// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Core/Routine.hpp" #include "Library/Chrono.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQMOD_DECL_TYPENAME(Typename, _SC("SqRoutineInstance")) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Routine::Time Routine::s_Last = 0; Routine::Time Routine::s_Prev = 0; Routine::Interval Routine::s_Intervals[SQMOD_MAX_ROUTINES]; Routine::Instance Routine::s_Instances[SQMOD_MAX_ROUTINES]; SQInteger Routine::s_Current = SQMOD_MAX_ROUTINES; bool Routine::s_Silenced = false; bool Routine::s_Persistent = false; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Routine::Process() { // Is this the first call? if (s_Last == 0) { s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime(); // We'll do it text time return; } // Backup the last known time-stamp s_Prev = s_Last; // Get the current time-stamp s_Last = Chrono::GetCurrentSysTime(); // Calculate the elapsed time const auto delta = int32_t((s_Last - s_Prev) / 1000L); // Process all active routines for (Interval * itr = s_Intervals; itr != (s_Intervals + SQMOD_MAX_ROUTINES); ++itr) { // Is this routine valid? if (*itr) { // Decrease the elapsed time (*itr) -= delta; // Have we completed the routine interval? if ((*itr) <= 0) { s_Current = static_cast< SQInteger >(itr - s_Intervals); // Execute and reset the elapsed time (*itr) = s_Instances[s_Current].Execute(); } } } // Clear currently executed routine s_Current = SQMOD_MAX_ROUTINES; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Routine::Initialize() { std::memset(s_Intervals, 0, sizeof(s_Intervals)); SetSilenced(!ErrorHandling::IsEnabled()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Routine::Deinitialize() { // Release any script resources that the routines might store for (auto & r : s_Instances) { r.Terminate(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct RoutineBuilder { HSQUIRRELVM mVM{nullptr}; SQRESULT mRes{SQ_OK}; SQInteger mTop{0}; SQInteger mSlot{-1}; HSQOBJECT mEnv{}; HSQOBJECT mFunc{}; HSQOBJECT mInst{}; SQInteger mInterval{0}; SQInteger mIterations{0}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ RoutineBuilder(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger slot) : mVM(vm), mRes(), mTop(sq_gettop(vm)), mSlot(slot), mEnv(), mFunc(), mInst(), mInterval(0), mIterations(0) { sq_resetobject(&mEnv); sq_resetobject(&mFunc); sq_resetobject(&mInst); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy/Move constructor (disabled). */ RoutineBuilder(const RoutineBuilder &) = delete; RoutineBuilder(RoutineBuilder &&) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~RoutineBuilder() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy/Move assignment operator (disabled). */ RoutineBuilder & operator = (const RoutineBuilder &) = delete; RoutineBuilder & operator = (RoutineBuilder &&) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize routine creation. */ SQRESULT Begin() { mRes = SQ_OK; // See if we have where to store this routine if (mSlot < 0) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Reached the maximum number of active routines"); } // See if too many arguments were specified else if (mTop >= 20) /* 5 base + 14 parameters = 19 */ { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Too many parameters specified"); } // Was there was an environment specified? else if (mTop <= 1) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Missing routine environment"); } // Was there was a callback specified? else if (mTop <= 2) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Missing routine callback"); } // Validate the callback type else if (sq_gettype(mVM, 3) != OT_CLOSURE && sq_gettype(mVM, 3) != OT_NATIVECLOSURE) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Invalid callback type"); } // Return the result return mRes; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract target. */ SQRESULT Target(SQInteger env, SQInteger func) { // Get the type of the environment object const SQObjectType type = sq_gettype(mVM, env); // Whether to default to the root table bool use_root = (type == OT_NULL); // Is the specified environment a boolean (true) value? if (type == OT_STRING) { StackStrF val(mVM, env); // Attempt to generate the string value mRes = val.Proc(false); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error! } // If the string is empty or "root" then we use the root table else if (!val.mLen || sqmod_stricmp(val.mPtr, "root") == 0) { use_root = true; } // If the string is "self" then we leave it null and default to self else if (sqmod_stricmp(val.mPtr, "self") == 0) { use_root = false; // Just in case } } // Is the specified environment a null value? if (use_root) { // Push the root table on the stack sq_pushroottable(mVM); // Attempt to retrieve the table object mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, -1, &mEnv); // Preserve the stack state sq_poptop(mVM); } // Should we treat it as a valid environment object? else if (type != OT_STRING) { mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, env, &mEnv); // Just retrieve the specified environment } // Can we attempt to retrieve the callback? if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes)) { // Fetch the specified callback object mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, func, &mFunc); } // Return result return mRes; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract options. */ SQRESULT Opts(SQInteger iv, SQInteger it) { // Was there an interval specified? if (mTop >= iv) { // Grab the interval from the stack mRes = sq_getinteger(mVM, iv, &mInterval); // Validate the result if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error } } // Was there a number of iterations specified? if (mTop >= it) { // Grab the iterations from the stack mRes = sq_getinteger(mVM, it, &mIterations); // Validate the result if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error } } // Successfully processed return SQ_OK; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create instance. */ SQRESULT Inst() { // Attempt to create a routine instance try { DeleteGuard< Routine > dg(new Routine()); ClassType< Routine >::PushInstance(mVM, dg.Get()); dg.Release(); } catch (const std::exception & e) { return (mRes = sq_throwerrorf(mVM, "Unable to create the routine instance: %s", e.what())); } // Fetch the created routine object mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, -1, &mInst); // Validate the result if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error } // Successfully created return SQ_OK; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract arguments. */ SQRESULT Args(SQInteger idx) { // At this point we can grab a reference to our slot Routine::Instance & inst = Routine::s_Instances[mSlot]; // Were there any arguments specified? if (mTop >= idx) { // Grab a pointer to the arguments array Routine::Argument * args = inst.mArgv; // Reset the argument counter inst.mArgc = 0; // Grab the specified arguments from the stack for (SQInteger i = idx; i <= mTop; ++i) { mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, i, &(args[inst.mArgc].mObj)); // Validate the result if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { // Clear previous arguments inst.Clear(); // Propagate the error return mRes; } // Keep a strong reference to the argument sq_addref(mVM, &(args[inst.mArgc].mObj)); // Increase the argument counter ++inst.mArgc; } } // Successfully processed return SQ_OK; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Finish routine creation. */ #ifdef VCMP_ENABLE_OFFICIAL SQRESULT Finish(bool refs = false) #else SQRESULT Finish() #endif { // Grab a reference to our slot Routine::Instance & inst = Routine::s_Instances[mSlot]; // Attempt to retrieve the routine from the stack and associate it with the slot try { Var< Routine * >(mVM, -1).value->m_Slot = ConvTo< uint32_t >::From(mSlot); } catch (const std::exception & e) { // Clear extracted arguments inst.Clear(); // Now it's safe to throw the error return (mRes = sq_throwerrorf(mVM, "Unable to create the routine instance: %s", e.what())); } // Alright, at this point we can initialize the slot inst.Init(mEnv, mFunc, mInst, mInterval, static_cast< Routine::Iterator >(mIterations)); // Now initialize the timer Routine::s_Intervals[mSlot] = mInterval; #ifdef VCMP_ENABLE_OFFICIAL // Drop the temporary callback reference if (refs) { sq_release(mVM, &mFunc); } #endif // Successfully finished return SQ_OK; } #ifdef VCMP_ENABLE_OFFICIAL /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize timer creation. */ SQRESULT BeginComp() { mRes = SQ_OK; // See if we have where to store this timers if (mSlot < 0) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Reached the maximum number of active routines"); } // See if too many arguments were specified else if (mTop >= 19) /* 4 base + 14 parameters = 18 */ { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Too many parameters specified"); } // Was there was a callback specified? else if (mTop <= 1) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Missing timer callback"); } // Validate the callback type else if (sq_gettype(mVM, 2) != OT_STRING) { mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Invalid callback type"); } // Return the result return mRes; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract target. */ SQRESULT TargetComp(SQInteger func) { StackStrF val(mVM, func); // Attempt to generate the string value mRes = val.Proc(false); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Push the root table on the stack sq_pushroottable(mVM); // Attempt to retrieve the table object mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, -1, &mEnv); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(mRes)) { return mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Push the callback name on the stack sq_pushobject(mVM, val.mObj); // Attempt to retrieve the value from the root table mRes = sq_get(mVM, -2); // Do we have the callback on the stack? if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes)) { // Attempt to retrieve the function object mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, -1, &mFunc); // Keep a reference to it for now if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes)) { sq_addref(mVM, &mFunc); } // Pop the callback and root table sq_pop(mVM, 2); } else { sq_poptop(mVM); // Pop the root table } // Return the result return mRes; } #endif }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger Routine::Create(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RoutineBuilder b(vm, FindUnused()); // Initialize routine if (SQ_FAILED(b.Begin()) || SQ_FAILED(b.Target(2, 3)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Opts(4, 5)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Args(6)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Inst()) || SQ_FAILED(b.Finish())) { return b.mRes; // Propagate result } // We have the created routine on the stack, so let's return it return 1; } #ifdef VCMP_ENABLE_OFFICIAL // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger Routine::CreateOfficial(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RoutineBuilder b(vm, FindUnused()); // Initialize routine if (SQ_FAILED(b.BeginComp()) || SQ_FAILED(b.TargetComp(2)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Opts(3, 4)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Args(5)) || SQ_FAILED(b.Inst()) || SQ_FAILED(b.Finish(true))) { return b.mRes; // Propagate result } // We have the created routine on the stack, so let's return it return 1; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Routine::IsWithTag(StackStrF & tag) { // Is the specified tag valid? if (tag.mPtr != nullptr) { // Iterate routine list for (const auto & r : s_Instances) { if (!r.mInst.IsNull() && r.mTag == tag.mPtr) { return true; // Yup, we're doing this } } } // Unable to find such routine return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Routine::TerminateWithTag(StackStrF & tag) { // Is the specified tag valid? if (tag.mPtr != nullptr) { // Iterate routine list for (auto & r : s_Instances) { if (!r.mInst.IsNull() && r.mTag == tag.mPtr) { r.Terminate(); // Yup, we're doing this return true; // A routine was terminated } } } // Unable to find such routine return false; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward the call to process routines. */ void ProcessRoutines() { Routine::Process(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward the call to initialize routines. */ void InitializeRoutines() { Routine::Initialize(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward the call to terminate routines. */ void TerminateRoutines() { Routine::Deinitialize(); } // ================================================================================================ void Register_Routine(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RootTable(vm).Bind(Typename::Str, Class< Routine, NoConstructor< Routine > >(vm, Typename::Str) // Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Typename::Fn) .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Routine::ToString) // Properties .Prop(_SC("Tag"), &Routine::GetTag, &Routine::SetTag) .Prop(_SC("Env"), &Routine::GetEnv, &Routine::SetEnv) .Prop(_SC("Func"), &Routine::GetFunc, &Routine::SetFunc) .Prop(_SC("Data"), &Routine::GetData, &Routine::SetData) .Prop(_SC("Result"), &Routine::GetResult, &Routine::SetResult) .Prop(_SC("Interval"), &Routine::GetInterval, &Routine::SetInterval) .Prop(_SC("Iterations"), &Routine::GetIterations, &Routine::SetIterations) .Prop(_SC("Suspended"), &Routine::GetSuspended, &Routine::SetSuspended) .Prop(_SC("Executing"), &Routine::GetExecuting) .Prop(_SC("Quiet"), &Routine::GetQuiet, &Routine::SetQuiet) .Prop(_SC("Endure"), &Routine::GetEndure, &Routine::SetEndure) .Prop(_SC("Inactive"), &Routine::GetInactive) .Prop(_SC("Persistent"), &Routine::GetPersistent, &Routine::SetPersistent) .Prop(_SC("Yields"), &Routine::GetYields, &Routine::SetYields) .Prop(_SC("Elapsed"), &Routine::GetElapsed) .Prop(_SC("Remaining"), &Routine::GetRemaining) .Prop(_SC("Terminated"), &Routine::GetTerminated) .Prop(_SC("Arguments"), &Routine::GetArguments) // Member Methods .FmtFunc(_SC("SetTag"), &Routine::ApplyTag) .Func(_SC("SetData"), &Routine::ApplyData) .Func(_SC("SetInterval"), &Routine::ApplyInterval) .Func(_SC("SetIterations"), &Routine::ApplyIterations) .Func(_SC("SetSuspended"), &Routine::ApplySuspended) .Func(_SC("SetQuiet"), &Routine::ApplyQuiet) .Func(_SC("SetEndure"), &Routine::ApplyEndure) .Func(_SC("SetPersistent"), &Routine::ApplyPersistent) .Func(_SC("SetYields"), &Routine::ApplyYields) .Func(_SC("Terminate"), &Routine::Terminate) .Func(_SC("GetArgument"), &Routine::GetArgument) .Func(_SC("DropEnv"), &Routine::DropEnv) .Func(_SC("Restart"), &Routine::Restart) .StaticFunc(_SC("Current"), &Routine::GetCurrent) .StaticFunc(_SC("UsedCount"), &Routine::GetUsed) .StaticFunc(_SC("AreSilenced"), &Routine::GetSilenced) .StaticFunc(_SC("SetSilenced"), &Routine::SetSilenced) .StaticFunc(_SC("ArePersistent"), &Routine::GetPersistency) .StaticFunc(_SC("SetPersistency"), &Routine::SetPersistency) ); // Global functions RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqRoutine"), &Routine::Create); RootTable(vm).FmtFunc(_SC("SqFindRoutineByTag"), &Routine::FindByTag); RootTable(vm).FmtFunc(_SC("SqIsRoutineWithTag"), &Routine::IsWithTag); RootTable(vm).FmtFunc(_SC("SqFetchRoutineWithTag"), &Routine::FetchWithTag); RootTable(vm).FmtFunc(_SC("SqTerminateRoutineWithTag"), &Routine::TerminateWithTag); #ifdef VCMP_ENABLE_OFFICIAL RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("NewTimer"), &Routine::CreateOfficial); #endif } } // Namespace:: SqMod