpleSocket::GetSocketError set to CSimpleSocket::SocketEwouldblock if no data
/// were received.
/// @param nRecvTimeoutSec of timeout in seconds.
/// @param nRecvTimeoutUsec of timeout in microseconds.
/// @return true if socket timeout was successfully set.
bool SetReceiveTimeout(int32_t nRecvTimeoutSec, int32_t nRecvTimeoutUsec = 0);
/// Enable/disable multicast for a socket. This options is only valid for
/// socket descriptors of type CSimpleSocket::SocketTypeUdp.
/// @return true if multicast was enabled or false if socket type is not
/// CSimpleSocket::SocketTypeUdp and the error will be set to
/// CSimpleSocket::SocketProtocolError
bool SetMulticast(bool bEnable, uint8_t multicastTTL = 1);
/// Return true if socket is multicast or false is socket is unicast
/// @return true if multicast is enabled
bool GetMulticast() {
return m_bIsMulticast;
/// Bind socket to a specific interface when using multicast.
/// @return true if successfully bound to interface
bool BindInterface(const char *pInterface);
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of seconds a
/// a call to CSimpleSocket::Send waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in seconds
int32_t GetSendTimeoutSec(void) {
return m_stSendTimeout.tv_sec;
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum number of microseconds
/// a call to CSimpleSocket::Send waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in microseconds
int32_t GetSendTimeoutUSec(void) {
return m_stSendTimeout.tv_usec;
/// Gets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time a call
/// to CSimpleSocket::Send waits until it completes.
/// @return the length of time in seconds
bool SetSendTimeout(int32_t nSendTimeoutSec, int32_t nSendTimeoutUsec = 0);
/// Returns the last error that occured for the instace of the CSimpleSocket
/// instance. This method should be called immediately to retrieve the
/// error code for the failing mehtod call.
/// @return last error that occured.
CSocketError GetSocketError(void) {
return m_socketErrno;
/// Get the total time the of the last operation in milliseconds.
/// @return number of milliseconds of last operation.
uint32_t GetTotalTimeMs() {
return m_timer.GetMilliSeconds();
/// Get the total time the of the last operation in microseconds.
/// @return number of microseconds or last operation.
uint32_t GetTotalTimeUsec() {
return m_timer.GetMicroSeconds();
/// Return Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value currently set on the socket object.
/// @return DSCP for current socket object.
/// <br><br> \b NOTE: Windows special notes http://support.microsoft.com/kb/248611.
int GetSocketDscp(void);
/// Set Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for socket object.
/// @param nDscp value of TOS setting which will be converted to DSCP
/// @return true if DSCP value was properly set
/// <br><br> \b NOTE: Windows special notes http://support.microsoft.com/kb/248611.
bool SetSocketDscp(int nDscp);
/// Return socket descriptor
/// @return socket descriptor which is a signed 32 bit integer.
SOCKET GetSocketDescriptor() {
return m_socket;
/// Return socket descriptor
/// @return socket descriptor which is a signed 32 bit integer.
CSocketType GetSocketType() {
return m_nSocketType;
/// Returns clients Internet host address as a string in standard numbers-and-dots notation.
/// @return NULL if invalid
const char *GetClientAddr() {
return inet_ntoa(m_stClientSockaddr.sin_addr);
/// Returns the port number on which the client is connected.
/// @return client port number.
uint16_t GetClientPort() {
return m_stClientSockaddr.sin_port;
/// Returns server Internet host address as a string in standard numbers-and-dots notation.
/// @return NULL if invalid
const char *GetServerAddr() {
return inet_ntoa(m_stServerSockaddr.sin_addr);
/// Returns the port number on which the server is connected.
/// @return server port number.
uint16_t GetServerPort() {
return ntohs(m_stServerSockaddr.sin_port);
/// Get the TCP receive buffer window size for the current socket object.
/// <br><br>\b NOTE: Linux will set the receive buffer to twice the value passed.
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP receive buffer window size if successful.
uint32_t GetReceiveWindowSize() {
return GetWindowSize(SO_RCVBUF);
/// Get the TCP send buffer window size for the current socket object.
/// <br><br>\b NOTE: Linux will set the send buffer to twice the value passed.
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP receive buffer window size if successful.
uint32_t GetSendWindowSize() {
return GetWindowSize(SO_SNDBUF);
/// Set the TCP receive buffer window size for the current socket object.
/// <br><br>\b NOTE: Linux will set the receive buffer to twice the value passed.
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP send buffer window size if successful.
uint32_t SetReceiveWindowSize(uint32_t nWindowSize) {
return SetWindowSize(SO_RCVBUF, nWindowSize);
/// Set the TCP send buffer window size for the current socket object.
/// <br><br>\b NOTE: Linux will set the send buffer to twice the value passed.
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP send buffer window size if successful.
uint32_t SetSendWindowSize(uint32_t nWindowSize) {
return SetWindowSize(SO_SNDBUF, nWindowSize);
/// Disable the Nagle algorithm (Set TCP_NODELAY to true)
/// @return false if failed to set socket option otherwise return true;
bool DisableNagleAlgoritm();
/// Enable the Nagle algorithm (Set TCP_NODELAY to false)
/// @return false if failed to set socket option otherwise return true;
bool EnableNagleAlgoritm();
/// Set internal socket error to that specified error
/// @param error type of error
void SetSocketError(CSimpleSocket::CSocketError error) {
m_socketErrno = error;
/// Set object socket handle to that specified as parameter
/// @param socket value of socket descriptor
void SetSocketHandle(SOCKET socket) {
m_socket = socket;
/// Generic function used to get the send/receive window size
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP window size if successful.
uint32_t GetWindowSize(uint32_t nOptionName);
/// Generic function used to set the send/receive window size
/// @return zero on failure else the number of bytes of the TCP window size if successful.
uint32_t SetWindowSize(uint32_t nOptionName, uint32_t nWindowSize);
/// Attempts to send at most nNumItem blocks described by sendVector
/// to the socket descriptor associated with the socket object.
/// @param sendVector pointer to an array of iovec structures
/// @param nNumItems number of items in the vector to process
/// <br>\b Note: This implementation is for systems that don't natively
/// support this functionality.
/// @return number of bytes actually sent, return of zero means the
/// connection has been shutdown on the other side, and a return of -1
/// means that an error has occurred.
int32_t Writev(const struct iovec *pVector, size_t nCount);
/// Flush the socket descriptor owned by the object.
/// @return true data was successfully sent, else return false;
bool Flush();
CSimpleSocket *operator=(CSimpleSocket &socket);
SOCKET m_socket; /// socket handle
CSocketError m_socketErrno; /// number of last error
uint8_t *m_pBuffer; /// internal send/receive buffer
int32_t m_nBufferSize; /// size of internal send/receive buffer
int32_t m_nSocketDomain; /// socket type PF_INET, PF_INET6
CSocketType m_nSocketType; /// socket type - UDP, TCP or RAW
int32_t m_nBytesReceived; /// number of bytes received
int32_t m_nBytesSent; /// number of bytes sent
uint32_t m_nFlags; /// socket flags
bool m_bIsBlocking; /// is socket blocking
bool m_bIsMulticast; /// is the UDP socket multicast;
struct timeval m_stConnectTimeout; /// connection timeout
struct timeval m_stRecvTimeout; /// receive timeout
struct timeval m_stSendTimeout; /// send timeout
struct sockaddr_in m_stServerSockaddr; /// server address
struct sockaddr_in m_stClientSockaddr; /// client address
struct sockaddr_in m_stMulticastGroup; /// multicast group to bind to
struct linger m_stLinger; /// linger flag
CStatTimer m_timer; /// internal statistics.
#ifdef _WIN32
WSADATA m_hWSAData; /// Windows
fd_set m_writeFds; /// write file descriptor set
fd_set m_readFds; /// read file descriptor set
fd_set m_errorFds; /// error file descriptor set