// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Entity/Vehicle.hpp" #include "Entity/Player.hpp" #include "Base/Quaternion.hpp" #include "Base/Vector2.hpp" #include "Base/Vector3.hpp" #include "Core.hpp" #include "Areas.hpp" #include "Tasks.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQMODE_DECL_TYPENAME(Typename, _SC("SqVehicle")) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Int32 CVehicle::Max = SQMOD_VEHICLE_POOL; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CVehicle::SqGetNull(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { sq_pushobject(vm, Core::Get().GetNullVehicle().GetObject()); return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightObj & CVehicle::GetNull() { return Core::Get().GetNullVehicle(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVehicle::CVehicle(Int32 id) : m_ID(VALID_ENTITYGETEX(id, SQMOD_VEHICLE_POOL)) , m_Tag(ToStrF("%d", id)), m_Data(), m_CircularLocks(0) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVehicle::~CVehicle() { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String & CVehicle::ToString() const { return m_Tag; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String & CVehicle::GetTag() const { return m_Tag; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTag(const StackStrF & tag) { if (tag.mLen > 0) { m_Tag.assign(tag.mPtr, tag.mLen); } else { m_Tag.clear(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVehicle & CVehicle::ApplyTag(const StackStrF & tag) { SetTag(tag); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightObj & CVehicle::GetData() { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return m_Data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetData(LightObj & data) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Apply the specified value m_Data = data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::Destroy(Int32 header, LightObj & payload) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return Core::Get().DelVehicle(m_ID, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightObj & CVehicle::GetEvents() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the associated event table return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mEvents; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::CustomEvent(Int32 header, LightObj & payload) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perfrom the requested action Core::Get().EmitVehicleCustom(m_ID, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::IsStreamedFor(CPlayer & player) const { // Is the specified player even valid? if (!player.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid player argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsVehicleStreamedForPlayer(m_ID, player.GetID()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::GetOption(Int32 option_id) const { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetVehicleOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpVehicleOption >(option_id)); // Check for errors if (_Func->GetLastError() == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } // Return the requested value return value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetOption(Int32 option_id, bool toggle) { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetVehicleOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpVehicleOption >(option_id)); // Attempt to modify the current value of the specified option if (_Func->SetVehicleOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpVehicleOption >(option_id), toggle) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } else if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_OPTION)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_OPTION); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleOption(m_ID, option_id, value, 0, NullLightObj()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetOptionEx(Int32 option_id, bool toggle, Int32 header, LightObj & payload) { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetVehicleOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpVehicleOption >(option_id)); // Attempt to modify the current value of the specified option if (_Func->SetVehicleOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpVehicleOption >(option_id), toggle) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } else if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_OPTION)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_OPTION); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleOption(m_ID, option_id, value, header, payload); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetSyncSource() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleSyncSource(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetSyncType() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleSyncType(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetWorld() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleWorld(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetWorld(Int32 world) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Int32 current = _Func->GetVehicleWorld(m_ID); // Don't even bother if it's the same value if (current == world) { return; } // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehicleWorld(m_ID, world); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_WORLD)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_WORLD); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleWorld(m_ID, current, world); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetModel() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleModel(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightObj & CVehicle::GetOccupant(Int32 slot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Attempt to retrieve the requested information const int id = _Func->GetVehicleOccupant(m_ID, slot); // Was there an issue with the given value? if (INVALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL)) { const vcmpError err = _Func->GetLastError(); // Identify the type of error and at least log it if (err == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { LogWrn("Out of range slot [%d]", slot); } else if (err == vcmpErrorNoSuchEntity) { LogWrn("Unoccupied slot [%d]", id); } else { LogWrn("Error while getting occupant at [%d] for [%s]", slot, m_Tag.c_str()); } // Default to a null instance return Core::Get().GetNullVehicle(); } // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(id).mObj; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetOccupantID(Int32 slot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleOccupant(m_ID, slot); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::HasOccupant(Int32 slot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information const Int32 id = _Func->GetVehicleOccupant(m_ID, slot); // Use the server errors to see if there was an occupant const vcmpError err = _Func->GetLastError(); // Return whether there was no error and the returned ID is valid return (err == vcmpErrorNone) && INVALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::Respawn() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->RespawnVehicle(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetImmunity() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleImmunityFlags(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetImmunity(Int32 flags) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Int32 current = _Func->GetVehicleImmunityFlags(m_ID); // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehicleImmunityFlags(m_ID, flags); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_IMMUNITY)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_IMMUNITY); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleImmunity(m_ID, current, flags); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::Explode() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->ExplodeVehicle(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::IsWrecked() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsVehicleWrecked(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPosition(const Vector3 & pos) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionEx(const Vector3 & pos, bool empty) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, empty); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, x, y, z, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, bool empty) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, x, y, z, empty); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quaternion CVehicle::GetRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default quaternion instance Quaternion quat; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &quat.x, &quat.y, &quat.z, &quat.w); // Return the requested information return quat; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotation(const Quaternion & rot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Float32 w) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetRotationEuler() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationEuler(const Vector3 & rot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationEulerEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetSpeed() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z, false); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, true, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, true, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeed() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z, true); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddRelativeSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, true, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddRelativeSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, true, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetTurnSpeed() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z, false); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTurnSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddTurnSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, true, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddTurnSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, true, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeed() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z, true); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddRelativeTurnSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, true, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::AddRelativeTurnSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, true, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetSpawnPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleSpawnPosition(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnPosition(const Vector3 & pos) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnPosition(m_ID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnPositionEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnPosition(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quaternion CVehicle::GetSpawnRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default quaternion instance Quaternion quat; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleSpawnRotation(m_ID, &quat.x, &quat.y, &quat.z, &quat.w); // Return the requested information return quat; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnRotation(const Quaternion & rot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnRotation(m_ID, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Float32 w) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 CVehicle::GetSpawnRotationEuler() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector3 vec; // Query the server for the rotation values _Func->GetVehicleSpawnRotationEuler(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEuler(const Vector3 & rot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnRotationEuler(m_ID, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEulerEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpawnRotationEuler(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uint32 CVehicle::GetIdleRespawnTimer() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleIdleRespawnTimer(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetIdleRespawnTimer(Uint32 millis) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleIdleRespawnTimer(m_ID, millis); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetHealth() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleHealth(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetHealth(Float32 amount) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleHealth(m_ID, amount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::Fix() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleHealth(m_ID, 1000); _Func->SetVehicleDamageData(m_ID, 0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetPrimaryColor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // The color value Int32 primary = -1, dummy; // Query the server for the requested color _Func->GetVehicleColour(m_ID, &primary, &dummy); // Return the requested information return primary; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPrimaryColor(Int32 col) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // The unchanged color value Int32 secondary = -1, dummy; // Query the server for the unchanged color _Func->GetVehicleColour(m_ID, &dummy, &secondary); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleColour(m_ID, col, secondary); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetSecondaryColor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // The color value Int32 secondary = -1, dummy; // Query the server for the requested color _Func->GetVehicleColour(m_ID, &dummy, &secondary); // Return the requested information return secondary; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSecondaryColor(Int32 col) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // The unchanged color value Int32 primary = -1, dummy; // Query the server for the unchanged color _Func->GetVehicleColour(m_ID, &primary, &dummy); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleColour(m_ID, primary, col); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetColors(Int32 primary, Int32 secondary) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleColour(m_ID, primary, secondary); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetPartStatus(Int32 part) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehiclePartStatus(m_ID, part); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPartStatus(Int32 part, Int32 status) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Int32 current = _Func->GetVehiclePartStatus(m_ID, part); // Don't even bother if it's the same value if (current == status) { return; } // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehiclePartStatus(m_ID, part, status); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_PARTSTATUS)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_PARTSTATUS); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehiclePartStatus(m_ID, part, current, status); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetTyreStatus(Int32 tyre) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleTyreStatus(m_ID, tyre); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTyreStatus(Int32 tyre, Int32 status) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Int32 current = _Func->GetVehicleTyreStatus(m_ID, tyre); // Don't even bother if it's the same value if (current == status) { return; } // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehicleTyreStatus(m_ID, tyre, status); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_TYRESTATUS)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_TYRESTATUS); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleTyreStatus(m_ID, tyre, current, status); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uint32 CVehicle::GetDamageData() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleDamageData(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetDamageData(Uint32 data) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Uint32 current = _Func->GetVehicleDamageData(m_ID); // Don't even bother if it's the same value if (current == data) { return; } // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehicleDamageData(m_ID, data); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_DAMAGEDATA)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_DAMAGEDATA); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleDamageData(m_ID, current, data); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetRadio() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetVehicleRadio(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRadio(Int32 radio) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Int32 current = _Func->GetVehicleRadio(m_ID); // Don't even bother if it's the same value if (current == radio) { return; } // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetVehicleRadio(m_ID, radio); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_RADIO)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_RADIO); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleRadio(m_ID, current, radio); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector2 CVehicle::GetTurretRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Create a default vector instance Vector2 vec; // Query the server for the values _Func->GetVehicleTurretRotation(m_ID, &vec.x, &vec.y); // Return the requested information return vec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetHorizontalTurretRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Where the rotation value is retrieved Float32 rot = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the turret rotation value _Func->GetVehicleTurretRotation(m_ID, &rot, &dummy); // Return the requested information return rot; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetVerticalTurretRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Where the rotation value is retrieved Float32 rot = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the turret rotation value _Func->GetVehicleTurretRotation(m_ID, &dummy, &rot); // Return the requested information return rot; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::ExistsHandlingRule(Int32 rule) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->ExistsInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetHandlingRule(Int32 rule) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetHandlingRule(Int32 rule, Float32 data) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Float32 current = _Func->GetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule); // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->SetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule, data); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_HANDLINGRULE)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_HANDLINGRULE); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleHandlingRule(m_ID, rule, current, data); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::ResetHandlingRule(Int32 rule) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Grab the current value for this property const Float32 current = _Func->GetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule); // Avoid property unwind from a recursive call _Func->ResetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule); // Avoid infinite recursive event loops if (!(m_CircularLocks & VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_HANDLINGRULE)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, VEHICLECL_EMIT_VEHICLE_HANDLINGRULE); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitVehicleHandlingRule(m_ID, rule, current, _Func->GetInstHandlingRule(m_ID, rule)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::ResetHandlings() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->ResetInstHandling(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetLightsData() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the requested data return _Func->GetVehicleLightsData(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetLightsData(Int32 data) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Apply the requested data _Func->SetVehicleLightsData(m_ID, data); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::Embark(CPlayer & player) const { // Is the specified player even valid? if (!player.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid player argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return (_Func->PutPlayerInVehicle(player.GetID(), m_ID, 0, true, true) != vcmpErrorRequestDenied); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::Embark(CPlayer & player, Int32 slot, bool allocate, bool warp) const { // Is the specified player even valid? if (!player.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid player argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return (_Func->PutPlayerInVehicle(player.GetID(), m_ID, slot, allocate, warp) != vcmpErrorRequestDenied); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CVehicle::GetCollideAreas() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return (Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mFlags & ENF_AREA_TRACK); } void CVehicle::SetCollideAreas(bool toggle) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (toggle) { Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mFlags |= ENF_AREA_TRACK; } else { // Obtain the actual entity instance auto & inst = Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID); // Is this option even enabled? if (!(inst.mFlags & ENF_AREA_TRACK)) { return; // Not enabled to begin with } // Disable the option inst.mFlags ^= ENF_AREA_TRACK; // Clear current areas inst.mAreas.clear(); } } void CVehicle::SetAreasCollide(bool toggle) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (toggle) { Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mFlags |= ENF_AREA_TRACK; } else { // Obtain the actual entity instance auto & inst = Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID); // Is this option even enabled? if (!(inst.mFlags & ENF_AREA_TRACK)) { return; // Not enabled to begin with } // Disable the option inst.mFlags ^= ENF_AREA_TRACK; // Is the vehicle currently in any areas? if (inst.mAreas.empty()) { return; // Nothing to test } Vector3 pos; // Obtain the current position of this instance _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); // Do a final check to see if the vehicle left any area for (auto & ap : inst.mAreas) { // Is the vehicle still in this area? if (!ap.first->TestEx(pos.x, pos.y)) { Core::Get().EmitVehicleLeaveArea(m_ID, ap.second); // Emit the script event } } // Clear current areas inst.mAreas.clear(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CVehicle::GetTrackPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mTrackPosition; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTrackPosition(SQInteger num) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Assign the requested information Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mTrackPosition = num; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CVehicle::GetTrackRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mTrackRotation; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTrackRotation(SQInteger num) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Assign the requested information Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mTrackRotation = num; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetLastPrimaryColor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mLastPrimaryColor; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CVehicle::GetLastSecondaryColor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mLastSecondaryColor; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetLastHealth() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mLastHealth; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CVehicle::GetLastPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mLastPosition; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Quaternion & CVehicle::GetLastRotation() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(m_ID).mLastRotation; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetPositionX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetPositionY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetPositionZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, x, y, z, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, x, y, z, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetPositionZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehiclePosition(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehiclePosition(m_ID, z, y, z, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRotationX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRotationY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy, &dummy); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRotationZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z, &dummy); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRotationW() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 w = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &w); // Return the requested information return w; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, w, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z, &w); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, w, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z, &w); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, w, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy, &w); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRotationW(Float32 w) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotation(m_ID, &x, &y, &z, &dummy); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotation(m_ID, x, y, z, w); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetEulerRotationX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetEulerRotationY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetEulerRotationZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve a temporary float to retrieve the requested component Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetEulerRotationX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetEulerRotationY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetEulerRotationZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleRotationEuler(m_ID, z, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetSpeedX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy, false); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetSpeedY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy, false); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetSpeedZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z, false); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpeedX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpeedY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetSpeedZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, z, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy, true); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy, true); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z, true); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleSpeed(m_ID, z, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy, false); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy, false); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z, false); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy, false); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, z, y, z, false, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 x = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &dummy, true); // Return the requested information return x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 y = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &dummy, true); // Return the requested information return y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any Float32 z = 0.0f, dummy; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &dummy, &z, true); // Return the requested information return z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 y, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &dummy, &y, &z, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, z, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &dummy, &z, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Reserve some temporary floats to retrieve the missing components Float32 x, y, dummy; // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, &x, &y, &dummy, true); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetVehicleTurnSpeed(m_ID, z, y, z, false, true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static LightObj & Vehicle_CreateEx(Int32 model, Int32 world, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Float32 angle, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary) { return Core::Get().NewVehicle(model, world, x, y, z, angle, primary, secondary, SQMOD_CREATE_DEFAULT, NullLightObj()); } static LightObj & Vehicle_CreateEx(Int32 model, Int32 world, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Float32 angle, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary, Int32 header, LightObj & payload) { return Core::Get().NewVehicle(model, world, x, y, z, angle, primary, secondary, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static LightObj & Vehicle_Create(Int32 model, Int32 world, const Vector3 & pos, Float32 angle, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary) { return Core::Get().NewVehicle(model, world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, angle, primary, secondary, SQMOD_CREATE_DEFAULT, NullLightObj()); } static LightObj & Vehicle_Create(Int32 model, Int32 world, const Vector3 & pos, Float32 angle, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary, Int32 header, LightObj & payload) { return Core::Get().NewVehicle(model, world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, angle, primary, secondary, header, payload); } // ================================================================================================ void Register_CVehicle(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RootTable(vm).Bind(Typename::Str, Class< CVehicle, NoConstructor< CVehicle > >(vm, Typename::Str) // Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Typename::Fn) .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &CVehicle::ToString) // Static Values .SetStaticValue(_SC("MaxID"), CVehicle::Max) // Core Properties .Prop(_SC("On"), &CVehicle::GetEvents) .Prop(_SC("ID"), &CVehicle::GetID) .Prop(_SC("Tag"), &CVehicle::GetTag, &CVehicle::SetTag) .Prop(_SC("Data"), &CVehicle::GetData, &CVehicle::SetData) .Prop(_SC("Active"), &CVehicle::IsActive) // Core Methods .FmtFunc(_SC("SetTag"), &CVehicle::ApplyTag) .Func(_SC("CustomEvent"), &CVehicle::CustomEvent) // Core Overloads .Overload< bool (CVehicle::*)(void) >(_SC("Destroy"), &CVehicle::Destroy) .Overload< bool (CVehicle::*)(Int32) >(_SC("Destroy"), &CVehicle::Destroy) .Overload< bool (CVehicle::*)(Int32, LightObj &) >(_SC("Destroy"), &CVehicle::Destroy) // Properties .Prop(_SC("SyncSource"), &CVehicle::GetSyncSource) .Prop(_SC("SyncType"), &CVehicle::GetSyncType) .Prop(_SC("World"), &CVehicle::GetWorld, &CVehicle::SetWorld) .Prop(_SC("Model"), &CVehicle::GetModel) .Prop(_SC("Immunity"), &CVehicle::GetImmunity, &CVehicle::SetImmunity) .Prop(_SC("Wrecked"), &CVehicle::IsWrecked) .Prop(_SC("Pos"), &CVehicle::GetPosition, &CVehicle::SetPosition) .Prop(_SC("Position"), &CVehicle::GetPosition, &CVehicle::SetPosition) .Prop(_SC("Rot"), &CVehicle::GetRotation, &CVehicle::SetRotation) .Prop(_SC("Rotation"), &CVehicle::GetRotation, &CVehicle::SetRotation) .Prop(_SC("EulerRot"), &CVehicle::GetRotationEuler, &CVehicle::SetRotationEuler) .Prop(_SC("EulerRotation"), &CVehicle::GetRotationEuler, &CVehicle::SetRotationEuler) .Prop(_SC("Speed"), &CVehicle::GetSpeed, &CVehicle::SetSpeed) .Prop(_SC("RelSpeed"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeed, &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeed) .Prop(_SC("RelativeSpeed"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeed, &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeed) .Prop(_SC("TurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::GetTurnSpeed, &CVehicle::SetTurnSpeed) .Prop(_SC("RelTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeed, &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeed) .Prop(_SC("RelativeTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeed, &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeed) .Prop(_SC("SpawnPos"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnPosition, &CVehicle::SetSpawnPosition) .Prop(_SC("SpawnPosition"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnPosition, &CVehicle::SetSpawnPosition) .Prop(_SC("SpawnRot"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnRotation, &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotation) .Prop(_SC("SpawnRotation"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnRotation, &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotation) .Prop(_SC("SpawnEulerRot"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnRotationEuler, &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEuler) .Prop(_SC("SpawnEulerRotation"), &CVehicle::GetSpawnRotationEuler, &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEuler) .Prop(_SC("IdleRespawnTimer"), &CVehicle::GetIdleRespawnTimer, &CVehicle::SetIdleRespawnTimer) .Prop(_SC("Health"), &CVehicle::GetHealth, &CVehicle::SetHealth) .Prop(_SC("PrimaryColor"), &CVehicle::GetPrimaryColor, &CVehicle::SetPrimaryColor) .Prop(_SC("SecondaryColor"), &CVehicle::GetSecondaryColor, &CVehicle::SetSecondaryColor) .Prop(_SC("PrimaryColour"), &CVehicle::GetPrimaryColor, &CVehicle::SetPrimaryColor) .Prop(_SC("SecondaryColour"), &CVehicle::GetSecondaryColor, &CVehicle::SetSecondaryColor) .Prop(_SC("DamageData"), &CVehicle::GetDamageData, &CVehicle::SetDamageData) .Prop(_SC("Radio"), &CVehicle::GetRadio, &CVehicle::SetRadio) .Prop(_SC("TurretRotation"), &CVehicle::GetTurretRotation) .Prop(_SC("HorTurretRotation"), &CVehicle::GetHorizontalTurretRotation) .Prop(_SC("HorizontalTurretRotation"), &CVehicle::GetHorizontalTurretRotation) .Prop(_SC("VerTurretRotation"), &CVehicle::GetVerticalTurretRotation) .Prop(_SC("VerticalTurretRotation"), &CVehicle::GetVerticalTurretRotation) .Prop(_SC("LightsData"), &CVehicle::GetLightsData, &CVehicle::SetLightsData) .Prop(_SC("CollideAreas"), &CVehicle::GetCollideAreas, &CVehicle::SetCollideAreas) .Prop(_SC("TrackPosition"), &CVehicle::GetTrackPosition, &CVehicle::SetTrackPosition) .Prop(_SC("TrackRotation"), &CVehicle::GetTrackRotation, &CVehicle::SetTrackRotation) .Prop(_SC("LastPrimaryColor"), &CVehicle::GetLastPrimaryColor) .Prop(_SC("LastSecondaryColor"), &CVehicle::GetLastSecondaryColor) .Prop(_SC("LastPrimaryColour"), &CVehicle::GetLastPrimaryColor) .Prop(_SC("LastSecondaryColour"), &CVehicle::GetLastSecondaryColor) .Prop(_SC("LastHealth"), &CVehicle::GetLastHealth) .Prop(_SC("LastPosition"), &CVehicle::GetLastPosition) .Prop(_SC("LastRotation"), &CVehicle::GetLastRotation) .Prop(_SC("PosX"), &CVehicle::GetPositionX, &CVehicle::SetPositionX) .Prop(_SC("PosY"), &CVehicle::GetPositionY, &CVehicle::SetPositionY) .Prop(_SC("PosZ"), &CVehicle::GetPositionZ, &CVehicle::SetPositionZ) .Prop(_SC("RotX"), &CVehicle::GetRotationX, &CVehicle::SetRotationX) .Prop(_SC("RotY"), &CVehicle::GetRotationY, &CVehicle::SetRotationY) .Prop(_SC("RotZ"), &CVehicle::GetRotationZ, &CVehicle::SetRotationZ) .Prop(_SC("RotW"), &CVehicle::GetRotationW, &CVehicle::SetRotationW) .Prop(_SC("EulerX"), &CVehicle::GetEulerRotationX, &CVehicle::SetEulerRotationX) .Prop(_SC("EulerY"), &CVehicle::GetEulerRotationY, &CVehicle::SetEulerRotationY) .Prop(_SC("EulerZ"), &CVehicle::GetEulerRotationZ, &CVehicle::SetEulerRotationZ) .Prop(_SC("SpeedX"), &CVehicle::GetSpeedX, &CVehicle::SetSpeedX) .Prop(_SC("SpeedY"), &CVehicle::GetSpeedY, &CVehicle::SetSpeedY) .Prop(_SC("SpeedZ"), &CVehicle::GetSpeedZ, &CVehicle::SetSpeedZ) .Prop(_SC("RelSpeedX"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedX, &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedX) .Prop(_SC("RelSpeedY"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedY, &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedY) .Prop(_SC("RelSpeedZ"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeSpeedZ, &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedZ) .Prop(_SC("TurnSpeedX"), &CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedX, &CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedX) .Prop(_SC("TurnSpeedY"), &CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedY, &CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedY) .Prop(_SC("TurnSpeedZ"), &CVehicle::GetTurnSpeedZ, &CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedZ) .Prop(_SC("RelTurnSpeedX"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedX, &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedX) .Prop(_SC("RelTurnSpeedY"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedY, &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedY) .Prop(_SC("RelTurnSpeedZ"), &CVehicle::GetRelativeTurnSpeedZ, &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedZ) // Member Methods .Func(_SC("StreamedFor"), &CVehicle::IsStreamedFor) .Func(_SC("GetOption"), &CVehicle::GetOption) .Func(_SC("SetOption"), &CVehicle::SetOption) .Func(_SC("SetOptionEx"), &CVehicle::SetOptionEx) .Func(_SC("Occupant"), &CVehicle::GetOccupant) .Func(_SC("OccupantID"), &CVehicle::GetOccupantID) .Func(_SC("HasOccupant"), &CVehicle::HasOccupant) .Func(_SC("Respawn"), &CVehicle::Respawn) .Func(_SC("Explode"), &CVehicle::Explode) .Func(_SC("SetRot"), &CVehicle::SetRotationEx) .Func(_SC("SetRotation"), &CVehicle::SetRotationEx) .Func(_SC("SetEulerRot"), &CVehicle::SetRotationEulerEx) .Func(_SC("SetEulerRotation"), &CVehicle::SetRotationEulerEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpeed"), &CVehicle::SetSpeedEx) .Func(_SC("SetRelativeSpeed"), &CVehicle::SetRelativeSpeedEx) .Func(_SC("SetTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::SetTurnSpeedEx) .Func(_SC("SetRelativeTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::SetRelativeTurnSpeedEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnPos"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnPositionEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnPosition"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnPositionEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnRot"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnRotation"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnEulerRot"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEulerEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpawnEulerRotation"), &CVehicle::SetSpawnRotationEulerEx) .Func(_SC("Fix"), &CVehicle::Fix) .Func(_SC("SetColors"), &CVehicle::SetColors) .Func(_SC("GetPartStatus"), &CVehicle::GetPartStatus) .Func(_SC("SetPartStatus"), &CVehicle::SetPartStatus) .Func(_SC("GetTyreStatus"), &CVehicle::GetTyreStatus) .Func(_SC("SetTyreStatus"), &CVehicle::SetTyreStatus) .Func(_SC("ExistsHandlingRule"), &CVehicle::ExistsHandlingRule) .Func(_SC("GetHandlingRule"), &CVehicle::GetHandlingRule) .Func(_SC("SetHandlingRule"), &CVehicle::SetHandlingRule) .Func(_SC("ResetHandlingRule"), &CVehicle::ResetHandlingRule) .Func(_SC("ResetHandlings"), &CVehicle::ResetHandlings) .Func(_SC("AreasCollide"), &CVehicle::SetAreasCollide) // Member Overloads .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &, bool) const > (_SC("SetPos"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("SetPos"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32, bool) const > (_SC("SetPos"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &, bool) const > (_SC("SetPosition"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("SetPosition"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32, bool) const > (_SC("SetPosition"), &CVehicle::SetPositionEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("AddSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddSpeed) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("AddSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddSpeedEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("AddRelativeSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddRelativeSpeed) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("AddRelativeSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddRelativeSpeedEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("AddTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddTurnSpeed) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("AddTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddTurnSpeedEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("AddRelativeTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddRelativeTurnSpeed) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("AddRelativeTurnSpeed"), &CVehicle::AddRelativeTurnSpeedEx) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(void) const > (_SC("ResetHandling"), &CVehicle::ResetHandlings) .Overload< void (CVehicle::*)(Int32) > (_SC("ResetHandling"), &CVehicle::ResetHandlingRule) .Overload< bool (CVehicle::*)(CPlayer &) const > (_SC("Embark"), &CVehicle::Embark) .Overload< bool (CVehicle::*)(CPlayer &, Int32, bool, bool) const > (_SC("Embark"), &CVehicle::Embark) // Static Overloads .StaticOverload< LightObj & (*)(Int32, Int32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Int32, Int32) > (_SC("CreateEx"), &Vehicle_CreateEx) .StaticOverload< LightObj & (*)(Int32, Int32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Int32, Int32, Int32, LightObj &) > (_SC("CreateEx"), &Vehicle_CreateEx) .StaticOverload< LightObj & (*)(Int32, Int32, const Vector3 &, Float32, Int32, Int32) > (_SC("Create"), &Vehicle_Create) .StaticOverload< LightObj & (*)(Int32, Int32, const Vector3 &, Float32, Int32, Int32, Int32, LightObj &) > (_SC("Create"), &Vehicle_Create) // Raw Squirrel Methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("NullInst"), &CVehicle::SqGetNull) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("MakeTask"), &Tasks::MakeTask< CVehicle, ENT_VEHICLE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("DropTask"), &Tasks::DropTask< CVehicle, ENT_VEHICLE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("DoesTask"), &Tasks::DoesTask< CVehicle, ENT_VEHICLE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("FindTask"), &Tasks::FindTask< CVehicle, ENT_VEHICLE >) ); } } // Namespace:: SqMod