// sqratFunction: Squirrel Function Wrapper

// Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Jones
// Copyirght 2011 Li-Cheng (Andy) Tai
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
//  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
//  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
//  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
//  appreciated but is not required.
//  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
//  misrepresented as being the original software.
//  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
//  distribution.

#if !defined(_SCRAT_SQFUNC_H_)
#define _SCRAT_SQFUNC_H_

    #include <SqAPI.h>
    #include <squirrel.h>

#include "sqratObject.h"

namespace Sqrat {

/// Represents a function in Squirrel
class Function  {

    friend class TableBase;
    friend class Table;
    friend class ArrayBase;
    friend struct Var<Function>;


    HSQOBJECT env, obj;

    /// Default constructor (null)
    Function() {

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param sf Function to copy
    Function(const Function& sf) : vm(sf.vm), env(sf.env), obj(sf.obj) {
        sq_addref(vm, &env);
        sq_addref(vm, &obj);

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param sf Function to move
    Function(Function&& sf) : vm(sf.vm), env(sf.env), obj(sf.obj) {

    /// Constructs a Function from a slot in an Object
    /// \param e    Object that potentially contains a Squirrel function in a slot
    /// \param slot Name of the slot to look for the Squirrel function in
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    Function(const Object& e, const SQChar* slot) : vm(e.GetVM()), env(e.GetObject()) {
        sq_addref(vm, &env);
        Object so = e.GetSlot(slot);
        obj = so.GetObject();
        sq_addref(vm, &obj);
        SQObjectType value_type = so.GetType();
        if (value_type != OT_CLOSURE && value_type != OT_NATIVECLOSURE && value_type != OT_CLASS) {
            // Note that classes can also be considered functions in Squirrel
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("function not found in slot"));

    /// Constructs a Function from two Squirrel objects (one is the environment object and the other is the function object)
    /// \param v VM that the function will exist in
    /// \param e Squirrel object that should represent the environment of the function
    /// \param o Squirrel object that should already represent a Squirrel function
    Function(HSQUIRRELVM v, HSQOBJECT e, HSQOBJECT o) : vm(v), env(e), obj(o) {
        sq_addref(vm, &env);
        sq_addref(vm, &obj);

    /// Destructor
    ~Function() {

    /// Assignment operator
    /// \param sf Function to copy
    /// \return The Function itself
    Function& operator=(const Function& sf) {
        vm = sf.vm;
        env = sf.env;
        obj = sf.obj;
        sq_addref(vm, &env);
        sq_addref(vm, &obj);
        return *this;

    /// Assignment operator
    /// \param sf Function to move
    /// \return The Function itself
    Function& operator=(Function&& sf) {
        vm = sf.vm;
        env = sf.env;
        obj = sf.obj;
        return *this;

    /// Checks whether the Function is null
    /// \return True if the Function currently has a null value, otherwise false
    bool IsNull() {
        return sq_isnull(obj);

    /// Gets the Squirrel environment object for this Function (copy)
    /// \return Squirrel object representing the Function environment
    HSQOBJECT GetEnv() const {
        return env;

    /// Gets the Squirrel environment object for this Function (reference)
    /// \return Squirrel object representing the Function environment
    HSQOBJECT& GetEnv() {
        return env;

    /// Gets the Squirrel function object for this Function (copy)
    /// \return Squirrel object representing the Function
    HSQOBJECT GetFunc() const {
        return obj;

    /// Gets the Squirrel function object for this Function (reference)
    /// \return Squirrel object representing the Function
    HSQOBJECT& GetFunc() {
        return obj;

    /// Gets the Squirrel VM for this Function (copy)
    /// \return Squirrel VM associated with the Function
    HSQUIRRELVM GetVM() const {
        return vm;

    /// Gets the Squirrel VM for this Function (reference)
    /// \return Squirrel VM associated with the Function
        return vm;

    /// Sets the Function to null (removing its references to underlying Squirrel objects)
    void Release() {
        if(!IsNull()) {
            sq_release(vm, &env);
            sq_release(vm, &obj);

    /// Sets the Function to null (removing its references to underlying Squirrel objects)
    /// \remarks
    /// This doesn't call release if the reference count is 1.
    void ReleaseGently() {
        if(!IsNull()) {
            sq_release(vm, &env);
            if (sq_getrefcount(vm, &obj) > 1)
                sq_release(vm, &obj);

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate() {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;

        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 1)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 1, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 1, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;

        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 2)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 2, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 2, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;

        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 3)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 3, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 3, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 4)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 4, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 4, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 5)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 5, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 5, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 6)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 6, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 6, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);


        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 7)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 7, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 7, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 8)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 8, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 8, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 9)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 9, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 9, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9 Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9 Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 10)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 10, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 10, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 11)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 11, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 11, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 12)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 12, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 12, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 13)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 13, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 13, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 14)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);
        PushVar(vm, a13);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 14, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 14, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function and returns its value as a SharedPtr
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \param a14 Argument 14 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A14 Type of argument 14 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam R Type of return value (fails if return value is not of this type)
    /// \return SharedPtr containing the return value (or null if failed)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13, class A14>
    SharedPtr<R> Evaluate(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13, A14 a14) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 15)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));
            return SharedPtr<R>();

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);
        PushVar(vm, a13);
        PushVar(vm, a14);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 15, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        //handle an error: pop the stack and throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            sq_settop(vm, top);
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
            return SharedPtr<R>();
        sq_call(vm, 15, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());

        SharedPtr<R> ret = Var<SharedPtr<R> >(vm, -1).value;
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        return ret;

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    void Execute() {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 1)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 1, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 1, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1>
    void Execute(A1 a1) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 2)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 2, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 2, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 3)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 3, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 3, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 4)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 4, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 4, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 5)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 5, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 5, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 6)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 6, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 6, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 7)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 7, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 7, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 8)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 8, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 8, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 9)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 9, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 9, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9 Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9 Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 10)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 10, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 10, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 11)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 11, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 11, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 12)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 12, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 12, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 13)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 13, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 13, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 14)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);
        PushVar(vm, a13);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 14, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 14, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \param a14 Argument 14 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A14 Type of argument 14 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13, class A14>
    void Execute(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13, A14 a14) {
        SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm);

        sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
        sq_pushobject(vm, env);

        SQUnsignedInteger nparams;
        SQUnsignedInteger nfreevars;
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getclosureinfo(vm, -2, &nparams, &nfreevars)) && (nparams != 15)) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            SQTHROW(vm, _SC("wrong number of parameters"));

        PushVar(vm, a1);
        PushVar(vm, a2);
        PushVar(vm, a3);
        PushVar(vm, a4);
        PushVar(vm, a5);
        PushVar(vm, a6);
        PushVar(vm, a7);
        PushVar(vm, a8);
        PushVar(vm, a9);
        PushVar(vm, a10);
        PushVar(vm, a11);
        PushVar(vm, a12);
        PushVar(vm, a13);
        PushVar(vm, a14);

        SQRESULT result = sq_call(vm, 15, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

        //handle an error: throw the exception
        if (SQ_FAILED(result)) {
            SQTHROW(vm, LastErrorString(vm));
        sq_call(vm, 15, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        sq_settop(vm, top);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    void operator()() {

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1>
    void operator()(A1 a1) {

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        Execute(a1, a2);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1 Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2 Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3 Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4 Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5 Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6 Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7 Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8 Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9 Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1 Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2 Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3 Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4 Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5 Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6 Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7 Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8 Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9 Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13);

    /// Runs the Function
    /// \param a1  Argument 1 of the Function
    /// \param a2  Argument 2 of the Function
    /// \param a3  Argument 3 of the Function
    /// \param a4  Argument 4 of the Function
    /// \param a5  Argument 5 of the Function
    /// \param a6  Argument 6 of the Function
    /// \param a7  Argument 7 of the Function
    /// \param a8  Argument 8 of the Function
    /// \param a9  Argument 9 of the Function
    /// \param a10 Argument 10 of the Function
    /// \param a11 Argument 11 of the Function
    /// \param a12 Argument 12 of the Function
    /// \param a13 Argument 13 of the Function
    /// \param a14 Argument 14 of the Function
    /// \tparam A1  Type of argument 1 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A2  Type of argument 2 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A3  Type of argument 3 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A4  Type of argument 4 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A5  Type of argument 5 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A6  Type of argument 6 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A7  Type of argument 7 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A8  Type of argument 8 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A9  Type of argument 9 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A10 Type of argument 10 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A11 Type of argument 11 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A12 Type of argument 12 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A13 Type of argument 13 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \tparam A14 Type of argument 14 of the Function (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    template <class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8, class A9, class A10, class A11, class A12, class A13, class A14>
    void operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4, A5 a5, A6 a6, A7 a7, A8 a8, A9 a9, A10 a10, A11 a11, A12 a12, A13 a13, A14 a14) {
        Execute(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14);

/// Used to get and push Function instances to and from the stack as references (functions are always references in Squirrel)
struct Var<Function> {

    Function value; ///< The actual value of get operations

    /// Attempts to get the value off the stack at idx as a Function
    /// \param vm  Target VM
    /// \param idx Index trying to be read
    /// \remarks
    /// Assumes the Function environment is at index 1.
    /// \remarks
    /// This function MUST have its Error handled if it occurred.
    Var(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) {
        HSQOBJECT sqEnv;
        HSQOBJECT sqValue;
        sq_getstackobj(vm, 1, &sqEnv);
        sq_getstackobj(vm, idx, &sqValue);
        value = Function(vm, sqEnv, sqValue);
        SQObjectType value_type = sq_gettype(vm, idx);
        if (value_type != OT_CLOSURE && value_type != OT_NATIVECLOSURE) {
            SQTHROW(vm, FormatTypeError(vm, idx, _SC("closure")));

    /// Called by Sqrat::PushVar to put a Function on the stack
    /// \param vm    Target VM
    /// \param value Value to push on to the VM's stack
    static void push(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const Function& value) {
        sq_pushobject(vm, value.GetFunc());

/// Used to get and push Function instances to and from the stack as references (functions are always references in Squirrel)
struct Var<Function&> : Var<Function> {Var(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) : Var<Function>(vm, idx) {}};

/// Used to get and push Function instances to and from the stack as references (functions are always references in Squirrel)
struct Var<const Function&> : Var<Function> {Var(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx) : Var<Function>(vm, idx) {}};

