// AtomicCounter.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module:  AtomicCounter
// Definition of the AtomicCounter class.
// Copyright (c) 2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_AtomicCounter_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_AtomicCounter_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include <atomic>

namespace Poco {

class Foundation_API AtomicCounter
	/// This class implements a simple counter, which
	/// provides atomic operations that are safe to
	/// use in a multithreaded environment.
	/// Typical usage of AtomicCounter is for implementing
	/// reference counting and similar functionality.
	typedef int ValueType; /// The underlying integer type.

		/// Creates a new AtomicCounter and initializes it to zero.

	explicit AtomicCounter(ValueType initialValue);
		/// Creates a new AtomicCounter and initializes it with
		/// the given value.

	AtomicCounter(const AtomicCounter& counter);
		/// Creates the counter by copying another one.

		/// Destroys the AtomicCounter.

	AtomicCounter& operator = (const AtomicCounter& counter);
		/// Assigns the value of another AtomicCounter.

	AtomicCounter& operator = (ValueType value);
		/// Assigns a value to the counter.

	operator ValueType () const;
		/// Converts the AtomicCounter to ValueType.

	ValueType value() const;
		/// Returns the value of the counter.

	ValueType operator ++ (); // prefix
		/// Increments the counter and returns the result.

	ValueType operator ++ (int); // postfix
		/// Increments the counter and returns the previous value.

	ValueType operator -- (); // prefix
		/// Decrements the counter and returns the result.

	ValueType operator -- (int); // postfix
		/// Decrements the counter and returns the previous value.

	bool operator ! () const;
		/// Returns true if the counter is zero, false otherwise.

	std::atomic<int> _counter;

// inlines

inline AtomicCounter::operator AtomicCounter::ValueType () const
	return _counter.load();

inline AtomicCounter::ValueType AtomicCounter::value() const
	return _counter.load();

inline AtomicCounter::ValueType AtomicCounter::operator ++ () // prefix
	return ++_counter;

inline AtomicCounter::ValueType AtomicCounter::operator ++ (int) // postfix
	return _counter++;

inline AtomicCounter::ValueType AtomicCounter::operator -- () // prefix
	return --_counter;

inline AtomicCounter::ValueType AtomicCounter::operator -- (int) // postfix
	return _counter--;

inline bool AtomicCounter::operator ! () const
	return _counter.load() == 0;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_AtomicCounter_INCLUDED