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* D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord
* Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors
* (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <dpp/export.h>
#include <variant>
#include <dpp/discord.h>
#include <dpp/json_fwd.hpp>
#include <dpp/message.h>
namespace dpp {
* @brief Represents command option types.
* These are the possible parameter value types.
enum command_option_type : uint8_t {
/** A sub-command */
co_sub_command = 1,
/** A sub-command group */
co_sub_command_group = 2,
/** A string value */
co_string = 3,
/** An integer value */
co_integer = 4,
/** A boolean value */
co_boolean = 5,
/** A user snowflake id */
co_user = 6,
/** A channel snowflake id */
co_channel = 7,
/** A role snowflake id */
co_role = 8
* @brief This type is a variant that can hold any of the potential
* native data types represented by the enum above.
* It is used in interactions.
typedef std::variant<std::string, int32_t, bool, snowflake> command_value;
* @brief This struct represents choices in a multiple choice option
* for a command parameter.
* It has both a string name, and a value parameter which is a variant,
* meaning it can hold different potential types (see dpp::command_value)
* that you can retrieve with std::get().
struct CoreExport command_option_choice {
std::string name; //!< Option name (1-32 chars)
command_value value; //!< Option value
* @brief Construct a new command option choice object
command_option_choice() = default;
* @brief Construct a new command option choice object
* @param n name to initialise with
* @param v value to initialise with
command_option_choice(const std::string &n, command_value v);
* @brief helper function to serialize a command_option_choice to json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param choice command_option_choice to be serialized
void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const command_option_choice& choice);
* @brief Each command option is a command line parameter.
* It can have a type (see dpp::command_option_type), a name,
* a description, can be required or optional, and can have
* zero or more choices (for multiple choice), plus options.
* Adding options acts like sub-commands and can contain more
* options.
struct CoreExport command_option {
command_option_type type; //!< Option type (what type of value is accepted)
std::string name; //!< Option name (1-32 chars)
std::string description; //!< Option description (1-100 chars)
bool required; //!< True if this is a mandatory parameter
std::vector<command_option_choice> choices; //!< List of choices for multiple choice command
std::vector<command_option> options; //!< Sub-commands
* @brief Construct a new command option object
command_option() = default;
* @brief Construct a new command option object
* @param t Option type
* @param name Option name
* @param description Option description
* @param required True if this is a mandatory parameter
command_option(command_option_type t, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, bool required = false);
* @brief Add a multiple choice option
* @param o choice to add
* @return command_option& returns a reference to self for chaining of calls
command_option& add_choice(const command_option_choice &o);
* @brief Add a sub-command option
* @param o Sub-command option to add
* @return command_option& return a reference to self for chaining of calls
command_option& add_option(const command_option &o);
* @brief helper function to serialize a command_option to json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param opt command_option to be serialized
void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const command_option& opt);
* @brief Response types when responding to an interaction within on_interaction_create.
* Do not use ir_acknowledge or ir::channel_message, as these are deprecated in the
* Discord API spec. They are listed in this enum for completeness.
enum interaction_response_type {
ir_pong = 1, //!< ACK a Ping
ir_acknowledge = 2, //!< DEPRECATED ACK a command without sending a message, eating the user's input
ir_channel_message = 3, //!< DEPRECATED respond with a message, eating the user's input
ir_channel_message_with_source = 4, //!< respond to an interaction with a message
ir_deferred_channel_message_with_source = 5, //!< ACK an interaction and edit a response later, the user sees a loading state
ir_deferred_update_message = 6, //!< for components, ACK an interaction and edit the original message later; the user does not see a loading state
ir_update_message = 7 //!< for components, edit the message the component was attached to
* @brief A response to an interaction, used to reply to a command and initiate
* a message, which can be hidden from others (ephemeral) or visible to all.
* The dpp::interaction_response object wraps a dpp::message object. To set the
* message as 'ephemeral' (e.g. only the command issuer can see it) you should
* add the dpp::m_ephemeral flag to the dpp::message::flags field. e.g.:
* `mymessage.flags |= dpp::m_ephemeral;`
struct CoreExport interaction_response {
* @brief Response type from dpp::interaction_response_type.
* Should be one of ir_pong, ir_channel_message_with_source,
* or ir_deferred_channel_message_with_source.
interaction_response_type type;
* @brief A message object. This pointer is always valid
* while the containing interaction_response exists.
struct message* msg;
* @brief Construct a new interaction response object
* @brief Construct a new interaction response object
* @param t Type of reply
* @param m Message to reply with
interaction_response(interaction_response_type t, const struct message& m);
* @brief Fill object properties from JSON
* @param j JSON to fill from
* @return interaction_response& Reference to self
interaction_response& fill_from_json(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Build a json string for this object
* @return std::string JSON string
std::string build_json() const;
* @brief Destroy the interaction response object
* @brief Resolved snowflake ids to usernames.
* TODO: Needs implementation. Not needed something that
* functions as we have cache.
struct CoreExport command_resolved {
* @brief Values in the command interaction.
* These are the values specified by the user when actually issuing
* the command on a channel or in DM.
struct CoreExport command_data_option {
std::string name; //!< the name of the parameter
command_option_type type; //!< value of ApplicationCommandOptionType
command_value value; //!< Optional: the value of the pair
std::vector<command_data_option> options; //!< Optional: present if this option is a group or subcommand
dpp::snowflake target_id; //!< Non-zero target ID for context menu actions
* @brief helper function to deserialize a command_data_option from json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param cdo command_data_option to be deserialized
void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, command_data_option& cdo);
/** Types of interaction in the dpp::interaction class
enum interaction_type {
it_ping = 1, //!< ping
it_application_command = 2, //!< application command (slash command)
it_component_button = 3 //!< button click (component interaction)
* @brief Details of a command within an interaction.
* This subobject represents the application command associated
* with the interaction.
struct CoreExport command_interaction {
snowflake id; //!< the ID of the invoked command
std::string name; //!< the name of the invoked command
command_resolved resolved; //!< Optional: converted users + roles + channels
std::vector<command_data_option> options; //!< Optional: the params + values from the user
* @brief helper function to deserialize a command_interaction from json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param ci command_interaction to be deserialized
void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, command_interaction& ci);
enum component_type_t {
cotype_button = 2,
cotype_select = 3
* @brief A button click for a button component
struct CoreExport component_interaction {
uint8_t component_type;
std::string custom_id;
std::vector<std::string> values;
* @brief helper function to deserialize a component_interaction from json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param bi button_interaction to be deserialized
void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, component_interaction& bi);
* @brief An interaction represents a user running a command and arrives
* via the dpp::cluster::on_interaction_create event.
class CoreExport interaction : public managed {
snowflake application_id; //!< id of the application this interaction is for
uint8_t type; //!< the type of interaction
std::variant<command_interaction, component_interaction> data; //!< Optional: the command data payload
snowflake guild_id; //!< Optional: the guild it was sent from
snowflake channel_id; //!< Optional: the channel it was sent from
snowflake message_id; //!< Originating message id
guild_member member; //!< Optional: guild member data for the invoking user, including permissions
user usr; //!< Optional: user object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM
std::string token; //!< a continuation token for responding to the interaction
uint8_t version; //!< read-only property, always 1
* @brief Fill object properties from JSON
* @param j JSON to fill from
* @return interaction& Reference to self
interaction& fill_from_json(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Build a json string for this object
* @param with_id True if to include the ID in the JSON
* @return std::string JSON string
std::string build_json(bool with_id = false) const;
* @brief helper function to deserialize an interaction from json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param i interaction to be deserialized
void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, interaction& i);
* @brief type of permission in the dpp::command_permission class
enum command_permission_type {
cpt_role = 1,
cpt_user = 2,
* @brief Application command permissions allow you to enable or
* disable commands for specific users or roles within a guild
class CoreExport command_permission {
snowflake id; //!< the ID of the role or uses
command_permission_type type; //!< the type of permission
bool permission; //!< true to allow, false, to disallow
* @brief helper function to serialize a command_permission to json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param cp command_permission to be serialized
void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const command_permission& cp);
* @brief Returned when fetching the permissions for a command in a guild.
class CoreExport guild_command_permissions {
snowflake id; //!< the id of the command
snowflake application_id; //!< the id of the application the command belongs to
snowflake guild_id; //!< the id of the guild
std::vector<command_permission> permissions; //!< the permissions for the command in the guild
* @brief helper function to serialize a guild_command_permissions to json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param gcp guild_command_permissions to be serialized
void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const guild_command_permissions& gcp);
enum slashcommand_contextmenu_type {
ctxm_none = 0,
ctxm_chat_input = 1, //!< DEFAULT, these are the slash commands you're used to
ctxm_user = 2, //!< Add command to user context menu
ctxm_message = 3 //!< Add command to message context menu
* @brief Represents an application command, created by your bot
* either globally, or on a guild.
class CoreExport slashcommand : public managed {
* @brief Application id (usually matches your bots id)
snowflake application_id;
* @brief Context menu type, defaults to none
slashcommand_contextmenu_type type;
* @brief Command name (1-32 chars)
std::string name;
* @brief Command description (1-100 chars)
std::string description;
* @brief Command options (parameters)
std::vector<command_option> options;
* @brief whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guild
bool default_permission;
* @brief command permissions
std::vector<command_permission> permissions;
* @brief Construct a new slashcommand object
* @brief Destroy the slashcommand object
* @brief Add an option (parameter)
* @param o option (parameter) to add
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& add_option(const command_option &o);
* @brief Set the type of the slash command (only for context menu entries)
* @param _type Type of context menu entry this command represents
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& set_type(slashcommand_contextmenu_type _type);
* @brief Set the name of the command
* @param n name of command
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& set_name(const std::string &n);
* @brief Set the description of the command
* @param d description
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& set_description(const std::string &d);
* @brief Set the application id of the command
* @param i application id
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& set_application_id(snowflake i);
* @brief Adds a permission to the command
* @param p permission to add
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& add_permission(const command_permission& p);
* @brief Disable default permissions, command will be unusable unless
* permissions are overriden with add_permission and
* dpp::guild_command_edit_permissions
* @return slashcommand& reference to self for chaining of calls
slashcommand& disable_default_permissions();
* @brief Fill object properties from JSON
* @param j JSON to fill from
* @return slashcommand& Reference to self
slashcommand& fill_from_json(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Build a json string for this object
* @param with_id True if to include the ID in the JSON
* @return std::string JSON string
std::string build_json(bool with_id = false) const;
* @brief helper function to serialize a slashcommand to json
* @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions
* @param j output json object
* @param cmd slashcommand to be serialized
void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const slashcommand& cmd);
* @brief A group of application slash commands
typedef std::unordered_map<snowflake, slashcommand> slashcommand_map;