#pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Core/Utility.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Wrapper around a std::vector of DPP values. */ template < class T, class W > struct DpVectorProxy { using Ptr = std::unique_ptr< std::vector< T > >; using Vec = std::vector< std::pair< LightObj, W * > >; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Referenced vector instance. */ Ptr mPtr{nullptr}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Cached script objects vector. */ Vec mVec{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Whether the referenced pointer is owned. */ bool mOwned{false}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ DpVectorProxy() noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ explicit DpVectorProxy(typename Ptr::pointer ptr, bool owned = false) : mPtr(ptr), mVec(), mOwned(owned) { if (mPtr) mVec.resize(mPtr->size()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ explicit DpVectorProxy(const typename Ptr::element_type & o) noexcept : DpVectorProxy(new typename Ptr::element_type(o), true) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ explicit DpVectorProxy(typename Ptr::element_type && o) noexcept : DpVectorProxy(new typename Ptr::element_type(std::forward< Ptr::element_type >(o)), true) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor (disabled). */ DpVectorProxy(const DpVectorProxy & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ DpVectorProxy(DpVectorProxy && o) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~DpVectorProxy() noexcept { Cleanup(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator (disabled). */ DpVectorProxy & operator = (const DpVectorProxy & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. */ DpVectorProxy & operator = (DpVectorProxy && o) noexcept { if (this != &o) { Cleanup(); // Transfer members values mPtr = std::move(o.mPtr); mVec = std::move(o.mVec); mOwned = o.mOwned; } return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release any referenced resources and default to an empty/invalid state. */ void Cleanup() { // Invalidate cached instances ClearCache(); // Do we own this to try delete it? if (!mOwned && mPtr) { // Not our job, simply forget about it [[maybe_unused]] auto p = mPtr.release(); } else mPtr.reset(); // We own this so delete the instance } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Validate the managed handle. */ void Validate() const { if (!mPtr) STHROWF("Invalid discord vector handle"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Validate the managed handle and retrieve a const reference to it. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD typename Ptr::element_type & Valid() const { Validate(); return *mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check whether a valid instance is managed. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsValid() const { return static_cast< bool >(mPtr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure an index is within range and return the container. Container must exist. */ void ValidIdx_(SQInteger i) { if (static_cast< size_t >(i) >= Valid().size()) { STHROWF("Invalid vector container index({})", i); } } typename Ptr::element_type & ValidIdx(SQInteger i) { ValidIdx_(i); return *mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure an index is within range and return the container. Container must exist. */ void ValidIdx_(SQInteger i) const { if (static_cast< size_t >(i) >= Valid().size()) { STHROWF("Invalid vector container index({})", i); } } const typename Ptr::element_type & ValidIdx(SQInteger i) const { ValidIdx_(i); return *mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure a container instance is referenced and is populated, then return it. */ void ValidPop_() { if (Valid().empty()) { STHROWF("Vector container is empty"); } } typename Ptr::element_type & ValidPop() { ValidPop_(); return *mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure a container instance is referenced and is populated, then return it. */ void ValidPop_() const { if (Valid().empty()) { STHROWF("Vector container is empty"); } } const typename Ptr::element_type & ValidPop() const { ValidPop_(); return *mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if a container instance is referenced. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsNull() const { return !mPtr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a value from the container. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj & Get_(SQInteger i) { // Is the element cached? if (mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)].first.IsNull()) { mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)] = Obj(&mPtr->at(static_cast< size_t >(i))); } // Return the object from the cache return mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)].first; } SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj & Get(SQInteger i) { // Was the referenced vector modified? if (mVec.size() < Valid().size()) { // Synchronize the size mVec.resize(mPtr->size()); // Synchronize the cache CacheSync(); } // Validate index ValidIdx_(i); // Perform the request return Get_(i); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify a value from the container. */ void Set(SQInteger i, const W & v) { ValidIdx(i)[static_cast< size_t >(i)] = v.Valid(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if the container has no elements. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Empty() const { return Valid().empty(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of elements in the container. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Size() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(Valid().size()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of elements that the container has currently allocated space for. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Capacity() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(Valid().capacity()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Synchronize cache container instances. */ void CacheSync() { // Invalidate cached instances, if any for (size_t i = 0; i < mVec.size(); ++i) { // Is this element cached? if (mVec[i].second != nullptr) { // Discard previous instance, if any [[maybe_unused]] auto _ = mVec[i].second->mPtr.release(); // Sync to new instance mVec[i].second->mPtr.reset(&mPtr->at(i)); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Increase the capacity of the container to a value that's greater or equal to the one specified. */ DpVectorProxy & Reserve(SQInteger n) { Valid().reserve(ClampL< SQInteger, size_t >(n)); mVec.reserve(mPtr->size()); CacheSync(); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Request the removal of unused capacity. */ void Compact() { Valid().shrink_to_fit(); CacheSync(); mVec.shrink_to_fit(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Erase all elements from the cache container. */ void ClearCache() { // Invalidate cached instances, if any for (auto & e : mVec) { // Is this element cached? if (e.second != nullptr) { // Invalidate the instance e.second->Cleanup(); // Forget about it e.second = nullptr; // Release script object e.first.Release(); } } // Clear the cache vector mVec.clear(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Erase all elements from the container. */ void Clear() { Validate(); ClearCache(); mPtr->clear(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Push a value at the back of the container. */ void Push(const W & v) { Valid().push_back(v.Valid()); mVec.emplace_back(); CacheSync(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extends the Container by appending all the items in the given container. */ void Extend(DpVectorProxy & v) { Valid().insert(Valid().end(), v.Valid().begin(), v.Valid().end()); mVec.resize(mPtr->size()); CacheSync(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pop the last element in the container. */ void Pop() { Validate(); // Is this element cached? if (mVec.back().second != nullptr) { // Invalidate the instance mVec.back().second->Cleanup(); mVec.back().first.Release(); } // Safe to remove mPtr->pop_back(); mVec.pop_back(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Erase the element at a certain position. */ void EraseAt(SQInteger i) { ValidIdx_(i); // Is this element cached? if (mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)].second != nullptr) { // Invalidate the instance mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)].second->Cleanup(); mVec[static_cast< size_t >(i)].first.Release(); } // Safe to remove mPtr->erase(mPtr->begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i)); mVec.erase(mVec.begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i)); // Synchronize cache CacheSync(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Iterate all values through a functor. */ void Each(Function & fn) { Validate(); // Iterate referenced vector elements for (size_t i = 0; i < mVec.size(); ++i) { fn.Execute(Get(static_cast< SQInteger >(i))); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Iterate values in range through a functor. */ void EachRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) { ValidIdx_(p); ValidIdx_(p + n); // Iterate specified range for (n += p; p < n; ++p) { fn.Execute(Get(static_cast< SQInteger >(p))); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Iterate all values through a functor until stopped (i.e false is returned). */ void While(Function & fn) { Validate(); // Iterate referenced vector elements for (size_t i = 0; i < mVec.size(); ++i) { auto ret = fn.Eval(Get(static_cast< SQInteger >(i))); // (null || true) == continue & false == break if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >()) { break; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Iterate values in range through a functor until stopped (i.e false is returned). */ void WhileRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) { ValidIdx_(p); ValidIdx_(p + n); // Iterate specified range for (n += p; p < n; ++p) { auto ret = fn.Eval(Get(static_cast< SQInteger >(p))); // (null || true) == continue & false == break if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >()) { break; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a wrapped instance as a script object. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD static std::pair< LightObj, W * > Obj(T * ptr, bool owned = false) { // Create the wrapper instance for given pointer auto wp = std::make_unique< W >(ptr, false); // Create script object for wrapper instance std::pair< LightObj, W * > p{LightObj{wp.get()}, wp.get()}; // Release ownership of the wrapper instance [[maybe_unused]] auto _ = wp.release(); // Return the script object and wrapper instance return p; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a wrapped instance as a script object. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD static std::pair< LightObj, W * > Obj(const T * ptr, bool owned = false) { return Obj(const_cast< T * >(ptr), owned); } }; template < class T, class W, class U > inline void Register_DPP_VectorProxy(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Table & ns, const SQChar * name) { using Container = DpVectorProxy< T, W >; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ns.Bind(name, Class< Container, NoConstructor< Container > >(vm, U::Str) // Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &U::Fn) // Properties .Prop(_SC("Null"), &Container::IsNull) .Prop(_SC("Empty"), &Container::Empty) .Prop(_SC("Size"), &Container::Size) .Prop(_SC("Capacity"), &Container::Capacity, &Container::Reserve) // Member Methods .Func(_SC("Get"), &Container::Get) .Func(_SC("Set"), &Container::Set) .Func(_SC("Reserve"), &Container::Reserve) .Func(_SC("Compact"), &Container::Compact) .Func(_SC("Clear"), &Container::Clear) .Func(_SC("Push"), &Container::Push) .Func(_SC("Append"), &Container::Push) .Func(_SC("Extend"), &Container::Extend) .Func(_SC("Pop"), &Container::Pop) .Func(_SC("EraseAt"), &Container::EraseAt) .Func(_SC("Each"), &Container::Each) .Func(_SC("EachRange"), &Container::EachRange) .Func(_SC("While"), &Container::While) .Func(_SC("WhileRange"), &Container::WhileRange) ); } } // Namespace:: SqMod