// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Session.hpp"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef int (*SendIrcMessageFunc)(irc_session_t *, const char *, const char *);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irc_callbacks_t     Session::s_Callbacks;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool                Session::s_Initialized = false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Session*            Session::s_Session = nullptr;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Session::Sessions   Session::s_Sessions;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    static const SQChar name[] = _SC("SqIrcSession");
    sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name));
    return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Process()
    // Do we only have one IRC session?
    if (s_Session)
    // Do we have multiple sessions?
    else if (!s_Sessions.empty())
        for (Sessions::iterator itr = s_Sessions.begin(); itr != s_Sessions.end(); ++itr)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Terminate()
    // Do we only have one IRC session?
    if (s_Session)
        s_Session->Destroy(); /* This should do the job. */
    // Do we have multiple sessions?
    else if (!s_Sessions.empty())
        for (Sessions::iterator itr = s_Sessions.begin(); itr != s_Sessions.end(); ++itr)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irc_callbacks_t * Session::GetCallbacks()
    // See if the callbacks structure was initialized before
    if (!s_Initialized)
        // Initialize the callbacks
        s_Callbacks.event_connect           = &OnConnect;
        s_Callbacks.event_nick              = &OnNick;
        s_Callbacks.event_quit              = &OnQuit;
        s_Callbacks.event_join              = &OnJoin;
        s_Callbacks.event_part              = &OnPart;
        s_Callbacks.event_mode              = &OnMode;
        s_Callbacks.event_umode             = &OnUmode;
        s_Callbacks.event_topic             = &OnTopic;
        s_Callbacks.event_kick              = &OnKick;
        s_Callbacks.event_channel           = &OnChannel;
        s_Callbacks.event_privmsg           = &OnPrivMsg;
        s_Callbacks.event_notice            = &OnNotice;
        s_Callbacks.event_channel_notice    = &OnChannelNotice;
        s_Callbacks.event_invite            = &OnInvite;
        s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_req          = &OnCtcpReq;
        s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_rep          = &OnCtcpRep;
        s_Callbacks.event_ctcp_action       = &OnCtcpAction;
        s_Callbacks.event_unknown           = &OnUnknown;
        s_Callbacks.event_numeric           = &OnNumeric;
        s_Callbacks.event_dcc_chat_req      = &OnDccChatReq;
        s_Callbacks.event_dcc_send_req      = &OnDccSendReq;
        // Specify that the callbacks were initialized
        s_Initialized = true;
    // Return the callbacks structure
    return &s_Callbacks;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Update()
    // Make sure we even have a session
    if (!m_Session)
    // Make sure that the IRC session is connected
    else if (!irc_is_connected(m_Session))
        // Do we meet the condition to attempt to reconnect?
        if (m_Reconnect && (m_LeftTries != 0) && (m_NextTry <= SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro()))
            // Take out one try
            // Update the time-point for the next try
            m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
            // Attempt to reconnect
            if (m_IPv6)
                m_LastCode = irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                            m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                            m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                            m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
                m_LastCode = irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                            m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                            m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                            m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()
        // We're done for now
    // Create the structures for select()
    struct timeval tv;
    fd_set in_set, out_set;
    int maxfd = 0;
    // Pool for the specified amount of time
    tv.tv_usec = (m_PoolTime * 1000L);
    tv.tv_sec = 0;
    // Initialize the sets
    std::memset(&in_set, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
    std::memset(&out_set, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
    // Add the IRC session descriptors
    irc_add_select_descriptors(m_Session, &in_set, &out_set, &maxfd);
    // Call select()
    if (select(maxfd + 1, &in_set, &out_set, 0, &tv) < 0)
        SqMod_LogErr("Unable to select() on IRC session");
    // Call irc_process_select_descriptors() for the session
    if (irc_process_select_descriptors (m_Session, &in_set, &out_set))
        // @TODO: The connection failed, or the server disconnected. Handle it!
        SqMod_LogWrn("The IRC connection failed, or the server disconnected.");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Release()
    // Release the reference to the specified callbacks
    // Release the reference to the specified user data

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Destroy()
    // Make sure there's even a session to release
    if (!m_Session)
    // Disconnect the session
    // Break the association with this instance (paranoia)
    irc_set_ctx(m_Session, nullptr);
    // Destroy the IRC session structure
    // Explicitly make sure no further calls can be made to this session (again... paranoia)
    m_Session = nullptr;
    // Release resources

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Validate() const
    // Do we have a valid session handle?
    if (!m_Session)
        STHROWF("Invalid IRC session");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ValidateConnection() const
    // Do we have a valid session handle?
    if (!m_Session)
        STHROWF("Invalid IRC session");
    // Is the session connected?
    else if (!irc_is_connected(m_Session))
        STHROWF("Session is not connected");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::IsNotConnected() const
    // Do we have a session that is not connected or trying to connect?
    if (m_Session && (irc_is_connected(m_Session) || m_Reconnect))
        STHROWF("Already connected or trying connect to IRC server");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Session::ValidateEventSession(Session * ptr)
    // Is the session instance valid?
    if (ptr)
        return true;
    // We can't throw an error here so we simply log it
    SqMod_LogErr("Cannot forward IRC event without a session instance");
    // Invalid session instance
    return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : m_Session(irc_create_session(GetCallbacks()))
    , m_Server(_SC(""))
    , m_Passwd(_SC(""))
    , m_Nick(_SC(""))
    , m_User(_SC(""))
    , m_Name(_SC(""))
    , m_Port(6667)
    , m_LastCode(0)
    , m_PoolTime(4)
    , m_Tries(3)
    , m_Wait(5000)
    , m_LeftTries(0)
    , m_NextTry(0)
    , m_SessionTime(0)
    , m_Reconnect(false)
    , m_IPv6(false)
    if (!m_Session)
        // Explicitly make sure no further calls can be made to this session
        m_Session = nullptr;
        // Now it's safe to throw the error
        STHROWF("Unable to create an IRC session");
        // Associate this wrapper instance with the session structure
        irc_set_ctx(m_Session, this);
        // Is this the only session instance?
        if (!s_Session && s_Sessions.empty())
            s_Session = this;
        // Is this the second session instance?
        else if (s_Sessions.empty())
            s_Session = nullptr;
        // This is part of multiple session instances

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Attempt to find our self in the session pool
    Sessions::iterator itr = std::find(s_Sessions.begin(), s_Sessions.end(), this);
    // Are we in the pool?
    if (itr != s_Sessions.end())
        s_Sessions.erase(itr); /* Remove our self from the pool. */
    // Is there a single session and that's us?
    if (s_Session == this)
        s_Session = nullptr;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function & Session::GetEvent(Int32 evid)
    // Identify the requested event type
    switch (evid)
        case SET_CONNECT:           return m_OnConnect;
        case SET_NICK:              return m_OnNick;
        case SET_QUIT:              return m_OnQuit;
        case SET_JOIN:              return m_OnJoin;
        case SET_PART:              return m_OnPart;
        case SET_MODE:              return m_OnMode;
        case SET_UMODE:             return m_OnUmode;
        case SET_TOPIC:             return m_OnTopic;
        case SET_KICK:              return m_OnKick;
        case SET_CHANNEL:           return m_OnChannel;
        case SET_PRIVMSG:           return m_OnPrivMsg;
        case SET_NOTICE:            return m_OnNotice;
        case SET_CHANNELNOTICE:     return m_OnChannelNotice;
        case SET_INVITE:            return m_OnInvite;
        case SET_CTCPREQ:           return m_OnCtcpReq;
        case SET_CTCPREP:           return m_OnCtcpRep;
        case SET_CTCPACTION:        return m_OnCtcpAction;
        case SET_UNKNOWN:           return m_OnUnknown;
        case SET_NUMERIC:           return m_OnNumeric;
        case SET_DCCCHATREQ:        return m_OnDccChatReq;
        case SET_DCCSENDREQ:        return m_OnDccSendReq;
        default: break;
    // Default to a null function
    return NullFunction();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::BindEvent(Int32 evid, Object & env, Function & func)
    // Validate the handle
    // Obtain the function instance called for this event
    Function & event = GetEvent(evid);
    // Is the specified callback function null?
    if (func.IsNull())
        event.ReleaseGently(); // Then release the current callback
    // Does this function need a custom environment?
    else if (env.IsNull())
        event = func;
    // Assign the specified environment and function
        event = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc());

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetNick(CSStr nick)
    // Validate the handle
    // Validate the specified nick name
    if (!nick || *nick == '\0')
        STHROWF("Invalid IRC nickname");
    // Do we have to issue a nickname command?
    else if (IsConnected())
        irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick);
    // Simply save the specified nickname

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetPort(Uint32 num)
    // The port cannot be changed once connected!
    // Validate the specified port number
    if (num > 0xFFFF)
        STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", num, 0xFFFF);
    // Assign the specified port number
    m_Port = num;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::CmdNick(CSStr nick)
    // Make sure the session is connected
    // Validate the specified nick name
    if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
        STHROWF("Invalid IRC nickname");
    // Issue the command and return the result
    return irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Session::GetNextTry() const
    // Obtain the initial stack size
    const StackGuard sg;
    // Attempt to push a time-stamp instance on the stack
    SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), m_NextTry);
    // Obtain the object from the stack and return it
    return Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::SetNextTry(Object & tm)
    // Obtain the initial stack size
    const StackGuard sg;
    // Push the specified object onto the stack
    Var< Object >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), tm);
    // The resulted times-tamp value
    Int64 microseconds = 0;
    // Attempt to get the numeric value inside the specified object
    if (SQ_FAILED(SqMod_GetTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), -1, &microseconds)))
        STHROWF("Invalid time-stamp specified");
    // Assign the specified timestamp value
    m_NextTry = microseconds;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object Session::GetSessionTime() const
    // Obtain the initial stack size
    const StackGuard sg;
    // Attempt to push a time-stamp instance on the stack
    if (m_SessionTime)
        SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() - m_SessionTime);
    // This session was not connected yet
        SqMod_PushTimestamp(DefaultVM::Get(), 0);
    // Obtain the object from the stack and return it
    return Var< Object >(DefaultVM::Get(), -1).value;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect()
    // Validate the handle
    // Make sure we are allowed to connect
    // Validate the specified server
    if (!m_Server.empty())
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
    // Validate the specified nickname
    else if (!m_Nick.empty())
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
    // Enable the reconnection system
    m_Reconnect = true;
    // Reset the number of tries
    m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
    // Set the time-point for the next try
    m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
    // This is not an IPv6 connection
    m_IPv6 = false;
    // Attempt to connect the session and return the result
    return irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                        m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                        m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                        m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name)
    // Validate the handle
    // Make sure we are allowed to connect
    // Validate the specified port
    if (port > 0xFFFF)
        STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", port, 0xFFFF);
    // Validate the specified server
    else if (!server || strlen(server) <= 0)
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
    // Validate the specified nickname
    else if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
    // Save the specified port
    m_Port = port;
    // Save the specified server
    // Save the specified nickname
    // Save the specified password
    m_Passwd.assign(passwd ? passwd : _SC(""));
    // Save the specified user
    m_User.assign(user ? user : _SC(""));
    // Save the specified name
    m_Name.assign(name ? name : _SC(""));
    // Enable the reconnection system
    m_Reconnect = true;
    // Reset the number of tries
    m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
    // Set the time-point for the next connection try
    m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
    // This is not an IPv6 connection
    m_IPv6 = false;
    // Attempt to connect the session and return the result
    return irc_connect(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                        m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                        m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                        m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect6()
    // Validate the handle
    // Make sure we are allowed to connect
    // Validate the specified server
    if (!m_Server.empty())
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
    // Validate the specified nickname
    else if (!m_Nick.empty())
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
    // Enable the reconnection system
    m_Reconnect = true;
    // Reset the number of tries
    m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
    // Set the time-point for the next try
    m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
    // This is an IPv6 connection
    m_IPv6 = true;
    // Attempt to connect the session and return the result
    return irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                        m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                        m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                        m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 Session::Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name)
    // Validate the handle
    // Make sure we are allowed to connect
    // Validate the specified port
    if (port > 0xFFFF)
        STHROWF("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", port, 0xFFFF);
    // Validate the specified server
    else if (!server || strlen(server) <= 0)
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a server");
    // Validate the specified nickname
    else if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0)
        STHROWF("Attempting to connect IRC without specifying a nickname");
    // Save the specified port
    m_Port = port;
    // Save the specified server
    // Save the specified nickname
    // Save the specified password
    m_Passwd.assign(passwd ? passwd : _SC(""));
    // Save the specified user
    m_User.assign(user ? user : _SC(""));
    // Save the specified name
    m_Name.assign(name ? name : _SC(""));
    // Enable the reconnection system
    m_Reconnect = true;
    // Reset the number of tries
    m_LeftTries = m_Tries;
    // Set the time-point for the next connection try
    m_NextTry = (SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro() + (m_Wait * 1000LL));
    // This is an IPv6 connection
    m_IPv6 = true;
    // Attempt to connect the session and return the result
    return irc_connect6(m_Session, m_Server.c_str(), m_Port,
                        m_Passwd.empty() ? nullptr : m_Passwd.c_str(),
                        m_User.empty() ? nullptr : m_User.c_str(),
                        m_Name.empty() ? nullptr : m_Name.c_str()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::Disconnect()
    if (IsConnected())
        // Update one last time to catch remaining events
        // Disable the reconnection system
        m_Reconnect = false;
        // Attempt to disconnect

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & listener, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    // Is there anyone even listening to this event?
    if (listener.IsNull())
        return; // No point in going forward
    // Make sure that the origin can't be a null pointer
    else if (!origin)
        origin = _SC("");
    // Each event must have an array of parameters (empty or not)
    Array parameters(DefaultVM::Get(), count);
    // Are the any parameters?
    if (params && count > 0)
        // Transform the parameters into a squirrel array
        for (Uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            parameters.SetValue(i, params[i]);
    // Attempt top execute the callback with the obtained values
        listener.Execute(event, origin, parameters);
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Squirrel error [%s]", event, e.what());
    catch (const std::exception & e)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Program error [%s]", event, e.what());
    catch (...)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Unknown error", event);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & listener, Uint32 event,
                            CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    // Is there anyone even listening to this event?
    if (listener.IsNull())
        return; // No point in going forward
    // Make sure that the origin can't be a null pointer
    else if (!origin)
        origin = _SC("");
    // Each event must have an array of parameters (empty or not)
    Array parameters(DefaultVM::Get(), count);
    // Are the any parameters?
    if (params && count > 0)
        // Transform the parameters into a squirrel array
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            parameters.SetValue(i, params[i]);
    // Attempt top execute the callback with the obtained values
        listener.Execute(event, origin, parameters);
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Squirrel error [%s]", event, e.what());
    catch (const std::exception & e)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Program error [%s]", event, e.what());
    catch (...)
        SqMod_LogErr("IRC event [%s] => Unknown error", event);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & /*listener*/, CCStr /*nick*/,
                            CCStr /*addr*/, irc_dcc_t /*dccid*/)
    /* TODO! */

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::ForwardEvent(Function & /*listener*/, CCStr /*nick*/,
                            CCStr /*addr*/, CCStr /*filename*/, Ulong /*size*/, irc_dcc_t /*dccid*/)
    /* TODO! */

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnConnect(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        // Prevent any attempts to reconnect now
        inst->m_Reconnect = false;
        // Save the connection time-stamp to calculate session uptime
        inst->m_SessionTime = SqMod_GetEpochTimeMicro();
        // Now forward event
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnConnect, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        if (params && params[0])
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNick, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnQuit(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnQuit, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnJoin(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnJoin, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnPart(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnPart, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnMode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnMode, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnUmode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnUmode, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnTopic(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnTopic, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnKick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnKick, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnChannel(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnChannel, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnPrivMsg(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnPrivMsg, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNotice, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnChannelNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
       ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnChannelNotice, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnInvite(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnInvite, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpReq, event, origin, params, count);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpRep(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpRep, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnCtcpAction(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnCtcpAction, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnUnknown(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnUnknown, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnNumeric(irc_session_t * session, Uint32 event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnNumeric, event, origin, params, count);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnDccChatReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, irc_dcc_t dccid)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnDccChatReq, nick, addr, dccid);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Session::OnDccSendReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, CCStr filename, Ulong size, irc_dcc_t dccid)
    Session * inst = reinterpret_cast< Session * >(irc_get_ctx(session));
    if (ValidateEventSession(inst))
        ForwardEvent(inst->m_OnDccSendReq, nick, addr, filename, size, dccid);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger FormattedIrcMessageCmd(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SendIrcMessageFunc send_func, bool colored)
    // Obtain the initial stack size
    const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
    // Do we have a target value?
    if (top <= 1)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message target");
    // Do we have a message value?
    else if (top <= 2)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing the message value");

    // The session instance
    Session * session = nullptr;
    // Attempt to extract the argument values
        session = Var< Session * >(vm, 1).value;
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        // Propagate the error
        return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());

    // Do we have a valid session instance?
    if (!session)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid session instance");
    // Do we have a valid session?
    else if (!session->IsValid())
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid IRC session");
    // Is the session connected?
    else if (!session->IsConnected())
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Session is not connected");

    // Attempt to retrieve the target from the stack as a string
    StackStrF target(vm, 2);
    // Have we failed to retrieve the string?
    if (SQ_FAILED(target.Proc(false)))
        return target.mRes; // Propagate the error!

    // Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack as a string
    StackStrF message(vm, 3);
    // Have we failed to retrieve the string?
    if (SQ_FAILED(message.Proc(true)))
        return message.mRes; // Propagate the error!

    // Should we format this string for colored messages?
    if (colored)
        // Attempt to scan the specified message for color formatting
        char * cmsg = irc_color_convert_to_mirc(message.mPtr, IrcAllocMem);
        // Validate the message
        if (!cmsg)
            return sq_throwerror(vm, "Failed to convert the message colors");
        // Send the resulted message and push the returned result code onto the stack
        sq_pushinteger(vm, send_func(session->GetHandle(), target.mPtr, cmsg));
        // Free the memory used to convert the message
    // Forward the resulted string value and push the returned result code onto the stack
        sq_pushinteger(vm, send_func(session->GetHandle(), target.mPtr, message.mPtr));
    // We have a value on the stack
    return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdMsgF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_msg, false);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdMeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_me, false);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdNoticeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_notice, false);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdColoredMsgF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_msg, true);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdColoredMeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_me, true);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Session::CmdColoredNoticeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return FormattedIrcMessageCmd(vm, irc_cmd_notice, true);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Helper function used to avoid having to include the session header.
void SessionProcess()

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Helper function used to avoid having to include the session header.
void SessionTerminate()

// ================================================================================================
void Register_Session(Table & ircns)
    ircns.Bind(_SC("Session"), Class< Session, NoCopy< Session > >(ircns.GetVM(), _SC("SqIrcSession"))
        // Constructors
        // Core Meta-methods
        .Func(_SC("_cmp"), &Session::Cmp)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Session::Typename)
        .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Session::ToString)
        // Properties
        .Prop(_SC("Valid"), &Session::IsValid)
        .Prop(_SC("Connected"), &Session::IsConnected)
        .Prop(_SC("Tag"), &Session::GetTag, &Session::SetTag)
        .Prop(_SC("Data"), &Session::GetData, &Session::SetData)
        .Prop(_SC("Server"), &Session::GetServer, &Session::SetServer)
        .Prop(_SC("Password"), &Session::GetPassword, &Session::SetPassword)
        .Prop(_SC("Nick"), &Session::GetNick, &Session::SetNick)
        .Prop(_SC("User"), &Session::GetUser, &Session::SetUser)
        .Prop(_SC("Name"), &Session::GetName, &Session::SetName)
        .Prop(_SC("Port"), &Session::GetPort, &Session::SetPort)
        .Prop(_SC("PoolTime"), &Session::GetPoolTime, &Session::SetPoolTime)
        .Prop(_SC("LastCode"), &Session::GetLastCode)
        .Prop(_SC("Tries"), &Session::GetTries, &Session::SetTries)
        .Prop(_SC("Wait"), &Session::GetWait, &Session::SetWait)
        .Prop(_SC("LeftTries"), &Session::GetLeftTries, &Session::SetLeftTries)
        .Prop(_SC("NextTry"), &Session::GetNextTry, &Session::SetNextTry)
        .Prop(_SC("SessionTime"), &Session::GetSessionTime)
        .Prop(_SC("Reconnecting"), &Session::GetReconnect)
        .Prop(_SC("IPv6"), &Session::GetIPv6)
        .Prop(_SC("CtcpVersion"), (void (Session::*)(void))(nullptr), &Session::SetCtcpVersion)
        .Prop(_SC("ErrNo"), &Session::GetErrNo)
        .Prop(_SC("ErrStr"), &Session::GetErrStr)
        // Member Methods
        .Func(_SC("Bind"), &Session::BindEvent)
        .Func(_SC("GetEvent"), &Session::GetEvent)
        .Func(_SC("Disconnect"), &Session::Disconnect)
        .Func(_SC("CmdPart"), &Session::CmdPart)
        .Func(_SC("CmdInvite"), &Session::CmdInvite)
        .Func(_SC("CmdNames"), &Session::CmdNames)
        .Func(_SC("CmdMsg"), &Session::CmdMsg)
        .Func(_SC("CmdMe"), &Session::CmdMe)
        .Func(_SC("CmdNotice"), &Session::CmdNotice)
        .Func(_SC("CmdColoredMsg"), &Session::CmdColoredMsg)
        .Func(_SC("CmdColoredMe"), &Session::CmdColoredMe)
        .Func(_SC("CmdColoredNotice"), &Session::CmdColoredNotice)
        .Func(_SC("CmdCtcpRequest"), &Session::CmdCtcpRequest)
        .Func(_SC("CmdCtcpReply"), &Session::CmdCtcpReply)
        .Func(_SC("CmdNick"), &Session::CmdNick)
        .Func(_SC("CmdWhois"), &Session::CmdWhois)
        .Func(_SC("SendRaw"), &Session::SendRaw)
        .Func(_SC("DestroyDcc"), &Session::DestroyDcc)
        .Func(_SC("SetCtcpVersion"), &Session::SetCtcpVersion)
        .Func(_SC("SetOption"), &Session::SetOption)
        .Func(_SC("ResetOption"), &Session::ResetOption)
        // Member Overloads
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect"), &Session::Connect)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, Uint32, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("Connect6"), &Session::Connect6)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdJoin"), &Session::CmdJoin)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdJoin"), &Session::CmdJoin)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdList"), &Session::CmdList)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdList"), &Session::CmdList)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdTopic"), &Session::CmdTopic)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdTopic"), &Session::CmdTopic)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdChannelMode"), &Session::CmdChannelMode)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdChannelMode"), &Session::CmdChannelMode)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdUserMode"), &Session::CmdUserMode)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdUserMode"), &Session::CmdUserMode)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdKick"), &Session::CmdKick)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr, CSStr, CSStr) >(_SC("CmdKick"), &Session::CmdKick)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(void) >(_SC("CmdQuit"), &Session::CmdQuit)
        .Overload< Int32 (Session::*)(CSStr) >(_SC("CmdQuit"), &Session::CmdQuit)
        // Squirrel Methods
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdMsgF"), &Session::CmdMsgF)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdMeF"), &Session::CmdMeF)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdNoticeF"), &Session::CmdNoticeF)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdColoredMsgF"), &Session::CmdColoredMsgF)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdColoredMeF"), &Session::CmdColoredMeF)
        .SquirrelFunc(_SC("CmdColoredNoticeF"), &Session::CmdColoredNoticeF)

} // Namespace:: SqMod