#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw( $Bin ); eval <<'EOF'; use Test::More 0.88; use IPC::Run3 qw( run3 ); EOF if ($@) { print "1..0 # skip all tests skipped - these tests need the Test::More 0.88, IPC::Run3 and Test::Output modules:\n"; print "$@"; exit 0; } my $mmdblookup = "$Bin/../bin/mmdblookup"; my $test_data_dir = "$Bin/maxmind-db/test-data"; { ok( -x $mmdblookup, 'mmdblookup script is executable' ); } for my $arg (qw( -h -? --help )) { _test_stdout( [$arg], qr{mmdblookup --file.+This application accepts the following options:}s, 0, "help output from $arg" ); } _test_both( [], qr{mmdblookup --file.+This application accepts the following options:}s, qr{ERROR: You must provide a filename with --file}, 1, "help output with no CLI options" ); _test_stderr( [qw( --file foo )], qr{ERROR: You must provide an IP address with --ip}, 1, 'error when no --ip is given' ); _test_stdout( [qw( --version )], qr/mmdblookup version \d+\.\d+\.\d+/, 0, 'output for --version' ); _test_stdout( ['--file', "$test_data_dir/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb", '--ip', ''], qr/"en"\s*:\s*"Boxford"/, 0, 'output for' ); _test_stdout( ['--file', "$test_data_dir/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb", '--ip', '', '--verbose'], qr/Database metadata.+"en"\s*:\s*"Boxford"/s, 0, 'verbose output for' ); _test_stdout( ['--file', "$test_data_dir/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb", '--ip', '', qw( location latitude )], qr/^\s*51\.750000 <double>\s*$/s, 0, 'output for with lookup path' ); _test_stderr( [ qw( --file this/path/better/not/exist.mmdb --ip ) ], qr{Can't open this/path/better/not/exist.mmdb}s, 2, 'error for file that does not exist' ); _test_stderr( ['--file', "$test_data_dir/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb", '--ip', 'not-an-ip-address' ], qr{Error from call to getaddrinfo for not-an-ip-address}s, 3, 'error for bad IP address' ); _test_stderr( ['--file', "$test_data_dir/GeoIP2-City-Test.mmdb", '--ip', '' ], qr{\QCould not find an entry for this IP address (}s, 6, 'error for bad PI address' ); done_testing(); sub _test_stdout { my $args = shift; my $expect_stdout = shift; my $expect_status = shift; my $desc = shift; _test_both( $args, $expect_stdout, q{}, $expect_status, $desc ); } sub _test_stderr { my $args = shift; my $expect_stderr = shift; my $expect_status = shift; my $desc = shift; _test_both( $args, undef, $expect_stderr, $expect_status, $desc ); } sub _test_both { my $args = shift; my $expect_stdout = shift; my $expect_stderr = shift; my $expect_status = shift; my $desc = shift; my $stdout; my $stderr; run3( [ $mmdblookup, @{$args} ], \undef, \$stdout, \$stderr, ); my $exit_status = $? >> 8; # We don't need to retest that the help output shows up for all errors if ( defined $expect_stdout ) { like( $stdout, $expect_stdout, "stdout for mmdblookup @{$args}" ); } if ( ref $expect_stderr ) { like( $stderr, $expect_stderr, "stderr for mmdblookup @{$args}" ); } else { is( $stderr, $expect_stderr, "stderr for mmdblookup @{$args}" ); } is( $exit_status, $expect_status, "exit status was $expect_status for mmdblookup @{$args}" ); }