mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-04 03:07:29 +01:00
2016-11-17 00:23:59 +02:00

482 lines
14 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Tasks.hpp"
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Library/Chrono.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <utility>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 Tasks::s_Used = 0;
Tasks::Time Tasks::s_Last = 0;
Tasks::Time Tasks::s_Prev = 0;
Tasks::Interval Tasks::s_Intervals[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS];
Tasks::Task Tasks::s_Tasks[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Task::Init(HSQOBJECT & env, HSQOBJECT & func, Interval intrv, Iterator itr, Int32 id, Int32 type)
// Initialize the callback hash
mHash = 0;
// Initialize the callback objects
mEnv = env;
mFunc = func;
// Initialize the task options
mIterations = itr;
mInterval = intrv;
// Initialize the entity information
mEntity = ConvTo< Int16 >::From(id);
mType = ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(type);
// Grab the virtual machine once
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Is there a valid environment?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnv))
sq_addref(vm, &mEnv); // Keep a reference to this environment
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Is there a valid function?
if (!sq_isnull(mFunc))
// Keep a reference to this function
sq_addref(vm, &mFunc);
// Push the callback on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFunc);
// Grab the hash of the callback object
mHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Task::Release()
// Should we release any environment object?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnv))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mEnv);
// Should we release any callback object?
if (!sq_isnull(mFunc))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mFunc);
// Reset member variables as well
mHash = 0;
mIterations = 0;
mInterval = 0;
mEntity = -1;
mType = -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasks::Interval Tasks::Task::Execute()
// Are we even a valid task?
if (INVALID_ENTITY(mEntity))
return 0; // Dunno how we got here but it ends now
// Grab the virtual machine once
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Push the function on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFunc);
// Push the environment on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mEnv);
// Push function parameters, if any
for (Uint32 n = 0; n < mArgc; ++n)
sq_pushobject(vm, mArgv[n].mObj);
// Make the function call and store the result
const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, mArgc + 1, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
// Destroy ourself on error
// Decrease the number of iterations if necessary
if (mIterations && (--mIterations) == 0)
// This routine reached the end of it's life
// Return the current interval
return mInterval;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Process()
// Is this the first call?
if (s_Last == 0)
s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime();
// We'll do it text time
// Backup the last known time-stamp
s_Prev = s_Last;
// Get the current time-stamp
s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime();
// Calculate the elapsed time
const Int32 delta = Int32((s_Last - s_Prev) / 1000L);
// Process all active tasks
for (Interval * itr = s_Intervals; itr != (s_Intervals + SQMOD_MAX_TASKS); ++itr)
// Is this task valid?
if (*itr)
// Decrease the elapsed time
(*itr) -= delta;
// Have we completed the routine interval?
if ((*itr) <= 0)
// Reset the elapsed time
(*itr) = s_Tasks[itr - s_Intervals].Execute();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Initialize()
std::memset(s_Intervals, 0, sizeof(s_Intervals));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Deinitialize()
// Release any script resources that the tasks might store
for (auto & t : s_Tasks)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object & Tasks::FindEntity(Int32 id, Int32 type)
switch (type)
case ENT_BLIP: return Core::Get().GetBlip(id).mObj;
case ENT_CHECKPOINT: return Core::Get().GetCheckpoint(id).mObj;
case ENT_KEYBIND: return Core::Get().GetKeybind(id).mObj;
case ENT_OBJECT: return Core::Get().GetObject(id).mObj;
case ENT_PICKUP: return Core::Get().GetPickup(id).mObj;
case ENT_PLAYER: return Core::Get().GetPlayer(id).mObj;
case ENT_VEHICLE: return Core::Get().GetVehicle(id).mObj;
default: return NullObject();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::FindUnused()
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (INVALID_ENTITY(t.mEntity))
return (&t - s_Tasks); // Return the index of this element
// No available slot
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Create(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// See if we have where to store this task
if (s_Used >= SQMOD_MAX_TASKS)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Reached the maximum number of tasks");
// Grab the top of the stack
const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);
// See if too many arguments were specified
if (top > 18) /* 4 base + 14 parameters = 18 */
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Too many parameter specified");
// Was there a callback specified?
else if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing task callback");
// Prepare some objects for the environment and callback
HSQOBJECT env = FindEntity(id, type).GetObject(), func;
// Validate the callback type
if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_CLOSURE && sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_NATIVECLOSURE)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid callback type");
// Fetch the specified callback
res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 2, &func);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// The number of iterations and interval to execute the task
SQInteger intrv = 0, itr = 0;
// Was there an interval specified?
if (top > 2)
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Was there a number of iterations specified?
if (top > 3)
// Grab the iterations from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 4, &itr);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Obtain the identifier of a free slot
const SQInteger slot = FindUnused();
// Validate the slot, although it shouldn't be necessary
if (slot < 0)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to acquire a task slot");
// At this point we can grab a reference to our slot
Task & task = s_Tasks[slot];
// Were there any arguments specified?
if (top > 4)
// Grab a pointer to the arguments array
Argument * args = task.mArgv;
// Reset the argument counter
task.mArgc = 0;
// Grab the specified arguments from the stack
for (SQInteger i = 5; i <= top; ++i)
res = sq_getstackobj(vm, i, &(args[task.mArgc].mObj));
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
// Clear previous arguments
// Propagate the error
return res;
// Keep a strong reference to the argument
sq_addref(vm, &(args[task.mArgc].mObj));
// Increase the argument counter
// Alright, at this point we can initialize the slot
task.Init(env, func, intrv, itr, id, type);
// Now initialize the interval
s_Intervals[slot] = intrv;
// Increase the number of used slots
// Specify that this function doesn't return anything
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Find(Int32 id, Int32 type, SQInteger & pos, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Grab the top of the stack
const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Was there a callback specified?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing task callback");
// Grab the hash of the callback object
const SQHash chash = sq_gethash(vm, 2);
// Should we include the iterations in the criteria?
if (top > 3)
SQInteger intrv = 0;
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type && t.mInterval == intrv)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// Should we include the interval in the criteria?
else if (top > 2)
SQInteger intrv = 0, sqitr = 0;
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Grab the iterations from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 4, &sqitr);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Cast iterations to the right type
const Iterator itr = ConvTo< Iterator >::From(sqitr);
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type && t.mInterval == intrv && t.mIterations == itr)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// We could not find such task
return res;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Remove(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Default to not found
SQInteger pos = -1;
// Perform a search
SQRESULT res = Find(id, type, pos, vm);
// Did the search failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Did we find anything?
else if (pos < 0)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to locate such task");
// Release task resources
// Reset the timer
s_Intervals[pos] = 0;
// Specify that we don't return anything
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Exists(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Default to not found
SQInteger pos = -1;
// Perform a search
SQRESULT res = Find(id, type, pos, vm);
// Did the search failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Push a boolean on whether this task was found
sq_pushbool(vm, pos >= 0);
// Specify that we're returning a value
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Cleanup(Int32 id, Int32 type)
for (auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type)
// Also disable the timer
s_Intervals[&t - s_Tasks] = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to process tasks.
void ProcessTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to initialize tasks.
void InitializeTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to terminate tasks.
void TerminateTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to cleanup certain tasks.
void CleanupTasks(Int32 id, Int32 type)
Tasks::Cleanup(id, type);
} // Namespace:: SqMod