// SecureSocketImpl.h
// Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
// Package: SSLSockets
// Module:  SecureSocketImpl
// Definition of the SecureSocketImpl class.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef NetSSL_SecureSocketImpl_INCLUDED
#define NetSSL_SecureSocketImpl_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketImpl.h"
#include "Poco/Net/Context.h"
#include "Poco/Net/X509Certificate.h"
#include "Poco/Net/Session.h"
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

namespace Poco {
namespace Net {

class HostEntry;

class NetSSL_API SecureSocketImpl
	/// The SocketImpl for SecureStreamSocket.
	SecureSocketImpl(Poco::AutoPtr<SocketImpl> pSocketImpl, Context::Ptr pContext);
		/// Creates the SecureSocketImpl using an already
		/// connected stream socket.

	virtual ~SecureSocketImpl();
		/// Destroys the SecureSocketImpl.

	SocketImpl* acceptConnection(SocketAddress& clientAddr);
		/// Get the next completed connection from the
		/// socket's completed connection queue.
		/// If the queue is empty, waits until a connection
		/// request completes.
		/// Returns a new SSL socket for the connection
		/// with the client.
		/// The client socket's address is returned in clientAddr.

	void connect(const SocketAddress& address, bool performHandshake);
		/// Initializes the socket and establishes a secure connection to
		/// the TCP server at the given address.
		/// If performHandshake is true, the SSL handshake is performed immediately
		/// after establishing the connection. Otherwise, the handshake is performed
		/// the first time sendBytes(), receiveBytes() or completeHandshake() is called.

	void connect(const SocketAddress& address, const Poco::Timespan& timeout, bool performHandshake);
		/// Initializes the socket, sets the socket timeout and
		/// establishes a secure connection to the TCP server at the given address.
		/// If performHandshake is true, the SSL handshake is performed immediately
		/// after establishing the connection. Otherwise, the handshake is performed
		/// the first time sendBytes(), receiveBytes() or completeHandshake() is called.

	void connectNB(const SocketAddress& address);
		/// Initializes the socket and establishes a secure connection to
		/// the TCP server at the given address. Prior to opening the
		/// connection the socket is set to nonblocking mode.

	void bind(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress = false);
		/// Bind a local address to the socket.
		/// This is usually only done when establishing a server
		/// socket. TCP clients should not bind a socket to a
		/// specific address.
		/// If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR
		/// socket option.

	void bind(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort);
		/// Bind a local address to the socket.
		/// This is usually only done when establishing a server
		/// socket. SSL clients should not bind a socket to a
		/// specific address.
		/// If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR
		/// socket option.
		/// If reusePort is true, sets the SO_REUSEPORT
		/// socket option.

	void bind6(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress = false, bool ipV6Only = false);
		/// Bind a local IPv6 address to the socket.
		/// This is usually only done when establishing a server
		/// socket. TCP clients should not bind a socket to a
		/// specific address.
		/// If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR
		/// socket option.
		/// The given address must be an IPv6 address. The
		/// IPPROTO_IPV6/IPV6_V6ONLY option is set on the socket
		/// according to the ipV6Only parameter.
		/// If the library has not been built with IPv6 support,
		/// a Poco::NotImplementedException will be thrown.

	void bind6(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort, bool ipV6Only);
		/// Bind a local IPv6 address to the socket.
		/// This is usually only done when establishing a server
		/// socket. TCP clients should not bind a socket to a
		/// specific address.
		/// If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR
		/// socket option.
		/// If reusePort is true, sets the SO_REUSEPORT
		/// socket option.
		/// The given address must be an IPv6 address. The
		/// IPPROTO_IPV6/IPV6_V6ONLY option is set on the socket
		/// according to the ipV6Only parameter.
		/// If the library has not been built with IPv6 support,
		/// a Poco::NotImplementedException will be thrown.

	void listen(int backlog = 64);
		/// Puts the socket into listening state.
		/// The socket becomes a passive socket that
		/// can accept incoming connection requests.
		/// The backlog argument specifies the maximum
		/// number of connections that can be queued
		/// for this socket.

	void shutdown();
		/// Shuts down the connection by attempting
		/// an orderly SSL shutdown, then actually
		/// shutting down the TCP connection.

	void close();
		/// Close the socket.

	void abort();
		/// Aborts the connection by closing the
		/// underlying TCP connection. No orderly SSL shutdown
		/// is performed.

	int sendBytes(const void* buffer, int length, int flags = 0);
		/// Sends the contents of the given buffer through
		/// the socket. Any specified flags are ignored.
		/// Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be
		/// less than the number of bytes specified.

	int receiveBytes(void* buffer, int length, int flags = 0);
		/// Receives data from the socket and stores it
		/// in buffer. Up to length bytes are received.
		/// Returns the number of bytes received.

	int available() const;
		/// Returns the number of bytes available from the
		/// SSL buffer for immediate reading.

	int completeHandshake();
		/// Completes the SSL handshake.
		/// If the SSL connection was the result of an accept(),
		/// the server-side handshake is completed, otherwise
		/// a client-side handshake is performed.

	poco_socket_t sockfd();
		/// Returns the underlying socket descriptor.

	X509* peerCertificate() const;
		/// Returns the peer's certificate.

	Context::Ptr context() const;
		/// Returns the SSL context used for this socket.

	void verifyPeerCertificate();
		/// Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation,
		/// using the peer host name set with setPeerHostName(), or the peer's
		/// IP address string if no peer host name has been set.

	void verifyPeerCertificate(const std::string& hostName);
		/// Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation
		/// using the given peer host name.

	void setPeerHostName(const std::string& hostName);
		/// Sets the peer host name for certificate validation purposes.

	const std::string& getPeerHostName() const;
		/// Returns the peer host name.

	Session::Ptr currentSession();
		/// Returns the SSL session of the current connection,
		/// for reuse in a future connection (if session caching
		/// is enabled).
		/// If no connection is established, returns null.

	void useSession(Session::Ptr pSession);
		/// Sets the SSL session to use for the next
		/// connection. Setting a previously saved Session
		/// object is necessary to enable session caching.
		/// To remove the currently set session, a null pointer
		/// can be given.
		/// Must be called before connect() to be effective.

	bool sessionWasReused();
		/// Returns true iff a reused session was negotiated during
		/// the handshake.

	void acceptSSL();
		/// Performs a server-side SSL handshake and certificate verification.

	void connectSSL(bool performHandshake);
		/// Performs a client-side SSL handshake and establishes a secure
		/// connection over an already existing TCP connection.

	long verifyPeerCertificateImpl(const std::string& hostName);
		/// Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation.

	static bool isLocalHost(const std::string& hostName);
		/// Returns true iff the given host name is the local host
		/// (either "localhost" or "").

	bool mustRetry(int rc);
		/// Returns true if the last operation should be retried,
		/// otherwise false.
		/// In case of an SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ error, and if the socket is
		/// blocking, waits for the underlying socket to become readable.
		/// In case of an SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE error, and if the socket is
		/// blocking, waits for the underlying socket to become writable.
		/// Can also throw a Poco::TimeoutException if the socket does
		/// not become readable or writable within the sockets
		/// receive or send timeout.

	int handleError(int rc);
		/// Handles an SSL error by throwing an appropriate exception.

	void reset();
		/// Prepares the socket for re-use.
		/// After closing and resetting a socket, the socket can
		/// be used for a new connection.
		/// Note that simply closing a socket is not sufficient
		/// to be able to re-use it again.

	SecureSocketImpl(const SecureSocketImpl&);
	SecureSocketImpl& operator = (const SecureSocketImpl&);

	SSL* _pSSL;
	Poco::AutoPtr<SocketImpl> _pSocket;
	Context::Ptr _pContext;
	bool _needHandshake;
	std::string _peerHostName;
	Session::Ptr _pSession;

	friend class SecureStreamSocketImpl;

// inlines
inline poco_socket_t SecureSocketImpl::sockfd()
	return _pSocket->sockfd();

inline Context::Ptr SecureSocketImpl::context() const
	return _pContext;

inline const std::string& SecureSocketImpl::getPeerHostName() const
	return _peerHostName;

} } // namespace Poco::Net

#endif // NetSSL_SecureSocketImpl_INCLUDED