mirror of https://github.com/VCMP-SqMod/SqMod.git synced 2025-03-13 15:47:14 +01:00
Sandu Liviu Catalin 9298065cef Update WIP discord and some vendors.
CPR has features disabled and PCRE is fully disabled until updated to new code.
2023-08-05 21:31:33 +03:00

288 lines
9.8 KiB

namespace Dpp\Packager;
use \RuntimeException;
const GREEN = "\033[32m";
const RED = "\033[31m";
const WHITE = "\033[0m";
class Vcpkg
* @var string Git Tag
private string $latestTag;
* @var string Semver version
private string $version;
* @var string Path to GIT
private string $git;
* @var string Path to SUDO
private string $sudo;
* @var bool True when we have done the first build to get the SHA512 sum
private bool $firstBuildComplete = false;
* Constructor
* Examines current diretory's git repository to get latest tag and version.
public function __construct()
global $argv;
if (count($argv) < 2) {
throw new RuntimeException(RED . "Missing github repository owner and access token\n" . WHITE);
echo GREEN . "Starting vcpkg updater...\n" . WHITE;
/* Get the latest tag from the version of the repository checked out by default into the action */
$this->latestTag = preg_replace("/\n/", "", shell_exec("git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`"));
$this->version = preg_replace('/^v/', '', $this->getTag());
echo GREEN . "Latest tag: " . $this->getTag() . " version: " . $this->getVersion() . "\n" . WHITE;
$this->git = trim(`which git`);
$this->sudo = trim(`which sudo`);
* Get semver version
* @return string
public function getVersion(): string
return $this->version;
* Get the git tag we are building
* @return string
public function getTag(): string
return $this->latestTag;
private function git(string $parameters, bool $sudo = false): void
system(($sudo ? $this->sudo . ' ' : '') . $this->git . ' ' . $parameters);
private function sudo(string $command): void
system($this->sudo . ' ' . $command);
* Check out a repository by tag or branch name to ~/dpp,
* using the personal access token and username passed in as command line parameters.
* @param string $tag Tag to clone
* @return bool false if the repository could not be cloned
function checkoutRepository(string $tag = ""): bool
global $argv;
if (empty($tag)) {
/* Empty tag means use the main branch */
$tag = `{$this->git} config --get init.defaultBranch || echo master`;
$repositoryUrl = 'https://' . urlencode($argv[1]) . ':' . urlencode($argv[2]) . '@github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP';
echo GREEN . "Check out repository: $tag (user: ". $argv[1] . " branch: " . $tag . ")\n" . WHITE;
system('rm -rf ./dpp');
$this->git('config --global user.email "noreply@dpp.dev"');
$this->git('config --global user.name "DPP VCPKG Bot"');
$this->git('clone ' . escapeshellarg($repositoryUrl) . ' ./dpp --depth=1');
/* This is noisy, silence it */
$status = chdir(getenv("HOME") . '/dpp');
$this->git('fetch -at 2>/dev/null');
$this->git('checkout ' . escapeshellarg($tag) . ' 2>/dev/null');
return $status;
* Create ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json and return the portfile contents to
* build the branch that is cloned at ~/dpp
* @param string $sha512 The SHA512 sum of the tagged download, or initially
* zero, which means that the vcpkg install command should obtain it the
* second time around.
* @return string The portfile content
function constructPortAndVersionFile(string $sha512 = "0"): string
echo GREEN . "Construct portfile for " . $this->getVersion() . ", sha512: $sha512\n" . WHITE;
chdir(getenv("HOME") . '/dpp');
$portFileContent = 'vcpkg_from_github(
REPO brainboxdotcc/DPP
# Auto-generated by release CI action at brainboxdotcc/DPP
SHA512 ' . $sha512 . '
file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/share/dpp")
RENAME copyright
// ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json
$versionFileContent = '{
"name": "dpp",
"version": ' . json_encode($this->getVersion()) . ',
"description": "D++ Extremely Lightweight C++ Discord Library.",
"homepage": "https://dpp.dev/",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"supports": "((windows & !static & !uwp) | linux | osx)",
"dependencies": [
"name": "vcpkg-cmake",
"host": true
"name": "vcpkg-cmake-config",
"host": true
echo GREEN . "Writing portfile...\n" . WHITE;
file_put_contents('./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json', $versionFileContent);
return $portFileContent;
* Attempt the first build of the vcpkg port. This will always fail, as it is given
* an SHA512 sum of 0. When it fails the output contains the SHA512 sum, which is then
* extracted from the error output using a regular expression, and saved for a second
* attempt.
* @param string $portFileContent Portfile content from constructPortAndVersionFile()
* with an SHA512 sum of 0 passed in.
* @return string SHA512 sum of build output
function firstBuild(string $portFileContent): string
echo GREEN . "Starting first build\n" . WHITE;
chdir(getenv("HOME") . '/dpp');
echo GREEN . "Create /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/\n" . WHITE;
$this->sudo('mkdir -p /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/');
echo GREEN . "Copy vcpkg.json to /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json\n" . WHITE;
$this->sudo('cp -v -R ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json');
file_put_contents('/tmp/portfile', $portFileContent);
$this->sudo('cp -v -R /tmp/portfile /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/portfile.cmake');
$buildResults = shell_exec($this->sudo . ' /usr/local/share/vcpkg/vcpkg install dpp:x64-linux');
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/Actual hash:\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)/', $buildResults, $matches)) {
echo GREEN . "Obtained SHA512 for first build: " . $matches[1] . "\n" . WHITE;
$this->firstBuildComplete = true;
return $matches[1];
echo RED . "No SHA512 found during first build :(\n" . WHITE;
return '';
* Second build using a valid SHA512 sum. This attempt should succeed, allowing us to push
* the changed vcpkg portfiles into the master branch, where they can be used in a PR to
* microsoft/vcpkg repository later.
* @param string $portFileContent the contents of the portfile, containing a valid SHA512
* sum from the first build attempt.
* @return bool False if the build failed
function secondBuild(string $portFileContent): bool
if (!$this->firstBuildComplete) {
throw new RuntimeException("No SHA512 sum is available, first build has not been run!");
echo GREEN . "Executing second build\n" . WHITE;
echo GREEN . "Copy local port files to /usr/local/share...\n" . WHITE;
chdir(getenv("HOME") . '/dpp');
file_put_contents('./vcpkg/ports/dpp/portfile.cmake', $portFileContent);
$this->sudo('cp -v -R ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json');
$this->sudo('cp -v -R ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/portfile.cmake /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/portfile.cmake');
$this->sudo('cp -v -R ./vcpkg/ports/* /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/');
echo GREEN . "vcpkg x-add-version...\n" . WHITE;
$this->sudo('./vcpkg format-manifest ./ports/dpp/vcpkg.json');
/* Note: We commit this in /usr/local, but we never push it (we can't) */
$this->git('add .', true);
$this->git('commit -m "[bot] VCPKG info update"', true);
$this->sudo('/usr/local/share/vcpkg/vcpkg x-add-version dpp');
echo GREEN . "Copy back port files from /usr/local/share...\n" . WHITE;
chdir(getenv('HOME') . '/dpp');
system('cp -v -R /usr/local/share/vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json ./vcpkg/ports/dpp/vcpkg.json');
system('cp -v -R /usr/local/share/vcpkg/versions/baseline.json ./vcpkg/versions/baseline.json');
system('cp -v -R /usr/local/share/vcpkg/versions/d-/dpp.json ./vcpkg/versions/d-/dpp.json');
echo GREEN . "Commit and push changes to master branch\n" . WHITE;
$this->git('add .');
$this->git('commit -m "[bot] VCPKG info update [skip ci]"');
$this->git('config pull.rebase false');
$this->git('push origin master');
echo GREEN . "vcpkg install...\n" . WHITE;
$resultCode = 0;
$output = [];
exec($this->sudo . ' /usr/local/share/vcpkg/vcpkg install dpp:x64-linux', $output, $resultCode);
if ($resultCode != 0) {
echo RED . "There were build errors!\n\nBuild log:\n" . WHITE;
return $resultCode == 0;