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// SqratConst: Constant and Enumeration Binding
// Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Jones
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
// distribution.
#if !defined(_SCRAT_CONST_H_)
#define _SCRAT_CONST_H_
#include <SqAPI.h>
#include <squirrel.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sqratObject.h"
namespace Sqrat {
/// Helper to remember the type of the constant.
enum ConstType
/// Helper class that represents an enumeration value. Used to reduce compilation times and executable size.
struct EnumElement
// The name of the constant
const SQChar * Name;
// The value of the constant
union {
const SQChar * mSTR;
const SQInteger mINT;
const SQFloat mREAL;
const bool mBOOL;
// The type of the constant value
const unsigned short Type;
/// Constructors that can identify the type and perform the proper conversion.
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, const SQChar * value)
: Name(name), mSTR(value), Type(SQET_STRING)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, bool value)
: Name(name), mBOOL(value), Type(SQET_BOOL)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, signed char value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, unsigned char value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, signed short value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, unsigned short value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, signed int value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, unsigned int value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, signed long value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, unsigned long value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, signed long long value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, unsigned long long value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, float value)
: Name(name), mREAL(static_cast< SQFloat >(value)), Type(SQET_REAL)
{ /* ... */ }
EnumElement(const SQChar * name, double value)
: Name(name), mREAL(static_cast< SQFloat >(value)), Type(SQET_REAL)
{ /* ... */ }
template < typename T > EnumElement(const SQChar * name, T value)
: Name(name), mINT(static_cast< SQInteger >(value)), Type(SQET_INT)
{ /* ... */ }
/// HHelper class that represents an enumeration. Used to reduce compilation times and executable size.
struct EnumElements
// The name of the enumeration if this is an enumeration otherwise null
const SQChar * Name;
// The constant values
const EnumElement * Values;
// The number of values
const unsigned int Count;
/// Constructor that can identify the number of values at compile-time.
template < size_t N > EnumElements(const EnumElement(&values)[N])
: EnumElements(nullptr, values, N)
{ /* ... */ }
/// Constructor that takes an explicit number of values at run-time.
EnumElements(const EnumElement * values, unsigned int count)
: EnumElements(nullptr, values, count)
{ /* ... */ }
/// Constructor that can identify the number of values at compile-time.
template < size_t N > EnumElements(const SQChar * name, const EnumElement(&values)[N])
: EnumElements(name, values, N)
{ /* ... */ }
/// Constructor that takes an explicit number of values at run-time.
EnumElements(const SQChar * name, const EnumElement * values, unsigned int count)
: Name(name), Values(values), Count(count)
{ /* ... */ }
/// Register the managed constants into the specified constants table.
/// \remarks
/// The constants table could be either the main constants table or an enumeration.
template < typename T > void Bind(T & table) const
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
switch (Values[i].Type)
case SQET_STRING: table.Const(Values[i].Name, Values[i].mSTR); break;
case SQET_INT: table.Const(Values[i].Name, Values[i].mINT); break;
case SQET_REAL: table.Const(Values[i].Name, Values[i].mREAL); break;
case SQET_BOOL: table.Const(Values[i].Name, Values[i].mBOOL); break;
default: SQTHROW(table.GetVM(), "Unknown constant value type");
/// Facilitates exposing a C++ enumeration to Squirrel
/// \remarks
/// The Enumeration class only facilitates binding C++ enumerations that contain only integers,
/// floats, and strings because the Squirrel constant table can only contain these types of
/// values. Other types of enumerations can be bound using Class::SetStaticValue instead.
class Enumeration : public Object {
/// Constructs the Enumeration object
/// An Enumeration object doesnt do anything on its own.
/// It must be told what constant values it contains.
/// This is done using Enumeration::Const.
/// Then the Enumeration must be exposed to Squirrel.
/// This is done by calling ConstTable::Enum with the Enumeration.
/// \param v Squirrel virtual machine to create the Enumeration for
/// \param createTable Whether the underlying table that values are bound to is created by the constructor
Enumeration(HSQUIRRELVM v = DefaultVM::Get(), bool createTable = true) : Object(v, false) {
if(createTable) {
sq_addref(vm, &obj);
/// Binds an enumeration value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The Enumeration itself so the call can be chained
virtual Enumeration& Const(const SQChar* name, const int val) {
BindValue<int>(name, val, false);
return *this;
/// Binds an enumeration value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The Enumeration itself so the call can be chained
virtual Enumeration& Const(const SQChar* name, const long long int val) {
BindValue<long long int>(name, val, false);
return *this;
/// Binds an enumeration value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The Enumeration itself so the call can be chained
virtual Enumeration& Const(const SQChar* name, const float val) {
BindValue<float>(name, val, false);
return *this;
/// Binds an enumeration value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The Enumeration itself so the call can be chained
virtual Enumeration& Const(const SQChar* name, const double val) {
BindValue<double>(name, val, false);
return *this;
/// Binds an enumeration value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The Enumeration itself so the call can be chained
virtual Enumeration& Const(const SQChar* name, const SQChar* val) {
BindValue<const SQChar*>(name, val, false);
return *this;
/// Facilitates exposing a C++ constant to Squirrel
/// \remarks
/// The ConstTable class only facilitates binding C++ constants that are integers,
/// floats, and strings because the Squirrel constant table can only contain these types of
/// values. Other types of constants can be bound using Class::SetStaticValue instead.
class ConstTable : public Enumeration {
/// Constructs a ConstTable object to represent the given VM's const table
/// \param v VM to get the ConstTable for
ConstTable(HSQUIRRELVM v = DefaultVM::Get()) : Enumeration(v, false) {
sq_getstackobj(vm,-1, &obj);
sq_pop(v,1); // No addref needed, since the consttable is always around
/// Binds a constant value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The ConstTable itself so the call can be chained
virtual ConstTable& Const(const SQChar* name, const int val) {
Enumeration::Const(name, val);
return *this;
/// Binds a constant value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The ConstTable itself so the call can be chained
virtual ConstTable& Const(const SQChar* name, const float val) {
Enumeration::Const(name, val);
return *this;
/// Binds a constant value
/// \param name Name of the value as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param val Value to bind
/// \return The ConstTable itself so the call can be chained
virtual ConstTable& Const(const SQChar* name, const SQChar* val) {
Enumeration::Const(name, val);
return *this;
/// Binds an Enumeration to the ConstTable
/// \param name Name of the enumeration as it will appear in Squirrel
/// \param en Enumeration to bind
/// \return The ConstTable itself so the call can be chained
ConstTable& Enum(const SQChar* name, Enumeration& en) {
sq_pushobject(vm, GetObject());
sq_pushstring(vm, name, -1);
sq_pushobject(vm, en.GetObject());
sq_newslot(vm, -3, false);
sq_pop(vm,1); // pop table
return *this;
/// Register a dynamic amount of enumerations into the constants table.
/// \remarks
/// The number of enumerations have to be manually specified.
inline void RegisterEnumerationsPtr(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const EnumElements * elist, unsigned int count)
// Grab a reference to the constants table
ConstTable ct(vm);
// Iterate over the specified enumerations
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
// Validate the enumeration name
if (!(elist[i].Name ) || *(elist[i].Name) == '\0')
SQTHROW(vm, _SC("Invalid or empty enumeration name"));
// Prepare an enumeration table
Enumeration e(vm);
// Bind the enumeration values
// Bind the enumeration to the constant table
ct.Enum(elist[i].Name, e);
/// Register a specific amount of enumerations identified at compile-time into the constants table.
/// \remarks
/// The number of enumerations will be automatically detected.
template < size_t N > inline void RegisterEnumerations(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const EnumElements(&elist)[N])
RegisterEnumerationsPtr(vm, elist, N); // Just forward the information