mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-02-22 04:37:13 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin f51b4968ac Fix bug in plugin caused by not popping the closure from the stack after calling it.
This would've caused the plugin to run out of stack memory eventually.
2018-07-05 21:01:08 +03:00

525 lines
16 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Tasks.hpp"
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Library/Chrono.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <utility>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasks::Time Tasks::s_Last = 0;
Tasks::Time Tasks::s_Prev = 0;
Tasks::Interval Tasks::s_Intervals[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS];
Tasks::Task Tasks::s_Tasks[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Task::Init(HSQOBJECT & func, HSQOBJECT & inst, Interval intrv, Iterator itr, Int32 id, Int32 type)
// Initialize the callback hash
mHash = 0;
// Initialize the callback objects
mFunc = LightObj(func);
mInst = LightObj(inst);
// Initialize the task options
mIterations = itr;
mInterval = intrv;
// Initialize the entity information
mEntity = ConvTo< Int16 >::From(id);
mType = ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(type);
// Grab the virtual machine once
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Is there a valid function?
if (!mFunc.IsNull())
// Push the callback on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFunc);
// Grab the hash of the callback object
mHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Task::Release()
mHash = 0;
mIterations = 0;
mInterval = 0;
mEntity = -1;
mType = -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasks::Interval Tasks::Task::Execute()
// Are we even a valid task?
if (INVALID_ENTITY(mEntity))
return 0; // Dunno how we got here but it ends now
// Grab the virtual machine once
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Push the function on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFunc);
// Push the environment on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mSelf);
// Push function parameters, if any
for (Uint32 n = 0; n < mArgc; ++n)
sq_pushobject(vm, mArgv[n].mObj);
// Make the function call and store the result
const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, mArgc + 1, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Pop the callback object from the stack
sq_pop(vm, 1);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
Terminate(); // Destroy ourself on error
// Decrease the number of iterations if necessary
if (mIterations && (--mIterations) == 0)
Terminate(); // This routine reached the end of it's life
// Return the current interval
return mInterval;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Process()
// Is this the first call?
if (s_Last == 0)
s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime();
// We'll do it text time
// Backup the last known time-stamp
s_Prev = s_Last;
// Get the current time-stamp
s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime();
// Calculate the elapsed time
const Int32 delta = Int32((s_Last - s_Prev) / 1000L);
// Process all active tasks
for (Interval * itr = s_Intervals; itr != (s_Intervals + SQMOD_MAX_TASKS); ++itr)
// Is this task valid?
if (*itr)
// Decrease the elapsed time
(*itr) -= delta;
// Have we completed the routine interval?
if ((*itr) <= 0)
// Execute and reset the elapsed time
(*itr) = s_Tasks[itr - s_Intervals].Execute();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Initialize()
std::memset(s_Intervals, 0, sizeof(s_Intervals));
// Transform all task instances to script objects
for (auto & t : s_Tasks)
// This is fine because they'll always outlive the virtual machine
t.mSelf = LightObj(&t);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Register(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Class< Task, NoDestructor< Task > >(vm, Typename::Str)
// Meta-methods
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Typename::Fn)
.Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Task::ToString)
// Properties
.Prop(_SC("Tag"), &Task::GetTag, &Task::SetTag)
.Prop(_SC("Entity"), &Task::GetInst)
.Prop(_SC("Func"), &Task::GetFunc, &Task::SetFunc)
.Prop(_SC("Data"), &Task::GetData, &Task::SetData)
.Prop(_SC("Interval"), &Task::GetInterval, &Task::SetInterval)
.Prop(_SC("Iterations"), &Task::GetIterations, &Task::SetIterations)
.Prop(_SC("Arguments"), &Task::GetArguments)
.Prop(_SC("Inst"), &Task::GetInst)
// Member Methods
.FmtFunc(_SC("SetTag"), &Task::SetTag)
.Func(_SC("Terminate"), &Task::Terminate)
.Func(_SC("GetArgument"), &Task::GetArgument)
// Static functions
.StaticFunc(_SC("Used"), &Tasks::GetUsed)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Deinitialize()
// Release any script resources that the tasks might store
for (auto & t : s_Tasks)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LightObj & Tasks::FindEntity(Int32 id, Int32 type)
switch (type)
case ENT_BLIP: return Core::Get().GetBlip(id).mObj;
case ENT_CHECKPOINT: return Core::Get().GetCheckpoint(id).mObj;
case ENT_KEYBIND: return Core::Get().GetKeybind(id).mObj;
case ENT_OBJECT: return Core::Get().GetObject(id).mObj;
case ENT_PICKUP: return Core::Get().GetPickup(id).mObj;
case ENT_PLAYER: return Core::Get().GetPlayer(id).mObj;
case ENT_VEHICLE: return Core::Get().GetVehicle(id).mObj;
default: return NullLightObj();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::FindUnused()
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (INVALID_ENTITY(t.mEntity))
return (&t - s_Tasks); // Return the index of this element
// No available slot
return -1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Create(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Locate the identifier of a free slot
const SQInteger slot = FindUnused();
// See if we have where to store this task
if (slot < 0)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Reached the maximum number of tasks");
// Grab the top of the stack
const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);
// See if too many arguments were specified
if (top > 12) /* 4 base + 8 parameters = 12 */
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Too many parameters specified");
// Was there was a callback specified?
else if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing task callback");
// Validate the callback type
else if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_CLOSURE && sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_NATIVECLOSURE)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid callback type");
// Prepare an entity instance object
// Attempt to retrieve the entity instance
inst = FindEntity(id, type).GetObject();
catch (const std::exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Prepare the function object
// Fetch the specified callback
SQRESULT res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 2, &func);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// The number of iterations and interval to execute the task
SQInteger intrv = 0, itr = 0;
// Was there an interval specified?
if (top > 2)
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Was there a number of iterations specified?
if (top > 3)
// Grab the iterations from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 4, &itr);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// At this point we can grab a reference to our slot
Task & task = s_Tasks[slot];
// Were there any arguments specified?
if (top > 4)
// Grab a pointer to the arguments array
Argument * args = task.mArgv;
// Reset the argument counter
task.mArgc = 0;
// Grab the specified arguments from the stack
for (SQInteger i = 5; i <= top; ++i)
res = sq_getstackobj(vm, i, &(args[task.mArgc].mObj));
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
// Clear previous arguments
// Propagate the error
return res;
// Keep a strong reference to the argument
sq_addref(vm, &(args[task.mArgc].mObj));
// Increase the argument counter
// Alright, at this point we can initialize the slot
task.Init(func, inst, intrv, itr, id, type);
// Now initialize the timer
s_Intervals[slot] = intrv;
// Push the tag instance on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, task.mSelf);
// Specify that this function returns a value
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Find(Int32 id, Int32 type, SQInteger & pos, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Grab the top of the stack
const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Was there a callback specified?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing task callback");
// Grab the hash of the callback object
const SQHash chash = sq_gethash(vm, 2);
// Should we include the iterations in the criteria?
if (top > 3)
SQInteger intrv = 0;
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type && t.mInterval == intrv)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// Should we include the interval in the criteria?
else if (top > 2)
SQInteger intrv = 0, sqitr = 0;
// Grab the interval from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 3, &intrv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Grab the iterations from the stack
res = sq_getinteger(vm, 4, &sqitr);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Cast iterations to the right type
const Iterator itr = ConvTo< Iterator >::From(sqitr);
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type && t.mInterval == intrv && t.mIterations == itr)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mHash == chash && t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type)
pos = static_cast< SQInteger >(&t - s_Tasks); // Store the index of this element
// We could not find such task
return res;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Remove(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Default to not found
SQInteger pos = -1;
// Perform a search
SQRESULT res = Find(id, type, pos, vm);
// Did the search failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Did we find anything?
else if (pos < 0)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Unable to locate such task");
// Release task resources
// Reset the timer
s_Intervals[pos] = 0;
// Specify that we don't return anything
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Tasks::Exists(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
// Default to not found
SQInteger pos = -1;
// Perform a search
SQRESULT res = Find(id, type, pos, vm);
// Did the search failed?
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Push a boolean on whether this task was found
sq_pushbool(vm, pos >= 0);
// Specify that we're returning a value
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Tasks::Task & Tasks::FindByTag(Int32 id, Int32 type, const StackStrF & tag)
// Attempt to find the requested task
for (const auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type && t.mTag.compare(tag.mPtr) == 0)
return t; // Return this task instance
// Unable to find such task
STHROWF("Unable to find a task with tag (%s)", tag.mPtr);
// Should not reach this point but if it did, we have to return something
return s_Tasks[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS]; // Intentional Buffer overflow!
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Tasks::Cleanup(Int32 id, Int32 type)
for (auto & t : s_Tasks)
if (t.mEntity == id && t.mType == type)
// Also disable the timer
s_Intervals[&t - s_Tasks] = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to process tasks.
void ProcessTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to initialize tasks.
void InitializeTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to register tasks.
void RegisterTask(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to terminate tasks.
void TerminateTasks()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forward the call to cleanup certain tasks.
void CleanupTasks(Int32 id, Int32 type)
Tasks::Cleanup(id, type);
} // Namespace:: SqMod