// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Handle/Statement.hpp"
#include "Handle/Connection.hpp"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
StmtHnd::StmtHnd(const ConnRef & conn)
    : mPtr(nullptr)
    , mStatus(SQLITE_OK)
    , mConn(conn)
    , mQuery()
    , mColumns(0)
    , mParameters(0)
    , mIndexes()
    , mGood(false)
    , mDone(false)
    /* ... */

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Is there anything to finalize?
    if (mPtr != nullptr)
        // Attempt to finalize the statement
        if ((sqlite3_finalize(mPtr)) != SQLITE_OK)
            _SqMod->LogErr("Unable to finalize SQLite statement [%s]", mConn->ErrMsg());

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StmtHnd::Create(CSStr query)
    // Make sure a previous statement doesn't exist
    if (mPtr)
        STHROWF("Unable to prepare statement. Statement already prepared");
    // Is the specified database connection is valid?
    else if (!mConn)
        STHROWF("Unable to prepare statement. Invalid connection handle");
    // Save the query string and therefore multiple strlen(...) calls
    mQuery.assign(query ? query : _SC(""));
    // Is the specified query string we just saved, valid?
    if (mQuery.empty())
        STHROWF("Unable to prepare statement. Invalid query string");
    // Attempt to prepare a statement with the specified query string
    else if ((mStatus = sqlite3_prepare_v2(mConn->mPtr, mQuery.c_str(), (Int32)mQuery.size(),
                                            &mPtr, nullptr)) != SQLITE_OK)
        // Clear the query string since it failed
        // Explicitly make sure the handle is null
        mPtr = nullptr;
        // Now it's safe to throw the error
        STHROWF("Unable to prepare statement [%s]", mConn->ErrMsg());
        // Obtain the number of available columns
        mColumns = sqlite3_column_count(mPtr);
        // Obtain the number of available parameters
        mParameters = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(mPtr);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 StmtHnd::GetColumnIndex(CSStr name)
    // Validate the handle
    if (!mPtr)
        STHROWF("Invalid SQLite statement");
    // Are the names cached?
    else if (mIndexes.empty())
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < mColumns; ++i)
            // Get the column name at the current index
            CSStr name = (CSStr)sqlite3_column_name(mPtr, i);
            // Validate the name
            if (!name)
                STHROWF("Unable to retrieve column name for index (%d)", i);
            // Save it to guarantee the same lifetime as this instance
                mIndexes[name] = i;
    // Attempt to find the specified column
    const Indexes::iterator itr = mIndexes.find(name);
    // Was there a column with the specified name?
    if (itr != mIndexes.end())
        return itr->second;
    // No such column exists (expecting the invoker to validate the result)
    return -1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCStr StmtHnd::ErrStr() const
    return mConn ? sqlite3_errstr(sqlite3_errcode(mConn->mPtr)) : _SC("");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCStr StmtHnd::ErrMsg() const
    return mConn ? sqlite3_errmsg(mConn->mPtr) : _SC("");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 StmtHnd::ErrNo() const
    return mConn ? sqlite3_errcode(mConn->mPtr) : SQLITE_NOMEM;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 StmtHnd::ExErrNo() const
    return mConn ? sqlite3_extended_errcode(mConn->mPtr) : SQLITE_NOMEM;

} // Namespace:: SqMod