// // DocWriter.cpp // // Copyright (c) 2005-2014, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "DocWriter.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include "Poco/Path.h" #include "Poco/String.h" #include "Poco/DateTime.h" #include "Poco/DateTimeFormat.h" #include "Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h" #include "Poco/RegularExpression.h" #include "Poco/Exception.h" #include "Poco/Format.h" #include "Poco/Util/Application.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/Struct.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/Enum.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/EnumValue.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/Function.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/Parameter.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/TypeDef.h" #include "Poco/CppParser/Variable.h" #include #include #include #include using Poco::NumberFormatter; using Poco::Path; using Poco::DateTime; using Poco::DateTimeFormat; using Poco::DateTimeFormatter; using Poco::RegularExpression; using Poco::format; using Poco::Util::Application; using namespace Poco::CppParser; std::string DocWriter::_language; DocWriter::StringMap DocWriter::_strings; Poco::Logger* DocWriter::_pLogger(0); const std::string DocWriter::RFC_URI("https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc"); const std::string DocWriter::GITHUB_POCO_URI("https://github.com/pocoproject/poco"); DocWriter::DocWriter(const NameSpace::SymbolTable& symbols, const std::string& path, bool prettifyCode, bool noFrames): _prettifyCode(prettifyCode), _noFrames(noFrames), _htmlMode(false), _literalMode(false), _symbols(symbols), _path(path), _pNameSpace(0), _pendingLine(false), _indent(0), _titleId(0) { _pLogger = &Poco::Logger::get("DocWriter"); Application& app = Application::instance(); _language = app.config().getString("PocoDoc.language", "EN"); logger().information(std::string("Loading translation strings [") + _language + "]"); loadStrings(_language); } DocWriter::~DocWriter() { } void DocWriter::addPage(const std::string& path) { Page page; page.path = path; Path p(path); p.setExtension("html"); page.fileName = p.getFileName(); _pages[page.fileName] = page; } void DocWriter::write() { writePages(); int nameSpaces = 0; int classes = 0; for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { switch (it->second->kind()) { case Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE: ++nameSpaces; logger().information("Generating namespace " + it->second->fullName()); writeNameSpace(static_cast(it->second)); break; case Symbol::SYM_STRUCT: ++classes; logger().information("Generating class/struct " + it->second->fullName()); writeClass(static_cast(it->second)); break; default: break; } } logger().information("Generating overview and index"); writeNavigation(); logger().information(NumberFormatter::format(nameSpaces) + " namespaces, " + NumberFormatter::format(classes) + " classes."); Application& app = Application::instance(); app.config().setInt("PocoDoc.statistics.namespaces", nameSpaces); app.config().setInt("PocoDoc.statistics.classes", classes); std::ostringstream pageIndexStream; writePageIndex(pageIndexStream); app.config().setString("PocoDoc.pageIndex", pageIndexStream.str()); std::ostringstream nameSpaceIndexStream; writeNameSpaceIndex(nameSpaceIndexStream); app.config().setString("PocoDoc.nameSpaceIndex", nameSpaceIndexStream.str()); } void DocWriter::writeNavigation() { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string software(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.software", "")); std::string path(pathFor("navigation.html")); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); writeHeader(ostr, tr("Navigation"), "js/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js", NO_CUSTOM_HTML); beginBody(ostr); ostr << "

" << htmlize(software) << "

\n"; if (!_pages.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Guides") << "

\n"; ostr << "
    \n"; std::set categories; for (PageMap::const_iterator it = _pages.begin(); it != _pages.end(); ++it) { categories.insert(it->second.category); } for (std::set::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it) { std::string node = "category-"; node += *it; ostr << "
  • "; ostr << tr(*it) << "\n"; writeCategoryIndex(ostr, *it, "_top"); ostr << "
  • \n"; } ostr << "
\n"; } ostr << "

" << tr("Namespaces") << "

\n"; ostr << "
    \n"; std::map namespaces; // sort namespaces by full name for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->kind() == Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE) { namespaces[it->second->fullName()] = it->second; } } for (std::map::const_iterator it = namespaces.begin(); it != namespaces.end(); ++it) { ostr << "
  • "; writeTargetLink(ostr, baseNameFor(it->second) + ".html", it->second->fullName(), "_top"); ostr << "
  • \n"; } ostr << "
\n"; ostr << "

" << tr("Packages") << "

\n"; ostr << "
    \n"; std::set libs; libraries(libs); for (std::set::const_iterator itl = libs.begin(); itl != libs.end(); ++itl) { std::string node = "library-"; node += *itl; ostr << "
  • " << *itl << "\n"; std::set pkgs; packages(*itl, pkgs); ostr << "
      \n"; for (std::set::const_iterator itp = pkgs.begin(); itp != pkgs.end(); ++itp) { std::string uri("package-"); uri += makeFileName(*itl); uri += '.'; uri += makeFileName(*itp); uri += ".html"; ostr << "
    • "; writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, *itp, "_top"); ostr << "
    • \n"; writePackage(uri, *itl, *itp); } ostr << "
    \n"; } ostr << "
\n"; ostr << "
\n"; // workaround to avoid cutting off a few pixels from last line endBody(ostr); ostr << "" << std::endl; writeFooter(ostr, NO_TRACKING | NO_CUSTOM_HTML); } void DocWriter::writePageIndex(std::ostream& ostr) { std::set categories; for (PageMap::const_iterator it = _pages.begin(); it != _pages.end(); ++it) { categories.insert(it->second.category); } ostr << "" << std::endl; int column = 0; for (std::set::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it) { if (column == 0) { ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; ++column; if (column == PAGE_INDEX_COLUMNS) { ostr << "" << std::endl; column = 0; } } if (column != 0) { while (column < PAGE_INDEX_COLUMNS) { ostr << "" << std::endl; ++column; } ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "
" << std::endl; ostr << "

" << htmlize(tr(*it)) << "

"; writeCategoryIndex(ostr, *it, ""); ostr << "
"; } void DocWriter::writeNameSpaceIndex(std::ostream& ostr) { std::map nsMap; for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->kind() == Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE) { const NameSpace* pNameSpace = static_cast(it->second); nsMap[it->second->fullName()] = pNameSpace; } } ostr << "" << std::endl; int column = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator it = nsMap.begin(); it != nsMap.end(); ++it) { const NameSpace* pNameSpace = it->second; if (column == 0) { ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; ++column; if (column == NAMESPACE_INDEX_COLUMNS) { ostr << "" << std::endl; column = 0; } } if (column != 0) { while (column < NAMESPACE_INDEX_COLUMNS) { ostr << "" << std::endl; ++column; } ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "
" << std::endl; writeLink(ostr, uriFor(pNameSpace), pNameSpace->fullName()); ostr << "
"; } void DocWriter::writeEclipseTOC() { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string software(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.software", "")); std::string path(pathFor("toc.xml")); Poco::Path p(path); std::string dir = p[p.depth() - 1]; dir.append("/"); p.popDirectory(); std::ofstream ostr(p.toString().c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; if (!_pages.empty()) { ostr << "" << std::endl; std::set categories; for (PageMap::const_iterator it = _pages.begin(); it != _pages.end(); ++it) { categories.insert(it->second.category); } for (std::set::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it) { ostr << "" << std::endl; for (PageMap::const_iterator itp = _pages.begin(); itp != _pages.end(); ++itp) { if (itp->second.category == *it) { ostr << "second.title << "\" href=\"" << dir << itp->second.fileName << "\"/>" << std::endl; } } ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; std::map namespaces; // sort namespaces by full name for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->kind() == Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE) { namespaces[it->second->fullName()] = it->second; } } for (std::map::const_iterator it = namespaces.begin(); it != namespaces.end(); ++it) { ostr << "second->fullName() << "\" href=\"" << dir << baseNameFor(it->second) << ".html" << "\"/>" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; std::set libs; libraries(libs); for (std::set::const_iterator itl = libs.begin(); itl != libs.end(); ++itl) { ostr << "" << std::endl; std::set pkgs; packages(*itl, pkgs); for (std::set::const_iterator itp = pkgs.begin(); itp != pkgs.end(); ++itp) { std::string uri("package-"); uri += makeFileName(*itl); uri += '.'; uri += makeFileName(*itp); uri += "-index.html"; ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; } void DocWriter::writeClass(const Struct* pStruct) { _pNameSpace = pStruct; std::string path(pathFor(fileNameFor(pStruct))); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); std::string header; if (pStruct->isClass()) header += tr("Class") + " "; else header += tr("Struct") + " "; header += pStruct->fullName(); writeHeader(ostr, header, "js/iframeResizer.min.js"); writeTitle(ostr, pStruct->nameSpace(), pStruct->declaration() + (pStruct->isFinal() ? " final" : "")); beginBody(ostr); writeNavigationFrame(ostr, "library", pStruct->getLibrary()); beginContent(ostr); writeFileInfo(ostr, pStruct); const std::string& doc = pStruct->getDocumentation(); if (pStruct->attrs().has("deprecated")) { writeDeprecated(ostr, pStruct->isClass() ? "class" : "struct"); } if (!doc.empty()) { if (doc.find("TODO") != std::string::npos) logger().notice(std::string("TODO in class documentation for ") + pStruct->fullName()); writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Description")); writeDescription(ostr, pStruct->getDocumentation()); } else if (pStruct->isPublic() && !pStruct->isDerived()) { logger().notice(std::string("Public root class has no documentation: ") + pStruct->fullName()); } writeInheritance(ostr, pStruct); writeMethodSummary(ostr, pStruct); writeNestedClasses(ostr, pStruct); writeTypes(ostr, pStruct); writeAliases(ostr, pStruct); writeEnums(ostr, pStruct); writeConstructors(ostr, pStruct); writeDestructor(ostr, pStruct); writeMethods(ostr, pStruct); writeVariables(ostr, pStruct); writeCopyright(ostr); endContent(ostr); endBody(ostr); writeFooter(ostr); } void DocWriter::writeNameSpace(const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { _pNameSpace = pNameSpace; std::string path(pathFor(fileNameFor(pNameSpace))); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); writeHeader(ostr, tr("Namespace") + " " + pNameSpace->fullName(), "js/iframeResizer.min.js"); writeTitle(ostr, pNameSpace->nameSpace(), std::string("namespace ") + pNameSpace->name()); beginBody(ostr); writeNavigationFrame(ostr, "", ""); beginContent(ostr); writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Overview")); writeNameSpacesSummary(ostr, pNameSpace); writeClassesSummary(ostr, pNameSpace); writeTypesSummary(ostr, pNameSpace); writeAliasesSummary(ostr, pNameSpace); writeFunctionsSummary(ostr, pNameSpace); writeNameSpaces(ostr, pNameSpace); writeClasses(ostr, pNameSpace); writeTypes(ostr, pNameSpace); writeAliases(ostr, pNameSpace); writeEnums(ostr, pNameSpace); writeFunctions(ostr, pNameSpace); writeVariables(ostr, pNameSpace); writeCopyright(ostr); endContent(ostr); endBody(ostr); writeFooter(ostr); } void DocWriter::writePackage(const std::string& file, const std::string& library, const std::string& package) { std::string path(pathFor(file)); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); writeHeader(ostr, tr("Package_Index"), "js/iframeResizer.min.js"); writeTitle(ostr, tr("Library") + " " + library, tr("Package") + " " + package); beginBody(ostr); writeNavigationFrame(ostr, "library", library); beginContent(ostr); writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Overview")); ostr << "

" << tr("Classes") << ": " << std::endl; bool first = true; std::string prevName; std::string prevNameSpace; bool haveFunctions = false; for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { Symbol* pSym = it->second; Struct* pStruct = dynamic_cast(pSym); Function* pFunc = dynamic_cast(pSym); if (pFunc && pFunc->isFunction() && pFunc->getLibrary() == library && pFunc->getPackage() == package) haveFunctions = true; bool isClass = pStruct && pStruct->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC; if (isClass) { if (pSym->getLibrary() == library && pSym->getPackage() == package) { const std::string& name = pSym->name(); const std::string& nameSpace = pSym->nameSpace()->fullName(); if (name != prevName || nameSpace != prevNameSpace) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pSym->nameSpace(), first); prevName = name; prevNameSpace = nameSpace; } } } } ostr << "

" << std::endl; prevName.clear(); prevNameSpace.clear(); if (haveFunctions) { ostr << "

" << tr("Functions") << ": " << std::endl; first = true; for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { Symbol* pSym = it->second; Function* pFunc = dynamic_cast(pSym); if (pFunc && pFunc->isFunction()) { if (pSym->getLibrary() == library && pSym->getPackage() == package) { const std::string& name = pSym->name(); const std::string& nameSpace = pSym->nameSpace()->fullName(); if (name != prevName || nameSpace != prevNameSpace) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pSym->nameSpace(), first); prevName = name; prevNameSpace = nameSpace; } } } } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } prevName.clear(); prevNameSpace.clear(); writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Classes")); for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { Symbol* pSym = it->second; Struct* pStruct = dynamic_cast(pSym); bool isClass = pStruct && pStruct->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC; if (isClass) { if (pSym->getLibrary() == library && pSym->getPackage() == package) { const std::string& name = pSym->name(); const std::string& nameSpace = pSym->nameSpace()->fullName(); if (name != prevName || nameSpace != prevNameSpace) { writeClassSummary(ostr, pStruct); prevName = name; prevNameSpace = nameSpace; } } } } writeCopyright(ostr); endContent(ostr); endBody(ostr); writeFooter(ostr); } std::string DocWriter::fileNameFor(const Symbol* pNameSpace) { std::string result(baseNameFor(pNameSpace)); if (!result.empty()) result.append(".html"); return result; } std::string DocWriter::baseNameFor(const Symbol* pNameSpace) { std::string result; std::string fullName(pNameSpace->fullName()); std::string::const_iterator it = fullName.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = fullName.end(); while (it != end) { if (*it == ':') { result += '.'; ++it; } else result += *it; if (it != end) ++it; } return result; } std::string DocWriter::pathFor(const std::string& file) { Path p(_path); p.makeDirectory(); p.setFileName(file); return p.toString(); } std::string DocWriter::uriFor(const Symbol* pSymbol) { const Function* pFunc = dynamic_cast(pSymbol); if (pFunc && pFunc->isConstructor()) return fileNameFor(pSymbol->nameSpace()); else if (dynamic_cast(pSymbol)) return fileNameFor(pSymbol); else return fileNameFor(pSymbol->nameSpace()) + "#" + NumberFormatter::format(pSymbol->id()); } std::string DocWriter::makeFileName(const std::string& str) { std::string result; for (std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { if (std::isalnum(*it)) result += *it; else result += "_"; } return result; } void DocWriter::writeHeader(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& title, const std::string& extraScript, int options) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string company(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.company", "Applied Informatics")); std::string charset(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.charset", "utf-8")); DateTime now; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << htmlize(title) << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; if (_prettifyCode) { ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; } if (!extraScript.empty()) { ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "" << std::endl; if ((options & NO_CUSTOM_HTML) == 0) { ostr << app.config().getString("PocoDoc.customHeadHTML", ""); } ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; } void DocWriter::writeFooter(std::ostream& ostr, int options) { Application& app = Application::instance(); if ((options & NO_TRACKING) == 0) { std::string googleAnalyticsCode(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.googleAnalyticsCode", "")); ostr << googleAnalyticsCode; std::string hubSpotCode(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.hubSpotCode", "")); ostr << hubSpotCode; } if ((options & NO_CUSTOM_HTML) == 0) { ostr << app.config().getString("PocoDoc.customBodyHTML", ""); } ostr << "" << std::endl; ostr << "" << std::endl; } void DocWriter::writeCopyright(std::ostream& ostr) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string software(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.software", "")); std::string version(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.version", "")); std::string company(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.company", "Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH")); std::string companyURI(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.companyURI", "https://macchina.io/")); std::string licenseURI(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.licenseURI", "")); DateTime now; ostr << "

"; ostr << htmlize(software) << " " << htmlize(version) << "
\n"; ostr << tr("Copyright") << " © " << now.year() << ", "; writeTargetLink(ostr, companyURI, htmlize(company), "_blank"); if (!licenseURI.empty()) { ostr << " "; std::string license("("); license.append(tr("License")); license.append(")"); writeTargetLink(ostr, licenseURI, htmlize(license), "_blank"); } ostr << "

\n"; } void DocWriter::writeTitle(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& category, const std::string& title) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string headerImage(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.headerImage", "")); ostr << "
\n"; if (!headerImage.empty()) { ostr << "\"\"\n"; } ostr << "

"; if (category.empty()) ostr << " "; else ostr << htmlize(category); ostr << "

\n"; ostr << "

" << htmlize(title) << "

"; ostr << "\n
\n"; } void DocWriter::writeTitle(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace, const std::string& title) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string headerImage(app.config().getString("PocoDoc.headerImage", "")); ostr << "
\n"; if (!headerImage.empty()) { ostr << "\"\"\n"; } const std::string& nameSpace = pNameSpace->fullName(); if (!nameSpace.empty()) { ostr << "

"; writeLink(ostr, uriFor(pNameSpace), nameSpace, "namespace"); ostr << "

\n"; } else { ostr << "


\n"; } std::string::size_type posFirstOpen = title.find_first_of('<'); bool isTemplate = (posFirstOpen != std::string::npos); std::string::size_type posFirstClose = std::string::npos; std::string templateParam; std::string templateParamSpec; if (isTemplate) { int tempCount = 1; posFirstClose = posFirstOpen; while (tempCount != 0) { ++posFirstClose; if (title[posFirstClose] == '>') --tempCount; if (title[posFirstClose] == '<') ++tempCount; } ++posFirstClose; templateParam = title.substr(0, posFirstClose); templateParamSpec = title.substr(posFirstClose+1); } if (isTemplate) { ostr << "

" << htmlize(templateParam) << "

\n" << "

" << htmlize(templateParamSpec) << "

"; } else { ostr << "

" << htmlize(title) << "

"; } ostr << "\n
\n"; } void DocWriter::writeSubTitle(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& title) { ostr << "

" << htmlize(title) << "

\n"; } void DocWriter::writeNavigationFrame(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& group, const std::string& item) { std::string query; if (!group.empty() && !item.empty()) { query = "?expand="; query += group; query += "-"; query += item; } ostr << "
\n"; ostr << "\n"; ostr << "
\n"; } void DocWriter::beginBody(std::ostream& ostr) { ostr << "
\n"; } void DocWriter::endBody(std::ostream& ostr) { ostr << "\n
\n"; } void DocWriter::beginContent(std::ostream& ostr) { ostr << "
\n"; } void DocWriter::endContent(std::ostream& ostr) { ostr << "\n
\n"; } void DocWriter::writeDescription(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text) { ostr << "
\n" << "

"; _titleId = 0; _htmlMode = false; TextState state = TEXT_PARAGRAPH; std::string::const_iterator it = text.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = text.end(); while (it != end) { std::string line; while (it != end && *it != '\n') line += *it++; writeDescriptionLine(ostr, line, state); if (it != end) ++it; } switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: ostr << "

"; break; case TEXT_LIST: ostr << "\n"; break; case TEXT_OLIST: ostr << "\n"; break; case TEXT_LITERAL: ostr << ""; break; default: break; } ostr << "\n
\n"; } void DocWriter::writeDescriptionLine(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text, TextState& state) { if (_htmlMode) { writeText(ostr, text); } else { TextState lineState = analyzeLine(text); if (lineState == TEXT_LITERAL && state != lineState) { _indent = 0; _pendingLine = false; } switch (lineState) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: writeText(ostr, text); break; case TEXT_LIST: ostr << "\n\n

"; writeText(ostr, text); break; case TEXT_OLIST: ostr << "\n\n

"; writeText(ostr, text); break; case TEXT_LITERAL: ostr << "\n

"; writeText(ostr, text); break; default: break; } state = TEXT_PARAGRAPH; break; case TEXT_LIST: switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: ostr << "

  • "; writeListItem(ostr, text); state = TEXT_LIST; break; case TEXT_LIST: case TEXT_OLIST: ostr << "
  • \n
  • "; writeListItem(ostr, text); state = TEXT_LIST; break; case TEXT_LITERAL: writeLiteral(ostr, text); break; default: break; } break; case TEXT_OLIST: switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: ostr << "

    1. "; writeOrderedListItem(ostr, text); state = TEXT_OLIST; break; case TEXT_LIST: case TEXT_OLIST: ostr << "
    2. \n
    3. "; writeOrderedListItem(ostr, text); state = TEXT_OLIST; break; case TEXT_LITERAL: writeLiteral(ostr, text); break; default: break; } break; case TEXT_LITERAL: switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: ostr << "

      \n"; writeLiteral(ostr, text); state = TEXT_LITERAL; break; case TEXT_LIST: writeText(ostr, text); state = TEXT_LIST; break; case TEXT_OLIST: writeText(ostr, text); state = TEXT_OLIST; break; case TEXT_LITERAL: writeLiteral(ostr, text); break; default: break; } break; case TEXT_WHITESPACE: switch (state) { case TEXT_PARAGRAPH: ostr << "


      "; break; case TEXT_LIST: ostr << "

    4. \n

"; state = TEXT_PARAGRAPH; break; case TEXT_OLIST: ostr << "\n\n

"; state = TEXT_PARAGRAPH; break; case TEXT_LITERAL: writeLiteral(ostr, text); break; default: break; } break; } } } void DocWriter::writeSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text, const std::string& uri) { ostr << "

"; std::string::const_iterator beg = text.begin(); std::string::const_iterator it = beg; std::string::const_iterator end = text.end(); while (it != end && *it != '.') ++it; if (it != end) ++it; writeText(ostr, beg, it); if (!uri.empty()) { ostr << " "; writeImageLink(ostr, uri, "arrow.png", tr("more")); } ostr << "

\n"; } DocWriter::TextState DocWriter::analyzeLine(const std::string& line) { int nSpaces = 0; std::string::const_iterator it = line.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = line.end(); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) { ++it; ++nSpaces; } if (it == end) return TEXT_WHITESPACE; else if (nSpaces < 3) return TEXT_PARAGRAPH; else if (*it == '-' || *it == '*') return TEXT_LIST; else if (std::isdigit(*it)) { ++it; if (it != end && *it == '.') return TEXT_OLIST; } return TEXT_LITERAL; } std::string DocWriter::htmlizeName(const std::string& name) { std::string result; for (std::string::const_iterator it = name.begin(); it != name.end(); ++it) { if (*it == ' ') result += " "; else result += htmlize(*it); } return result; } void DocWriter::writeText(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text) { std::string::const_iterator it(text.begin()); std::string::const_iterator end(text.end()); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; if (it != end) { if (*it == '!') { std::string heading("h4"); ++it; if (it != end && *it == '!') { heading = "h3"; ++it; } if (it != end && *it == '!') { heading = "h2"; ++it; } while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; ostr << "

<" << heading << ">" << format("", _titleId++) << htmlize(std::string(it, end)) << "

" << std::endl; return; } } writeText(ostr, it, end); ostr << ' '; } void DocWriter::writeText(std::ostream& ostr, std::string::const_iterator begin, const std::string::const_iterator& end) { std::string token; nextToken(begin, end, token); while (!token.empty()) { if (!writeSymbol(ostr, token, begin, end) && !writeSpecial(ostr, token, begin, end)) { if (token == "[[") { std::string uri; std::string text; std::string::const_iterator it(begin); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; while (it != end && !std::isspace(*it)) uri += *it++; while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; while (it != end && *it != ']') text += *it++; while (it != end && *it == ']') ++it; if (uri.compare(0, 6, "image:") == 0) { uri.erase(0, 6); writeImage(ostr, uri, text); } else { std::string target; if (uri.compare(0, 7, "http://") == 0 || uri.compare(0, 8, "https://") == 0) target = "_blank"; writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, text, target); } begin = it; nextToken(begin, end, token); continue; } if (token == "RFC") { std::string::const_iterator it(begin); std::string spc; nextToken(begin, end, spc); if (spc == " ") { std::string n; nextToken(begin, end, n); if (!n.empty() && std::isdigit(n[0])) { std::string uri(RFC_URI); uri += n; uri += ".txt"; writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, token + " " + n, "_blank"); nextToken(begin, end, token); continue; } } begin = it; } if (token == "GH") { std::string uri(GITHUB_POCO_URI); std::string::const_iterator it(begin); std::string spc; nextToken(begin, end, spc); if (spc == ":") { std::string proj; nextToken(begin, end, proj); uri = projectURI(proj); nextToken(begin, end, spc); } if (spc == " ") { std::string hash; nextToken(begin, end, hash); if (hash == "#") { std::string n; nextToken(begin, end, n); if (!n.empty() && std::isdigit(n[0])) { uri += "/issues/"; uri += n; writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, token + " #" + n, "_blank"); nextToken(begin, end, token); continue; } } } begin = it; } if (token == "http") { std::string::const_iterator it(begin); std::string css; nextToken(begin, end, css); if (css == "://") { std::string uri(token); uri += css; while (begin != end && !std::isspace(*begin) && *begin != '>' && *begin != ')') uri += *begin++; if (uri[uri.length() - 1] == '.') { uri.resize(uri.length() - 1); writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, uri, "_blank"); ostr << '.'; } else writeTargetLink(ostr, uri, uri, "_blank"); nextToken(begin, end, token); continue; } else ostr << htmlize(token); begin = it; } else { ostr << htmlize(token); } nextToken(begin, end, token); } } } void DocWriter::writeDecl(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& decl) { writeDecl(ostr, decl.begin(), decl.end()); } void DocWriter::writeDecl(std::ostream& ostr, std::string::const_iterator begin, const std::string::const_iterator& end) { std::string token; nextToken(begin, end, token); while (!token.empty()) { if (!writeSymbol(ostr, token, begin, end)) { ostr << htmlize(token); nextToken(begin, end, token); } } } bool DocWriter::writeSymbol(std::ostream& ostr, std::string& token, std::string::const_iterator& begin, const std::string::const_iterator& end) { if (std::isalnum(token[0]) && _pNameSpace) { std::string id(token); std::string next; std::string::const_iterator it(begin); nextToken(begin, end, next); begin = it; if (std::isupper(id[0]) || (!next.empty() && next[0] == '(')) { std::string::const_iterator it2(begin); while (next == "::") { nextToken(begin, end, next); // :: id += next; nextToken(begin, end, next); // id id += next; it2 = begin; nextToken(begin, end, next); begin = it2; } Symbol* pSym = _pNameSpace->lookup(id); if (pSym) { writeLink(ostr, pSym, id); nextToken(begin, end, token); return true; } begin = it; } } return false; } bool DocWriter::writeSpecial(std::ostream& ostr, std::string& token, std::string::const_iterator& begin, const std::string::const_iterator& end) { if (token == "<%") { _htmlMode = true; ostr << "

"; } else if (token == "<{") { _htmlMode = true; } else if (token == "%>") { if (_htmlMode) { _htmlMode = false; ostr << "

"; } else { ostr << htmlize(token); } } else if (token == "}>") { _htmlMode = false; } else if (token == "") { prop.append(token); nextToken(begin, end, token); } Poco::trimInPlace(prop); Application& app = Application::instance(); ostr << htmlize(app.config().getString(prop, std::string("NOT FOUND: ") + prop)); } else if (token == "") { prop.append(token); nextToken(begin, end, token); } Poco::trimInPlace(prop); Application& app = Application::instance(); ostr << app.config().getString(prop, ""); } else if (_htmlMode) { ostr << token; } else if (token == "<*") { ostr << ""; } else if (token == "*>") { ostr << ""; } else if (token == ""; } else if (token == "!>") { ostr << ""; } else if (token == "<[") { ostr << ""; _literalMode = true; } else if (token == "]>") { ostr << ""; _literalMode = false; } else if (token == "`") { if (!_literalMode) { ostr << ""; _literalMode = true; } else { ostr << ""; _literalMode = false; } } else if (token == "--" && !_literalMode) { ostr << "—"; } else if (token == "iff" && !_literalMode) { ostr << tr("iff"); } else if (token != "----") { return false; } nextToken(begin, end, token); return true; } void DocWriter::nextToken(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end, std::string& token) { token.clear(); if (it != end && (std::isalnum(*it) || *it == '_')) { while (it != end && (std::isalnum(*it) || *it == '_')) token += *it++; } else if (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) { while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) token += *it++; } else if (it != end && *it == '<') { token += *it++; if (it != end && std::ispunct(*it)) token += *it++; if (it != end && std::ispunct(*it)) token += *it++; } else if (it != end && *it == '[') { token += *it++; if (it != end && *it == '[') token += *it++; } else if (it != end && (*it == ']' || *it == '*' || *it == '!' || *it == '%' || *it == '}' || *it == '?')) { token += *it++; if (it != end && *it == '>') token += *it++; } else if (it != end && *it == '-') { while (it != end && *it == '-') token += *it++; } else if (it != end && *it == ':') { while (it != end && (*it == ':' || *it == '/')) token += *it++; } else if (it != end) { token += *it++; } } void DocWriter::writeListItem(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text) { std::string::const_iterator it = text.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = text.end(); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; if ((it != end && *it == '-') || *it == '*') { ++it; while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; } writeText(ostr, it, end); ostr << ' '; } void DocWriter::writeOrderedListItem(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text) { std::string::const_iterator it = text.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = text.end(); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; if (it != end && std::isdigit(*it)) { while (it != end && std::isdigit(*it)) ++it; if (it != end && *it == '.') ++it; while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; } writeText(ostr, it, end); ostr << ' '; } void DocWriter::writeLiteral(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text) { if (_pendingLine) { ostr << "\n"; _pendingLine = false; } std::string::const_iterator it(text.begin()); std::string::const_iterator end(text.end()); if (_indent == 0) { while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) { ++it; ++_indent; } } else { int i = 0; while (it != end && i < _indent) { ++it; ++i; } } std::string line(it, end); Poco::trimRightInPlace(line); if (line.empty()) _pendingLine = true; else ostr << htmlize(std::string(it, end)) << "\n"; } void DocWriter::writeFileInfo(std::ostream& ostr, const Symbol* pSymbol) { std::string library(pSymbol->getLibrary()); std::string package(pSymbol->getPackage()); if (library.empty() || library == "ChangeThis") logger().notice(std::string("No library name specified in ") + pSymbol->getFile()); if (package.empty() || package == "ChangeThis") logger().notice(std::string("No package name specified in ") + pSymbol->getFile()); ostr << "

\n"; ostr << "" << tr("Library") << ": " << library << "
\n" << "" << tr("Package") << ": " << package << "
\n" << "" << tr("Header") << ": " << headerFor(pSymbol); ostr << "

\n"; } void DocWriter::writeInheritance(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { std::set bases; pStruct->bases(bases); if (!bases.empty() || pStruct->derivedBegin() != pStruct->derivedEnd()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Inheritance")); if (pStruct->baseBegin() != pStruct->baseEnd()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Direct_Base_Classes") << ": "; bool first = true; for (Struct::BaseIterator it = pStruct->baseBegin(); it != pStruct->baseEnd(); ++it) { std::string base; if (it->pClass) { if (it->pClass->nameSpace() == pStruct->nameSpace()) base = it->pClass->name(); else base = it->pClass->fullName(); } else base = it->name; writeNameListItem(ostr, base, it->pClass, pStruct->nameSpace(), first); } ostr << "

\n"; } if (!bases.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("All_Base_Classes") << ": "; bool first = true; for (std::set::const_iterator it = bases.begin(); it != bases.end(); ++it) { std::string base; Symbol* pBase = pStruct->nameSpace()->lookup(*it); if (pBase) { if (pBase->nameSpace() == pStruct->nameSpace()) base = pBase->name(); else base = pBase->fullName(); } else base = *it; writeNameListItem(ostr, base, pBase, pStruct->nameSpace(), first); } ostr << "

\n"; } Struct::StructSet derived; pStruct->derived(derived); if (!derived.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Known_Derived_Classes") << ": "; bool first = true; for (Struct::StructSet::const_iterator it = derived.begin(); it != derived.end(); ++it) { std::string derived; if ((*it)->nameSpace() == pStruct->nameSpace()) derived = (*it)->name(); else derived = (*it)->fullName(); writeNameListItem(ostr, derived, *it, pStruct->nameSpace(), first); } ostr << "

\n"; } } } void DocWriter::writeMethodSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { bool titleWritten = false; MethodMap methods; Struct::Functions functions; pStruct->methods(Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC, functions); for (Struct::Functions::const_iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); ++it) { if (methods.find((*it)->name()) == methods.end()) methods[(*it)->name()] = *it; } pStruct->methods(Symbol::ACC_PROTECTED, functions); for (Struct::Functions::const_iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); ++it) { if (methods.find((*it)->name()) == methods.end()) methods[(*it)->name()] = *it; } if (!methods.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Member_Summary")); titleWritten = true; ostr << "

" << tr("Member_Functions") << ": "; bool first = true; for (MethodMap::const_iterator it = methods.begin(); it != methods.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->first, it->second, pStruct, first); } ostr << "

\n"; } methods.clear(); Struct::FunctionSet inhFunctions; pStruct->inheritedMethods(inhFunctions); for (Struct::FunctionSet::const_iterator it = inhFunctions.begin(); it != inhFunctions.end(); ++it) { if (methods.find((*it)->name()) == methods.end()) methods[(*it)->name()] = *it; } if (!methods.empty()) { if (!titleWritten) writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Member_Summary")); ostr << "

" << tr("Inherited_Functions") << ": "; bool first = true; for (MethodMap::const_iterator it = methods.begin(); it != methods.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->first, it->second, pStruct, first); } ostr << "

\n"; } } void DocWriter::writeNestedClasses(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { NameSpace::SymbolTable classes; pStruct->classes(classes); bool hasNested = false; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) hasNested = true; } if (hasNested) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Nested_Classes")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) writeClassSummary(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeNameSpacesSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable nameSpaces; pNameSpace->nameSpaces(nameSpaces); if (!nameSpaces.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Namespaces") << ": " << std::endl; bool first = true; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = nameSpaces.begin(); it != nameSpaces.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pNameSpace, first); } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } } void DocWriter::writeNameSpaces(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable nameSpaces; pNameSpace->nameSpaces(nameSpaces); if (!nameSpaces.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Namespaces")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = nameSpaces.begin(); it != nameSpaces.end(); ++it) { ostr << "

"; std::string what("namespace "); what += it->second->name(); writeLink(ostr, uriFor(it->second), what, "class"); ostr << "

\n"; } } } void DocWriter::writeClassesSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable classes; pNameSpace->classes(classes); if (!classes.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Classes") << ": " << std::endl; bool first = true; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pNameSpace, first); } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } } void DocWriter::writeClasses(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable classes; pNameSpace->classes(classes); if (!classes.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Classes")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) { writeClassSummary(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeClassSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { ostr << "

"; std::string what; if (pStruct->isClass()) what += "class "; else what += "struct "; what += pStruct->name(); writeLink(ostr, uriFor(pStruct), what, "class"); if (pStruct->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeIcon(ostr, "protected"); ostr << "

\n"; writeSummary(ostr, pStruct->getDocumentation(), uriFor(pStruct)); } void DocWriter::writeTypesSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable types; pNameSpace->typeDefs(types); if (!types.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Types") << ": " << std::endl; bool first = true; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pNameSpace, first); } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } } void DocWriter::writeAliasesSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable types; pNameSpace->typeAliases(types); if (!types.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Types Aliases") << ": " << std::endl; bool first = true; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pNameSpace, first); } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } } void DocWriter::writeTypes(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable types; pNameSpace->typeDefs(types); bool hasTypes = false; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); !hasTypes && it != types.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) hasTypes = true; } if (hasTypes) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Types")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) writeType(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeAliases(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable types; pNameSpace->typeAliases(types); bool hasTypes = false; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); !hasTypes && it != types.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) hasTypes = true; } if (hasTypes) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Types Aliases")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) writeType(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeType(std::ostream& ostr, const TypeDef* pType) { ostr << "

"; writeAnchor(ostr, pType->name(), pType); if (pType->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeIcon(ostr, "protected"); ostr << "

\n"; ostr << "

"; writeDecl(ostr, pType->declaration()); ostr << ";

\n"; writeDescription(ostr, pType->getDocumentation()); } void DocWriter::writeEnums(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable enums; pNameSpace->enums(enums); bool hasEnums = false; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = enums.begin(); !hasEnums && it != enums.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) hasEnums = true; } if (hasEnums) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Enumerations")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = enums.begin(); it != enums.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) writeEnum(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeEnum(std::ostream& ostr, const Enum* pEnum) { ostr << "

"; const std::string& name = pEnum->name(); if (name[0] == '#') ostr << "" << tr("Anonymous") << ""; else writeAnchor(ostr, name, pEnum); if (pEnum->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeIcon(ostr, "protected"); ostr << "

\n"; writeDescription(ostr, pEnum->getDocumentation()); for (Enum::Iterator it = pEnum->begin(); it != pEnum->end(); ++it) { const std::string& name = (*it)->name(); const std::string& value = (*it)->value(); ostr << "

"; writeAnchor(ostr, name, *it); if (!value.empty()) ostr << " = " << htmlize(value); ostr << "

\n"; writeDescription(ostr, (*it)->getDocumentation()); } } void DocWriter::writeConstructors(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { Struct::Functions ctors; pStruct->constructors(ctors); if (!ctors.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Constructors")); for (Struct::Functions::const_iterator it = ctors.begin(); it != ctors.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeFunction(ostr, *it); } for (Struct::Functions::const_iterator it = ctors.begin(); it != ctors.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PROTECTED) writeFunction(ostr, *it); } } } void DocWriter::writeDestructor(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { if (pStruct->destructor()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Destructor")); writeFunction(ostr, pStruct->destructor()); } } void DocWriter::writeMethods(std::ostream& ostr, const Struct* pStruct) { Struct::Functions methods; pStruct->methods(Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC, methods); pStruct->methods(Symbol::ACC_PROTECTED, methods); if (!methods.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Member_Functions")); for (Struct::Functions::const_iterator it = methods.begin(); it != methods.end(); ++it) { writeFunction(ostr, *it); } } } void DocWriter::writeFunctionsSummary(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable funcs; pNameSpace->functions(funcs); if (!funcs.empty()) { ostr << "

" << tr("Functions") << ": " << std::endl; std::string lastName; bool first = true; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = funcs.begin(); it != funcs.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->name() != lastName) { writeNameListItem(ostr, it->second->name(), it->second, pNameSpace, first); lastName = it->second->name(); } } ostr << "

" << std::endl; } } void DocWriter::writeFunctions(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable funcs; pNameSpace->functions(funcs); if (!funcs.empty()) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Functions")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = funcs.begin(); it != funcs.end(); ++it) { writeFunction(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeFunction(std::ostream& ostr, const Function* pFunc) { ostr << "

"; writeAnchor(ostr, pFunc->name(), pFunc); if (pFunc->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeIcon(ostr, "protected"); if (pFunc->isVirtual()) writeIcon(ostr, "virtual"); else if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_STATIC) writeIcon(ostr, "static"); if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_INLINE) writeIcon(ostr, "inline"); ostr << "

\n"; ostr << "

"; const std::string& decl = pFunc->declaration(); writeDecl(ostr, decl); if (!std::isalnum(decl[decl.length() - 1])) ostr << " "; ostr << "("; bool hasArgs = false; for (Function::Iterator it = pFunc->begin(); it != pFunc->end(); ++it) { hasArgs = true; if (it != pFunc->begin()) ostr << ","; ostr << "
    "; writeDecl(ostr, (*it)->declaration()); if ((*it)->hasDefaultValue()) { ostr << " = " << (*it)->defaultDecl(); } } if (hasArgs) ostr << "
"; ostr << ")"; if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_CONST) ostr << " const"; if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_OVERRIDE) ostr << " override"; else if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_FINAL) ostr << " final"; if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_NOEXCEPT) ostr << " noexcept"; if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_DELETE) ostr << " = delete"; else if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_DEFAULT) ostr << " = default"; else if (pFunc->flags() & Function::FN_PURE_VIRTUAL) ostr << " = 0"; ostr << ";

\n"; if (pFunc->attrs().has("deprecated")) { writeDeprecated(ostr, "function"); } Function* pOverridden = pFunc->getOverridden(); const std::string& doc(pFunc->getDocumentation()); if (doc.empty() && pFunc->isPublic() && !pOverridden && !pFunc->isConstructor() && !pFunc->isDestructor()) logger().notice(std::string("Undocumented public function: ") + pFunc->fullName()); writeDescription(ostr, doc); if (pOverridden) { ostr << "

" << tr("See_also") << ": "; writeLink(ostr, pOverridden, pOverridden->fullName() + "()"); ostr << "

\n"; } } void DocWriter::writeVariables(std::ostream& ostr, const NameSpace* pNameSpace) { NameSpace::SymbolTable vars; pNameSpace->variables(vars); bool hasVars = false; for (NameSpace::Iterator it = vars.begin(); !hasVars && it != vars.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PRIVATE) hasVars = true; } if (hasVars) { writeSubTitle(ostr, tr("Variables")); for (NameSpace::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeVariable(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } for (NameSpace::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getAccess() == Symbol::ACC_PROTECTED) writeVariable(ostr, static_cast(it->second)); } } } void DocWriter::writeVariable(std::ostream& ostr, const Variable* pVar) { ostr << "

"; writeAnchor(ostr, pVar->name(), pVar); if (pVar->getAccess() != Symbol::ACC_PUBLIC) writeIcon(ostr, "protected"); if (pVar->flags() & Function::FN_STATIC) writeIcon(ostr, "static"); ostr << "

\n"; ostr << "

"; writeDecl(ostr, pVar->declaration()); ostr << ";

\n"; writeDescription(ostr, pVar->getDocumentation()); } void DocWriter::writeNameListItem(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& str, const Symbol* pSymbol, const NameSpace* pNameSpace, bool& first) { if (first) first = false; else ostr << ", "; if (pSymbol) writeLink(ostr, pSymbol, str); else ostr << htmlizeName(str); } void DocWriter::writeLink(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& uri, const std::string& text) { ostr << "" << htmlize(text) << ""; } void DocWriter::writeLink(std::ostream& ostr, const Symbol* pSymbol, const std::string& name) { ostr << "" << htmlizeName(name) << ""; } void DocWriter::writeLink(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& uri, const std::string& text, const std::string& linkClass) { ostr << "" << htmlize(text) << ""; } void DocWriter::writeTargetLink(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& uri, const std::string& text, const std::string& target) { if (_noFrames && target != "_blank") ostr << "" << text << ""; else if (!target.empty()) ostr << "" << text << ""; else ostr << "" << htmlize(text) << ""; } void DocWriter::writeImageLink(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& uri, const std::string& image, const std::string& alt) { ostr << ""; ostr << "\"" "; ostr << ""; } void DocWriter::writeImage(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& uri, const std::string& caption) { ostr << "
" << std::endl; ostr << "\"" " << std::endl; if (!caption.empty()) { ostr << "
" << htmlize(caption) << "
"; } ostr << "
" << std::endl; } void DocWriter::writeIcon(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& icon) { ostr << " \"" "; } void DocWriter::writeAnchor(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& text, const Symbol* pSymbol) { ostr << "id() << "\">" << htmlize(text) << ""; } void DocWriter::writeDeprecated(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& what) { ostr << "
" << std::endl; ostr << "

" << tr("Deprecated") << ". " << tr("This") << " " << what << " " << tr("is_deprecated") << ".

" << std::endl; ostr << "
" << std::endl; } std::string DocWriter::headerFor(const Symbol* pSymbol) { Path path(pSymbol->getFile()); std::string header; int i = 0; while (i < path.depth() - 1 && path[i] != "include") ++i; for (++i; i < path.depth(); ++i) { header += path[i]; header += "/"; } header += path.getFileName(); return header; } std::string DocWriter::titleFor(const Symbol* pSymbol) { std::string title; switch (pSymbol->kind()) { case Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE: title += "namespace"; break; case Symbol::SYM_STRUCT: title += (static_cast(pSymbol)->isClass() ? "class" : "struct"); break; case Symbol::SYM_ENUM: title += "enum "; break; default: break; } if (!title.empty()) title += " "; const Function* pFunc = dynamic_cast(pSymbol); if (pFunc && pFunc->isConstructor()) { title += "class " + pSymbol->nameSpace()->fullName(); } else { title += pSymbol->fullName(); if (pFunc) title += "()"; } return title; } std::string DocWriter::htmlize(const std::string& str) { std::string result; for (std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) result += htmlize(*it); return result; } std::string DocWriter::htmlize(char c) { std::string result; switch (c) { case '"': result += """; break; case '<': result += "<"; break; case '>': result += ">"; break; case '&': result += "&"; break; default: result += c; } return result; } void DocWriter::libraries(std::set& libs) { for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { const std::string& lib = it->second->getLibrary(); if (!lib.empty()) libs.insert(lib); } } void DocWriter::packages(const std::string& lib, std::set& packages) { for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { const std::string& plib = it->second->getLibrary(); const std::string& pkg = it->second->getPackage(); if (!pkg.empty() && lib == plib) packages.insert(pkg); } } void DocWriter::writePages() { _pNameSpace = rootNameSpace(); for (PageMap::iterator it = _pages.begin(); it != _pages.end(); ++it) { writePage(it->second); } } void DocWriter::writePage(Page& page) { std::ifstream istr(page.path.c_str()); if (!istr.good()) throw Poco::OpenFileException(page.path); std::string title; std::string category; std::string text; int ch = istr.get(); while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n') { title += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } ch = istr.get(); while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n') { category += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } while (std::isspace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (ch != -1) { text += (char) ch; if (ch == '\n') text += ' '; ch = istr.get(); } page.title = title; page.category = category; TOC toc; scanTOC(text, toc); std::string path(pathFor(page.fileName)); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(path); writeHeader(ostr, title, "js/iframeResizer.min.js"); writeTitle(ostr, tr(category), title); beginBody(ostr); writeNavigationFrame(ostr, "category", category); beginContent(ostr); if (!toc.empty()) { writeTOC(ostr, toc); } writeDescription(ostr, text); writeCopyright(ostr); endContent(ostr); endBody(ostr); ostr << "" << std::endl; writeFooter(ostr); } void DocWriter::scanTOC(const std::string& text, TOC& toc) { int titleId = 0; std::istringstream istr(text); while (!istr.eof()) { std::string line; std::getline(istr, line); std::string::const_iterator it(line.begin()); std::string::const_iterator end(line.end()); while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; if (it != end && *it == '!') { ++it; int level = MAX_TITLE_LEVEL; while (it != end && *it == '!') { level--; ++it; } while (it != end && std::isspace(*it)) ++it; TOCEntry entry; entry.id = titleId++; entry.level = level; entry.title.assign(it, end); toc.push_back(entry); } } } void DocWriter::writeTOC(std::ostream& ostr, const TOC& toc) { ostr << "
" << std::endl; ostr << "
  • " << tr("TOC") << std::endl; int lastLevel = 0; std::vector levelStack; levelStack.push_back(0); for (TOC::const_iterator it = toc.begin(); it != toc.end(); ++it) { int level = it->level; if (level > levelStack.back()) { levelStack.push_back(level); ostr << "
      " << std::endl; } else if (level < levelStack.back()) { ostr << "" << std::endl; while (level < levelStack.back()) { levelStack.pop_back(); ostr << "
  • " << std::endl; } } else { ostr << "" << std::endl; } ostr << "
  • id << "\">" << htmlize(it->title) << "" << std::endl; lastLevel = level; } while (!levelStack.empty()) { ostr << "
" << std::endl; levelStack.pop_back(); } ostr << "
" << std::endl; } void DocWriter::writeCategoryIndex(const std::string& category, const std::string& fileName) { std::ofstream ostr(pathFor(fileName).c_str()); if (!ostr.good()) throw Poco::CreateFileException(fileName); writeHeader(ostr, tr(category)); beginBody(ostr); ostr << "

" << htmlize(tr(category)) << "

"; writeCategoryIndex(ostr, category, "_top"); endBody(ostr); writeFooter(ostr); } void DocWriter::writeCategoryIndex(std::ostream& ostr, const std::string& category, const std::string& target) { ostr << "
    \n"; for (PageMap::const_iterator it = _pages.begin(); it != _pages.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.category == category) { ostr << "
  • "; writeTargetLink(ostr, it->second.fileName, it->second.title, target); ostr << "
  • \n"; } } ostr << "
\n"; } NameSpace* DocWriter::rootNameSpace() const { for (NameSpace::SymbolTable::const_iterator it = _symbols.begin(); it != _symbols.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->kind() == Symbol::SYM_NAMESPACE) { NameSpace* pNS = static_cast(it->second); while (pNS->nameSpace()) pNS = pNS->nameSpace(); return pNS; } } return 0; } const std::string& DocWriter::tr(const std::string& id) { StringMap::const_iterator it = _strings.find(id); if (it == _strings.end()) { loadString(id, id, _language); it = _strings.find(id); } if (it != _strings.end()) return it->second; else return id; } void DocWriter::loadString(const std::string& id, const std::string& def, const std::string& language) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::pair p(id, app.config().getString("Translations." + language + "." + id, def)); _strings.insert(p); } void DocWriter::loadStrings(const std::string& language) { _strings.clear(); loadString("AAAIntroduction", "Introduction", language); loadString("All_Base_Classes", "All Base Classes", language); loadString("All_Symbols", "All Symbols", language); loadString("Anonymous", "Anonymous", language); loadString("Constructors", "Constructors", language); loadString("Class", "Class", language); loadString("Deprecated", "Deprecated", language); loadString("Description", "Description", language); loadString("Destructor", "Destructor", language); loadString("Direct_Base_Classes", "Direct Base Classes", language); loadString("Enumerations", "Enumerations", language); loadString("Functions", "Functions", language); loadString("Header", "Header", language); loadString("iff", "if and only if", language); loadString("Inheritance", "Inheritance", language); loadString("Inherited_Functions", "Inherited Functions", language); loadString("is_deprecated", "is deprecated and should no longer be used", language); loadString("Known_Derived_Classes", "Known Derived Classes", language); loadString("Library", "Library", language); loadString("License", "License", language); loadString("Member_Functions", "Member Functions", language); loadString("Member_Summary", "Member Summary", language); loadString("more", "more...", language); loadString("Namespaces", "Namespaces", language); loadString("Namespace", "Namespace", language); loadString("Nested_Classes", "Nested Classes", language); loadString("Package", "Package", language); loadString("Packages", "Packages", language); loadString("Package_Index", "Package Index", language); loadString("Reference", "Reference", language); loadString("See_also", "See also", language); loadString("Struct", "Struct", language); loadString("Symbol_Index", "Symbol Index", language); loadString("This", "This", language); loadString("Types", "Types", language); loadString("Variables", "Variables", language); } std::string DocWriter::projectURI(const std::string& proj) { Application& app = Application::instance(); std::string key("PocoDoc.projects."); key += proj; std::string uri = app.config().getString(key, ""); if (uri.empty()) { app.logger().warning("No project URI found for %s", proj); uri = GITHUB_POCO_URI; } return uri; }