mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-15 00:27:12 +01:00
2021-02-02 19:07:02 +02:00

1079 lines
35 KiB

#pragma once
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Core/Utility.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <zmq.h>
#include <concurrentqueue.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ZSkt;
struct ZMsg;
struct ZCtx;
struct ZSocket;
struct ZMessage;
struct ZContext;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Given as a function pointer to free memory using std::free(data).
inline void ZmqFreeSTD(void * data, void *)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Given as a function pointer to free memory using delete data.
template < class T > inline void ZmqFreeDelete(void * data, void *)
// If this throws an exception we may as well just be fked. But very (VERY!) low chances.
delete static_cast< T * >(data);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Given as a function pointer to free memory using delete[] data.
template < class T > inline void ZmqFreeDeleteArray(void * data, void *)
// If this throws an exception we may as well just be fked. But very (VERY!) low chances.
delete[] static_cast< T * >(data);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Allocate raw memory for a string, fill it with data from a StackStrF instance and return it.
inline void * ZmqDataFromStackStrF(StackStrF & data)
if (data.mLen)
// Allocate the string memory
auto * mem = new SQChar[static_cast< size_t >(data.mLen)];
// Why not
// Copy the string in the memory buffer
std::memcpy(mem, data.mPtr, static_cast< size_t >(data.mLen));
/* normally you'd have to do static_cast< size_t >(data.mLen) * sizeof(SQChar) */
/* but this SQChar is required to be 1 byte so we don't bother with it */
// Yield ownership of the memory
return mem;
// Failed!
return nullptr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Core implementation and management for a ZMQ context.
struct ZCtx
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Smart pointers to this type. Helper typedefs.
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< ZCtx >;
using Ref = std::weak_ptr< ZCtx >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Context pointer.
void * mPtr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: mPtr(zmq_ctx_new())
if (!mPtr)
STHROWF("Unable to initialize context: %s", zmq_strerror(errno));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
explicit ZCtx(void * ptr)
: mPtr(ptr)
if (!mPtr)
STHROWF("Invalid context");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor (disabled).
ZCtx(const ZCtx &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor (disabled).
ZCtx(ZCtx &&) noexcept = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
if (mPtr)
int r = zmq_ctx_term(mPtr);
// Just in case
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Context failed to terminate properly: [%d], %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator (disabled).
ZCtx & operator = (const ZCtx &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment (disabled).
ZCtx & operator = (ZCtx &&) noexcept = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implicit conversion to boolean operator.
operator bool () const noexcept { return static_cast< bool >(mPtr); } // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implicit conversion to context pointer (void *) operator.
operator void * () const noexcept { return mPtr; } // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Core implementation and management for a ZMQ message.
struct ZMsg
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Smart pointers to this type. Helper typedefs.
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< ZMsg >;
using Ref = std::weak_ptr< ZMsg >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The underlying message.
std::unique_ptr< zmq_msg_t > mMsg;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: mMsg(std::make_unique< zmq_msg_t >())
int r = zmq_msg_init(mMsg.get());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to initialize message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit message size constructor.
explicit ZMsg(SQInteger size)
: mMsg(std::make_unique< zmq_msg_t >())
int r = zmq_msg_init_size(mMsg.get(), ClampL< SQInteger, size_t >(size));
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to initialize message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit message data and size constructor.
ZMsg(void * data, SQInteger size, zmq_free_fn * ffn, void * hint = nullptr)
: mMsg(std::make_unique< zmq_msg_t >())
// Make sure there's data if required
if (size > 0 && !data)
STHROWF("Invalid message data");
// Now the message can be initialized
int r = zmq_msg_init_data(mMsg.get(), data, ClampL< SQInteger, size_t >(size), ffn, hint);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to initialize message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
ZMsg(const ZMsg & o)
: mMsg(std::make_unique< zmq_msg_t >())
int r = zmq_msg_init(mMsg.get());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Unable to initialize message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
r = zmq_msg_copy(mMsg.get(), o.mMsg.get());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Unable to copy message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
ZMsg(ZMsg && o) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
if (mMsg)
// We don't really care if the above failed (i.e. returned EFAULT)
// We probably did it already before but we need to be sure
// This is something I can live with in this under the circumstances
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator.
ZMsg & operator = (const ZMsg & o)
// Prevent self assignment
if (this != &o)
// We need a message, even if empty
if (!mMsg)
int r = zmq_msg_init(mMsg.get());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Unable to initialize message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
// Do we have a message?
if (mMsg)
int r = zmq_msg_copy(mMsg.get(), o.mMsg.get());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Unable to copy message: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment.
ZMsg & operator = (ZMsg && o) noexcept
// Prevent self assignment
if (this != &o)
// Close current message, if any
if (mMsg)
// Now the message can be moved
mMsg = std::move(o.mMsg);
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implicit conversion to const message pointer (const zmq_msg_t *) operator.
operator zmq_msg_t * () const noexcept { return mMsg.get(); } // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Core implementation and management for a ZMQ socket.
struct ZSkt : SqChainedInstances< ZSkt >
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Smart pointers to this type. Helper typedefs.
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< ZSkt >;
using Ref = std::weak_ptr< ZSkt >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List of messages.
using List = std::vector< ZMsg >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message list item.
using ListItem = std::unique_ptr< List >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message queue type.
using Queue = moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< ZMsg >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message list queue type.
using ListQueue = moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< ListItem >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Context pointer.
void * mPtr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Socket status.
int mStatus;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Synchronization mutex.
std::mutex mMtx;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Messages received from the socket.
Queue mOutputQueue;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Messages to be sent through the socket.
Queue mInputQueue;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Multi-part messages to be sent through the socket.
ListQueue mInputListQueue;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message received callback.
Function mOnData;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Processing thread.
std::thread mThread;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
ZSkt(void * ctx, int type)
: SqChainedInstances< ZSkt >()
/* normally we'd validate ctx. but i have a feeling we'd be fine here */
, mPtr(zmq_socket(ctx, type)), mStatus(0), mMtx()
, mOutputQueue(4096), mInputQueue(4096), mInputListQueue(1024)
, mOnData(), mThread()
if (!mPtr)
STHROWF("Unable to initialize socket: %s", zmq_strerror(errno));
// Remember this instance
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor (disabled).
ZSkt(const ZSkt &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor (disabled).
ZSkt(ZSkt &&) noexcept = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
if (mPtr)
int r = zmq_close(mPtr);
// Just in case
if (r != 0)
LogFtl("Socket failed to close properly: [%d], %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
// Forget about this instance
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator (disabled).
ZSkt & operator = (const ZSkt &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment (disabled).
ZSkt & operator = (ZSkt &&) noexcept = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implicit conversion to boolean operator.
operator bool () const noexcept { return static_cast< bool >(mPtr); } // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implicit conversion to socket pointer (void *) operator.
operator void * () const noexcept { return mPtr; } // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal processing thread.
* NOTE: Messages are being sent in whatever order we can.
* Don't expect them be in the order you sent or receive them.
* That's the cost of simplicity. And something I can live with under the circumstances.
void Proc()
while (mStatus > 0)
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
// Wait a bit before each iteration to not exhaust resources
// Acquire exclusive access to the socket
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard(mMtx);
// Perform tasks
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Flush messages from the queue to the script.
void Flush(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stop sockets and prepare for a shutdown.
void Close()
// Is the processing thread running?
if (mThread.joinable())
// Acquire exclusive access
// Stop the loop
mStatus = 0;
// Yield exclusive access
// Wait for the thread
// Make sure it wasn't closed already
if (mPtr != nullptr)
// Now close the socket
int r = zmq_close(mPtr);
// Forget about this socket
mPtr = nullptr;
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to close socket: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Receive one message from the socket.
void Recv()
// Need someone to receive the message
ZMsg msg;
// Ask for a message, if any
int r = zmq_msg_recv(msg, mPtr, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Did we have a message?
if (r >= 0)
mOutputQueue.enqueue(std::move(msg)); // Put it in the queue
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Send one message to the socket.
bool Send()
// Need someone to receive the message
ZMsg msg;
// Try to get a message from the queue
if (mInputQueue.try_dequeue(msg))
// Attempt to send the message
int r = zmq_msg_send(msg, mPtr, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Could we send what the message had?
if (r != zmq_msg_size(msg))
LogErr("Unable to send data to socket: [%d], %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
// One item was found in the queue
return true;
return false; // No item in the queue
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Send a multi-part message to the socket.
bool SendMore()
ListItem mp_msg;
// Try to get a multi-part message from the queue
if (mInputListQueue.try_dequeue(mp_msg))
// Need someone to receive the message
ZMsg msg;
// Send all message parts
for (size_t i = 0, n = mp_msg->size(); i < n; ++i)
// Attempt to send the message
int r = zmq_msg_send((*mp_msg)[i], mPtr, (i + 1) == n ? ZMQ_DONTWAIT : ZMQ_SNDMORE);
// Could we send what the message had?
if (r != zmq_msg_size(msg))
LogErr("Unable to send multi-part data to socket: [%d], %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
// One item was found in the queue
return true;
return false; // No item in the queue
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Interface for ZMQ contexts.
struct ZContext
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: m_Ptr(std::make_shared< ZCtx >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer constructor.
explicit ZContext(ZCtx::Ptr ptr)
: m_Ptr(std::move(ptr))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
ZContext(const ZContext &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
ZContext(ZContext &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
~ZContext() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator.
ZContext & operator = (const ZContext &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment.
ZContext & operator = (ZContext &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a context instance is referenced.
void Validate() const
if (!m_Ptr)
STHROWF("Invalid context instance");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a context instance is referenced and return the context.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZCtx & Valid() { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a context instance is referenced and return the context.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZCtx & Valid() const { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a context instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZCtx::Ptr & ValidRef() { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a context instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZCtx::Ptr & ValidRef() const { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if a context instance is referenced.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsNull() const
return static_cast< bool >(m_Ptr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the value of an option.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int Get(int opt) const
return zmq_ctx_get(Valid(), opt);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify the value of an option.
void Set(int opt, int value)
int r = zmq_ctx_set(Valid(), opt, value);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to set context option: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify the value of an option.
void Shutdown() const
int r = zmq_ctx_shutdown(Valid());
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to shutdown context: %s", zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper function to create sockets.
SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj Socket(int type) const;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer to the interfaced context.
ZCtx::Ptr m_Ptr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Interface for ZMQ messages.
struct ZMessage
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: m_Ptr(std::make_shared< ZMsg >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit message size constructor.
explicit ZMessage(SQInteger size)
: m_Ptr(std::make_shared< ZMsg >(size))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit message data and size constructor.
ZMessage(SQInteger size, StackStrF & data)
: m_Ptr(std::make_shared< ZMsg >(size < 0 ? data.mLen : size))
// Make sure the requested size is within range
if (size < 0 || size > data.mLen)
size = data.mLen;
// Copy the string in the memory buffer
std::memcpy(zmq_msg_data(*m_Ptr), data.mPtr, static_cast< size_t >(size));
/* normally you'd have to do static_cast< size_t >(data.mLen) * sizeof(SQChar) */
/* but this SQChar is required to be 1 byte so we don't bother with it */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer constructor.
explicit ZMessage(ZMsg::Ptr ptr)
: m_Ptr(std::move(ptr))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
ZMessage(const ZMessage &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
ZMessage(ZMessage &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
~ZMessage() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator.
ZMessage & operator = (const ZMessage &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment.
ZMessage & operator = (ZMessage &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a message instance is referenced.
void Validate() const
if (!m_Ptr)
STHROWF("Invalid message instance");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a message instance is referenced and return the message.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZMsg & Valid() { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a message instance is referenced and return the message.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZMsg & Valid() const { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a message instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZMsg::Ptr & ValidRef() { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a message instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZMsg::Ptr & ValidRef() const { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if a context instance is referenced.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsNull() const
return static_cast< bool >(m_Ptr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the value of a property.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int Get(int opt) const
return zmq_msg_get(Valid(), opt);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify the value of an property.
void Set(int prop, int value)
int r = zmq_msg_set(Valid(), prop, value);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to set context option: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the value of a meta-data property.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const SQChar * Meta(StackStrF & prop) const
return zmq_msg_gets (Valid(), prop.mPtr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Indicate if there are more message parts to receive.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool More() const
return static_cast< bool >(zmq_msg_more(Valid()));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve message content size in bytes.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetSize() const
return static_cast< SQInteger >(zmq_msg_size(Valid()));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the message data as a string.
SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj ToString() const
return LightObj(static_cast< const SQChar * >(zmq_msg_data(Valid())), GetSize());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer to the interfaced message.
ZMsg::Ptr m_Ptr;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Interface for ZMQ sockets.
struct ZSocket
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
ZSocket(const ZContext & ctx, int type)
: m_Ptr(std::make_shared< ZSkt >(ctx.Valid(), type))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer constructor.
explicit ZSocket(ZSkt::Ptr ptr)
: m_Ptr(std::move(ptr))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
ZSocket(const ZSocket &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
ZSocket(ZSocket &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator.
ZSocket & operator = (const ZSocket &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment.
ZSocket & operator = (ZSocket &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a socket instance is referenced.
void Validate() const
if (!m_Ptr)
STHROWF("Invalid socket instance");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a socket instance is referenced and return the socket.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZSkt & Valid() { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a socket instance is referenced and return the socket.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZSkt & Valid() const { Validate(); return *m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a socket instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD ZSkt::Ptr & ValidRef() { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a socket instance is referenced and return the reference.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const ZSkt::Ptr & ValidRef() const { Validate(); return m_Ptr; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if a context instance is referenced.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsNull() const
return static_cast< bool >(m_Ptr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Accept incoming connections on the socket.
void Bind(StackStrF & ep)
// Acquire exclusive access to the socket
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard(Valid().mMtx);
// Attempt to bind the socket
int r = zmq_bind(Valid(), ep.mPtr);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to bind socket: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create outgoing connection from the socket
void Connect(StackStrF & ep)
// Acquire exclusive access to the socket
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard(Valid().mMtx);
// Attempt to connect the socket
int r = zmq_connect(Valid(), ep.mPtr);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to connect socket: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create outgoing connection from the socket
void Disconnect(StackStrF & ep)
// Acquire exclusive access to the socket
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard(Valid().mMtx);
// Attempt to connect the socket
int r = zmq_disconnect(Valid(), ep.mPtr);
// Validate result
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Unable to disconnect socket: [%d] %s", r, zmq_strerror(r));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Run the managed socket.
void Run()
// Make sure thread exists already
if (Valid().mThread.joinable())
STHROWF("Socket is already running");
// Allow the thread to run
m_Ptr->mStatus = 1;
// Now we can create the thread
Valid().mThread = std::thread(&ZSkt::Proc, &Valid());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Close the managed socket.
void Close()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Callback to receive incoming messages.
void OnData(Function & cb)
Valid().mOnData = std::move(cb);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pointer to the interfaced socket.
ZSkt::Ptr m_Ptr;
} // Namespace:: SqMod