#pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Shared.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Execute callbacks for specific entities after specific intervals of time. */ class Tasks { public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Simplify future changes to a single point of change. */ typedef Int64 Time; typedef SQInteger Interval; typedef Uint32 Iterator; typedef LightObj Argument; private: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Structure that represents a task and keeps track of the task information. */ struct Task { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQHash mHash; // The hash of the referenced function object. String mTag; // An arbitrary string which represents the tag. LightObj mSelf; // A reference to `this`as a script object. LightObj mFunc; // A reference to the managed function object. LightObj mInst; // A reference to the associated entity object. LightObj mData; // A reference to the arbitrary data associated with this instance. Iterator mIterations; // Number of iterations before self destruct. Interval mInterval; // Interval between task invocations. Int16 mEntity; // The identifier of the entity to which is belongs. Uint8 mType; // The type of the entity to which is belongs. Uint8 mArgc; // The number of arguments that the task must forward. Argument mArgv[8]; // The arguments that the task must forward. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Task() noexcept : mHash(0) , mTag() , mSelf() , mFunc() , mInst() , mData() , mIterations(0) , mInterval(0) , mEntity(-1) , mType(0) , mArgc(0) , mArgv() { /* ... */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ Task(const Task & o) = delete; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. (disabled) */ Task(Task && o) = delete; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release managed script resources. */ ~Task() { Terminate(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Task & operator = (const Task & o) = delete; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. (disabled) */ Task & operator = (Task && o) = delete; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to convert an instance of this type to a string. */ const String & ToString() const { return mTag; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initializes the task parameters. (assumes previous values are already released) */ void Init(HSQOBJECT & inst, HSQOBJECT & func, Interval intrv, Iterator itr, Int32 id, Int32 type); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release managed script resources. */ void Release(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Execute the managed task. */ Interval Execute(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear the arguments. */ void Clear() { // Now release the arguments for (auto & a : mArgv) { a.Release(); } // Reset the counter mArgc = 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Terminate the task. */ void Terminate() { Release(); Clear(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the associated user tag. */ const String & GetTag() const { return mTag; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the associated user tag. */ void SetTag(StackStrF & tag) { mTag.assign(tag.mPtr, static_cast< size_t >(ClampMin(tag.mLen, 0))); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the instance to entity instance. */ const LightObj & GetInst() const { return mInst; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the function object. */ const LightObj & GetFunc() const { return mFunc; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the function object. */ void SetFunc(const Function & func) { // Validate the specified if (!sq_isclosure(func.GetFunc()) && !sq_isnativeclosure(func.GetFunc())) { STHROWF("Invalid callback type %s", SqTypeName(mFunc.GetType())); } // Grab the virtual machine once HSQUIRRELVM vm = SqVM(); // Remember the current stack size const StackGuard sg(vm); // Push the callback on the stack sq_pushobject(vm, func.GetFunc()); // Grab the hash of the callback object mHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1); // Now store the function without the environment mFunc = LightObj(func.GetFunc()); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the arbitrary user data object. */ const LightObj & GetData() const { return mData; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the arbitrary user data object. */ void SetData(const LightObj & data) { mData = data; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the execution interval. */ SQInteger GetInterval() const { return ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(mInterval); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the execution interval. */ void SetInterval(SQInteger itr) { mInterval = ClampMin(ConvTo< Interval >::From(itr), static_cast< Interval >(0)); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of iterations. */ SQInteger GetIterations() const { return ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(mIterations); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the number of iterations. */ void SetIterations(SQInteger itr) { mIterations = ConvTo< Iterator >::From(itr); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of arguments to be forwarded. */ SQInteger GetArguments() const { return ConvTo< SQInteger >::From(mArgc); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a certain argument. */ const Argument & GetArgument(SQInteger arg) const { constexpr Uint32 argvn = (sizeof(mArgv) / sizeof(mArgv[0])); // Cast the index to the proper value Uint8 idx = ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(arg); // Validate the specified index if (idx >= argvn) { STHROWF("The specified index is out of range: %u >= %u", idx, argvn); } // Return the requested argument return mArgv[idx]; } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Time s_Last; // Last time point. static Time s_Prev; // Previous time point. static Interval s_Intervals[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS]; // List of intervals to be processed. static Task s_Tasks[SQMOD_MAX_TASKS]; // List of tasks to be executed. public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Tasks & operator = (const Tasks & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. (disabled) */ Tasks & operator = (Tasks && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. (disabled) */ Tasks() = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ Tasks(const Tasks & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. (disabled) */ Tasks(Tasks && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. (disabled) */ ~Tasks() = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Process all active tasks and update elapsed time. */ static void Process(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize all resources and prepare for startup. */ static void Initialize(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Register the task class. */ static void Register(HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release all resources and prepare for shutdown. */ static void Deinitialize(); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the instance of the specified entity. */ static LightObj & FindEntity(Int32 id, Int32 type); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Find an unoccupied task slot. */ static SQInteger FindUnused(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Locate the first task with the specified parameters. */ static SQInteger Find(Int32 id, Int32 type, SQInteger & pos, HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attempt to create a task with the specified parameters. */ static SQInteger Create(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attempt to remove the task with the specified parameters. */ static SQInteger Remove(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a task with the specified parameters exists. */ static SQInteger Exists(Int32 id, Int32 type, HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Cleanup all tasks associated with the specified entity. */ static const Task & FindByTag(Int32 id, Int32 type, StackStrF & tag); public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of used tasks slots. */ static SQInteger GetUsed() { SQInteger n = 0; // Iterate task list for (const auto & t : s_Tasks) { if (VALID_ENTITY(t.mEntity)) { ++n; } } // Return the final count return n; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Cleanup all tasks associated with the specified entity. */ static void Cleanup(Int32 id, Int32 type); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwards calls to create tasks. */ template < typename Entity, Int32 Type > static SQInteger MakeTask(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // The entity instance const Entity * inst = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the instance try { // Fetch the instance from the stack inst = Var< const Entity * >(vm, 1).value; // Do we have a valid instance? if (!inst) { STHROWF("Invalid entity instance"); } // Validate the actual entity instance inst->Validate(); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } // Forward the call and return the result return Create(inst->GetID(), Type, vm); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwards calls to remove tasks. */ template < typename Entity, Int32 Type > static SQInteger DropTask(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // The entity instance const Entity * inst = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the instance try { // Fetch the instance from the stack inst = Var< const Entity * >(vm, 1).value; // Do we have a valid instance? if (!inst) { STHROWF("Invalid entity instance"); } // Validate the actual entity instance inst->Validate(); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } // Forward the call and return the result return Remove(inst->GetID(), Type, vm); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwards calls to check tasks. */ template < typename Entity, Int32 Type > static SQInteger DoesTask(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // The entity instance const Entity * inst = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the instance try { // Fetch the instance from the stack inst = Var< const Entity * >(vm, 1).value; // Do we have a valid instance? if (!inst) { STHROWF("Invalid entity instance"); } // Validate the actual entity instance inst->Validate(); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } // Forward the call and return the result return Exists(inst->GetID(), Type, vm); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwards calls to find tasks. */ template < typename Entity, Int32 Type > static SQInteger FindTask(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // Was the tag string specified? if (sq_gettop(vm) <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing tag string"); } // The entity instance const Entity * inst = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the instance try { // Fetch the instance from the stack inst = Var< const Entity * >(vm, 1).value; // Do we have a valid instance? if (!inst) { STHROWF("Invalid entity instance"); } // Validate the actual entity instance inst->Validate(); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF tag(vm, 2); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(tag.Proc(true))) { return tag.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Attempt to find the specified task try { // Perform the search const Task & task = FindByTag(inst->GetID(), Type, tag); // Now push the instance on the stack sq_pushobject(vm, task.mSelf.mObj); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } // Specify that this function returns a value return 1; } }; } // Namespace:: SqMod