// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Handle/ResultSet.hpp"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResBind::SetOutput(const FieldType & field, BindType * bind)
    // Associate the library bind point with our bind wrapper
    mBind = bind;
    // Assign the 64 bit unsigned integer as the default buffer
    mBind->buffer = &mUint64;
    // Match the bind point type to the one from the field
    mBind->buffer_type = field.type;
    // Default to n empty buffer until type identification
    mBind->buffer_length = 0;
    // Allow the library to specify whether the value is null
    mBind->is_null = &mIsNull;
    // Allow the library to specify if errors occurred
    mBind->error = &mError;
    // Tell the library where to read the buffer size
    mBind->length = &(mBind->buffer_length);
    // Identify and configure the field type
    switch (field.type)
        case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT:
            mBind->buffer_length = 1;
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT:
            mBind->buffer_length = sizeof(Int16);
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
            mBind->buffer_length = sizeof(Int32);
        } break;
            mBind->buffer_length = sizeof(Int64);
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT:
            mBind->buffer_length = sizeof(Float32);
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
            mBind->buffer_length = sizeof(Float64);
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME:
            mBind->buffer = &mTime;
        } break;
        case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_SET:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR:
        case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING:
            // Allocate a buffer to match the field size
            // Assign the buffer as the new bind point buffer
            mBind->buffer = mData.Data();
            // Assign the buffer size as the new bind point size
            mBind->buffer_length = mData.Capacity();
        } break;
        default: STHROWF("Unknown MySQL field type");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : mPtr(nullptr)
    , mFieldCount(0)
    , mLengths(nullptr)
    , mFields(nullptr)
    , mBinds(nullptr)
    , mMyBinds(nullptr)
    , mRow(nullptr)
    , mConnection()
    , mStatement()
    , mIndexes()
    /* ... */

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Is there a result-set that we should free?
    if (mPtr)
    // Are there any bind points that we should free?
    if (mMyBinds)
        delete [] (mMyBinds);
    // Was this result-set from a statement?
    if (mStatement)
        // Are there any rows pointers we should free?
        if (mRow)
            delete [] (mRow);
        // Free the result-set in the statement
    // Are there any bind wrappers that we should free?
    if (mBinds)
        delete [] (mBinds);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResHnd::GrabCurrent()
    if (mConnection)
    else if (mStatement)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(SQMOD_EXCEPTLOC)
void ResHnd::ThrowCurrent(CCStr act, CCStr file, Int32 line)
    // Throw the exception with the resulted message
    if (mConnection)
        mConnection->ThrowCurrent(act, file, line);
    else if (mStatement)
        mStatement->ThrowCurrent(act, file, line);
void ResHnd::ThrowCurrent(CCStr act)
    // Throw the exception with the resulted message
    if (mConnection)
    else if (mStatement)
#endif // _DEBUG

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(SQMOD_EXCEPTLOC)
void ResHnd::ValidateField(Uint32 idx, CCStr file, Int32 line) const
    // Is the handle valid?
    if (mPtr == nullptr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set =>[%s:%d]", file, line);
    else if (idx >= mFieldCount)
        STHROWF("Field index is out of range: %u >= %lu =>[%s:%d]", idx, mFieldCount, file, line);
void ResHnd::ValidateField(Uint32 idx) const
    // Is the handle valid?
    if (mPtr == nullptr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    else if (idx >= mFieldCount)
        STHROWF("Field index is out of range: %u >= %lu", idx, mFieldCount);
#endif // _DEBUG

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint32 ResHnd::GetFieldIndex(CSStr name)
    // Validate the handle
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    // Attempt to find the specified field
    const IndexMap::iterator itr = mIndexes.find(name);
    // Was there a field with the specified name?
    if (itr != mIndexes.end())
        return itr->second;
    // No such field exists (expecting the invoker to validate the result)
    return std::numeric_limits< Uint32 >::max();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResHnd::Create(const ConnRef & conn)
    // Is this result-set already created?
    if (mPtr != nullptr)
        STHROWF("MySQL result-set was already created");
    // Validate the specified connection handle
    else if (!conn)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL connection reference");
    else if (conn->mPtr == nullptr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL connection");
    // Store the connection handle
    mConnection = conn;
    // Retrieve the complete result-set to the client, if any
    mPtr = mysql_store_result(mConnection->mPtr);
    // Did this query return any results?
    if (!mPtr)
        return; // We're done here!
    // Obtain the number of fields in the result-set
    mFieldCount = mysql_num_fields(mPtr);
    // Obtain an array representing the fields in the result-set
    mFields = mysql_fetch_fields(mPtr);
    // Associate the field names with their index
    for (Uint32 i = 0; i < mFieldCount; ++i)
        // Associate the current field name with the current index
        mIndexes[mFields[i].name] = i;
        // Include table names if available
        if (mFields[i].table_length > 0)
            mIndexes[ToStrF("%s.%s", mFields[i].table, mFields[i].name)] = i;
        else if (mFields[i].org_table_length > 0)
            mIndexes[ToStrF("%s.%s", mFields[i].org_table, mFields[i].name)] = i;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResHnd::Create(const StmtRef & stmt)
    // Is this result-set already created?
    if (mPtr != nullptr)
        STHROWF("MySQL result-set was already created");
    // Validate the given statement handle
    else if (!stmt)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL statement reference");
    else if (stmt->mPtr == nullptr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL statement");
    // Store the statement handle
    mStatement = stmt;
    // Set the parameter value for the next operation
    int max_length = 1;
    // Force mysql_stmt_store_result() to update the meta-data MYSQL_FIELD->max_length value
    if (mysql_stmt_attr_set(mStatement->mPtr, STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, &max_length) != 0)
        SQMOD_THROW_CURRENT(*mStatement, "Cannot apply MySQL statement attribute");
    //  Attempt to buffer the complete result-set on the client
    if (mysql_stmt_store_result(mStatement->mPtr))
        SQMOD_THROW_CURRENT(*mStatement, "Cannot buffer MySQL result-set");
    // Obtain the number of fields in the result-set
    mFieldCount = mysql_stmt_field_count(mStatement->mPtr);
    // Obtain the result-set meta-data
    mPtr = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(mStatement->mPtr);
    // Obtain an array representing the fields in the result-set
    mFields = mysql_fetch_fields(mPtr);
    // Are there any fields to allocate
    if (mFieldCount > 0)
        // Allocate the bind wrappers
        mBinds = new ResBind[mFieldCount];
        // Validate the allocated structures
        if (!mBinds)
            STHROWF("Unable to allocate MySQL bind point wrappers");
        // Allocate the bind points
        mMyBinds = new BindType[mFieldCount];
        // Validate the allocated structures
        if (!mMyBinds)
            STHROWF("Unable to allocate MySQL bind point structures");
        // Allocate the row pointers
        mRow = new CStr[mFieldCount];
        // Validate the allocated structures
        if (!mRow)
            STHROWF("Unable to allocate MySQL row pointers");
        // Initialize the bind points to null
        std::memset(mMyBinds, 0, sizeof(BindType) * mFieldCount);
    // Configure bind points and make associations
    for (Uint32 i = 0; i < mFieldCount; ++i)
        // Associate the current field name with the current index
        mIndexes[mFields[i].name] = i;
        // Include table names if available
        if (mFields[i].table_length > 0)
            mIndexes[ToStrF("%s.%s", mFields[i].table, mFields[i].name)] = i;
        else if (mFields[i].org_table_length > 0)
            mIndexes[ToStrF("%s.%s", mFields[i].org_table, mFields[i].name)] = i;
        // Configure the current bind point according to the associated field
        mBinds[i].SetOutput(mFields[i], &mMyBinds[i]);
        // Store the bind point buffer into the associated row
        mRow[i] = mBinds[i].GetBuffer();
    // Associate our bind points with the statement for result storage
    if (mFieldCount > 0 && mysql_stmt_bind_result(mStatement->mPtr, mMyBinds) != 0)
        SQMOD_THROW_CURRENT(*mStatement, "Cannot bind MySQL variables to statement");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint64 ResHnd::RowIndex() const
    // Is this result-set even valid?
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    // Did we come from a statement?
    else if (mStatement)
        return (Uint64)mysql_stmt_row_tell(mStatement->mPtr);
    // Just retrieve it from the result set
    return (Uint64)mysql_row_tell(mPtr);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint64 ResHnd::RowCount() const
    // Is this result-set even valid?
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    // Did we come from a statement?
    else if (mStatement)
        return mysql_stmt_num_rows(mStatement->mPtr);
    // Just retrieve it from the result set
    return mysql_num_rows(mPtr);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ResHnd::Next()
    // Is this result-set even valid?
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    // Did we come from a statement?
    if (mStatement)
        // Step the statement
        return !mysql_stmt_fetch(mStatement->mPtr);
    // Fetch another row from the result set
    mRow = mysql_fetch_row(mPtr);
    // Fetch the data lengths
    mLengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(mPtr);
    // Return whether the fetched row is valid
    return (mRow != NULL);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ResHnd::SetRowIndex(Uint64 index)
    // Is this result-set even valid?
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid MySQL result-set");
    // Did we come from a statement?
    else if (mStatement)
        mysql_stmt_data_seek(mStatement->mPtr, index);
        mysql_data_seek(mPtr, index);
    // Step the result set
    return Next();

} // Namespace:: SqMod