.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.5 .\" .TH "mysql_stmt_result_metadata" "3" "" "Version 3.2.2" "MariaDB Connector/C" .hy .SS Name .PP mysql_stmt_result_metadata \- Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement. .SS Synopsis .IP .nf \f[C] #include <mysql.h> MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); \f[R] .fi .SS Description .PP If a statement passed to \f[B]mysql_stmt_prepare(3)\f[R] is one that produces a result set, mysql_stmt_result_metadata() returns the result set that can be used to process the meta information such as total number of fields and individual field information. .SS Parameter .IP \[bu] 2 \f[C]stmt\f[R] \- a statement handle, which was previously allocated by \f[B]mysql_stmt_init(3)\f[R]. .SS Return value .PP Returns a result set that can be used to process metadata information. .SS Notes .IP \[bu] 2 The result set returned by mysql_stmt_result_metadata() contains only metadata. It does not contain any row results. The rows are obtained by \f[B]mysql_stmt_fetch(3)\f[R]. .IP \[bu] 2 This result set pointer can be passed as an argument to any of the field\-based functions that process result set metadata, such as: \f[B]mysql_num_fields(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_fetch_field(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_fetch_field_direct(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_fetch_fields(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_field_count(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_field_seek(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_field_tell(3)\f[R], \f[B]mysql_free_result(3)\f[R] .SS See Also .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3)\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]mysql_free_result(3)\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 \f[B]mysql_stmt_prepare(3)\f[R]