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Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The MySQL Connector/C is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most
MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and
conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the
FLOSS License Exception
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Some basic tests of the client API.
#include "my_test.h"
#include "ma_common.h"
static int test_conc75(MYSQL *my)
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql;
int i;
my_bool reconnect= 1;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema, port, socketname, 0| CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS | CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE a (a varchar(200))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_set_character_set(mysql, "utf8");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
for (i=0; i < 10; i++)
ulong thread_id= mysql_thread_id(mysql);
/* force reconnect */
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
diag("killing connection");
mysql_kill(my, thread_id);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "load data local infile './nonexistingfile.csv' into table a (`a`)");
FAIL_IF(!test(mysql->options.client_flag | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES), "client_flags not correct");
diag("thread1: %ld %ld", thread_id, mysql_thread_id(mysql));
FAIL_IF(thread_id == mysql_thread_id(mysql), "new thread id expected");
//diag("cs: %s", mysql->charset->csname);
//FAIL_IF(strcmp(mysql->charset->csname, "utf8"), "wrong character set");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_conc74(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
if (!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema, port, socketname, 0| CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS | CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS))
diag("Error: %s", mysql_error(mysql));
return FAIL;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE a (a varchar(200))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
mysql->options.client_flag&= ~CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "load data local infile './nonexistingfile.csv' into table a (`a`)");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_conc71(MYSQL *my)
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql;
/* uncomment if you want to test manually */
return SKIP;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8");
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, 0);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE='' */");
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "/*!40101 set @@session.wait_timeout=28800 */");
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname, 0), mysql_error(my));
diag("kill server");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT 'foo' FROM DUAL");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_conc70(MYSQL *my)
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
rc= mysql_query(my, "SET @a:=@@max_allowed_packet");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
mysql_query(my, "SET global max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*22");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, (void *)1);
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname, 0), mysql_error(my));
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a LONGBLOB) engine=MyISAM");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (REPEAT('A', 1024 * 1024 * 20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if (mysql_warning_count(mysql))
diag("server doesn't accept package size");
return SKIP;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT a FROM t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if (!(res= mysql_store_result(mysql)))
diag("Error: %s", mysql_error(mysql));
return FAIL;
row= mysql_fetch_row(res);
diag("Length: %ld", (long)strlen(row[0]));
FAIL_IF(strlen(row[0]) != 1024 * 1024 * 20, "Wrong length");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(my, "SET global max_allowed_packet=@a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
return OK;
static int test_conc68(MYSQL *my)
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
rc= mysql_query(my, "SET @a:=@@max_allowed_packet");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
mysql_query(my, "SET global max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*22");
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname, 0), mysql_error(my));
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a LONGBLOB) ENGINE=MyISAM");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (REPEAT('A', 1024 * 1024 * 20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if (mysql_warning_count(mysql))
diag("server doesn't accept package size");
return SKIP;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT a FROM t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if (!(res= mysql_store_result(mysql)))
diag("Error: %s", mysql_error(mysql));
return FAIL;
row= mysql_fetch_row(res);
diag("Length: %ld", (long)strlen(row[0]));
FAIL_IF(strlen(row[0]) != 1024 * 1024 * 20, "Wrong length");
rc= mysql_query(my, "SET global max_allowed_packet=@a");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
return OK;
static int basic_connect(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
int rc;
MYSQL *my;
my= mysql_init(NULL);
FAIL_IF(!my, "mysql_init() failed");
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(my, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname, 0), mysql_error(my));
rc= mysql_query(my, "SELECT @@version");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
res= mysql_store_result(my);
FAIL_IF(!res, mysql_error(my));
field= mysql_fetch_fields(res);
FAIL_IF(!field, "couldn't fetch field");
while ((row= mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_fields(res) != 1, "Got the wrong number of fields");
FAIL_IF(mysql_errno(my), mysql_error(my));
return OK;
static int use_utf8(MYSQL *my)
int rc;
/* Make sure that we actually ended up with utf8. */
rc= mysql_query(my, "SELECT @@character_set_connection");
check_mysql_rc(rc, my);
res= mysql_store_result(my);
FAIL_IF(!res, mysql_error(my));
while ((row= mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
FAIL_IF(strncmp(row[0], "utf8", 4), "wrong character set");
FAIL_IF(mysql_errno(my), mysql_error(my));
return OK;
int client_query(MYSQL *mysql) {
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1("
"id int primary key auto_increment, "
"name varchar(20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1(id int, name varchar(20))");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1(name) VALUES('mysql')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1(name) VALUES('monty')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1(name) VALUES('venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1(name) VALUES('deleted')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1(name) VALUES('deleted')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "UPDATE t1 SET name= 'updated' "
"WHERE name= 'deleted'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "UPDATE t1 SET id= 3 WHERE name= 'updated'");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_bug12001(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_RES *result;
const char *query= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;"
"CREATE TABLE test_table(id INT);"
"INSERT INTO test_table VALUES(10);"
"UPDATE test_table SET id=20 WHERE id=10;"
"SELECT * FROM test_table;"
"INSERT INTO non_existent_table VALUES(11);";
int rc, res;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, query);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if (mysql_field_count(mysql) &&
(result= mysql_use_result(mysql)))
while (!(res= mysql_next_result(mysql)));
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res==1, "res != 1");
return OK;
/* connection options */
struct my_option_st opt_utf8[] = {
{MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, (char *)"utf8"},
{0, NULL}
static int test_bad_union(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query= "SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1";
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_UNLESS(rc && mysql_errno(mysql) == 1222, "Error expected");
return OK;
Test that mysql_insert_id() behaves as documented in our manual
static int test_mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
unsigned long long res;
int rc;
if (mysql_get_server_version(mysql) < 50100) {
diag("Test requires MySQL Server version 5.1 or above");
return SKIP;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table if exists t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table if exists t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table if exists t3");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table if exists t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* table without auto_increment column */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (f1 int, f2 varchar(255), key(f1))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (f1 int not null primary key auto_increment, f2 varchar(255))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t3 (f1 int not null primary key auto_increment, f2 varchar(255)) engine=MyISAM");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t4 (f1 int not null primary key "
"auto_increment, f2 varchar(200), unique (f2)) engine=MyISAM");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "FLUSH TABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "START TRANSACTION");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (1,'a')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (null,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 select 5,'c'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
Test for bug #34889: mysql_client_test::test_mysql_insert_id test fails
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t2 values (null,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 select 5,'c'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 select null,'d'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (null,last_insert_id(300))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 300, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 select null,last_insert_id(400)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
Behaviour change: old code used to return 0; but 400 is consistent
with INSERT VALUES, and the manual's section of mysql_insert_id() does not
say INSERT SELECT should be different.
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 400, "");
/* table with auto_increment column */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (1,'a')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 1, "");
/* this should not influence next INSERT if it doesn't have auto_inc */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (10,'e')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (null,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 2, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 select 5,'c'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
Manual says that for multirow insert this should have been 5, but does not
say for INSERT SELECT. This is a behaviour change: old code used to return
0. We try to be consistent with INSERT VALUES.
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 5, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 select null,'d'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 6, "");
/* with more than one row */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (10,'a'),(11,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 11, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 select 12,'a' union select 13,'b'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
Manual says that for multirow insert this should have been 13, but does
not say for INSERT SELECT. This is a behaviour change: old code used to
return 0. We try to be consistent with INSERT VALUES.
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 13, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (null,'a'),(null,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 14, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 select null,'a' union select null,'b'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 16, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 select 12,'a' union select 13,'b'");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert ignore into t3 select 12,'a' union select 13,'b'");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (12,'a'),(13,'b')");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert ignore into t3 values (12,'a'),(13,'b')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
/* mixing autogenerated and explicit values */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (null,'e'),(12,'a'),(13,'b')");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (null,'e'),(12,'a'),(13,'b'),(25,'g')");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (null,last_insert_id(300))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
according to the manual, this might be 20 or 300, but it looks like
auto_increment column takes priority over last_insert_id().
diag("res: %lld", res);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 20, "");
/* If first autogenerated number fails and 2nd works: */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t4 values (null,'e')");
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 1, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert ignore into t4 values (null,'e'),(null,'a'),(null,'e')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 2, "");
/* If autogenerated fails and explicit works: */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert ignore into t4 values (null,'e'),(12,'c'),(null,'d')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
Behaviour change: old code returned 3 (first autogenerated, even if it
fails); we now return first successful autogenerated.
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 13, "");
/* UPDATE may update mysql_insert_id() if it uses LAST_INSERT_ID(#) */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "update t4 set f1=14 where f1=12");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "update t4 set f1=0 where f1=14");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "update t4 set f2=last_insert_id(372) where f1=0");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 372, "");
/* check that LAST_INSERT_ID() does not update mysql_insert_id(): */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t4 values (null,'g')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 15, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "update t4 set f2=(@li:=last_insert_id()) where f1=15");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 0, "");
Behaviour change: now if ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE updates a row,
mysql_insert_id() returns the id of the row, instead of not being
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t4 values (null,@li) on duplicate key "
"update f2=concat('we updated ',f2)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_insert_id(mysql);
FAIL_UNLESS(res == 15, "");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1,t2,t3,t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple select to debug */
static int test_select_direct(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
MYSQL_RES *result;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_select(id int, id1 tinyint, "
" id2 float, "
" id3 double, "
" name varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert a row and commit the transaction */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_select VALUES(10, 5, 2.3, 4.5, 'venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
Ensure we execute the status code while testing
static int test_status(MYSQL *mysql)
check_mysql_rc(mysql_errno(mysql), mysql);
return OK;
static int bug_conc1(MYSQL *mysql)
my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname, 0);
diag("errno: %d", mysql_errno(mysql));
FAIL_IF(mysql_errno(mysql) != CR_ALREADY_CONNECTED,
"Expected errno=CR_ALREADY_CONNECTED");
return OK;
static int test_options_initcmd(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
MYSQL *mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
int rc;
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int)");
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3)");
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname,
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT a FROM t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_rows(res) != 3, "Expected 3 rows");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_extended_init_values(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
MYSQL *mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, "unknown");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(mysql->options.extension->default_auth, "unknown"), "option not set");
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, "/tmp/foo");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(mysql->options.extension->plugin_dir, "/tmp/foo"), "option not set");
return OK;
static int test_reconnect_maxpackage(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
int rc;
ulong max_packet= 0;
MYSQL *mysql;
char *query;
my_bool reconnect= 1;
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname,
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT @@max_allowed_packet");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_store_result(mysql);
row= mysql_fetch_row(res);
max_packet= atol(row[0]);
diag("max_allowed_packet=%lu", max_packet);
query= (char *)malloc(max_packet + 30);
memset(query, 0, max_packet + 30);
strcpy(query, "SELECT '");
memset(query + 8, 'A', max_packet);
strcat(query, "' FROM DUAL");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, query);
if (!rc)
diag("expected error");
return FAIL;
diag("Error (expected): %s", mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_ping(mysql);
/* if the server is under load, poll might not report closed
socket since FIN packet came too late */
if (rc)
rc= mysql_ping(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT @@max_allowed_packet");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
res= mysql_store_result(mysql);
row= mysql_fetch_row(res);
max_packet= atol(row[0]);
diag("max_allowed_packet=%lu", max_packet);
return OK;
static int test_compressed(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
my_bool reconnect= 1;
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, (void *)1);
FAIL_IF(!my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password, schema,
port, socketname,
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW VARIABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
if ((res= mysql_store_result(mysql)))
return OK;
struct my_tests_st my_tests[] = {
{"test_conc75", test_conc75, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc74", test_conc74, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc71", test_conc71, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc70", test_conc70, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc68", test_conc68, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_compressed", test_compressed, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_reconnect_maxpackage", test_reconnect_maxpackage, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"basic_connect", basic_connect, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"use_utf8", use_utf8, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, opt_utf8, NULL},
{"client_query", client_query, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_bad_union", test_bad_union, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_select_direct", test_select_direct, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_mysql_insert_id", test_mysql_insert_id, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"bug_conc1", bug_conc1, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_options_initcmd", test_options_initcmd, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_extended_init_values", test_extended_init_values, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
get_options(argc, argv);
diag("user: %s", username);