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* \file RandomEngine.hpp
* \brief Header for RandomEngine.
* Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2006-2012) <charles@karney.com> and licensed
* under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see
* http://randomlib.sourceforge.net/
#include <RandomLib/RandomSeed.hpp>
#include <RandomLib/RandomAlgorithm.hpp>
#include <RandomLib/RandomMixer.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#if defined(HAVE_SSE2) && HAVE_SSE2 && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WIN64)
#include <new>
#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
namespace RandomLib {
* \brief Uniform random number generator.
* This implements a generic random number generator. Such a generator
* requires two data holders RandomSeed, to hold the seed, and RandomEngine,
* to hold the state. In addition we need two piece of machinery, a "Mixer"
* to convert the seed into an initial state and an "Algorithm" to advance the
* state.
* @tparam Algorithm the random number algorithm.
* @tparam Mixer the way seeds are turned into state.
* RandomSeed is responsible for setting and reporting the seed.
* Mixer has no state and implements only static methods. It needs to have
* the following public interface
* - typedef mixer_t: a RandomType giving the output type
* - unsigned version: an identifying version number
* - static std::string Name(): an identifying name for the mixer
* - static method SeedToState: converts a seed into n words of state.
* Algorithm has no state and implements only static methods. It needs to
* have the following public interface
* - typedef engine_t: a RandomType giving the output type
* - typedef internal_type: a integer type used by Transition. This is
* usually the same as engine_t::type. However it allows the use of
* vector instructions on some platforms. We require that engine_t::type
* and internal_type line up properly in a union so that there is no need
* to convert the data explicitly between internal_type and
* engine_t::type.
* - unsigned version: an identifying version number
* - static std::string Name(): an identifying name for the mixer
* - enum N: the size of the state in units of engine_t.
* - static method Transition: steps the generator forwards or backwards.
* - static method Generate: tempers the state immediately prior to output
* - static method NormalizeState: force the initial state (the result of
* the Mixer) into a legal state.
* - static method CheckState accumulates the checksum for the state into
* check. In addition it throws an exception if the state is bad.
* RandomEngine is the glue that holds everything together. It repacks
* the mixer_t data from Mixer into engine_t if necessary. It deals with
* delivering individual random results, stepping the state forwards and
* backwards, leapfrogging the generator, I/O of the generator, etc.
* Written by Charles Karney <charles@karney.com> and licensed under the
* MIT/X11 License. For more information, see
* http://randomlib.sourceforge.net/
template<class Algorithm, class Mixer>
class RANDOMLIB_EXPORT RandomEngine : public RandomSeed {
* The result RandomType (carried over from the \e Algorithm).
typedef typename Algorithm::engine_t result_t;
* The RandomType used by the \e Mixer.
typedef typename Mixer::mixer_t mixer_t;
* The internal_type used by the Algorithm::Transition().
typedef typename Algorithm::internal_type engine_type;
* The number of random bits produced by Ran().
enum {
width = result_t::width
* A type large enough to hold \e width bits. This is used for the
* internal state of the generator and the result returned by Ran().
typedef typename result_t::type result_type;
* The minimum result returned by Ran() = 0.
static const result_type min = result_t::min;
* The maximum result returned by Ran() = 2<sup><i>w</i></sup> − 1.
static const result_type max = result_t::max;
* The mask for the result_t.
static const result_type mask = result_t::mask;
* A version number "RandLib0" to ensure safety of Save/Load. The first 7
* bytes can be regarded as a "signature" and the 8th byte a version
* number.
static const u64::type version = 0x52616e644c696230ULL; // 'RandLib0'
* Marker for uninitialized object
static const unsigned UNINIT = 0xffffffffU;
enum {
* The size of the state in units of result_type
N = Algorithm::N,
* The size of the state in units of mixer_t::type
NU = (N * width + mixer_t::width - 1) / mixer_t::width,
* The size of the state in units of engine_type.
NV = N * sizeof(result_type) / sizeof(engine_type)
* \brief Union for the state.
* A union to hold the state in the result_type, mixer_t::type, and
* engine_type representations.
union {
* the result_type representation returned by Ran()
result_type _state[N];
* the mixer_t::type representation returned by Mixer::SeedToState.
typename mixer_t::type _stateu[NU];
* the engine_type representation returned by Algorithm::Transition.
engine_type _statev[NV];
* The index for the next random value
unsigned _ptr;
* How many times has Transition() been called
long long _rounds;
* Stride for leapfrogging
unsigned _stride;
* \name Constructors
* Initialize from a vector. Only the low \e 32 bits of each element are
* used.
* @tparam IntType the integral type of the elements of the vector.
* @param[in] v the vector of elements.
template<typename IntType>
explicit RandomEngine(const std::vector<IntType>& v) { Reseed(v); }
* Initialize from a pair of iterators setting seed to [\e a, \e b). The
* iterator must produce results which can be converted into seed_type.
* Only the low \e 32 bits of each element are used.
* @tparam InputIterator the type of the iterator.
* @param[in] a the beginning iterator.
* @param[in] b the ending iterator.
template<typename InputIterator>
RandomEngine(InputIterator a, InputIterator b) { Reseed(a, b); }
* Initialize with seed [\e n]. Only the low \e width bits of \e n are
* used.
* @param[in] n the new seed to use.
explicit RandomEngine(seed_type n) { Reseed(n); }
* Initialize with seed []. This can be followed by a call to Reseed() to
* select a unique seed.
RandomEngine() { unsigned long s[1]; Reseed(s, s); }
* Initialize from a string. See Reseed(const std::string& s)
* @param[in] s the string to be decoded into a seed.
explicit RandomEngine(const std::string& s) { Reseed(s); }
* \name Functions for returning random data
* Return \e width bits of randomness. This is the natural unit of random
* data produced random number generator.
* @return the next random number of width \e width.
result_type Ran() throw() {
if (_ptr >= N)
result_type y = _state[_ptr];
_ptr += _stride;
return Algorithm::Generate(y);
* Return 32 bits of randomness.
* @return a 32-bit random number.
u32::type Ran32() throw() {
// return width > 32 ? u32::cast(Ran()) : Ran();
return u32::cast(Ran());
* Return 64 bits of randomness.
* @return a 64-bit random number.
u64::type Ran64() throw() {
const u64::type x = Ran();
return width > 32 ? x : u64::cast(Ran()) << (64 - width) | x;
* Return \e width bits of randomness. Result is in [0,
* 2<sup><i>w</i></sup>). (This just calls Ran().)
* @return the next random number of width \e width.
result_type operator()() throw() { return Ran(); }
#if defined(HAVE_SSE2) && HAVE_SSE2 && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WIN64)
* new operator with alignment (needed for Visual Studio)
void* operator new(size_t n) {
void* p = _aligned_malloc(n, __alignof(RandomEngine));
if (p == 0) throw std::bad_alloc();
return p;
* delete operator with alignment (needed for Visual Studio)
void operator delete(void* p) { _aligned_free(p); }
* new[] operator with alignment (needed for Visual Studio)
void* operator new[](size_t n) {
void* p = _aligned_malloc(n, __alignof(RandomEngine));
if (p == 0) throw std::bad_alloc();
return p;
* delete[] operator with alignment (needed for Visual Studio)
void operator delete[](void* p) { _aligned_free(p); }
* \name Comparing Random objects
* Test equality of two Random objects. This test that the seeds match and
* that they have produced the same number of random numbers.
* @param[in] r the RandomEngine object to compare.
* @return true if the RandomEngine objects produce the same results.
bool operator==(const RandomEngine& r) const throw()
// Ensure that the two Random objects behave the same way. Note however
// that the internal states may still be different, e.g., the following all
// result in Random objects which are == (with Count() == 0) but which all
// have different internal states:
// Random r(0); _ptr == UNINIT
// r.StepCount( 1); r.StepCount(-1); _ptr == 0, _rounds == 0
// r.StepCount(-1); r.StepCount( 1); _ptr == N, _rounds == -1
{ return Count() == r.Count() && _seed == r._seed &&
_stride == r._stride; }
* Test inequality of two Random objects. See Random::operator==
* @param[in] r the RandomEngine object to compare.
* @return true if the RandomEngine objects produce different results.
bool operator!=(const RandomEngine& r) const throw()
{ return !operator==(r); }
* \name Interchanging Random objects
* Swap with another Random object.
* @param[in,out] t the RandomEngine object to swap with.
void swap(RandomEngine& t) throw() {
std::swap(_ptr, t._ptr);
std::swap(_stride, t._stride);
std::swap(_rounds, t._rounds);
std::swap_ranges(_state, _state + N, t._state);
* \name Writing to and reading from a stream
* Save the state of the Random object to an output stream. Format is a
* sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers written either in decimal (\e bin
* false, text format) or in network order with most significant byte first
* (\e bin true, binary format). Data consists of:
* - RandomLib magic string + version (2 words)
* - Algorithm version (1 word)
* - Mixer version (1 word)
* - _seed.size() (1 word)
* - _seed data (_seed.size() words)
* - _ptr (1 word)
* - _stride (1 word)
* - if _ptr != UNINIT, _rounds (2 words)
* - if _ptr != UNINIT, _state (N words or 2 N words)
* - checksum
* Shortest possible saved result consists of 8 words. This corresponds to
* RandomSeed() = [] and Count() = 0.
* @param[in,out] os the output stream.
* @param[in] bin if true (the default) save in binary mode.
void Save(std::ostream& os, bool bin = true) const;
* Restore the state of the Random object from an input stream. If \e bin,
* read in binary, else use text format. See documentation of
* RandomEngine::Save for the format. Include error checking on data to
* make sure the input has not been corrupted. If an error occurs while
* reading, the Random object is unchanged.
* @param[in,out] is the input stream.
* @param[in] bin if true (the default) load in binary mode.
* @exception RandomErr if the state read from \e is is illegal.
void Load(std::istream& is, bool bin = true) {
// Read state into temporary so as not to change object on error.
RandomEngine t(is, bin);
*this = t;
* \name Basic I/O
* Write the state of a generator to stream \e os as text
* @param[in,out] os the output stream.
* @param[in] r the RandomEngine object to be saved.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RandomEngine& r) {
r.Save(os, false);
return os;
* Read the state of a generator from stream \e is as text
* @param[in,out] is the output stream.
* @param[in] r the RandomEngine object to be loaded.
* @exception RandomErr if the state read from \e is is illegal.
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, RandomEngine& r) {
r.Load(is, false);
return is;
* \name Examining and advancing the Random generator
* Return the number of random numbers used. This needs to return a long
* long result since it can reasonably exceed 2<sup>31</sup>. (On a 1GHz
* machine, it takes about a minute to produce 2<sup>32</sup> random
* numbers.) More precisely this is the (zero-based) index of the next
* random number to be produced. (This distinction is important when
* leapfrogging is in effect.)
* @return the count of random numbers used.
long long Count() const throw()
{ return _ptr == UNINIT ? 0 : _rounds * N + _ptr; }
* Step the generator forwards or backwards so that the value returned
* by Count() is \e n
* @param[in] n the new count.
void SetCount(long long n) throw() { StepCount(n - Count()); }
* Step the generator forward \e n steps. \e n can be negative.
* @param[in] n how much to step the generator forward.
void StepCount(long long n) throw();
* Resets the sequence. Equivalent to SetCount(0), but works by
* reinitializing the Random object from its seed, rather than by stepping
* the sequence backwards. In addition, this undoes leapfrogging.
void Reset() throw() { _ptr = UNINIT; _stride = 1; }
* \name Leapfrogging
* Set leapfrogging stride to a positive number \e n and increment Count()
* by \e k < \e n. If the current Count() is \e i, then normally the next
* 3 random numbers would have (zero-based) indices \e i, \e i + 1, \e i +
* 2, and the new Count() is \e i + 2. However, after SetStride(\e n, \e
* k) the next 3 random numbers have indices \e i + \e k, \e i + \e k + \e
* n, \e i + \e k + 2\e n, and the new Count() is \e i + \e k + 3\e n.
* With leapfrogging in effect, the time to produce raw random numbers is
* roughly proportional to 1 + (\e n − 1)/3. Reseed(...) and Reset()
* both reset the stride back to 1. See \ref parallel for a description of
* how to use this facility.
* @param[in] n the stride (default 1).
* @param[in] k the initial increment (default 0).
* @exception RandomErr if \e n is 0 or too large or if \e k is not less
* than \e n.
void SetStride(unsigned n = 1, unsigned k = 0) {
// Limit stride to UNINIT/2. This catches negative numbers that have
// been cast into unsigned. In reality the stride should be no more than
// 10-100.
if (n == 0 || n > UNINIT/2)
throw RandomErr("RandomEngine: Invalid stride");
if (k >= n)
throw RandomErr("RandomEngine: Invalid offset");
_stride = n;
* Return leapfrogging stride.
* @return the stride.
unsigned GetStride() const throw() { return _stride; }
* Tests basic engine.
* @exception RandomErr if any of the tests fail.
static void SelfTest();
* Return the name of the generator. This incorporates the names of the \e
* Algorithm and \e Mixer.
* @return the name of the generator.
static std::string Name() {
return "RandomEngine<" + Algorithm::Name() + "," + Mixer::Name() + ">";
* Compute initial state from seed
void Init() throw();
* The interface to Transition used by Ran().
void Next() throw() {
if (_ptr == UNINIT)
_rounds += _ptr/N;
Algorithm::Transition(_ptr/N, _statev);
_ptr %= N;
u32::type Check(u64::type v, u32::type e, u32::type m) const;
static result_type SelfTestResult(unsigned) throw() { return 0; }
* Read from an input stream. Potentially corrupts object. This private
* constructor is used by RandomEngine::Load so that it can avoid
* corrupting its state on bad input.
explicit RandomEngine(std::istream& is, bool bin);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
* Save to a boost archive. Boost versioning isn't very robust. (It
* allows a RandomGenerator32 to be read back in as a RandomGenerator64.
* It doesn't interact well with templates.) So we do our own versioning
* and supplement this with a checksum.
template<class Archive> void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int) const {
u64::type _version = version;
u32::type _eversion = Algorithm::version,
_mversion = Mixer::version,
_checksum = Check(_version, _eversion, _mversion);
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("version" , _version )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("eversion", _eversion)
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("mversion", _mversion)
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("seed" , _seed )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("ptr" , _ptr )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("stride" , _stride );
if (_ptr != UNINIT)
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("rounds", _rounds )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("state" , _state );
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("checksum", _checksum);
* Load from a boost archive. Do this safely so that the current object is
* not corrupted if the archive is bogus.
template<class Archive> void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int) {
u64::type _version;
u32::type _eversion, _mversion, _checksum;
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("version" , _version )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("eversion", _eversion )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("mversion", _mversion );
RandomEngine<Algorithm, Mixer> t(std::vector<seed_type>(0));
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("seed" , t._seed )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("ptr" , t._ptr )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("stride" , t._stride );
if (t._ptr != UNINIT)
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("rounds", t._rounds )
& boost::serialization::make_nvp("state" , t._state );
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("checksum", _checksum );
if (t.Check(_version, _eversion, _mversion) != _checksum)
throw RandomErr("RandomEngine: Checksum failure");
*this = t;
* Glue the boost save and load functionality together---a bit of boost
* magic.
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
{ boost::serialization::split_member(ar, *this, file_version); }
typedef RandomEngine<MT19937 <Random_u32>, MixerSFMT> MRandomGenerator32;
typedef RandomEngine<MT19937 <Random_u64>, MixerSFMT> MRandomGenerator64;
typedef RandomEngine<SFMT19937<Random_u32>, MixerSFMT> SRandomGenerator32;
typedef RandomEngine<SFMT19937<Random_u64>, MixerSFMT> SRandomGenerator64;
} // namespace RandomLib
namespace std {
* Swap two RandomEngines. This is about 3x faster than the default swap.
* @tparam Algorithm the algorithm for the RandomEngine.
* @tparam Mixer the mixer for the RandomEngine.
* @param[in,out] r the first RandomEngine to swap.
* @param[in,out] s the second RandomEngine to swap.
template<class Algorithm, class Mixer>
void swap(RandomLib::RandomEngine<Algorithm, Mixer>& r,
RandomLib::RandomEngine<Algorithm, Mixer>& s) throw() {
} // namespace std