'💣 Breaking Changes', 'breaking' => '💣 Breaking Changes', 'feat' => '✨ New Features', 'feature' => '✨ New Features', 'add' => '✨ New Features', 'added' => '✨ New Features', 'fix' => '🐞 Bug Fixes', 'bug' => '🐞 Bug Fixes', 'bugfix' => '🐞 Bug Fixes', 'fixed' => '🐞 Bug Fixes', 'fixes' => '🐞 Bug Fixes', 'perf' => '🚀 Performance Improvements', 'performance' => '🚀 Performance Improvements', 'impro' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'improved' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'improvement' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'refactor' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'refactored' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'deprecated' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'deprecate' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'remove' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'change' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'changed' => '♻️ Refactoring', 'test' => '🚨 Testing', 'tests' => '🚨 Testing', 'testing' => '🚨 Testing', 'ci' => '👷 Build/CI', 'build' => '👷 Build/CI', 'docs' => '📚 Documentation', 'documentation' => '📚 Documentation', 'style' => '💎 Style Changes', 'chore' => '🔧 Chore', 'misc' => '📜 Miscellaneous Changes', 'update' => '📜 Miscellaneous Changes', 'updated' => '📜 Miscellaneous Changes', ]; $catgroup = []; $changelog = []; $githubstyle = true; if (count($argv) > 2 && $argv[1] == '--discord') { $githubstyle = false; } // Magic sauce exec("git log --format=\"%s\" $(git log --no-walk --tags | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)..HEAD | grep -v '^Merge '", $changelog); // Leadin if ($githubstyle) { echo "The changelog is listed below:\n\nRelease Changelog\n===========\n"; } else { echo "The changelog is listed below:\n\n__**Release Changelog**__\n"; } // Case insensitive removal of duplicates $changelog = array_intersect_key($changelog, array_unique(array_map("strtolower", $changelog))); // remove duplicates where two entries are the same but one ends with a GitHub pull request link foreach ($changelog as $item) { $entryWithoutPrLink = preg_replace('/( \(#\d+\))$/', '', $item); if ($entryWithoutPrLink === $item) { continue; } // if $item ends with (#123) foreach ($changelog as $key => $change) { if ($entryWithoutPrLink === $change) { unset($changelog[$key]); break; } } } foreach ($changelog as $change) { // Wrap anything that looks like a symbol name in backticks $change = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z][\w_\/\-]+\.\w+|\S+\(\)|\w+::\w+|dpp::\w+|utility::\w+|(\w+_\w+)+)/', '`$1`', $change); $change = preg_replace("/vs(\d+)/", "Visual Studio $1", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\bfaq\b/", "FAQ", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\bdiscord\b/", "Discord", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\bmicrosoft\b/", "Microsoft", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\bwindows\b/", "Windows", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\blinux\b/", "Linux", $change); $change = preg_replace("/\sarm(\d+)\s/i", ' ARM$1 ', $change); $change = preg_replace("/\b(was|is|wo)nt\b/i", '$1n\'t', $change); $change = preg_replace("/\bfreebsd\b/", 'FreeBSD', $change); $change = preg_replace("/``/", "`", $change); // Match keywords against categories $matched = false; foreach ($categories as $cat => $header) { // Purposefully ignored: comments that are one word, merge commits, and version bumps if (strpos($change, ' ') === false || preg_match("/^Merge (branch|pull request|remote-tracking branch) /", $change) || preg_match("/version bump/i", $change)) { $matched = true; continue; } // Groupings if ((preg_match("/^" . $cat . ":/i", $change)) || (preg_match("/^\[" . $cat . "\//i", $change)) || (preg_match("/^\[" . $cat . "\]/i", $change)) || (preg_match("/^\[" . $cat . ":/i", $change)) || (preg_match("/^" . $cat . "\//i", $change)) || (preg_match("/^" . $cat . ":/i", $change))) { if (!isset($catgroup[$header])) { $catgroup[$header] = []; } $matched = true; $catgroup[$header][] = preg_replace("/^\S+\s+/", "", $change); break; } else if (preg_match("/^" . $cat . " /i", $change)) { if (!isset($catgroup[$header])) { $catgroup[$header] = []; } $matched = true; $catgroup[$header][] = $change; break; } } } // Output tidy formatting foreach ($catgroup as $cat => $list) { echo "\n" . ($githubstyle ? '## ' : '__**') . $cat . ($githubstyle ? '' : '**__') . "\n"; foreach ($list as $item) { // Exclude bad commit messages like 'typo fix', 'test push' etc by pattern if (!preg_match("/^(typo|test|fix)\s\w+$/", $item) && strpos($item, ' ') !== false) { echo ($githubstyle ? '-' : '•') . ' ' . ucfirst(str_replace('@', '', $item)) . "\n"; } } } // Leadout echo "\n\n**Thank you for using D++!**\n\n"; if (!$githubstyle) { $version = $argv[2]; echo 'The ' . $version . ' download can be found here: '; echo "\n"; }