mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 18:27:28 +01:00
Extensive code refactoring surrounding the StackStrF helper to facilitate the new changes. Various other miscellaneous changes and code refactoring to facilitate the new changes.
1105 lines
38 KiB
1105 lines
38 KiB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Base/Shared.hpp"
#include "Base/Buffer.hpp"
#include "Base/Color3.hpp"
#include "Library/Numeric/Random.hpp"
#include "Library/Numeric/LongInt.hpp"
#include "Library/String.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <windows.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const Color3 SQ_Color_List[] =
Color3(240, 248, 255),
Color3(250, 235, 215),
Color3(0, 255, 255),
Color3(127, 255, 212),
Color3(240, 255, 255),
Color3(245, 245, 220),
Color3(255, 228, 196),
Color3(0, 0, 0),
Color3(255, 235, 205),
Color3(0, 0, 255),
Color3(138, 43, 226),
Color3(165, 42, 42),
Color3(222, 184, 135),
Color3(95, 158, 160),
Color3(127, 255, 0),
Color3(210, 105, 30),
Color3(255, 127, 80),
Color3(100, 149, 237),
Color3(255, 248, 220),
Color3(220, 20, 60),
Color3(0, 255, 255),
Color3(0, 0, 139),
Color3(0, 139, 139),
Color3(184, 134, 11),
Color3(169, 169, 169),
Color3(0, 100, 0),
Color3(189, 183, 107),
Color3(139, 0, 139),
Color3(85, 107, 47),
Color3(255, 140, 0),
Color3(153, 50, 204),
Color3(139, 0, 0),
Color3(233, 150, 122),
Color3(143, 188, 143),
Color3(72, 61, 139),
Color3(47, 79, 79),
Color3(0, 206, 209),
Color3(148, 0, 211),
Color3(255, 20, 147),
Color3(0, 191, 255),
Color3(105, 105, 105),
Color3(30, 144, 255),
Color3(178, 34, 34),
Color3(255, 250, 240),
Color3(34, 139, 34),
Color3(255, 0, 255),
Color3(220, 220, 220),
Color3(248, 248, 255),
Color3(255, 215, 0),
Color3(218, 165, 32),
Color3(128, 128, 128),
Color3(0, 128, 0),
Color3(173, 255, 47),
Color3(240, 255, 240),
Color3(255, 105, 180),
Color3(205, 92, 92),
Color3(75, 0, 130),
Color3(255, 255, 240),
Color3(240, 230, 140),
Color3(230, 230, 250),
Color3(255, 240, 245),
Color3(124, 252, 0),
Color3(255, 250, 205),
Color3(173, 216, 230),
Color3(240, 128, 128),
Color3(224, 255, 255),
Color3(250, 250, 210),
Color3(211, 211, 211),
Color3(144, 238, 144),
Color3(255, 182, 193),
Color3(255, 160, 122),
Color3(32, 178, 170),
Color3(135, 206, 250),
Color3(119, 136, 153),
Color3(176, 196, 222),
Color3(255, 255, 224),
Color3(0, 255, 0),
Color3(50, 205, 50),
Color3(250, 240, 230),
Color3(255, 0, 255),
Color3(128, 0, 0),
Color3(102, 205, 170),
Color3(0, 0, 205),
Color3(186, 85, 211),
Color3(147, 112, 219),
Color3(60, 179, 113),
Color3(123, 104, 238),
Color3(0, 250, 154),
Color3(72, 209, 204),
Color3(199, 21, 133),
Color3(25, 25, 112),
Color3(245, 255, 250),
Color3(255, 228, 225),
Color3(255, 228, 181),
Color3(255, 222, 173),
Color3(0, 0, 128),
Color3(253, 245, 230),
Color3(128, 128, 0),
Color3(107, 142, 35),
Color3(255, 165, 0),
Color3(255, 69, 0),
Color3(218, 112, 214),
Color3(238, 232, 170),
Color3(152, 251, 152),
Color3(175, 238, 238),
Color3(219, 112, 147),
Color3(255, 239, 213),
Color3(255, 218, 185),
Color3(205, 133, 63),
Color3(255, 192, 203),
Color3(221, 160, 221),
Color3(176, 224, 230),
Color3(128, 0, 128),
Color3(255, 0, 0),
Color3(188, 143, 143),
Color3(65, 105, 225),
Color3(139, 69, 19),
Color3(250, 128, 114),
Color3(244, 164, 96),
Color3(46, 139, 87),
Color3(255, 245, 238),
Color3(160, 82, 45),
Color3(192, 192, 192),
Color3(135, 206, 235),
Color3(106, 90, 205),
Color3(112, 128, 144),
Color3(255, 250, 250),
Color3(0, 255, 127),
Color3(70, 130, 180),
Color3(210, 180, 140),
Color3(0, 128, 128),
Color3(216, 191, 216),
Color3(255, 99, 71),
Color3(64, 224, 208),
Color3(238, 130, 238),
Color3(245, 222, 179),
Color3(255, 255, 255),
Color3(245, 245, 245),
Color3(255, 255, 0),
Color3(154, 205, 50)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const SLongInt & GetSLongInt()
static SLongInt l;
return l;
const SLongInt & GetSLongInt(Int64 n)
static SLongInt l;
return l;
const SLongInt & GetSLongInt(CSStr s)
static SLongInt l;
l = s;
return l;
const ULongInt & GetULongInt()
static ULongInt l;
return l;
const ULongInt & GetULongInt(Uint64 n)
static ULongInt l;
return l;
const ULongInt & GetULongInt(CSStr s)
static ULongInt l;
l = s;
return l;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool NameFilterCheck(CSStr filter, CSStr name)
// If only one of them is null then they don't match
if ((!filter && name) || (filter && !name))
return false;
// If they're both null or the filter is empty then there's nothing to check for
else if ((!filter && !name) || (*filter == '\0'))
return true;
SQChar ch = 0;
// Start comparing the strings
while (true)
// Grab the current character from filter
ch = *(filter++);
// See if the filter or name was completed
if (ch == '\0' || *name == '\0')
break; // They matched so far
// Are we supposed to perform a wild-card search?
else if (ch == '*')
// Grab the next character from filter
ch = *(filter++);
// Start comparing characters until the first match
while (*name != '\0')
if (*(name++) == ch)
// See if the character matches doesn't have to match
else if (ch != '?' && *name != ch)
return false; // The character had to match and failed
// At this point the name satisfied the filter
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool NameFilterCheckInsensitive(CSStr filter, CSStr name)
// If only one of them is null then they don't match
if ((!filter && name) || (filter && !name))
return false;
// If they're both null or the filter is empty then there's nothing to check for
else if ((!filter && !name) || (*filter == '\0'))
return true;
SQChar ch = 0;
// Start comparing the strings
while (true)
// Grab the current character from filter
ch = static_cast< SQChar >(std::tolower(*(filter++)));
// See if the filter or name was completed
if (ch == '\0' || *name == '\0')
break; // They matched so far
// Are we supposed to perform a wild-card search?
else if (ch == '*')
// Grab the next character from filter
ch = static_cast< SQChar >(std::tolower(*(filter++)));
// Start comparing characters until the first match
while (*name != '\0')
if (static_cast< SQChar >(std::tolower(*(name++))) == ch)
// See if the character matches doesn't have to match
else if (ch != '?' && static_cast< SQChar >(std::tolower(*name)) != ch)
return false; // The character had to match and failed
// At this point the name satisfied the filter
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Color3 & GetRandomColor()
return SQ_Color_List[GetRandomUint8(0, (sizeof(SQ_Color_List) / sizeof(Color3)) - 1)];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Color3 GetColor(const StackStrF & name)
return name.mLen <= 0 ? Color3() : GetColorStr(name.mPtr);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Color3 GetColorStr(CSStr name)
// See if we actually have something to search for
if(!name || *name == '\0')
return Color3::NIL; // Use default color
// Clone the string into an editable version
CSStr str = StrJustAlphaNum(name);
str = StrToLowercase(str);
// See if we still have a valid name after the cleanup
if(!str || *str == '\0')
return Color3::NIL; // Use default color
// Calculate the name length
const Uint32 len = std::strlen(str);
// Get the most significant characters used to identify a weapon
SQChar a = str[0], b = 0, c = 0, d = str[len-1];
// Look for deeper specifiers
if(len >= 3)
c = str[2];
b = str[1];
else if(len >= 2)
b = str[1];
// Search for a pattern in the name
// [A]liceBlue
// [A]ntiqueWhite
// [A]qua
// [A]quamarine
// [A]zure
case 'a':
switch (b)
// [Al]iceBlue
case 'l': return Color3(240, 248, 255);
// [Aq]ua[m]arine
case 'm': return Color3(127, 255, 212);
// [An]tiqueWhite
case 'n': return Color3(250, 235, 215);
// [Aq]ua
// [Aq]uamarine
case 'q':
// [Aq]u[a]
if (d == 'a') return Color3(0, 255, 255);
// [Aq]ua[m]arin[e]
else if (d == 'e' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'm')) return Color3(127, 255, 212);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Az]ure
case 'z': return Color3(240, 255, 255);
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// [B]eige
// [B]isque
// [B]lack
// [B]lanchedAlmond
// [B]lue
// [B]lueViolet
// [B]rown
// [B]urlyWood
case 'b':
switch (b)
// [B]lanched[A]lmond
case 'a': return Color3(255, 235, 205);
// [Be]ige
case 'e': return Color3(245, 245, 220);
// [Bi]sque
case 'i': return Color3(255, 228, 196);
// [Bl]ack
// [Bl]anchedAlmond
// [Bl]ue
// [Bl]ueViolet
case 'l':
// [Bl]a[ck]
if (d == 'k' || d == 'c') return Color3(0, 0, 0);
// [Bl]anched[A]lmon[d]
else if (d == 'd' || (len > 8 && str[8] == 'a')) return Color3(255, 235, 205);
// [Bl]u[e]
else if (d == 'e') return Color3(0, 0, 255);
// [Bl]ue[V]iole[t]
else if (d == 't' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return Color3(138, 43, 226);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Br]own
case 'r': return Color3(165, 42, 42);
// [Bu]rlyWood
case 'u': return Color3(222, 184, 135);
// [B]lue[V]iolet
case 'v': return Color3(138, 43, 226);
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// [C]adetBlue
// [C]hartreuse
// [C]hocolate
// [C]oral
// [C]ornflowerBlue
// [C]ornsilk
// [C]rimson
// [C]yan
case 'c':
switch (b)
// [Ca]detBlue
case 'a': return Color3(95, 158, 160);
// [Ch]artreuse
// [Ch]ocolate
case 'h':
// [Ch]artreuse
if (c == 'a') return Color3(127, 255, 0);
// [Ch]ocolate
else if (c == 'o') return Color3(210, 105, 30);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Co]ral
// [Co]rnflowerBlue
// [Co]rnsilk
case 'o':
// [Co]ra[l]
if (d == 'l') return Color3(255, 127, 80);
// [Co]rnflower[B]lu[e]
else if (d == 'e' || (len > 10 && str[10] == 'b')) return Color3(100, 149, 237);
// [Co]rnsil[k]
else if (d == 'k') return Color3(255, 248, 220);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Cr]imson
case 'r': return Color3(220, 20, 60);
// [Cy]an
case 'y': return Color3(0, 255, 255);
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// [D]arkBlue
// [D]arkCyan
// [D]arkGoldenRod
// [D]arkGray
// [D]arkGreen
// [D]arkKhaki
// [D]arkMagenta
// [D]arkOliveGreen
// [D]arkOrange
// [D]arkOrchid
// [D]arkRed
// [D]arkSalmon
// [D]arkSeaGreen
// [D]arkSlateBlue
// [D]arkSlateGray
// [D]arkTurquoise
// [D]arkViolet
// [D]eepPink
// [D]eepSkyBlue
// [D]imGray
// [D]odgerBlue
case 'd':
// [Di]mGray
if (b == 'i' || b == 'g') return Color3(105, 105, 105);
// [Do]dgerBlue
else if (b == 'o' || b == 'b') return Color3(30, 144, 255);
// [De]ep[P]in[k]
else if (b == 'e' && (d == 'k' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'p'))) return Color3(255, 20, 147);
// [De]ep[S]kyBlu[e]
else if (b == 'e' && (d == 'e' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 's'))) return Color3(0, 191, 255);
// [Da]rkBlue
// [Da]rkCyan
// [Da]rkGoldenRod
// [Da]rkGray
// [Da]rkGreen
// [Da]rkKhaki
// [Da]rkMagenta
// [Da]rkOliveGreen
// [Da]rkOrange
// [Da]rkOrchid
// [Da]rkRed
// [Da]rkSalmon
// [Da]rkSeaGreen
// [Da]rkSlateBlue
// [Da]rkSlateGray
// [Da]rkTurquoise
// [Da]rkViolet
else if (b == 'a') {
// [Da]rk[B]lue
if (c == 'b' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'b')) return Color3(0, 0, 139);
// [Da]rk[C]yan
else if (c == 'c' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'c')) return Color3(0, 139, 139);
// [Da]rk[Go]ldenRo[d]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'd' || d == 'o')) return Color3(184, 134, 11);
// [Da]rk[G]r[ay]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return Color3(169, 169, 169);
// [Da]rk[G]r[een]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return Color3(0, 100, 0);
// [Da]rk[K]hak[i]
else if (d == 'i' || c == 'k' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'k')) return Color3(189, 183, 107);
// [Da]rk[M]agent[a]
else if (d == 'a' || c == 'm' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'm')) return Color3(139, 0, 139);
// [Da]rk[O]liveGr[een]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return Color3(85, 107, 47);
// [Da]rk[O]r[a]ng[e]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'e' || d == 'a')) return Color3(255, 140, 0);
// [Da]rk[O]r[c]hi[d]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'd' || d == 'c')) return Color3(153, 50, 204);
// [Da]rk[R]ed
else if (len > 4 && str[4] == 'r') return Color3(139, 0, 0);
// [Da]rk[Sa]lmon
else if (len > 5 && str[4] == 's' && str[5] == 'a') return Color3(233, 150, 122);
// [Da]rk[Se]aGreen
else if (len > 5 && str[4] == 's' && str[5] == 'e') return Color3(143, 188, 143);
// [Da]rk[S]lateBlu[e]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 's') && (d == 'e' || d == 'b')) return Color3(72, 61, 139);
// [Da]rk[S]lateGra[y]
else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 's') && (d == 'y' || d == 'g')) return Color3(47, 79, 79);
// [Da]rk[T]urquoise
else if (c == 't' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 't')) return Color3(0, 206, 209);
// [Da]rk[V]iolet
else if (c == 'v' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return Color3(148, 0, 211);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// Default to blank
} else return Color3::NIL;
// [F]ireBrick
// [F]loralWhite
// [F]orestGreen
// [F]uchsia
case 'f':
switch (b)
// [Fi]re[B]rick
case 'i':
case 'b': return Color3(178, 34, 34);
// [Fl]oral[W]hite
case 'l':
case 'w': return Color3(255, 250, 240);
// [Fo]rest[G]reen
case 'o':
case 'g': return Color3(34, 139, 34);
// [Fu]chsia
case 'u': return Color3(255, 0, 255);
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// [G]ainsboro
// [G]hostWhite
// [G]old
// [G]oldenRod
// [G]ray
// [G]reen
// [G]reenYellow
case 'g':
// [Ga]insboro
if (b == 'a') return Color3(220, 220, 220);
// [Gh]ost[W]hite
else if (b == 'h' || b == 'w') return Color3(248, 248, 255);
// [Go]ld[e]n[R]od
else if (len > 4 && (str[4] == 'e' || str[4] == 'r')) return Color3(218, 165, 32);
// [Go]l[d]
else if (b == 'o' && d == 'd') return Color3(255, 215, 0);
// [Gray]
else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return Color3(128, 128, 128);
// [Gr]een
else if (b == 'r' && d == 'n') return Color3(0, 128, 0);
// [Gr]eenYellow
else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'w' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'y'))) return Color3(173, 255, 47);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [H]oneyDew
// [H]otPink
case 'h':
// [H]o[n]ey[D]e[w]
if (d == 'w' || c == 'n' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'd')) return Color3(240, 255, 240);
// [H]o[tP]in[k]
else if (d == 'k' || c == 't' || (len > 3 && str[3] == 'p')) return Color3(255, 105, 180);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [I]ndianRed
// [I]ndigo
// [I]vory
case 'i':
// [In]dian[R]e[d]
if (b == 'n' && (d == 'd' || d == 'r')) return Color3(205, 92, 92);
// [In]di[go]
else if (b == 'n' && (d == 'o' || d == 'g')) return Color3(75, 0, 130);
// [I]vory
else if (b == 'v') return Color3(255, 255, 240);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [K]haki
case 'k': return Color3(240, 230, 140);
// [L]avender
// [L]avenderBlush
// [L]awnGreen
// [L]emonChiffon
// [L]ightBlue
// [L]ightCoral
// [L]ightCyan
// [L]ightGoldenRodYellow
// [L]ightGray
// [L]ightGreen
// [L]ightPink
// [L]ightSalmon
// [L]ightSeaGreen
// [L]ightSkyBlue
// [L]ightSlateGray
// [L]ightSteelBlue
// [L]ightYellow
// [L]ime
// [L]imeGreen
// [L]inen
case 'l':
// [La]vende[r]
if (b == 'a' && d == 'r') return Color3(230, 230, 250);
// [La]vender[B]lus[h]
else if (b == 'a' && (d == 'h' || d == 'b')) return Color3(255, 240, 245);
// [Law]n[G]ree[n]
else if (b == 'g' || (b == 'a' && (c == 'w' || d == 'n'))) return Color3(124, 252, 0);
// [Le]mon[C]hiffon
else if (b == 'e' || b == 'c') return Color3(255, 250, 205);
// [Li]me[G]reen
else if (b == 'g' || (b == 'i' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 'g'))) return Color3(50, 205, 50);
// [Lime]
else if (b == 'i' && c == 'm' && d == 'e') return Color3(0, 255, 0);
// [Lin]e[n]
else if (b == 'i' && (c == 'n' || d == 'n')) return Color3(250, 240, 230);
// [Li]ghtBlue
// [Li]ghtCoral
// [Li]ghtCyan
// [Li]ghtGoldenRodYellow
// [Li]ghtGray
// [Li]ghtGreen
// [Li]ghtPink
// [Li]ghtSalmon
// [Li]ghtSeaGreen
// [Li]ghtSkyBlue
// [Li]ghtSlateGray
// [Li]ghtSteelBlue
// [Li]ghtYellow
else if (b == 'i') {
// [Li]ght[B]lue
if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'b') return Color3(173, 216, 230);
// [Li]ght[Co]ra[l]
else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'c') && (d == 'l' || d == 'o')) return Color3(240, 128, 128);
// [Li]ght[Cy]a[n]
else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'c') && (d == 'n' || d == 'y')) return Color3(224, 255, 255);
// [Li]ght[Go]ldenRodYello[w]
else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'w' || d == 'o')) return Color3(250, 250, 210);
// [Li]ght[G]r[ay]
else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return Color3(211, 211, 211);
// [Li]ght[G]r[een]
else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return Color3(144, 238, 144);
// [Li]ght[P]ink
else if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'p') return Color3(255, 182, 193);
// [Li]ght[Sa]lmon
else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'a') return Color3(255, 160, 122);
// [Li]ght[Se]aGreen
else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'e') return Color3(32, 178, 170);
// [Li]ght[Sk]yBlue
else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'k') return Color3(135, 206, 250);
// [Li]ght[Sl]ateGray
else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'l') return Color3(119, 136, 153);
// [Li]ght[St]eelBlue
else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 't') return Color3(176, 196, 222);
// [Li]ght[Y]ellow
else if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'y') return Color3(255, 255, 224);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// Default to blank
} else return Color3::NIL;
// [M]agenta
// [M]aroon
// [M]ediumAquaMarine
// [M]ediumBlue
// [M]ediumOrchid
// [M]ediumPurple
// [M]ediumSeaGreen
// [M]ediumSlateBlue
// [M]ediumSpringGreen
// [M]ediumTurquoise
// [M]ediumVioletRed
// [M]idnightBlue
// [M]intCream
// [M]istyRose
// [M]occasin
case 'm':
// [Ma]genta
if (b == 'a' && (c == 'a' || d == 'a')) return Color3(255, 0, 255);
// [Ma]roon
else if (b == 'a' && (c == 'r' || d == 'n' || d == 'o')) return Color3(128, 0, 0);
// [Me]diumAquaMarine
// [Me]diumBlue
// [Me]diumOrchid
// [Me]diumPurple
// [Me]diumSeaGreen
// [Me]diumSlateBlue
// [Me]diumSpringGreen
// [Me]diumTurquoise
// [Me]diumVioletRed
else if (b == 'e') {
// [Me]dium[A]quaMarine
if (c == 'a' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'a')) return Color3(102, 205, 170);
// [Me]dium[B]lue
else if (c == 'b' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'b')) return Color3(0, 0, 205);
// [Me]dium[O]rchid
else if (c == 'o' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'o')) return Color3(186, 85, 211);
// [Me]dium[P]urple
else if (c == 'p' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'p')) return Color3(147, 112, 219);
// [Me]dium[T]urquoise
else if (c == 't' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 't')) return Color3(72, 209, 204);
// [Me]dium[V]ioletRed
else if (c == 'v' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'v')) return Color3(199, 21, 133);
// [Me]dium[Se]aGreen
else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'e') return Color3(60, 179, 113);
// [Me]dium[Sl]ateBlue
else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'l') return Color3(123, 104, 238);
// [Me]dium[Sp]ringGreen
else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'p') return Color3(0, 250, 154);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Mi]dnightBlue
else if (b == 'i' && c == 'd') return Color3(25, 25, 112);
// [Mi]ntCream
else if (b == 'i' && c == 'n') return Color3(245, 255, 250);
// [Mi]styRose
else if (b == 'i' && c == 's') return Color3(255, 228, 225);
// [Mo]ccasin
else if (b == 'o') return Color3(255, 228, 181);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [N]avajoWhite
// [N]avy
case 'n':
// [Na]vajo[W]hite
if (c == 'v' || c == 'w') return Color3(255, 222, 173);
// [Na]v[y]
else if (c == 'a' || d == 'y') return Color3(0, 0, 128);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [O]ldLace
// [O]live
// [O]liveDrab
// [O]range
// [O]rangeRed
// [O]rchid
case 'o':
// [Old]Lace
if (b == 'l' && c == 'd') return Color3(253, 245, 230);
// [Ol]ive[D]ra[b]
else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'b' || d == 'd')) return Color3(107, 142, 35);
// [Ol]iv[e]
else if (b == 'l' && d == 'e') return Color3(128, 128, 0);
// [Or]ange[R]e[d]
else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'd' || d == 'r')) return Color3(255, 69, 0);
// [Or]ang[e]
else if (b == 'r' && d == 'e') return Color3(255, 165, 0);
// [Orc]hid
else if (d == 'c') return Color3(218, 112, 214);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [P]aleGoldenRod
// [P]aleGreen
// [P]aleTurquoise
// [P]aleVioletRed
// [P]apayaWhip
// [P]eachPuff
// [P]eru
// [P]ink
// [P]lum
// [P]owderBlue
// [P]urple
case 'p':
// [Pu]rple
if (b == 'u') return Color3(128, 0, 128);
// [Po]wderBlue
else if (b == 'o') return Color3(176, 224, 230);
// [Pi]nk
else if (b == 'i') return Color3(255, 192, 203);
// [Pl]um
else if (b == 'l') return Color3(221, 160, 221);
// [Pea]chPuff
else if (b == 'e' && c == 'a') return Color3(255, 218, 185);
// [Per]u
else if (b == 'e' && c == 'r') return Color3(205, 133, 63);
// [Pa]payaWhip
else if (b == 'a' && c == 'p') return Color3(255, 239, 213);
// [Pa]le[Go]ldenRod
else if (b == 'a' && (len > 5 && str[4] == 'g' && str[5] == 'o')) return Color3(238, 232, 170);
// [Pa]le[Gr]een
else if (b == 'a' && (len > 5 && str[4] == 'g' && str[5] == 'r')) return Color3(152, 251, 152);
// [Pa]le[T]urquoise
else if (b == 'a' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 't')) return Color3(175, 238, 238);
// [Pa]le[V]ioletRed
else if (b == 'a' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return Color3(219, 112, 147);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [R]ed
// [R]osyBrown
// [R]oyalBlue
case 'r':
// [Re]d
if (b == 'e') return Color3(255, 0, 0);
// [Ros]yBrown
else if (b == 'o' && c == 's') return Color3(188, 143, 143);
// [Roy]alBlue
else if (b == 'o' && c == 'y') return Color3(65, 105, 225);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [S]addleBrown
// [S]almon
// [S]andyBrown
// [S]eaGreen
// [S]eaShell
// [S]ienna
// [S]ilver
// [S]kyBlue
// [S]lateBlue
// [S]lateGray
// [S]now
// [S]pringGreen
// [S]teelBlue
case 's':
// [Sad]dleBrown
if (b == 'a' && c == 'd') return Color3(139, 69, 19);
// [Sal]mon
else if (b == 'a' && c == 'l') return Color3(250, 128, 114);
// [San]dyBrown
else if (b == 'a' && c == 'n') return Color3(244, 164, 96);
// [Se]a[G]reen
else if (b == 'e' && d == 'g') return Color3(46, 139, 87);
// [Se]a[S]hell
else if (b == 'e' && d == 's') return Color3(255, 245, 238);
// [Sie]nna
else if (b == 'i' && c == 'e') return Color3(160, 82, 45);
// [Sil]ver
else if (b == 'i' && c == 'l') return Color3(192, 192, 192);
// [Sk]yBlue
else if (b == 'k') return Color3(135, 206, 235);
// [Sl]ateBlue
else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'e' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'b'))) return Color3(106, 90, 205);
// [Sl]ateGray
else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'y' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'g'))) return Color3(112, 128, 144);
// [Sn]ow
else if (b == 'n') return Color3(255, 250, 250);
// [Sp]ringGreen
else if (b == 'p') return Color3(0, 255, 127);
// [St]eelBlue
else if (b == 't') return Color3(70, 130, 180);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [T]an
// [T]eal
// [T]histle
// [T]omato
// [T]urquoise
case 't':
// [Ta]n
case 'a': return Color3(210, 180, 140);
// [Te]al
case 'e': return Color3(0, 128, 128);
// [Th]istle
case 'h': return Color3(216, 191, 216);
// [To]mato
case 'o': return Color3(255, 99, 71);
// [Tu]rquoise
case 'u': return Color3(64, 224, 208);
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// [V]iolet
case 'v': return Color3(238, 130, 238);
// [W]heat
// [W]hite
// [W]hiteSmoke
case 'w':
// [Wh]eat
if (b == 'h' && c == 'e') return Color3(245, 222, 179);
// [Wh]ite[S]moke
else if (b == 'h' && (len > 5 && str[5] == 's')) return Color3(245, 245, 245);
// [Whi]te
else if (b == 'h' && c == 'i') return Color3(255, 255, 255);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// [Y]ellow
// [Y]ellowGreen
case 'y':
// [Ye]llow[G]reen
if (b == 'e' && (len > 6 && str[6] == 'g')) return Color3(154, 205, 50);
// [Yel]low
else if (b == 'e' && c == 'l') return Color3(255, 255, 0);
// Default to blank
else return Color3::NIL;
// Default to blank
default: return Color3::NIL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SqThrowLastF(CSStr msg, ...)
// Acquire a moderately sized buffer
Buffer b(128);
// Prepare the arguments list
va_list args;
va_start (args, msg);
// Attempt to run the specified format
if (b.WriteF(0, msg, args) == 0)
b.At(0) = '\0'; // Make sure the string is null terminated
// Finalize the argument list
// Get the error message, if any.
const DWORD error_num = ::GetLastError();
// Was there an error recorded?
if(error_num == 0)
// Invoker is responsible for making sure this doesn't happen!
SqThrowF("%s [Unknown error]", b.Data());
// The resulted message buffer
LPSTR msg_buff = nullptr;
// Attempt to obtain the error message
const std::size_t size = FormatMessageA(
reinterpret_cast< LPSTR >(&msg_buff), 0, nullptr);
// Copy the message buffer before freeing it
std::string message(msg_buff, size);
//Free the message buffer
// Now it's safe to throw the error
SqThrowF("%s [%s]", b.Data(), message.c_str());
SqThrowF("%s [%s]", b.Data(), std::strerror(errno));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqPackRGB(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b)
return static_cast< Int32 >(SQMOD_PACK_RGB(
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(r),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(g),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(b)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqPackRGBA(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b, SQInteger a)
return static_cast< Int32 >(SQMOD_PACK_RGBA(
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(r),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(g),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(b),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(a)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqPackARGB(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b, SQInteger a)
return static_cast< Int32 >(SQMOD_PACK_ARGB(
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(a),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(r),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(g),
ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(b)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqNameFilterCheck(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Was the filter string specified?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing filter string");
// Was the name string specified?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing name string");
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF filter(vm, 2);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(filter.Proc(false)))
return filter.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF name(vm, 3);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(name.Proc(true)))
return name.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Make the comparison and push the result on the stack
sq_pushbool(vm, NameFilterCheck(filter.mPtr, name.mPtr));
// Specify that we have a return value on the stack
return 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqNameFilterCheckInsensitive(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Was the filter string specified?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing filter string");
// Was the name string specified?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing name string");
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF filter(vm, 2);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(filter.Proc(false)))
return filter.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Attempt to generate the string value
StackStrF name(vm, 3);
// Have we failed to retrieve the string?
if (SQ_FAILED(name.Proc(true)))
return name.mRes; // Propagate the error!
// Make the comparison and push the result on the stack
sq_pushbool(vm, NameFilterCheckInsensitive(filter.mPtr, name.mPtr));
// Specify that we have a return value on the stack
return 1;
// ================================================================================================
void Register_Base(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
.Func(_SC("EpsEq"), &EpsEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("EpsLt"), &EpsLt< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("EpsGt"), &EpsGt< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("EpsLtEq"), &EpsLtEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("EpsGtEq"), &EpsGtEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("ClampI"), &Clamp< SQInteger, SQInteger, SQInteger >)
.Func(_SC("ClampF"), &Clamp< SQFloat, SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("ClampMinI"), &ClampMin< SQInteger, SQInteger >)
.Func(_SC("ClampMinF"), &ClampMin< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("ClampMaxI"), &ClampMax< SQInteger, SQInteger >)
.Func(_SC("ClampMaxF"), &ClampMax< SQFloat, SQFloat >)
.Func(_SC("NextPow2"), &NextPow2)
.Func(_SC("SToB"), &SToB)
.Func(_SC("PackRGB"), &SqPackRGB)
.Func(_SC("PackRGBA"), &SqPackRGBA)
.Func(_SC("PackARGB"), &SqPackARGB)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("NameFilterCheck"), &SqNameFilterCheck)
.SquirrelFunc(_SC("NameFilterCheckInsensitive"), &SqNameFilterCheckInsensitive);
} // Namespace:: SqMod