#pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Core/Privilege/Unit.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * An individual class/group that can optionally inherit the privileges of another and can * change their status to affect their children but not their parent class. * A class can extend it's privileges to units and/or other classes. * These cost less to query but use more memory because they're fewer and they preallocate it. * Each class must have a unique numerical identifier within their associated manager. */ struct PvClass { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Strong and weak reference types. */ typedef std::shared_ptr< PvClass > Ref; typedef std::weak_ptr< PvClass > Ptr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Type of container used to store privilege classes. */ typedef VecMap< PvIdentity, Ref, PvIdPred > List; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * User identifier associated with this class instance. Always unique in the same manager! */ const SQInteger mID; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The parent class from which we are inheriting privileges, if any. */ Ptr mParent; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A container with unique privilege status values associated with this class. */ PvStatusList mPrivileges; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dedicated callback for privilege query event. */ Function mOnQuery; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dedicated callback for privilege gained event. */ Function mOnGained; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dedicated callback for privilege lost event. */ Function mOnLost; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Container that stores all the associated units. */ PvUnit::List mUnits; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * User tag associated with this instance. */ StackStrF mTag; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * User data associated with this instance. */ LightObj mData; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pointer to the associated manager. Should always be present. * */ PvManager * mManager; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ PvClass(SQInteger id, PvManager * mgr) : mID(id) , mParent() , mPrivileges() , mOnQuery(), mOnGained(), mOnLost() , mUnits() , mTag(), mData() , mManager(mgr) { } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ PvClass(SQInteger id, StackStrF && tag, PvManager * mgr) : mID(id) , mParent() , mPrivileges() , mOnQuery(), mOnGained(), mOnLost() , mUnits() , mTag(std::move(tag)), mData() , mManager(mgr) { } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor (disabled). */ PvClass(const PvClass & o) = delete; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor (disabled). */ PvClass(PvClass && o) = delete; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~PvClass() = default; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator (disabled). */ PvClass & operator = (const PvClass & o) = delete; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator (disabled). */ PvClass & operator = (PvClass && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Update the hash of the specified unit. */ void UpdateUnitHash(SQInteger id, size_t hash) { auto itr = mUnits.find(PvIdentity(id)); // Only update if it exists if (itr != mUnits.end()) { itr->first.mHash = hash; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the associated user tag. */ void SetTag(StackStrF & tag); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release all script resources. Recursively forward request. */ void Release(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure the referenced parent class is valid. */ void ValidateParent() const { if (mParent.expired()) { STHROWF("Class ({} : {}) has invalid parent class reference", mID, mTag.mPtr); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure the referenced parent class is valid and return a reference to it. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD PvClass & ValidParent() const { ValidateParent(); // Acquire a reference and return it return *(mParent.lock().get()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure the referenced manager is valid. */ void ValidateManager() const { if (!mManager) { STHROWF("Class ({} : {}) has invalid manager reference", mID, mTag.mPtr); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure the referenced manger is valid and return a reference to it. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD PvManager & ValidManager() const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Find out the callback that must be invoked to handle query events for a certain entry. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD const Function & GetOnQuery(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Find out the callback that must be invoked to handle gained events for a certain entry. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD const Function & GetOnGained(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Find out the callback that must be invoked to handle lost events for a certain entry. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD const Function & GetOnLost(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the current value of an entry for this particular class. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetEntryValue(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the inherited value of an entry for this particular class. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetInheritedEntryValue(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Perform the actions necessary to handle a privilege gain event. */ void DoGained(SQInteger id, SQInteger value) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Perform the actions necessary to handle a privilege lost event. */ void DoLost(SQInteger id, SQInteger value) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Perform the actions necessary to handle a privilege change event. */ void DoChanged(SQInteger id, bool status, SQInteger value) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assign a status value. Does not care if a parent (class or global) has the same status. * Later if the parent changes this status, we will keep having this status value. */ void AssignPrivilege(SQInteger id, SQInteger value); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Remove a status value. If the specified status value is not assigned, nothing happens. */ void RemovePrivilege(SQInteger id); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assign a status value. If a parent (class or global) has the same value, nothing changes. * Same as AssignStatus but the status will not be enforced if we have it (inherited or not). */ void ModifyPrivilege(SQInteger id, SQInteger value); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See AssignPrivilege(). */ void AssignPrivilege(StackStrF & tag, SQInteger value); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See RemovePrivilege(). */ void RemovePrivilege(StackStrF & tag); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See ModifyPrivilege(). */ void ModifyPrivilege(StackStrF & tag, SQInteger value); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Remove all status values. Basically it reverts to the parent class privileges. */ void RemoveAllPrivileges(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the parent class. */ void AssignParent(const Ref & parent); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if this class has a certain privilege. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Can(SQInteger id) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a unit with a certain identifier inherits this class. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetUnitWithID(SQInteger id); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a unit with a certain tag inherits this class. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetUnitWithTag(StackStrF & tag); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a unit with a certain identifier inherits this class. */ bool HaveUnitWithID(SQInteger id); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a unit with a certain tag inherits this class. */ bool HaveUnitWithTag(StackStrF & tag); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Privilege class wrapper. Mostly calls functions of the actual implementation. * Used to avoid having to involve hard script references that can persist. * Breaks away from usual formatting. */ struct SqPvClass { PvClass::Ptr mI; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- explicit SqPvClass(PvClass::Ptr i) : mI(std::move(i)) { } // NOLINT(modernize-pass-by-value) explicit SqPvClass(const PvClass::Ref & i) : mI(i) { } SqPvClass(const SqPvClass & o) = default; SqPvClass(SqPvClass && o) noexcept = default; ~SqPvClass() = default; SqPvClass & operator = (const SqPvClass & o) = default; SqPvClass & operator = (SqPvClass && o) noexcept = default; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Validate() const { if (mI.expired()) STHROWF("Invalid unit reference"); } SQMOD_NODISCARD PvClass & Valid() const { Validate(); return *(mI.lock().get()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetID() const { return Valid().mID; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_NODISCARD auto ToString() const { return Valid().mTag.mObj; } SQMOD_NODISCARD auto GetTag() const { return Valid().mTag.mObj; } void SetTag(StackStrF & tag) const { Valid().SetTag(tag); } SQMOD_NODISCARD SqPvClass & ApplyTag(StackStrF & tag) { SetTag(tag); return *this; } SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj & GetData() const { return Valid().mData; } void SetData(LightObj & data) const { Valid().mData = data; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetOnQuery(Function & func) const { Valid().mOnQuery = std::move(func); } void SetOnLost(Function & func) const { Valid().mOnLost = std::move(func); } void SetOnGained(Function & func) const { Valid().mOnGained = std::move(func); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetManager() const { return LightObj(Valid().mManager); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetParent() const { return LightObj(SqTypeIdentity< SqPvClass >{}, SqVM(), Valid().mParent); } void SetParent(const SqPvClass & cls) const { Validate(); cls.Validate(); mI.lock()->AssignParent(cls.mI.lock()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Can(LightObj & obj) const; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AssignPrivilegeWithID(SQInteger id, SQInteger value) { Valid().AssignPrivilege(id, value); } void AssignPrivilegeWithTag(StackStrF & tag, SQInteger value) { Valid().AssignPrivilege(tag, value); } void RemovePrivilegeWithID(SQInteger id) { Valid().RemovePrivilege(id); } void RemovePrivilegeWithTag(StackStrF & tag) { Valid().RemovePrivilege(tag); } void ModifyPrivilegeWithID(SQInteger id, SQInteger value) { Valid().ModifyPrivilege(id, value); } void ModifyPrivilegeWithTag(StackStrF & tag, SQInteger value) { Valid().ModifyPrivilege(tag, value); } void RemoveAllPrivileges() { Valid().RemoveAllPrivileges(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetUnitWithID(SQInteger id) const { return Valid().GetUnitWithID(id); } SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetUnitWithTag(StackStrF & tag) const { return Valid().GetUnitWithTag(tag); } SQMOD_NODISCARD bool HaveUnitWithID(SQInteger id) const { return Valid().HaveUnitWithID(id); } SQMOD_NODISCARD bool HaveUnitWithTag(StackStrF & tag) const { return Valid().HaveUnitWithTag(tag); } }; } // Namespace:: SqMod