// X509Certificate.h
// Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
// Package: SSLCore
// Module:  X509Certificate
// Definition of the X509Certificate class.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED
#define NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketDefs.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/X509Certificate.h"
#include "Poco/DateTime.h"
#include "Poco/SharedPtr.h"
#include <set>

namespace Poco {
namespace Net {

class HostEntry;

class NetSSL_API X509Certificate: public Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate
	/// This class extends Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate with the
	/// feature to validate a certificate.
	explicit X509Certificate(std::istream& istr);
		/// Creates the X509Certificate object by reading
		/// a certificate in PEM format from a stream.

	explicit X509Certificate(const std::string& path);
		/// Creates the X509Certificate object by reading
		/// a certificate in PEM format from a file.

	explicit X509Certificate(X509* pCert);
		/// Creates the X509Certificate from an existing
		/// OpenSSL certificate. Ownership is taken of 
		/// the certificate.

	X509Certificate(X509* pCert, bool shared);
		/// Creates the X509Certificate from an existing
		/// OpenSSL certificate. Ownership is taken of 
		/// the certificate. If shared is true, the 
		/// certificate's reference count is incremented.

	X509Certificate(const Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate& cert);
		/// Creates the certificate by copying another one.

	X509Certificate(const X509Certificate& cert);
		/// Creates the certificate by copying another one.

	X509Certificate(X509Certificate&& cert) noexcept;
		/// Creates the certificate by moving another one.

	X509Certificate& operator = (const Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate& cert);
		/// Assigns a certificate.

	X509Certificate& operator = (const X509Certificate& cert);
		/// Assigns a certificate.

	X509Certificate& operator = (X509Certificate&& cert) noexcept;
		/// Moves a certificate.

		/// Destroys the X509Certificate.

	bool verify(const std::string& hostName) const;
		/// Verifies the validity of the certificate against the host name.
		/// For this check to be successful, the certificate must contain
		/// a domain name that matches the domain name
		/// of the host.
		/// Returns true if verification succeeded, or false otherwise.
	static bool verify(const Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate& cert, const std::string& hostName);
		/// Verifies the validity of the certificate against the host name.
		/// For this check to be successful, the certificate must contain
		/// a domain name that matches the domain name
		/// of the host.
		/// Returns true if verification succeeded, or false otherwise.
	static bool containsWildcards(const std::string& commonName);
	static bool matchWildcard(const std::string& alias, const std::string& hostName);

} } // namespace Poco::Net

#endif // NetSSL_X509Certificate_INCLUDED