#ifndef _SQINI_DOCUMENT_HPP_ #define _SQINI_DOCUMENT_HPP_ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Common.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Class that can read/write and alter the contents of INI files. */ class Document { protected: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef DocumentRef::Type::TNamesDepend Container; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ Document(const Document & o); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Document & operator = (const Document & o); private: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DocumentRef m_Doc; /* The main INI document instance. */ public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Document() : m_Doc(false, false, true) { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ Document(bool utf8) : m_Doc(utf8, false, true) { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ Document(bool utf8, bool multikey) : m_Doc(utf8, multikey, true) { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ Document(bool utf8, bool multikey, bool multiline) : m_Doc(utf8, multikey, multiline) { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~Document() { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to compare two instances of this type. */ Int32 Cmp(const Document & o) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to convert an instance of this type to a string. */ CSStr ToString() const { return _SC(""); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to retrieve the name from instances of this type. */ static SQInteger Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether this instance references a valid INI document. */ bool IsValid() const { return m_Doc; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Return the number of active references to this document instance. */ Uint32 GetRefCount() const { return m_Doc.Count(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether any data has been loaded into this document. */ bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Doc->IsEmpty(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Deallocate all memory stored by this document. */ void Reset() const { m_Doc->Reset(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the INI data is treated as unicode. */ bool GetUnicode() const { return m_Doc->IsUnicode(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set whether the INI data should be treated as unicode. */ void SetUnicode(bool toggle) { m_Doc->SetUnicode(toggle); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether multiple identical keys be permitted in the file. */ bool GetMultiKey() const { return m_Doc->IsMultiKey(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set whether multiple identical keys be permitted in the file. */ void SetMultiKey(bool toggle) { m_Doc->SetMultiKey(toggle); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether data values are permitted to span multiple lines in the file. */ bool GetMultiLine() const { return m_Doc->IsMultiLine(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set whether data values are permitted to span multiple lines in the file. */ void SetMultiLine(bool toggle) { m_Doc->SetMultiLine(toggle); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether spaces are added around the equals sign when writing key/value pairs out. */ bool GetSpaces() const { return m_Doc->UsingSpaces(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set whether spaces are added around the equals sign when writing key/value pairs out. */ void SetSpaces(bool toggle) { m_Doc->SetSpaces(toggle); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load an INI file from disk into memory. */ IniResult LoadFile(CSStr filepath); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load INI file data direct from a string. (LoadString collides with the windows api) */ IniResult LoadData(CSStr source) { return LoadData(source, -1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load INI file data direct from a string. (LoadString collides with the windows api) */ IniResult LoadData(CSStr source, Int32 size); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Save an INI file from memory to disk. */ IniResult SaveFile(CSStr filepath) { return SaveFile(filepath, true); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Save an INI file from memory to disk. */ IniResult SaveFile(CSStr filepath, bool signature); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Save the INI data to a string. */ Object SaveData(bool signature); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve all section names. */ Entries GetAllSections() const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve all unique key names in a section. */ Entries GetAllKeys(CSStr section) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve all values for a specific key. */ Entries GetAllValues(CSStr section, CSStr key) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Query the number of keys in a specific section. */ Int32 GetSectionSize(CSStr section) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether a certain key has multiple instances. */ bool HasMultipleKeys(CSStr section, CSStr key) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the value for a specific key. */ CCStr GetValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr def) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. */ SQInteger GetInteger(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQInteger def) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. */ SQFloat GetFloat(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQFloat def) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a boolean value for a specific key. */ bool GetBoolean(CSStr section, CSStr key, bool def) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a section or value. */ IniResult SetValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr value) { return SetValue(section, key, value, false, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a section or value. */ IniResult SetValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr value, bool force) { return SetValue(section, key, value, force, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a section or value. */ IniResult SetValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr value, bool force, CSStr comment); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a numeric value. */ IniResult SetInteger(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQInteger value) { return SetInteger(section, key, value, false, false, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a numeric value. */ IniResult SetInteger(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQInteger value, bool hex) { return SetInteger(section, key, value, hex, false, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a numeric value. */ IniResult SetInteger(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQInteger value, bool hex, bool force) { return SetInteger(section, key, value, hex, force, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a numeric value. */ IniResult SetInteger(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQInteger value, bool hex, bool force, CSStr comment); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a double value. */ IniResult SetFloat(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQFloat value) { return SetFloat(section, key, value, false, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a double value. */ IniResult SetFloat(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQFloat value, bool force) { return SetFloat(section, key, value, force, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a double value. */ IniResult SetFloat(CSStr section, CSStr key, SQFloat value, bool force, CSStr comment); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a double value. */ IniResult SetBoolean(CSStr section, CSStr key, bool value) { return SetBoolean(section, key, value, false, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a double value. */ IniResult SetBoolean(CSStr section, CSStr key, bool value, bool force) { return SetBoolean(section, key, value, force, nullptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add or update a boolean value. */ IniResult SetBoolean(CSStr section, CSStr key, bool value, bool force, CSStr comment); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. */ bool DeleteValue(CSStr section) { return DeleteValue(section, nullptr, nullptr, false); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. */ bool DeleteValue(CSStr section, CSStr key) { return DeleteValue(section, key, nullptr, false); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. */ bool DeleteValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr value) { return DeleteValue(section, key, value, false); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. */ bool DeleteValue(CSStr section, CSStr key, CSStr value, bool empty); }; } // Namespace:: SqMod #endif // _SQINI_DOCUMENT_HPP_