#ifndef _AREAS_HPP_ #define _AREAS_HPP_ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Shared.hpp" #include "Base/Vector2.hpp" #include "Base/Vector4.hpp" #include "Base/Vector2i.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <vector> #include <utility> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Various information associated with an area cell. */ struct AreaCell { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::pair< Area *, LightObj > AreaPair; // A reference to an area object. typedef std::vector< AreaPair > Areas; // A list of area objects. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float mL, mB, mR, mT; // Left-Bottom, Right-Top components of the cell bounding box. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Areas mAreas; // Areas that intersect with the cell. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int mLocks; // The amount of locks on the cell. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ AreaCell() : mL(0), mB(0), mR(0), mT(0), mAreas(0), mLocks(0) { //... } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Area implementation used to store area points. */ struct Area { typedef std::vector< Vector2 > Points; typedef std::vector< AreaCell * > Cells; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static constexpr float DEF_L = std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity(); static constexpr float DEF_B = std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity(); static constexpr float DEF_R = -std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity(); static constexpr float DEF_T = -std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float mL, mB, mR, mT; // Left-Bottom, Right-Top components of the bounding box. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Points mPoints; // Collection of points that make up the area. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQInteger mID; // The user identifier given to this area. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cells mCells; // The cells covered by this area. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String mName; // The user name given to this area. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Area() : mL(DEF_L), mB(DEF_B), mR(DEF_R), mT(DEF_T), mPoints(), mID(0), mCells(), mName() { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Named constructor. */ Area(StackStrF & name) : Area(16, name) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Area(SQInteger sz, StackStrF & name) : mL(DEF_L), mB(DEF_B), mR(DEF_R), mT(DEF_T), mPoints(), mID(0), mCells() , mName(name.mPtr, name.mLen <= 0 ? 0 : name.mLen) { // Should we reserve some space for points in advance? if (sz > 0) { mPoints.reserve(static_cast< size_t >(sz)); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vector2 constructor. */ Area(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, const Vector2 & c) : Area(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, 16, StackStrF::Dummy()) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vector2 constructor with name. */ Area(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, const Vector2 & c, StackStrF & name) : Area(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, 16, name) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vector2 constructor with name and memory to reserve. */ Area(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, const Vector2 & c, SQInteger sz, StackStrF & name) : Area(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, sz, name) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extended constructor. */ Area(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy) : Area(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, 16, StackStrF::Dummy()) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extended constructor with name. */ Area(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy, StackStrF & name) : Area(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, 16, name) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ Area(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy, SQInteger sz, StackStrF & name) : mL(DEF_L), mB(DEF_B), mR(DEF_R), mT(DEF_T), mPoints(), mID(0), mCells() , mName(name.mPtr, name.mLen <= 0 ? 0 : name.mLen) { // Should we reserve some space for points in advance? if (sz > 0) { mPoints.reserve(static_cast< size_t >(sz)); } // Insert the given points AddPointEx(ax, ay); AddPointEx(bx, by); AddPointEx(cx, cy); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. */ Area(const Area & o) : mL(o.mL), mB(o.mB), mR(o.mR), mT(o.mT), mPoints(o.mPoints), mID(o.mID), mCells(0), mName(o.mName) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. (disabled) */ Area(Area && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~Area() { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Area & operator = (const Area & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. (disabled) */ Area & operator = (Area && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to convert this instance to a string. */ const String & ToString() const { return mName; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Checks if the area is locked from changes and throws an exception if it is. */ void CheckLock() { // Are we connected to any cells? if (!mCells.empty()) { STHROWF("The area cannot be modified while being managed"); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the name of this area. */ const String & GetName() const { return mName; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the name of this area. */ void SetName(StackStrF & name) { if (name.mLen <= 0) { mName.clear(); } else { mName.assign(name.mPtr, static_cast< size_t >(name.mLen)); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the name of this area. (allows chaining function calls) */ Area & ApplyName(StackStrF & name) { SetName(name); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the identifier of this area. */ SQInteger GetID() const { return mID; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the identifier of this area. */ void SetID(SQInteger id) { mID = id; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the identifier of this area. (allows chaining function calls) */ Area & ApplyID(SQInteger id) { mID = id; return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if the area is locked from changes */ bool IsLocked() const { return mCells.empty(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the center of this area. */ Vector2 GetCenter() const { return Vector2((mL * 0.5f) + (mR * 0.5f), (mB * 0.5f) + (mT * 0.5f)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the bounding box of this area. */ Vector4 GetBoundingBox() const { return Vector4(mL, mB, mR, mT); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the bounding box of this area. */ void SetBoundingBox(const Vector4 & b) { CheckLock(); // Apply the given bounding box mL = b.x; mB = b.y; mR = b.z; mT = b.w; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the bounding box of this area. */ void SetBoundingBoxEx(float l, float b, float r, float t) { CheckLock(); // Apply the given bounding box mL = l; mB = b; mR = r; mT = t; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the area has no points. */ bool Empty() const { return mPoints.empty(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of points in this area. */ SQInteger Size() const { return ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(mPoints.size()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of points this area has allocated for. */ SQInteger Capacity() const { return ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(mPoints.capacity()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear all points in this area. */ void Clear() { CheckLock(); // Perform the requested action mPoints.clear(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear all points in this area. */ void Reserve(SQInteger sz) { // Perform the requested action if (sz > 0) { mPoints.reserve(static_cast< size_t >(sz)); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add a 2D vector to the point list. */ void AddPoint(const Vector2 & v) { CheckLock(); // Perform the requested action mPoints.emplace_back(v); // Update the bounding box Expand(v.x, v.y); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add a point to the point list. */ void AddPointEx(float x, float y) { CheckLock(); // Perform the requested action mPoints.emplace_back(x, y); // Update the bounding box Expand(x, y); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add a 2D vector to the bounding box only. Not stored in the list. */ void AddVirtualPoint(const Vector2 & v) { CheckLock(); // Update the bounding box Expand(v.x, v.y); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add a point to the bounding box only. Not stored in the list. */ void AddVirtualPointEx(float x, float y) { CheckLock(); // Update the bounding box Expand(x, y); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add an array of points to the point list. */ void AddArray(const Sqrat::Array & a); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test if a point is inside the bounding box and then the area. */ bool Test(const Vector2 & v) { // Is the given point in this bounding box at least? if (mL <= v.x && mR >= v.x && mB <= v.y && mT >= v.y) { return mPoints.empty() ? true : IsInside(v.x, v.y); } // Not in this area return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test if a point is inside the bounding box and then the area. */ bool TestEx(float x, float y) { // Is the given point in this bounding box at least? if (mL <= x && mR >= x && mB <= y && mT >= y) { return mPoints.empty() ? true : IsInside(x, y); } // Not in this area return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add this area to the manager to be scanned. MUST BE CALLED ONLY FROM SCRIPT! */ bool Manage(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Remove this area from the manager to no longer be scanned. */ bool Unmanage(); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test if a point is inside the area. */ bool IsInside(float x, float y) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Expand the bounding box area to include the given point. */ void Expand(float x, float y) { mL = std::fmin(mL, x); mB = std::fmin(mB, y); mR = std::fmax(mR, x); mT = std::fmax(mT, y); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Manager responsible for storing and partitioning areas. */ class AreaManager { private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static AreaManager s_Inst; // Manager instance. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ AreaManager(size_t sz = 16); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ AreaManager(const AreaManager & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. (disabled) */ AreaManager(AreaManager && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~AreaManager() { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ AreaManager & operator = (const AreaManager & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. (disabled) */ AreaManager & operator = (AreaManager && o) = delete; protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper used to make sure a cell is properly processed after leaving the scope. */ struct CellGuard { AreaCell & mCell; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ CellGuard(AreaCell & cell) : mCell(cell) { ++(cell.mLocks); // Place a lock on the cell to prevent iterator invalidation } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~CellGuard() { // Remove the lock from the cell so it can be processed --(mCell.mLocks); // Process requested actions during the lock AreaManager::Get().ProcQueue(); } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static constexpr int GRIDN = 16; // Number of horizontal and vertical number of cells. static constexpr int GRIDH = GRIDN/2; // Half of the grid horizontal and vertical size. static constexpr int CELLS = GRIDN*GRIDN; // Total number of cells in the grid. static constexpr int CELLH = CELLS/2; // Half total number of cells in the grid. static constexpr int CELLD = 256; // Area covered by a cell in the world. static constexpr int NOCELL = std::numeric_limits< int >::max(); // Inexistent cell index. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper used to queue a certain action if the cell is locked. */ struct QueueElement { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AreaCell * mCell; // The cell to be affected. Area * mArea; // The area that made the request. LightObj mObj; // Strong reference to the object. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ QueueElement(AreaCell & cell, Area & area) : mCell(&cell), mArea(&area), mObj() { //... } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ QueueElement(AreaCell & cell, Area & area, LightObj & obj) : mCell(&cell), mArea(&area), mObj(obj) { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ QueueElement(const QueueElement & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ QueueElement(QueueElement && o) : mCell(o.mCell), mArea(o.mArea), mObj(std::move(o.mObj)) { // Take ownership o.mCell = nullptr; o.mArea = nullptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~QueueElement() { //... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ QueueElement & operator = (const QueueElement & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. */ QueueElement & operator = (QueueElement && o) { // Avoid self assignment if (this != &o) { // Transfer values mCell = o.mCell; mArea = o.mArea; mObj = std::move(o.mObj); // Take ownership o.mCell = nullptr; o.mArea = nullptr; } return *this; } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector< QueueElement > Queue; // Queued actions. typedef std::vector< Queue::iterator > ProcList; // Elements in the queue redy to process. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attempt to insert an area into a cell or queue the action if not possible. */ void Insert(AreaCell & c, Area & a, LightObj & obj); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attempt to remove an area from a cell or queue the action if not possible. */ void Remove(AreaCell & c, Area & a); private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queue m_Queue; // Actions currently queued. ProcList m_ProcList; // Actions ready to be completed. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AreaCell m_Grid[GRIDN][GRIDN]; // A grid of area lists. public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the core instance. */ static AreaManager & Get() { return s_Inst; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attempt to process elements in the queue that can be completed. */ void ProcQueue(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear all cell lists and release any script references. */ void Clear(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add an area to be managed. */ void InsertArea(Area & a, LightObj & obj); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add an area to be managed. */ void RemoveArea(Area & a); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear all cell lists and release any script references. */ Vector2i LocateCell(float x, float y); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test a point to see whether it intersects with any areas */ template < typename F > void TestPoint(F && f, float x, float y) { // Transform the world coordinates into a cell coordinates const Vector2i cc(LocateCell(x, y)); // Were these coordinates valid? if (cc.x == NOCELL) { return; // Not our problem } // Retrieve a reference to the identified cell AreaCell & c = m_Grid[cc.y][cc.x]; // Is this cell empty? if (c.mAreas.empty()) { return; // Nothing to test } // Guard the cell while processing const CellGuard cg(c); // Finally, begin processing the areas in this cell for (auto & a : c.mAreas) { if (a.first->TestEx(x, y)) { f(a); } } } }; } // Namespace:: SqMod #endif // _AREAS_HPP_