#include "Core.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Entity.hpp" #include "Register.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Command.hpp" #include "Misc/Automobile.hpp" #include "Misc/Model.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Core::Pointer _Core = Core::Inst(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static std::shared_ptr g_Config; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Core::Core() : m_State(SQMOD_SUCCESS) , m_Options() , m_VM(nullptr) , m_RootTable() , m_Scripts() , m_ErrorMsg() , m_PlayerTrack() , m_VehicleTrack() { // Create a few shared buffers MakeBuffer(8); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Core::~Core() { // Tell the plugin to terminate this->Terminate(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::_Finalizer(Core * ptr) { delete ptr; /* Assuming 'delete' checks for NULL */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Core::Pointer Core::Inst() { if (!_Core) { return Pointer(new Core(), &Core::_Finalizer); } return Pointer(nullptr, &Core::_Finalizer); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Core::Init() { LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("INITIALIZING", '*')); // Attempt to initialize the plugin resources if (!this->Configure() || !this->CreateVM() || !this->LoadScripts()) { return false; } LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("SUCCESS", '*')); return true; } bool Core::Load() { LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("LOADING", '*')); // Attempt to execute the loaded scripts if (!this->Execute()) { return false; } LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("SUCCESS", '*')); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::Deinit() { // Release the VM created during the initialization process this->DestroyVM(); } void Core::Unload() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::Terminate() { this->Deinit(); this->Unload(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::SetState(SQInteger val) { m_State = val; } SQInteger Core::GetState() const { return m_State; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string Core::GetOption(const String & name) const { // Attempt to find the specified option OptionPool::const_iterator elem = m_Options.find(name); // Return the value associated with the found option return (elem == m_Options.cend()) ? String() : elem->second; } void Core::SetOption(const String & name, const String & value) { m_Options[name] = value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQFloat Core::GetUptime() const { return m_Uptime; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buffer Core::PullBuffer(unsigned sz) { // The container that will manage the buffer Buffer buf; // See if there's any buffers available in the pool if (m_BufferPool.empty()) { // Create a new buffer if one wasn't available buf.Reserve(sz); } // Is the last buffer big enough? else if (m_BufferPool.back().Size() >= sz) { // Fetch the buffer buf = std::move(m_BufferPool.back()); // Remove it from the pool m_BufferPool.pop_back(); } // Is the first buffer big enough? else if (m_BufferPool.front().Size() >= sz) { // Fetch the buffer buf = std::move(m_BufferPool.front()); // Remove it from the pool m_BufferPool.pop_front(); } // Just fetch one from the pool if possible else { // Get an iterator to the beginning of the pool auto itr = m_BufferPool.begin(); // See if there are any buffers with the size we need for (; itr != m_BufferPool.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->Size() >= sz) { // Stop searching break; } } // Have we found anything? if (itr != m_BufferPool.end()) { // Fetch the buffer buf = std::move((*itr)); // Remove it from the pool m_BufferPool.erase(itr); } // Just make one to satisfy the requested size else { buf.Reserve(sz); } } // Give the obtained buffer return std::move(buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::PushBuffer(Buffer && buf) { // Make sure we don't store empty buffers if (buf) { // Return the specified buffer back to the pool m_BufferPool.push_back(std::move(buf)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::MakeBuffer(unsigned num, unsigned sz) { // Create the specified number of buffers while (num--) { m_BufferPool.emplace_back(sz); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::ConnectPlayer(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier if (EntMan< CPlayer >::Activate(id, false)) { // Trigger the specific event OnPlayerCreated(id, header, payload); } else { LogErr("Unable to activate player instance: %d", id); } } void Core::DisconnectPlayer(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // Attempt to deactivate this player instance if (!EntMan< CPlayer >::Deactivate(id, header, payload, true)) { LogErr("Unable to deactivate player instance: %d", id); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Core::Configure() { LogDbg("Attempting to instantiate the configuration file"); // See if the configurations instance was previously created if (g_Config) { // Release the loaded configurations g_Config->Reset(); } // Create the configuration instance else { g_Config.reset(new CSimpleIniA(true, true, true)); } // See if a configuration instance could be created if (!g_Config) { LogFtl("Unable to instantiate the configuration class"); return false; } LogDbg("Attempting to load the configuration file."); // Attempt to load the configurations from disk SI_Error ini_ret = g_Config->LoadFile(_SC("./sqmod.ini")); // See if the configurations could be loaded if (ini_ret < 0) { switch (ini_ret) { case SI_FAIL: LogErr("Failed to load the configuration file. Probably invalid"); break; case SI_NOMEM: LogErr("Run out of memory while loading the configuration file"); break; case SI_FILE: LogErr("Failed to load the configuration file. %s", strerror(errno)); break; default: LogErr("Failed to load the configuration file for some unforeseen reason"); } return false; } LogDbg("Applying the specified logging filters"); // Apply the specified logging filters before anything else if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Debug", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_DBG); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Message", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_MSG); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Success", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_SCS); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Info", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_INF); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Warning", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_WRN); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Error", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_ERR); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("ConsoleLog", "Fatal", "true"))) _Log->DisableConsoleLevel(Logger::LEVEL_FTL); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Debug", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_DBG); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Message", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_MSG); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Success", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_SCS); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Info", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_INF); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Warning", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_WRN); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Error", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_ERR); if (!SToB(g_Config->GetValue("FileLog", "Fatal", "true"))) _Log->DisableFileLevel(Logger::LEVEL_FTL); LogDbg("Reading the options from the general section"); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend general_options; if (g_Config->GetAllKeys("Options", general_options) || general_options.size() > 0) { for (const auto & cfg_option : general_options) { CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend option_list; if (!g_Config->GetAllValues("Options", cfg_option.pItem, option_list)) { continue; } option_list.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); for (const auto & cfg_value : option_list) { m_Options[cfg_option.pItem] = cfg_value.pItem; } } } else { LogInf("No options specified in the configuration file"); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Core::CreateVM() { LogDbg("Acquiring the virtual machine stack size"); // Start with an unknown stack size SQInteger stack_size = SQMOD_UNKNOWN; // Attempt to get it from the configuration file try { stack_size = SToI< SQInteger >::Fn(GetOption(_SC("VMStackSize")), 0, 10); } catch (const std::invalid_argument & e) { LogWrn("Unable to extract option value: %s", e.what()); } // Validate the stack size if (stack_size <= 0) { LogWrn("Invalid stack size. Reverting to default size: %d", SQMOD_STACK_SIZE); SetOption(_SC("VMStackSize"), std::to_string(SQMOD_STACK_SIZE)); stack_size = SQMOD_STACK_SIZE; } LogInf("Creating a virtual machine with a stack size of: %d", stack_size); m_VM = sq_open(stack_size); if (!m_VM) { LogFtl("Unable to open a virtual machine with a stack size: %d", stack_size); return false; } else { DefaultVM::Set(m_VM); ErrorHandling::Enable(true); m_RootTable = RootTable(m_VM); m_Scripts.clear(); } LogDbg("Registering the standard libraries"); // Register the standard libraries sq_pushroottable(m_VM); sqstd_register_iolib(m_VM); sqstd_register_bloblib(m_VM); sqstd_register_mathlib(m_VM); sqstd_register_systemlib(m_VM); sqstd_register_stringlib(m_VM); sq_pop(m_VM, 1); LogDbg("Setting the base output function"); // Set the function that handles the text output sq_setprintfunc(m_VM, PrintFunc, ErrorFunc); LogDbg("Setting the base error handlers"); // Se the error handlers sq_setcompilererrorhandler(m_VM, CompilerErrorHandler); sq_newclosure(m_VM, RuntimeErrorHandler, 0); sq_seterrorhandler(m_VM); LogDbg("Registering the plugin API"); // Register the plugin API if (!RegisterAPI(m_VM)) { LogFtl("Unable to register the plugin API"); return false; } // At this point the VM is ready return true; } void Core::DestroyVM() { // See if the Virtual Machine wasn't already destroyed if (m_VM != nullptr) { // Let instances know that they should release links to this VM OnVMClose(); // Release the references to the script objects m_Scripts.clear(); // Release the reference to the root table m_RootTable.Release(); // Assertions during close may cause double delete HSQUIRRELVM sq_vm = m_VM; // Explicitly set the virtual machine to null m_VM = nullptr; // Close the Virtual Machine sq_close(sq_vm); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Core::LoadScripts() { LogDbg("Attempting to compile the specified scripts"); // See if the config file was loaded if (!g_Config) { LogWrn("Cannot compile any scripts without the configurations"); // No point in loading the plugin return false; } // Attempt to retrieve the list of strings specified in the config CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend script_list; g_Config->GetAllValues("Scripts", "Source", script_list); // See if any script was specified if (script_list.size() <= 0) { LogWrn("No scripts specified in the configuration file"); // No point in loading the plugin return false; } // Sort the list in it's original order script_list.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); // Process each specified script path for (auto const & cfg_script : script_list) { // Get the file path as a string string path(cfg_script.pItem); // See if it wasn't already loaded if (m_Scripts.find(path) != m_Scripts.cend()) { LogWrn("Script was already loaded: %s", path.c_str()); // No point in loading it again continue; } // Attempt to compile it else if (!Compile(path)) { // Plugin shouldn't load return false; } else { LogScs("Successfully compiled script: %s", path.c_str()); } } // See if any script could be compiled if (m_Scripts.empty()) { LogErr("No scripts compiled. No reason to load the plugin"); // No point in loading the plugin return false; } // At this point everything went as expected return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Core::Compile(const string & name) { // See if the specified script path is valid if (name.empty()) { LogErr("Cannot compile script without a valid name"); // Failed to compile the specified script return false; } // Create a new script container and insert it into the script pool std::pair< SqScriptPool::iterator, bool > res = m_Scripts.emplace(name, Script(m_VM)); // See if the script container could be created and inserted if (res.second) { // Attempt to load and compile the specified script file res.first->second.CompileFile(name); // See if any compile time error occurred in the compiled script if (Error::Occurred(m_VM)) { // Output debugging information LogErr("Unable to compile script: %s", name.c_str()); LogInf("=> %s", Error::Message(m_VM).c_str()); // Release the script container m_Scripts.erase(res.first); // Failed to compile the specified script return false; } } // Failed to create the script container else { LogErr("Unable to queue script: %s", name.c_str()); // Failed to compile the specified script return false; } // At this point everything went as it should return true; } bool Core::Execute() { LogDbg("Attempting to execute the specified scripts"); // Go through each loaded script for (auto & elem : m_Scripts) { // Attempt to execute the script elem.second.Run(); // See if the executed script had any errors if (Error::Occurred(m_VM)) { // Output the error information LogErr("Unable to execute script: %s", elem.first.c_str()); LogInf("=> %s", Error::Message(m_VM).c_str()); // Failed to execute scripts return false; } else { LogScs("Successfully executed script: %s", elem.first.c_str()); } } // At this point everything succeeded return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::PrintCallstack() { SQStackInfos si; // Begin a new section in the console LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("CALLSTACK", '*')); // Trace back the function call for (SQInteger level = 1; SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_stackinfos(m_VM, level, &si)); ++level) { // Function name LogInf("FUNCTION %s()", si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown")); // Function location LogInf("=> [%d] : {%s}", si.line, si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown")); } // Dummy variables used to retrieve values from the Squirrel VM const SQChar * s_ = 0, * name = 0; SQInteger i_, seq = 0; SQFloat f_; SQUserPointer p_; // Begin a new section in the console LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("LOCALS", '*')); // Process each local variable for (SQInteger level = 0; level < 10; level++) { seq = 0; while((name = sq_getlocal(m_VM, level, seq))) { ++seq; switch(sq_gettype(m_VM, -1)) { case OT_NULL: LogInf("NULL [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_INTEGER: sq_getinteger(m_VM, -1, &i_); LogInf("INTEGER [%s] : {%d}", name, i_); break; case OT_FLOAT: sq_getfloat(m_VM, -1, &f_); LogInf("FLOAT [%s] : {%f}", name, f_); break; case OT_USERPOINTER: sq_getuserpointer(m_VM, -1, &p_); LogInf("USERPOINTER [%s] : {%p}\n", name, p_); break; case OT_STRING: sq_getstring(m_VM, -1, &s_); LogInf("STRING [%s] : {%s}", name, s_); break; case OT_TABLE: LogInf("TABLE [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_ARRAY: LogInf("ARRAY [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_CLOSURE: LogInf("CLOSURE [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_NATIVECLOSURE: LogInf("NATIVECLOSURE [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_GENERATOR: LogInf("GENERATOR [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_USERDATA: LogInf("USERDATA [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_THREAD: LogInf("THREAD [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_CLASS: LogInf("CLASS [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_INSTANCE: LogInf("INSTANCE [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_WEAKREF: LogInf("WEAKREF [%s] : ...", name); break; case OT_BOOL: sq_getinteger(m_VM, -1, &i_); LogInf("BOOL [%s] : {%s}", name, i_ ? _SC("true") : _SC("false")); break; default: LogErr("UNKNOWN [%s] : ...", name); break; } sq_pop(m_VM, 1); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar * str, ...) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(vm); // Prepare the arguments list va_list args; va_start(args, str); // Acquire a buffer from the buffer pool Buffer vbuf = _Core->PullBuffer(); // Attempt to process the specified format string SQInt32 fmt_ret = std::vsnprintf(vbuf.Data(), vbuf.Size(), str, args); // See if the formatting was successful if (fmt_ret < 0) { // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); LogErr("Format error"); return; } // See if the buffer was big enough else if (_SCU32(fmt_ret) > vbuf.Size()) { // Resize the buffer to accommodate the required size vbuf.Reserve(++fmt_ret); // Attempt to process the specified format string again fmt_ret = std::vsnprintf(vbuf.Data(), vbuf.Size(), str, args); // See if the formatting was successful if (fmt_ret < 0) { // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); LogErr("Format error"); return; } } // Release the arguments list va_end(args); // Output the buffer content LogMsg("%s", vbuf.Data()); // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); } void Core::ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar * str, ...) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(vm); // Prepare the arguments list va_list args; va_start(args, str); // Acquire a buffer from the buffer pool Buffer vbuf = _Core->PullBuffer(); // Attempt to process the specified format string SQInt32 fmt_ret = std::vsnprintf(vbuf.Data(), vbuf.Size(), str, args); // See if the formatting was successful if (fmt_ret < 0) { // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); LogErr("Format error"); return; } // See if the buffer was big enough else if (_SCU32(fmt_ret) > vbuf.Size()) { // Resize the buffer to accommodate the required size vbuf.Reserve(++fmt_ret); // Attempt to process the specified format string again fmt_ret = std::vsnprintf(vbuf.Data(), vbuf.Size(), str, args); // See if the formatting was successful if (fmt_ret < 0) { // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); LogErr("Format error"); return; } } // Release the arguments list va_end(args); // Output the buffer content LogErr("%s", vbuf.Data()); // Return the buffer back to the buffer pool _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(vbuf)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger Core::RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // Verify the top of the stack and whether there's any information to process if (sq_gettop(vm) < 1) { return 0; } const SQChar * err_msg = NULL; // Attempt to retrieve the error message if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getstring(vm, 2, &err_msg))) { _Core->m_ErrorMsg.assign(err_msg); } else { _Core->m_ErrorMsg.assign(_SC("An unknown runtime error has occurred")); } // Start a new section in the console LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("ERROR", '*')); // Output the retrieved error message LogInf("[MESSAGE] : %s", _Core->m_ErrorMsg.c_str()); // See if the specified verbosity level allows a print of the call-stack if (_Log->GetVerbosity() > 0) { _Core->PrintCallstack(); } // Close the console section LogMsg("%s", CenterStr("CONCLUDED", '*')); // The error was handled return SQ_OK; } void Core::CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar * desc, const SQChar * src, SQInteger line, SQInteger column) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(vm); try { _Core->m_ErrorMsg.assign(ToStringF("%s : %s:%d : %s", src, line, column, desc)); } catch (const std::exception & e) { LogErr("Compiler error: %s", e.what()); _Core->m_ErrorMsg.assign(_SC("An unknown compiler error has occurred")); } // Output the obtained error message LogErr("%s", _Core->m_ErrorMsg.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CBlip > Core::NewBlip(SQInt32 index, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 scale, SQUint32 color, SQInt32 sprid, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it return Reference< CBlip >(EntMan< CBlip >::Create(header, payload, true, index, world, x, y, z, scale, color, sprid)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CCheckpoint > Core::NewCheckpoint(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified player reference is valid if (!Reference< CPlayer >::Verify(player)) { LogWrn("Attempting to on an invalid player: %d", player); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CCheckpoint >(EntMan< CCheckpoint >::Create(header, payload, true, player, world, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, radius)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CCheckpoint >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CKeybind > Core::NewKeybind(SQInt32 slot, bool release, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 alternative, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it return Reference< CKeybind >(EntMan< CKeybind >::Create(header, payload, true, slot, release, primary, secondary, alternative)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CObject > Core::NewObject(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 alpha, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified model is valid if (!CModel::Valid(model)) { LogWrn("Attempting to using an invalid model: %d", model); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CObject >(EntMan< CObject >::Create(header, payload, true, model, world, x, y, z, alpha)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CObject >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CPickup > Core::NewPickup(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified model is valid if (!CModel::Valid(model)) { LogWrn("Attempting to using an invalid model: %d", model); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CPickup >(EntMan< CPickup >::Create(header, payload, true, model, world, quantity, x, y, z, alpha, automatic)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CPickup >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CSphere > Core::NewSphere(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified player reference is valid if (!Reference< CPlayer >::Verify(player)) { LogWrn("Attempting to on an invalid player: %d", player); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CSphere >(EntMan< CSphere >::Create(header, payload, true, player, world, x, y, z, r, g, b, radius)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CSphere >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CSprite > Core::NewSprite(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * file, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp, SQInt32 xr, SQInt32 yr, SQFloat angle, SQInt32 alpha, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified file path is valid if (!file) { LogWrn("Attempting to with an empty path: null"); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CSprite >(EntMan< CSprite >::Create(header, payload, true, index, file, xp, yp, xr, yr, angle, alpha, rel)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CSprite >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CTextdraw > Core::NewTextdraw(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * text, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp, SQUint32 color, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified text is valid if (!text) { LogWrn("Attempting to using an empty text: null"); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CTextdraw >(EntMan< CTextdraw >::Create(header, payload, true, index, text, xp, yp, color, rel)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CTextdraw >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference< CVehicle > Core::NewVehicle(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQFloat angle, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { // See if the specified model is valid if (!CAutomobile::Valid(model)) { LogWrn("Attempting to using an invalid model: %d", model); } // Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it else { return Reference< CVehicle >(EntMan< CVehicle >::Create(header, payload, true, model, world, x, y, z, angle, primary, secondary)); } // Return an invalid reference return Reference< CVehicle >(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnVMClose() { // Call base classes manually _Cmd->VMClose(); // Froward to instances VMClose.Emit(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnBlipCreated(SQInt32 blip, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { BlipCreated.Emit(blip, header, payload); Reference< CBlip >::Get(blip).BlipCreated.Emit(blip, header, payload); } void Core::OnCheckpointCreated(SQInt32 checkpoint, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { CheckpointCreated.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); Reference< CCheckpoint >::Get(checkpoint).CheckpointCreated.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); } void Core::OnKeybindCreated(SQInt32 keybind, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { KeybindCreated.Emit(keybind, header, payload); Reference< CKeybind >::Get(keybind).KeybindCreated.Emit(keybind, header, payload); } void Core::OnObjectCreated(SQInt32 object, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { ObjectCreated.Emit(object, header, payload); Reference< CObject >::Get(object).ObjectCreated.Emit(object, header, payload); } void Core::OnPickupCreated(SQInt32 pickup, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PickupCreated.Emit(pickup, header, payload); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupCreated.Emit(pickup, header, payload); } void Core::OnPlayerCreated(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PlayerCreated.Emit(player, header, payload); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerCreated.Emit(player, header, payload); } void Core::OnSphereCreated(SQInt32 sphere, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SphereCreated.Emit(sphere, header, payload); Reference< CSphere >::Get(sphere).SphereCreated.Emit(sphere, header, payload); } void Core::OnSpriteCreated(SQInt32 sprite, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SpriteCreated.Emit(sprite, header, payload); Reference< CSprite >::Get(sprite).SpriteCreated.Emit(sprite, header, payload); } void Core::OnTextdrawCreated(SQInt32 textdraw, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { TextdrawCreated.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); Reference< CTextdraw >::Get(textdraw).TextdrawCreated.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); } void Core::OnVehicleCreated(SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { VehicleCreated.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleCreated.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnBlipDestroyed(SQInt32 blip, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { BlipDestroyed.Emit(blip, header, payload); Reference< CBlip >::Get(blip).BlipDestroyed.Emit(blip, header, payload); } void Core::OnCheckpointDestroyed(SQInt32 checkpoint, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { CheckpointDestroyed.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); Reference< CCheckpoint >::Get(checkpoint).CheckpointDestroyed.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); } void Core::OnKeybindDestroyed(SQInt32 keybind, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { KeybindDestroyed.Emit(keybind, header, payload); Reference< CKeybind >::Get(keybind).KeybindDestroyed.Emit(keybind, header, payload); } void Core::OnObjectDestroyed(SQInt32 object, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { ObjectDestroyed.Emit(object, header, payload); Reference< CObject >::Get(object).ObjectDestroyed.Emit(object, header, payload); } void Core::OnPickupDestroyed(SQInt32 pickup, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PickupDestroyed.Emit(pickup, header, payload); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupDestroyed.Emit(pickup, header, payload); } void Core::OnPlayerDestroyed(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PlayerDestroyed.Emit(player, header, payload); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerDestroyed.Emit(player, header, payload); } void Core::OnSphereDestroyed(SQInt32 sphere, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SphereDestroyed.Emit(sphere, header, payload); Reference< CSphere >::Get(sphere).SphereDestroyed.Emit(sphere, header, payload); } void Core::OnSpriteDestroyed(SQInt32 sprite, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SpriteDestroyed.Emit(sprite, header, payload); Reference< CSprite >::Get(sprite).SpriteDestroyed.Emit(sprite, header, payload); } void Core::OnTextdrawDestroyed(SQInt32 textdraw, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { TextdrawDestroyed.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); Reference< CTextdraw >::Get(textdraw).TextdrawDestroyed.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); } void Core::OnVehicleDestroyed(SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { VehicleDestroyed.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleDestroyed.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnBlipCustom(SQInt32 blip, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { BlipCustom.Emit(blip, header, payload); Reference< CBlip >::Get(blip).BlipCustom.Emit(blip, header, payload); } void Core::OnCheckpointCustom(SQInt32 checkpoint, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { CheckpointCustom.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); Reference< CCheckpoint >::Get(checkpoint).CheckpointCustom.Emit(checkpoint, header, payload); } void Core::OnKeybindCustom(SQInt32 keybind, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { KeybindCustom.Emit(keybind, header, payload); Reference< CKeybind >::Get(keybind).KeybindCustom.Emit(keybind, header, payload); } void Core::OnObjectCustom(SQInt32 object, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { ObjectCustom.Emit(object, header, payload); Reference< CObject >::Get(object).ObjectCustom.Emit(object, header, payload); } void Core::OnPickupCustom(SQInt32 pickup, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PickupCustom.Emit(pickup, header, payload); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupCustom.Emit(pickup, header, payload); } void Core::OnPlayerCustom(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { PlayerCustom.Emit(player, header, payload); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerCustom.Emit(player, header, payload); } void Core::OnSphereCustom(SQInt32 sphere, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SphereCustom.Emit(sphere, header, payload); Reference< CSphere >::Get(sphere).SphereCustom.Emit(sphere, header, payload); } void Core::OnSpriteCustom(SQInt32 sprite, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { SpriteCustom.Emit(sprite, header, payload); Reference< CSprite >::Get(sprite).SpriteCustom.Emit(sprite, header, payload); } void Core::OnTextdrawCustom(SQInt32 textdraw, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { TextdrawCustom.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); Reference< CTextdraw >::Get(textdraw).TextdrawCustom.Emit(textdraw, header, payload); } void Core::OnVehicleCustom(SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { VehicleCustom.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleCustom.Emit(vehicle, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerAway(SQInt32 player, bool status) { PlayerAway.Emit(player, status); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerAway.Emit(player, status); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerGameKeys(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous, SQInt32 current) { PlayerGameKeys.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerGameKeys.Emit(player, previous, current); } void Core::OnPlayerName(SQInt32 player, const SQChar * previous, const SQChar * current) { PlayerRename.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerRename.Emit(player, previous, current); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerRequestClass(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 offset) { PlayerRequestClass.Emit(player, offset); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerRequestClass.Emit(player, offset); } void Core::OnPlayerRequestSpawn(SQInt32 player) { PlayerRequestSpawn.Emit(player); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerRequestSpawn.Emit(player); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerSpawn(SQInt32 player) { PlayerSpawn.Emit(player); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerSpawn.Emit(player); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerStartTyping(SQInt32 player) { PlayerStartTyping.Emit(player); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerStartTyping.Emit(player); } void Core::OnPlayerStopTyping(SQInt32 player) { PlayerStopTyping.Emit(player); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerStopTyping.Emit(player); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerChat(SQInt32 player, const SQChar * message) { PlayerChat.Emit(player, message); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerChat.Emit(player, message); } void Core::OnPlayerCommand(SQInt32 player, const SQChar * command) { // Send it to the command manager _Cmd->Execute(player, command); // Forward to instances PlayerCommand.Emit(player, command); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerCommand.Emit(player, command); } void Core::OnPlayerMessage(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 receiver, const SQChar * message) { PlayerMessage.Emit(player, receiver, message); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerMessage.Emit(player, receiver, message); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerHealth(SQInt32 player, SQFloat previous, SQFloat current) { PlayerHealth.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerHealth.Emit(player, previous, current); } void Core::OnPlayerArmour(SQInt32 player, SQFloat previous, SQFloat current) { PlayerArmour.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerArmour.Emit(player, previous, current); } void Core::OnPlayerWeapon(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous, SQInt32 current) { PlayerWeapon.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerWeapon.Emit(player, previous, current); } void Core::OnPlayerMove(SQInt32 player, const Vector3 & previous, const Vector3 & current) { PlayerMove.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerMove.Emit(player, previous, current); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerWasted(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 reason) { PlayerWasted.Emit(player, reason); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerWasted.Emit(player, reason); } void Core::OnPlayerKilled(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 killer, SQInt32 reason, SQInt32 body_part) { PlayerKilled.Emit(player, killer, reason, body_part); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerKilled.Emit(player, killer, reason, body_part); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerSpectate(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 target) { PlayerSpectate.Emit(player, target); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerSpectate.Emit(player, target); } void Core::OnPlayerCrashreport(SQInt32 player, const SQChar * report) { PlayerCrashreport.Emit(player, report); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerCrashreport.Emit(player, report); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerBurning(SQInt32 player, bool state) { PlayerBurning.Emit(player, state); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerBurning.Emit(player, state); } void Core::OnPlayerCrouching(SQInt32 player, bool state) { PlayerCrouching.Emit(player, state); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerCrouching.Emit(player, state); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerState(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous, SQInt32 current) { PlayerState.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerState.Emit(player, previous, current); } void Core::OnPlayerAction(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous, SQInt32 current) { PlayerAction.Emit(player, previous, current); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PlayerAction.Emit(player, previous, current); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnStateNone(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateNone.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateNone.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateNormal(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateNormal.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateNormal.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateShooting(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateShooting.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateShooting.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateDriver(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateDriver.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateDriver.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStatePassenger(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StatePassenger.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StatePassenger.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateEnterDriver(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateEnterDriver.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateEnterDriver.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateEnterPassenger(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateEnterPassenger.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateEnterPassenger.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateExitVehicle(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateExitVehicle.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateExitVehicle.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnStateUnspawned(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { StateUnspawned.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).StateUnspawned.Emit(player, previous); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnActionNone(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionNone.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionNone.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionNormal(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionNormal.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionNormal.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionAiming(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionAiming.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionAiming.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionShooting(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionShooting.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionShooting.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionJumping(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionJumping.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionJumping.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionLieDown(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionLieDown.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionLieDown.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionGettingUp(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionGettingUp.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionGettingUp.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionJumpVehicle(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionJumpVehicle.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionJumpVehicle.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionDriving(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionDriving.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionDriving.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionDying(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionDying.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionDying.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionWasted(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionWasted.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionWasted.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionEmbarking(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionEmbarking.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionEmbarking.Emit(player, previous); } void Core::OnActionDisembarking(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 previous) { ActionDisembarking.Emit(player, previous); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ActionDisembarking.Emit(player, previous); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnVehicleRespawn(SQInt32 vehicle) { VehicleRespawn.Emit(vehicle); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleRespawn.Emit(vehicle); } void Core::OnVehicleExplode(SQInt32 vehicle) { VehicleExplode.Emit(vehicle); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleExplode.Emit(vehicle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnVehicleHealth(SQInt32 vehicle, SQFloat previous, SQFloat current) { VehicleHealth.Emit(vehicle, previous, current); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleHealth.Emit(vehicle, previous, current); } void Core::OnVehicleMove(SQInt32 vehicle, const Vector3 & previous, const Vector3 & current) { VehicleMove.Emit(vehicle, previous, current); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleMove.Emit(vehicle, previous, current); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPickupRespawn(SQInt32 pickup) { PickupRespawn.Emit(pickup); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupRespawn.Emit(pickup); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerKeyPress(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 keybind) { KeybindKeyPress.Emit(player, keybind); Reference< CKeybind >::Get(keybind).KeybindKeyPress.Emit(player, keybind); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).KeybindKeyPress.Emit(player, keybind); } void Core::OnPlayerKeyRelease(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 keybind) { KeybindKeyRelease.Emit(player, keybind); Reference< CKeybind >::Get(keybind).KeybindKeyRelease.Emit(player, keybind); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).KeybindKeyRelease.Emit(player, keybind); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerEmbarking(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 slot) { VehicleEmbarking.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleEmbarking.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).VehicleEmbarking.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); } void Core::OnPlayerEmbarked(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 slot) { VehicleEmbarked.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleEmbarked.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).VehicleEmbarked.Emit(player, vehicle, slot); } void Core::OnPlayerDisembark(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 vehicle) { VehicleDisembark.Emit(player, vehicle); Reference< CVehicle >::Get(vehicle).VehicleDisembark.Emit(player, vehicle); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).VehicleDisembark.Emit(player, vehicle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPickupClaimed(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 pickup) { PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); } void Core::OnPickupCollected(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 pickup) { PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); Reference< CPickup >::Get(pickup).PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).PickupClaimed.Emit(player, pickup); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnObjectShot(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 object, SQInt32 weapon) { ObjectShot.Emit(player, object, weapon); Reference< CObject >::Get(object).ObjectShot.Emit(player, object, weapon); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ObjectShot.Emit(player, object, weapon); } void Core::OnObjectBump(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 object) { ObjectBump.Emit(player, object); Reference< CObject >::Get(object).ObjectBump.Emit(player, object); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).ObjectBump.Emit(player, object); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnCheckpointEntered(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 checkpoint) { CheckpointEntered.Emit(player, checkpoint); Reference< CCheckpoint >::Get(checkpoint).CheckpointEntered.Emit(player, checkpoint); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).CheckpointEntered.Emit(player, checkpoint); } void Core::OnCheckpointExited(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 checkpoint) { CheckpointExited.Emit(player, checkpoint); Reference< CCheckpoint >::Get(checkpoint).CheckpointExited.Emit(player, checkpoint); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).CheckpointExited.Emit(player, checkpoint); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnSphereEntered(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 sphere) { SphereEntered.Emit(player, sphere); Reference< CSphere >::Get(sphere).SphereEntered.Emit(player, sphere); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).SphereEntered.Emit(player, sphere); } void Core::OnSphereExited(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 sphere) { SphereExited.Emit(player, sphere); Reference< CSphere >::Get(sphere).SphereExited.Emit(player, sphere); Reference< CPlayer >::Get(player).SphereExited.Emit(player, sphere); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnServerFrame(SQFloat delta) { m_Uptime += delta; ServerFrame.Emit(delta); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnServerStartup() { ServerStartup.Emit(); } void Core::OnServerShutdown() { ServerShutdown.Emit(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnInternalCommand(SQInt32 type, const SQChar * text) { InternalCommand.Emit(type, text); } void Core::OnLoginAttempt(const SQChar * name, const SQChar * passwd, const SQChar * ip) { LoginAttempt.Emit(name, passwd, ip); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnCustomEvent(SQInt32 group, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { CustomEvent.Emit(group, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnWorldOption(SQInt32 option, SqObj & value) { WorldOption.Emit(option, value); } void Core::OnWorldToggle(SQInt32 option, bool value) { WorldToggle.Emit(option, value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnScriptReload(SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) { ScriptReload.Emit(header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Core::OnPlayerUpdate(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 type) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(type); Vector3 pos; // Is this player instance tracked for the first time if (m_PlayerTrack[player].Fresh) { // Obtain the current position of this instance _Func->GetPlayerPos(player, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); // Initialize the tracked values for the first time m_PlayerTrack[player].Position = pos; m_PlayerTrack[player].Health = _Func->GetPlayerHealth(player); m_PlayerTrack[player].Armour = _Func->GetPlayerArmour(player); m_PlayerTrack[player].Weapon = _Func->GetPlayerWeapon(player); m_PlayerTrack[player].Fresh = false; // No need to check a freshly tracked instance return; } // Obtain the current position of this instance _Func->GetPlayerPos(player, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); // Did the position change since the last tracked value? if (pos != m_PlayerTrack[player].Position) { // Trigger the specific event PlayerMove.Emit(player, m_PlayerTrack[player].Position, pos); // Update the tracked value m_PlayerTrack[player].Position = pos; } // Obtain the current health of this instance SQFloat health = _Func->GetPlayerHealth(player); // Did the health change since the last tracked value? if (!EpsEq(health, m_PlayerTrack[player].Health)) { // Trigger the specific event PlayerHealth.Emit(player, m_PlayerTrack[player].Health, health); // Update the tracked value m_PlayerTrack[player].Health = health; } // Obtain the current armor of this instance SQFloat armour = _Func->GetPlayerArmour(player); // Did the armor change since the last tracked value? if (!EpsEq(armour, m_PlayerTrack[player].Armour)) { // Trigger the specific event PlayerArmour.Emit(player, m_PlayerTrack[player].Armour, armour); // Update the tracked value m_PlayerTrack[player].Armour = armour; } // Obtain the current weapon of this instance SQInteger wep = _Func->GetPlayerWeapon(player); // Did the weapon change since the last tracked value? if (wep != m_PlayerTrack[player].Weapon) { // Trigger the specific event PlayerWeapon.Emit(player, m_PlayerTrack[player].Weapon, wep); // Update the tracked value m_PlayerTrack[player].Weapon = wep; } } void Core::OnVehicleUpdate(SQInt32 vehicle, SQInt32 type) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(type); Vector3 pos; // Is this vehicle instance tracked for the first time if (m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Fresh) { // Obtain the current position of this instance _Func->GetVehiclePos(vehicle, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); // Initialize the tracked values for the first time m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Position = pos; m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Health = _Func->GetVehicleHealth(vehicle); m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Fresh = false; // No need to check a freshly tracked instance return; } // Obtain the current position of this instance _Func->GetVehiclePos(vehicle, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); // Did the position change since the last tracked value? if (pos != m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Position) { // Trigger the specific event VehicleMove.Emit(vehicle, m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Position, pos); // Update the tracked value m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Position = pos; } // Obtain the current health of this instance SQFloat health = _Func->GetVehicleHealth(vehicle); // Did the health change since the last tracked value? if (!EpsEq(health, m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Health)) { // Trigger the specific event VehicleHealth.Emit(vehicle, m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Health, health); // Update the tracked value m_VehicleTrack[vehicle].Health = health; } } void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) { // Script object to play the role of a dummy payload static SqObj payload; // Make sure that the payload is null payload.Release(); // See what type of change happened in the entity pool switch (type) { case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_VEHICLE: if (deleted) { EntMan< CVehicle >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else if (EntMan< CVehicle >::Activate(id, false)) { OnVehicleCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_OBJECT: if (deleted) { EntMan< CObject >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else if (EntMan< CObject >::Activate(id, false)) { OnObjectCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_PICKUP: if (deleted) { EntMan< CPickup >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else if (EntMan< CPickup >::Activate(id, false)) { OnPickupCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_RADIO: // @TODO Implement... break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_SPRITE: if (deleted) { EntMan< CSprite >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else if (EntMan< CSprite >::Activate(id, false)) { OnSpriteCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_TEXTDRAW: if (deleted) { EntMan< CTextdraw >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else if (EntMan< CTextdraw >::Activate(id, false)) { OnTextdrawCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } break; case SQMOD_ENTITY_POOL_BLIP: if (deleted) { EntMan< CBlip >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true); } else { SQInt32 world, scale, sprid; SQUint32 color; SQFloat x, y, z; // Get the blip information from the server _Func->GetCoordBlipInfo(id, &world, &x, &y, &z, &scale, &color, &sprid); // Attempt to activate this instance if (EntMan< CBlip >::Activate(id, false, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, world, x, y, z, scale, color, sprid)) { OnBlipCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload); } } break; default: LogErr("Unknown change in the entity pool of type: %d", type); } } } // Namespace:: SqMod